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Abstract A new combination (Clidemia quinquenervia based on Melastoma quinquenervium) and 11 new species of Clidemia (C. inopinata from Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras; C. rodriguezii from Costa Rica; C. davidsei from Costa Rica and Nicaragua; C. allenii, C. coloradensis, and C. lanuginosa from Costa Rica and Panama; C. folsomii, C. pectinata, C. tenebrosa, and C. ventricosa from Panama; and C. evanescens from Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia) are proposed for the neotropical flora. Descriptions, diagnostic illustrations, distributional and phenological notes, and comparisons with probable relatives, are also provided together with a list of the species of Clidemia that have formicaria developed on the petioles, leaves, or at the branchlet nodes. Clidemia clandestina
Abstract Clidemia clandestina (Melastomataceae) of Costa Rica and Panama is newly described as part of a review of the goblet-flowered species from tropical America. This natural group of three species, including C. garciabarrigae and C. utleyana, is characterized by 5-merous flowers that are goblet-shaped in profile view with erect red petals that are connivent and cucullate at anthesis, minute anther thecae with wide ventrally inclined apical pores, and a completely inferior 3-locular ovary. An original chromosome count of n = 17 is reported for C. utleyana, and a count of n = 23 is reported for C. clandestina and C. garciabarrigae. The significance of these chromosome numbers is evaluated in the context of previous reports for the tribe Miconieae together with a diagnostic key, descriptions, illustrations, new distributional information, phenological notes, and citations of representative specimens. Streblacanthus monospermus
Abstract Streblacanthus monospermus is documented from Mexico and North America for the first time. The species, previously known only from lowland rain forests in Costa Rica and Panama, was recently collected in the Chimalapa region of Oaxaca. Affinities of Streblacanthus and distinctive characteristics of S. monospermus within the genus are noted. Topobea amplifolia
Abstract A regional revision of the octandrous and dodecandrous species of Topobea is presented that recognizes 24 species in Mexico and Central America. This summary includes a key, descriptions, distributional and phenological information, discussions of useful taxonomic characters, and a brief review of what is known about the reproductive biology of Topobea. Rationale is given for placing nine species in synonymy. Illustrations are provided for four new species (T. amplifolia, T. dimorphophylla, and T. gerardoana from Costa Rica, T. tetramera from Panama ), and for T. multiflora, a species erroneously reported for Costa Rica as T. calycularis. Representative specimens are cited to document the geographic distribution and range of variability for each species. Topobea intricata
Abstract Three new species of Topobea are described from species-rich, humid forest environments in Costa Rica and Panama. Discussions, diagnostic illustrations, phenological notes, and a distribution map are provided for Topobea intricata, T. lentii, and T. mcphersonii. B. wilsoniorum
Abstract A regional synopsis of the genus Blakea is presented that recognizes 33 species in Mexico and Central America. This summary includes a key, distributional and phenological information, notes on morphological variation, and discussions that provide rationale for relegating six binomials to synonymy. Descriptions and diagnoses are presented for four new species of Blakea (B. coloradensis, B. darcyana, and B. perforata from Panama; and B. wilsoniorum from southern Costa Rica and Panama). Analysis of the type specimens and recently collected flowering material of Topobea storkii necessitates its transfer to Blakea. Three other species (B. cuatrecasii, B. repens, and B. subconnata var. obtusa), all of which were previously known from Andean South America, are reported from Panama for the first time. Miconia colliculosa
Abstract Diagnoses, descriptions, and illustrations are presented for seven new Mesoamerican species of Miconia (M. colliculosa and M. talamancensis from Costa Rica and Panama, M. vestita from Costa Rica, and M. correae, M. crocata, M. jefensis, and M. morii from Panama ). Distinguishing characters, distribution maps, citations of representative specimens, and comparisons with probable relatives are provided for each species. Meriania odorata
Abstract Meriania , one of 17 genera in the neotropical tribe Merianieae, ranges widely from southern Mexico, Central America, and the Greater Antilles south to the tropical Andes, the Guayana Highland region, and southeastern Brazil . In this study, Meriania is reported from Mexico for the first time, a new species, M. odorata is described from Costa Rica and Panama; and two species of Centronia, C. grandiflora, and C. phlomoides, are transferred to Meriania. This summary of the five Mesoamerican species includes a key, descriptions, geographical and phenological notes, diagnostic illustrations, and citation of representative specimens. Justicia almedae
Abstract Justicia almedae is described as a new species from a lowland rain forest in southeastern Costa Rica. Persistence of the rare Belizian endemic, Louteridium chartaceum, is noted. A new name, Streblacanthus cordifolius, is provided for the species previously known as Streblacanthus cordatus and Pseuderanthemum cordatum, Ecbolium chamaeranthemodes is transferred to Justicia and recognized as a species distinct from J. chamaephyton. Streblacanthus chirripensis is included as a taxonomic synonym of J. chamaeranthemodes. Lectotypes are designated for Streblacanthus cordatus and S. chirripensis. The generic position of Justicia albobractea is resolved, the species is adequately described for the first time, and its known distribution is extended from Belize to Guatemala. Range extensions are reported for the following species: Carlowrightia myriantha ( Belize ), Mendoncia guatemalensis ( Honduras ), Ruellia standleyi ( Costa Rica ), Spathacanthus hahnianus ( Honduras ), Staurogye agrestis ( Costa Rica ), Stenandrium pedunculatum ( El Salvador ), and Streblacanthus cordifolius ( Costa Rica ).
