California Academy of SciencesNatural History Museum

Education & Outreach

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Dismantling the barriers between departments and disciplines is a driving force in CBRI’s education and outreach initiatives. From mentoring students and interns, to developing maps for exhibits and education, to spear-heading an artist in residence program, CBRI is working to communicate the wonders of the natural world to diverse audiences.

Arist in Residence Program


Artist in Residence (AiR) Program:
From the Depths: Inspiring Science and Art

Dedicated to fostering innovative ways of interpreting museum collections, CBRI supported the first Artist in Residence (AiR) pilot project at the Academy. The exhibit, From the Depths: Inspiring Science and Art was the culmination of a year-long collaboration between Oakland-based fine artist Tiffany Bozic and Curator of Invertebrate Zoology and Geology, Dr. Rich Mooi. The exhibit ran from November 15, 2007 to January 6, 2008 and included painted works by the artist, preserved specimens, live animals in tanks, photographs, and film.



Maps for Exhibits and Education


Maps for Exhibits and Education

From coral and rainforest distribution maps for exhibits on the public floor, to designing maps for educator resource materials, CBRI’s expertise in data acquisition, analysis, and presentation directly supports the Academy’s mission to explore, explain and protect the natural world to the public.



Discovering Rainforest Locations:Education Maps (1.3mb)

Tropical Belt: Education Map (146kb)

Corals and the Coral Reef: Education Map (982kb)




CBRI is educating the next generation of integrative biodiversity scientists by incorporating students from multiple disciplines in the life sciences and geography with hands-on research experiences in a museum setting. CBRI currently sponsors five graduate students conducting PhD and masters level research projects in conservation and evolutionary biogeography.

Our GIS Internship Program invites undergraduate and graduate students of Geography, Biology and Environmental Sciences with a background Geographic Information System to participate in an internship working with specimen collection data, museum curators and the GIS staff on small scale conservation-oriented research projects.
