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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Echinopyxis J. Pantocsek 1913, pg. 136
Generitype not designated
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Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status valid
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Comments Genus introduced as new in Pantocsek 1913 (ref. 000720), p. 136, 2 species originally included (E. tertiaria, E. laevis), no type designated. SVL gives original reference as Pantocsek 1913 (ref. 001802), p. 17, in which a third species, Echinopyxis globulosa is described. It is unclear which of ref. 000720 and ref. 001802 was published first (we assume that ref. 000720 was published first). Farr et al. (1979) place this genus in the Chrysophyceae, and gives original reference as Pantocsek 1913 (ref. 000720).
Published in

Pantocsek, J. 1913  (ref. 720)

A kopacseli andesittufa kovamoszatai.

Botanikai Közlemények, Vol:12[3], 125-137, 2 pls.

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