Hoplodoris bramale sp. nov.
Abstract The phylogenetic status of the two discodoridid genera Hoplodoris and Carminodoris has been uncertain due to the lack of distinguishing generic features and lack of complete anatomical descriptions. Recent examination of discodoridid specimens from the type localities provides further anatomical detail that allows for a comparison of the two genera. There are few morphological characters that can be used to justify two distinct genera. Analyses indicate that the genus Carminodoris is a junior synonym of Hoplodoris. Hoplodoris desmoparypha Bergh, 1880, C. mauritiana Bergh, 1891 and C. grandiflora (Pease, 1860) are conspecific with H. grandiflora having priority. Hoplodoris novaezelandiae (Bergh, 1904) and H. nodulosa (Angas, 1864) are conspecific. Carminodoris nodulosa, misidentified by Kay and Young, 1969 from Hawaii, and Carminodoris bifurcata Baba, 1993 are conspecific and quite distinct from other species of Hoplodoris. Hoplodoris armata (Baba, 1993), H. bifurcata (Baba! , 1993), H. estrelyado Gosliner and Behrens, 1998, H. grandiflora (Pease, 1860) and H. nodulosa (Angas, 1864) are valid species. Additionally, Geitodoris is closely related to Hoplodoris but more basally situated than Hoplodoris. Important diagnostic morphological characters of Hoplodoris that have been inherited from a common ancestor include penial hooks and denticulate radular teeth. Two new species of Hoplodoris are described. Hoplodoris flammea sp. nov. is known from Bali, Indonesia and Hoplodoris bramale sp. nov. is from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, the latter representing the first record of Hoplodoris from the eastern Pacific. Taringa aivica
Abstract The tropical eastern Pacific dorid nudibranch Taringa aivica Ev. Marcus and Er. Marcus, 1967 is redescribed based on the examination of specimens collected from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica . The differences between Taringa aivica timia Ev. Marcus and Er. Marcus, 1967 and Taringa aivica aivica Ev. Marcus and Er. Marcus, 1967 are not consistent and do not justify the existence of two subspecies of Taringa aivica. Examination of the type material of Peltodoris nayarita Ortea and Llera 1981, another eastern Pacific species, confirmed that it is a synonym of Peltodoris greeleyi MacFarland, 1909, originally described from Brazil. The study of Discodoris aurila Marcus, 1976 from Panama and Costa Rica, shows that this species is characterized by the absence of jaw elements, the presence of hamate and smooth radular lateral teeth, and the innermost teeth hamate, elongated, and lacking denticles. Peltodoris greeleyi and Discodoris aurila are transferred to the genus Diaulula based on the presence of caryophyllidia, low rhinophoral and branchial sheaths, a flattened prostate divided into two portions, penis and vagina unarmed, hamate radular teeth and smooth labial cuticle. The geographic range of Diaulula greeleyi is extended to Punta Uvita, Costa Rica and the geographic range of Diaulula aurila is extended from Mexico to Panama . Cyerce orteai
Abstract A new species of the genus Cyerce is described from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica , constituting the first record of the genus from the eastern Pacific. This new species, Cyerce orteai, is clearly distinguishable from other species of the genus, by both its anatomy and external morphology. Cyerce orteai has very elongate radular teeth, with two differentiated sets of denticles. Externally, this species is characterized by having numerous cerata bearing small rounded tubercles. The digestive and reproductive systems of this species are described anatomically.
