Family | genus | species | author | Type Number | Category |
Bombyliidae | Acreotrichus | maculipennis | Cole | 1482 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aleucosia | arguta | Yeates | 16368 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aleucosia | sugillata | Yeates | 16369 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Amphicosmus | arizonicus | Hall | 12459 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Amphicosmus | vanduzeei | Cole | 1480 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Anastoechus | deserticola | Hall | 6314 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Anthrax | albofasciatus cascadensis | Marston | 8783 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Anthrax | aureosquamosus chaparralus | Marston | 12086 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Anthrax | aureosquamosus | Marston | 12085 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Anthrax | cintalapa | Cole | 6328 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Anthrax | koebelei | Marston | 9356 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Anthrax | limatulus columbiensis | Marston | 12087 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Anthrax | macula | Cole in Cole and Lovett | 519 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Anthrax | mexicana | Cole | 6335 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Anthrax | nidicola | Cole | 6345 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Anthrax | nitidus | Marston | 12089 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Anthrax | simson habrosus | Marston | 12088 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Anthrax | xylocopae | Marston | 12090 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Antonio | sagittaria | Bowden | 13115 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aphoebantus | albopilosus | Tabet and Hall | 15968 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aphoebantus | argentifrons | Cole | 1232 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aphoebantus | bilineatus | Tabet and Hall | 15969 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aphoebantus | borealis | Cole in Cole and Lovett | 835 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aphoebantus | idahoensis | Tabet | 14293 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aphoebantus | leucospilus | Tabet and Hall | 15970 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aphoebantus | marginatus | Cole | 1233 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aphoebantus | melanomerinyx | Tabet and Hall | 15971 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aphoebantus | nigropilosus | Tabet and Hall | 15972 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aphoebantus | oxypetes | Tabet and Hall | 15973 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aphoebantus | paraborealis | Tabet | 14294 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aphoebantus | schlingeri | Hall | 6543 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Aphoebantus | timberlakei | Melander | 12208 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Apolysis | arenicola | Tabet | 14295 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | anthophoroides | Evenhuis | 12788 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | aurifer pendens | Cole in Cole and Lovett | 469 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | balion | Hall and Evenhuis | 13392 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | breviabdominalis | Evenhuis | 12789 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | curtirhynchus | Evenhuis | 13090 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | dichoptus | Hall | 12136 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | flavifrons | Cole | 1231 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | frommerorum | Hall and Evenhuis | 13393 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | halli | Evenhuis and Tabet | 13795 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | japygus | Hall and Evenhuis | 13394 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | mohavensis | Evenhuis | 12297 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | nigricornis | Philippi | 12137 | neotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | reginae | Evenhuis | 15690 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | silvus | Cole in Cole and Lovett | 518 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Bombylius | vallicolus | Evenhuis and Tabet | 13796 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Caenotus | thompsonii | Evenhuis | 12790 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Chrysanthrax | albicomus | Tabet and Hall | 15974 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Chrysanthrax | partita | Tabet and Hall | 15975 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Chrysanthrax | petalonyx | Tabet and Hall | 15976 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Comptosia | canescens | Philippi | 12138 | neotype |
Bombyliidae | Desmatomyia | jambalaia | Hall and Evenhuis | 16940 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Desmatomyia | proboscidea | Hall | 16941 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Eclimus | celer | Cole in Cole and Lovett | 467 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Eclimus | leechi | Hall | 6347 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Eclimus | tridentatus | Hull | 9975 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Empidideicus | timberlakei | Hall | 12200 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Epacmus | nitidus | Cole in Cole and Lovett | 833 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Euryphthiria | grandis | Evenhuis | 16942 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Exoprosopa | atripes | Cole | 1203 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Exoprosopa | hyalipennis | Cole | 1201 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Exoprosopa | tiburonensis | Cole | 1204 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Geron | alba | Cole | 1236 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Geron | antologos | Tabet | 14296 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Geron | insularis | Cole | 1302 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Geron | niveoides | Cole | 1234 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Geron | notios | Hall and Evenhuis | 16533 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Geron | perplexus | Tabet | 14297 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Geron | saxosus | Tabet | 14298 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Geron | westralicus | Evenhuis | 13246 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Hallidia | plumipilosa | Hull | 6370 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Inyo | destructor | Hall and Evenhuis | 16943 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | actios | Hall | 12139 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | arnaudi | Hall | 12140 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | californicus | Hall | 12142 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | calyptus | Hall | 12143 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | chalcus | Hall | 12144 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | choristus | Hall | 12145 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | chrysus | Hall | 12146 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | diaeretus | Hall | 12147 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | ellipus | Hall | 12148 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | eremicus | Hall | 12149 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | euthemus | Hall | 12150 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | exallus | Hall | 12151 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | hyalinipennis | Cole | 1229 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | hypomelus | Hall | 12153 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | leucocephalus | Hall | 12154 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | linsdalei | Hall | 12155 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | meristus | Hall | 12156 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | mimus | Hall | 12157 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | oribates | Hall | 12158 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | rauchi | Hall | 12159 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | salvadorensis | Hall | 12160 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | stichus | Hall | 12161 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidanthrax | symmachus | Hall | 12162 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lepidophora | trypoxylona | Hall | 13728 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lordotus | albidus | Hall | 6340 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lordotus | arnaudi | Johnson and Johnson | 11113 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lordotus | cingulatus lineatus | Johnson and Johnson | 12256 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lordotus | cingulatus | Johnson and Johnson | 11114 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lordotus | diversus diplasus | Hall | 6341 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lordotus | ermae | Hall | 6342 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lordotus | hurdi | Hall | 6315 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lordotus | pulchrissimus luteolus | Hall | 6339 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lyophlaeba | amegiston | Hall | 16631 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Lyophlaeba | melanothrix | Hall | 16632 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Metacosmus | nitidus | Cole | 1481 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | acuta | Melander | 12217 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | agilis | Melander | 6477 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | aperta | Melander | 6367 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | asiatica | Evenhuis | 13909 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | aspilota | Hall and Evenhuis | 12222 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | atratella | Hall and Evenhuis | 15264 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | auletris | Melander | 9020 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | bella | Hall and Evenhuis | 12219 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | bianca | Tabet in Hall and Evenhuis | 14299 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | bilychnis | Melander | 12218 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | binotata | Hall and Evenhuis | 12243 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | brevivena | Tabet in Hall and Evenhuis | 14300 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | candida | Tabet and Hall | 15977 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | communis | Hall and Evenhuis | 15265 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | compta | Melander | 12220 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | concrescens | Melander | 12221 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | cruralis | Melander | 6366 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | dipura | Melander | 12223 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | diropeda | Melander | 6476 | lectotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | discreta | Hall and Evenhuis | 15266 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | formosa | Melander | 12224 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | fulgida | Melander | 12225 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | fumipennis | Melander | 6361 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | galbea | Melander | 12226 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | gausa | Melander | 12227 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | gynandra | Melander | 6365 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | hamata | Melander | 6360 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | humeralis | Melander | 6364 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | illustris | Melander | 12228 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | imbellis | Melander | 12229 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | indicata | Melander | 12230 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | lenticularis | Melander | 12231 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | litoris | Hall and Evenhuis | 15267 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | lucens | Hall and Evenhuis | 12233 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | minima | Melander | 12232 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | mitrata | Melander | 12234 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | mulsea | Melander | 12235 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | munda | Melander | 6359 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | nitidula | Melander | 6474 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | ocreata | Melander | 12236 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | parma | Melander | 12237 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | peniculus | Melander | 12238 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | petes | Melander | 12239 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | petiolata | Melander | 11234 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | pharetra | Melander | 12240 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | powelli | Hall and Evenhuis | 15268 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | rhaeba | Melander | 12241 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | rigirostris | Evenhuis | 13910 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | salpinx | Melander | 12242 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | tagax | Melander | 6475 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | torta | Tabet and Hall | 15978 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | tubicen | Melander | 6363 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Mythicomyia | vernalis | Tabet and Hall | 15979 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Neodiplocampta | caliginosa | Tabet and Hall | 15980 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Oligodranes | barri | Tabet | 14302 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Oligodranes | comosus | Melander | 12211 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Oligodranes | maculatus | Melander | 12212 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Oligodranes | montanus | Melander | 12213 | lectotype |
Bombyliidae | Oligodranes | nauseosus | Tabet | 14303 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Oligodranes | nigricans | Tabet and Hall | 15981 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Oligodranes | panneus | Melander | 12214 | lectotype |
Bombyliidae | Oligodranes | scapulatus | Melander | 12215 | lectotype |
Bombyliidae | Parabombylius | aureus | Evenhuis | 12791 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Parabombylius | loriae | Evenhuis | 12792 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Parabombylius | pyrrhothrix | Hall and Evenhuis | 13395 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Parabombylius | rutilous | Hall | 12460 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Paracosmus | similis | Hall | 6316 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Paradiplocampta | tabeti | Hall | 12461 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Paravilla | aridula | Hall | 15843 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Paravilla | floridensis | Hall | 13212 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Paravilla | macneilli | Hall | 13213 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Paravilla | nigrofemorata | Hall | 13214 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Paravilla | parasitica | Hall | 15294 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Phthiria | macrostoma | Hall | 12097 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Phthiria | psi | Cresson | 1845 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Poecilanthrax | brachypus | Calderwood | 17182 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Poecilanthrax | moffitti pallidifrons | Evenhuis | 12793 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Rhabdopselaphus | albopilosus | Cole | 1237 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Rhabdopselaphus | pygmaeus | Cole | 1238 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Sericosoma | rossi | Hall | 11598 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Spongostylum | argentatum | Cole in Cole and Lovett | 471 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Systropus | bifurcus | Evenhuis | 13911 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Systropus | vicinus | Painter in Painter and Painter | 12080 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Thevenemyia | accedens | Hall | 12201 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Thevenemyia | affinis | Hall | 16633 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Thevenemyia | notata | Hall | 9974 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Toxophora | gittinsi | Tabet | 14304 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Triploechus | luridus | Hall | 12404 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Triploechus | stagei | Hall | 12405 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | albicincta | Cole | 1213 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | albicollaris | Cole | 1212 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | andrewsi | Hall | 11599 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | apicola | Cole | 6344 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | arenicola | Cole | 1206 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | ariditata | Cole | 1208 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | chromolepida | Cole | 1479 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | cinerea | Cole | 1216 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | flavicincta | Cole | 1215 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | flavipilosa | Cole | 1222 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | luminis | Hall | 11600 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | melanoptera | Hall | 12462 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | meridionalis | Cole | 1205 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | morulus | Hall | 12463 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | nitida | Cole | 1226 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | nivea | Cole | 1218 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | peninsularis | Cole | 1224 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | quadripunctata | Cole | 1214 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | sini | Cole | 1220 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | sonorensis | Cole | 1211 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | tricellula | Cole | 6346 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | vanduzeei | Cole | 1227 | holotype |
Bombyliidae | Villa | vastititas | Cole | 1210 | holotype |