Bird & Mammal Books from the Department of Ornithology & Mammalogy
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Marine Mammal Field Guides
The Whale Watcher's Guide - P. Corrigan & R. Payne
The Whale-Watcher's Handbook - D. K. Bulloch

Whales of California and Baja - T. Eder
The Marine Mammals of the Gulf of Mexico - B.G. Wursig et al.
Whales & Marine Mammals of Washington & Oregon - T. Eder & I. Sheldon
Marine Wildlife: From Puget Sound Through the Inside Passage - S. Yates
Guide to Marine Mammals of Alaska (2nd ed.) - K. Wynne
Whales, Porpoises & Seals from Cape Cod to Newfoundland - S. K. Katona
Whale Watching in Australian & New Zealand Waters - P. Gill & C. Burke
National Audubon Society Guide to Marine Mammals of the World - P. Folkens
Audubon Society Guide to Fishes, Whales, & Dolphins - H. T. Boschung
The Sierra Club Handbook of Whales and Dolphins - S. Leatherwood et al.
The Sierra Club Handbook of Seals and Sirenians - B. Stewart et al.
Complete Guide to the Antarctic Wildlife - H. Shirihai & B. Jarrett

General Books on Marine Mammals
Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals - W. F. Perrin et al.

Marine Mammals: Evolutionary Biology - A. Berta & J.L. Sumich
The Biology of Marine Mammals - J.E. Reynolds & S.A. Rommell
Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals - J.R. Twiss & R.R. Reeves
Marine Mammals and Noise - J.W. Richardson et al.
CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine - L. A. Dierauf
Emergency Care and Rehabilitation of Oiled Sea Otters - T. M. Williams et al.

Whales of the World - P. Clapham
The Book of Whales - R. Ellis
Dolphins - T. Cahill
Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises - Time-Life Books
The Sierra Club Handbook of Whales and Dolphins - S. Leatherwood et al.
Audubon Society Guide to Fishes, Whales, & Dolphins - H. T. Boschung
Whales of the North Atlantic: Biology & Ecology - P.H. Fontaine & R. St-Laurent
Whales of California and Baja - T. Eder
Cetacean Societies: Field Studies of Dolphins & Whales - J. Mann
Dolphin Societies: Discoveries and Puzzles - K. Pryor & K. S. Norris
Handbook of Marine Mammals: The Second Book of Dolphins - S. H. Ridgway
The Bottlenose Dolphin - J.E. Reynolds et al.
The Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin - K. S. Norris et al.
Orca: The Whale called Killer - E. Hoyt
Killer Whales : The Natural History & Genealogy - J. K. B. Ford et al.
Transients: Mammal-Hunting Killer Whales - J. K. B. Ford & G. M. Ellis
Development of the Cetacean Nasal Skull - M. Klima
Embryology of Dolphins - O. Sterba et al.
The International Politics of Whaling - P. J. Stoett
Men and Whales - R. Ellis
In Pursuit of Leviathan: American Whaling 1816-1906 - L. E. Davis
Ahab's Trade: The Saga of South Sea Whaling - G.A. Mawer
Whales, Ice, and Men: History of Whaling in the Arctic - J. R. Bockstoce

The Pinnipeds: Seals, sea Lions, & Walrus - M. Riedman
The Sierra Club Handbook of Seals and Sirenians - B. Stewart et al.
Seals and Sea Lions of the World - N. W. Bonner
History of the North American Pinnipeds - J. A. Allen
Behavior and Ecology of the Northern Fur Seal - R.L. Gentry
Antarctic Seals: Research Methods and Techniques - R.M. Laws
Elephant Seals - B. J. Le Boeuf & R. M. Laws
The Ice Hunters: A History of Newfoundland Sealing to 1914 - S. Ryan

Related Books
Great White Sharks - A. P. Klimley & D. G. Ainley (eds.)