Chrysopodes (Neosuarius) crassipennis
Abstract Three new species are described: Chrysopodes (Neosuarius) crassipennis from 3 km SE of Rio Naranjo, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica; Leucochrysa (Nodita) amistadensis from Parque Nacional La Amistad, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica; and Leucochrysa (Nodita) ratcliffei from Pandora, Limon Province, Costa Rica. The new name Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) adamsi is proposed for the junior secondary homonym Leucochrysa navasi Banks, 1941 (nec. Leucochrysa navasi (Kimmins, 1940)). A neotype is designated for a species of Costa Rican Chrysopinae - Leucochrysa (Nodita) indiga. Redescriptions are presented for Leucochrysa (Nodita)indiga and Leucochrysa (Nodita) maculata. Leptoglossus cartagoensis
Abstract Two new species of Leptoglossus, L. cartagoensis and L. talamancanus, collected in Costa Rica are described and illustrated; L. brevirostris Barber, L. humeralis Allen, L. lineosus (Stal), L. nigropearlei Yonke, L. subauratus Distant, and L. tetranotatus Brailovsky and Barrera are recorded for the first time from Costa Rica; new records for L. cinctus (Herrich-Schaeffer), L. concolor (Walker), L. phyllopus (Linnaeus), and L. zonatus (Dallas) are given; and a revised key to known species of Leptoglossus from Costa Rica is presented. Euderces pusillus
Abstract The genus Euderces LeConte is revised with 57 recognized species, 26 of which are new. All but two known species are illustrated, previously known species are redescribed, and a key is provided. Cleozona Bates is placed in synonymy with Euderces. New Euderces species described are E. andersoni E. auricaudus, E. basimaculatus, E. batesi, E. biplagiatus, E. brailovskyi, E. elvirae, E. grossistriatus, E. noguerai, E. obliquefasciatus, E. perplexus, E. postipallidus, and E. propinquus from Mexico; E. tibialis, E. turnbowi and E. wappesi from Mexico and Guatemala; E. azureus, E. proximus and E. succinus frown Guatemala; E. guatemalenus from Guatemala and Honduras; E. bellus and E. disparicrus from Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras; E. pusillus from Mexico, Guatemala, and Costa Rica; E. linsleyi from Panama and Costa Rica; E. paraposticus from Colombia, and E. venezuelensis from Venezuela. New synonymies in Euderces are E. cribratus Bates = E. laevicauda Bates; E. fenyesi Linsley = E. cribripennis Bates; E. auricomis Chemsak = E. cleriformis Bates; E. picipes occidentalis Linsley = E. picipes (Fabricius); and E. reichei exilis Casey = E. reichei LeConte. The subspecies E. bicinctus peninsularis (Linsley) is removed from synonymy. Eplophorus guerinii (Chevrolat), E. posticus (Pascoe) and E. waltli Chevrolat are transferred to Euderces. Ophichthus. apachus n. sp.
Abstract The eastern Pacific species of the tropical snake-eel genus Ophichthus, family Ophichthidae, subfamily Ophichthinae, are reviewed. An identification key, synonymies, diagnoses, and illustrations are provided for each of the 11 species recognized: O. apachus n. sp. (from Mexico to Colombia), O. arneutes n. sp. (Galapagos Islands), O. frontalis (Gulf of California to Panama), O. longipenis n. sp. (Mexico to Panama), O. mecopterus n. sp. (Mexico to Costa Rica), O. melope n. sp. (Costa Rica to Colombia), O. remiger (Nicaragua to Chile), O. rugifer (Galapagos and Cocos islands), O. tetratrema n. sp. (Costa Rica to Ecuador), O. triserialis (California to Peru), and O. zophochir (California to Peru). The Galapagos and Cocos islands endemic O. rugiferis recognized as distinct from O. triserialis. The status of all nominal eastern Pacific species of Ophichthus is discussed. Characters useful for the study of ophichthid phylogeny are compared and discussed. The following new synonymies are proposed: Ophichthys (Herpetoichthys) ater, Ophichthys callaensis, Ophisurus dicellurus, Ophichthys exilis, and Ophichthys uniserialis = O. remiger; Ophichthys biserialis = O. rugifer; Ophisurus californiensis and Ophichthys grandimaculatus = O. triserialis; Ophichthus chamensis = O. zophochir. Lectotypes for the following species are designated: O. frontalis, O. pacifici, O. remiger and O. zophochir.
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