Digging Through Time

Epigaulus hatcheri

Cenozoic Era
Miocene - Tertiary (Neogene) Period
15 Million Years Ago

The Epigaulus hatcheri was an early grass-eating rodent. It lived underground and had two horns on its nose.


Cenozoic Era
Tertiary Period (Paleogene)
55 - 48 Million Years Ago

Diatryma are known as the birds of terror. They had large appetites and could eat an animal the size of a horse.

Tyrannosaurus rex

Mesozoic Era
Cretaceous Period
71 - 65 Million Years Ago

One of the biggest meat-eaters that has ever lived, the Tyrannosaurus rex grew to be up to 50ft long and 20 ft high. It would probably swallow people whole if it lived today.


Mesozoic Era
Cretaceous Period
110-100 Million Years Ago

Deinonychus means "terrible claw." It was an agile meat-eating dinosaur that hunted in packs. The claw on the second toe of each hind foot was used for tearing up prey.



Mesozoic Era
Jurassic Period
145 Million - Present

The Gobiconodon was the earliest of meat-eating mammals. It ranged from the size of a mouse to the size of a cat.


Plesiosaurs macrocephalus

Mesozoic Era
Triassic Period
215-64 Million Years Ago

Plesiosaurs macrophalus lived in water but crawled ashore to lay eggs just like a turtle does.


Mesozoic Era
Triassic Period
240 - 65 Million Years Ago

Pterosaurs ranged in size from a small bird to as big as a plane. They had hollow bones and were the first and largest of flying animals with backbones.


Paleozoic Era
Carboniferous (Mississipian) Period
300 Million Years Ago

Orthoptera is an ancestor of today's crickets, katydids, locusts and grasshoppers.


Paleozoic Era
300 Million Years Ago

Adult Ephemeroptera do not eat! Their stomach is filled with air to help them float. They are the oldest of the winged insects.


Paleozoic Era
Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Period
300 Million Years Ago

The boomerang-shaped head was probably useful for swimming upstream and for making it difficult to be swallowed by predators.


Paleozoic Era
Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Period
315 Million Years Ago

The Hylonomus was a primitive reptile and was the earliest known fully adapted land vertebrate. It resembled a modern lizard.


Paleozoic Era
320 Million Years Ago


Also known as cockroaches, Blattodea are sometimes kept as pets. A female can give birth to over 1000 young during her lifetime.


Paleozoic Era
Devonian Period

The ammonite lived in a shell with many chambers - it lived in the last chamber, and it is believed that by moving the air in and out of the other chambers, the ammonite was able to float and swim.


Paleozoic Era
Devonian Period
380 Million Years Ago

Eusthenopteron are ancestors of salamanders. These fish eventually grew legs and lived on land.

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