Family | genus | species | author | Type Number | Category |
Cynipidae | Andricus | brunneus | Fullaway | 5824 | syntype? |
Cynipidae | Andricus | confertus | McCracken and Egbert | 5799 | holotype |
Cynipidae | Andricus | pattersonae | Fullaway | 5822 | syntype |
Cynipidae | Andricus | reniformis | McCracken and Egbert | 5798 | holotype |
Cynipidae | Andricus | wiltzae | Fullaway | 5823 | syntype? |
Cynipidae | Aylax | microseris | McCracken and Egbert | 5809 | syntype |
Cynipidae | Callirhytis | bicornis | McCracken and Egbert | 5802 | syntype |
Cynipidae | Callirhytis | flavens | McCracken and Egbert | 5800 | syntype |
Cynipidae | Callirhytis | guadaloupensis | Fullaway | 5826 | syntype |
Cynipidae | Callirhytis | nigra | Fullaway | 5825 | syntype? |
Cynipidae | Callirhytis | sanctaeclarae | Fullaway | 5827 | syntype? |
Cynipidae | Callirhytis | trimaculosa | McCracken and Egbert | 5801 | syntype |
Cynipidae | Ceroptres | niger | Fullaway | 5831 | syntype? |
Cynipidae | Cynips | heldae | Fullaway | 5820 | syntype? |
Cynipidae | Cynips | kelloggi | Fullaway | 5821 | syntype |
Cynipidae | Cynips | rufescens | McCracken and Egbert | 5797 | holotype |
Cynipidae | Diplolepis | dubiosa | Fullaway | 5819 | syntype |
Cynipidae | Dryophanta | lobata | McCracken and Egbert | 5796 | syntypes, 2 |
Cynipidae | Periclistus | arefactus | McCracken and Egbert | 5818 | syntypes, 2 |
Cynipidae | Periclistus | confertus | McCracken and Egbert | 5817 | syntype |
Cynipidae | Periclistus | piceus | Fullaway | 5832 | syntypes, 2 |
Cynipidae | Synergus | bellus | McCracken and Egbert | 5813 | syntypes, 2 |
Cynipidae | Synergus | confertus | McCracken and Egbert | 5815 | syntypes, 2 |
Cynipidae | Synergus | digressus | McCracken and Egbert | 5811 | syntypes, 2 |
Cynipidae | Synergus | distinctus | McCracken and Egbert | 5806 | syntypes, 2 |
Cynipidae | Synergus | flavens | McCracken and Egbert | 5814 | syntype |
Cynipidae | Synergus | flavus | Kieffer | 11134 | syntypes, 6 |
Cynipidae | Synergus | multiplicatus | Fullaway | 5830 | syntypes, 2 |
Cynipidae | Synergus | niger | Fullaway | 5829 | syntypes, 2 |
Cynipidae | Synergus | nigroornatus | McCracken and Egbert | 5804 | syntypes, 2 |
Cynipidae | Synergus | obscurus | McCracken and Egbert | 5805 | syntype |
Cynipidae | Synergus | ochreus | Fullaway | 5828 | syntype? |
Cynipidae | Synergus | pacificus | McCracken and Egbert | 5803 | syntypes, 2 |
Cynipidae | Synergus | profusus | McCracken and Egbert | 5807 | syntypes, 2 |
Cynipidae | Synergus | reniformis | McCracken and Egbert | 5812 | syntypes, 2 |
Cynipidae | Synergus | rutulus | McCracken and Egbert | 5816 | holotype |
Cynipidae | Synergus | variegatus | McCracken and Egbert | 5810 | syntypes, 2 |