Family | genus | species | author | Type Number | Category |
Phlaeothripidae | Acanthothrips | doaneii | Moulton | 10881 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Actinothrips | trichaetus | Hood | 10882 | syntype |
Phlaeothripidae | Adraneothrips | saturatus | Cott | 10883 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Adrothrips | aureus | Moulton | 10884 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Agnostothrips | semiflavus | Moulton | 5879 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Anactinothrips | fuscus | Moulton | 10885 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Anthothrips | variabilis | Crawford | 10886 | syntypes, 7 |
Phlaeothripidae | Bactrothrips | guineaensis | Moulton | 5884 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Bolothrips | artocarpi | Moulton | 10887 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Bolothrips | australiensis | Moulton | 10888 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Bolothrips | flavitibia | Moulton | 10889 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Bolothrips | lativerticis | Post | 10890 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Bolothrips | rachiphilus | Cott | 10891 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Brithothrips | fuscus | Moulton | 10892 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Cephalothrips | elegans | Moulton | 10893 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Cephalothrips | errans | Moulton | 10894 | lectotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Cephalothrips | venustus | Moulton | 10895 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Choleothrips | geijerae | Moulton | 10896 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Cryptothrips | californicus | Daniel | 16113 | neotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Cryptothrips | magnus | Moulton | 10897 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Diceratothrips | brevitubus | Moulton | 10898 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Dichaetothrips | beesoni | Moulton | 10899 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Dichaetothrips | claripennis | Moulton | 10900 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Dichaetothrips | mandiocae | Moulton | 10901 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Dinothrips | gardneri | Moulton | 10902 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Diploacanthothrips | fuscus | Moulton | 10903 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Diplonychothrips | antennatus | Moulton | 10905 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Docessissophothrips | animus | Moulton | 10906 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Dolerothrips | geijerae | Moulton | 10907 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Dolichothrips | fuscipes | Moulton | 5881 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Dunatothrips | armatus | Moulton | 10908 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Ecacanthothrips | guineaensis | Moulton | 5883 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Ecacanthothrips | leai | Moulton | 10909 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Elaphrothrips | albospinosus | Moulton | 10910 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Elaphrothrips | gracilis | Moulton | 10911 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Elaphrothrips | herricki | Moulton | 10912 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Elaphrothrips | spinosus | Moulton | 10913 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Elaphrothrips | unicolor | Moulton | 10914 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Emprosthiothrips | niger | Moulton | 10915 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Eothrips | bursariae | Moulton | 10916 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Eurhynchothrips | hargreavesi | Priesner | 10917 | syntypes, 2 |
Phlaeothripidae | Eurynotothrips | latapennis | Moulton | 10918 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Eurythrips | cornutus | Moulton | 10919 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Eurythrips | flavacinctus | Moulton and Andre | 10920 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Eurythrips | fuscipennis | Moulton | 10921 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Eurythrips | varius | Moulton | 10922 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Formicothrips | yosemitae | Moulton | 10923 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Galactothrips | diversicolor | Moulton | 10924 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Gastrothrips | australiensis | Moulton | 10925 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Gigantothrips | baculifer | Priesner | 10926 | syntypes, 3 |
Phlaeothripidae | Gigantothrips | rossi | Moulton | 10927 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Gigantothrips | venapennis | Moulton | 10928 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Glyptothrips | eddyi | Watson | 10929 | syntypes, 2 |
Phlaeothripidae | Gomphiothrips | tibouchinae | Moulton | 10930 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Grypothrips | acaciae | Moulton | 10931 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Gynaikothrips | citricornis | Moulton | 10932 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Gynaikothrips | kannani | Moulton | 10933 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Gynaikothrips | kuwanai | Moulton | 10934 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Gynaikothrips | kuwayamai | Moulton | 10935 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Gynaikothrips | liliaceae | Moulton | 10936 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Gynaikothrips | orchidis | Moulton | 10937 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Gynaikothrips | rotundus | Moulton | 10938 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Gynaikothrips | scotti | Bagnall | 10939 | syntype |
Phlaeothripidae | Gynaikothrips | simillimus | Karny in Karny et al. | 10940 | syntypes, 2 |
Phlaeothripidae | Gynaikothrips | takahashii | Moulton | 10941 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Gynaikothrips | yuasai | Moulton | 10942 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Haplothrips | colombiensis | Moulton | 10943 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Haplothrips | faureanus sudanensis | Priesner | 10944 | syntype |
Phlaeothripidae | Haplothrips | fuscipennis | Moulton | 10946 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Haplothrips | fuscus | Moulton | 10945 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Haplothrips | gaviotae | Moulton | 10947 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Haplothrips | graminellus | Priesner | 10948 | syntype |
Phlaeothripidae | Haplothrips | hukkineni | Priesner | 10949 | syntype |
Phlaeothripidae | Haplothrips | phyllanthi | Moulton | 10950 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Haplothrips | ryani | Moulton | 10951 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Haplothrips | sakimurai | Moulton | 10952 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Haplothrips | shacklefordi | Moulton | 10953 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Haplothrips | tenuis | Moulton | 10954 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Haplothrips | trellesi | Moulton | 10955 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Haplothrips | williamsi | Moulton | 10956 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Heptathrips | tonnoiri | Moulton | 10957 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Holopothrips | certus | Moulton | 10958 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Holopothrips | elongatus | Moulton | 10959 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Holopothrips | ferrisi | Moulton | 10960 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Holopothrips | pennatus | Moulton | 10961 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Holurothrips | leeuweni | Priesner | 10962 | syntype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | bahiaensis | Moulton | 10963 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | brasiliensis | Moulton | 10964 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | coprosmae | Moulton | 10965 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | dallasi | Moulton | 10966 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | fieldsi | Crawford | 10967 | syntypes, 2 |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | flavitibia | Moulton | 10968 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | flavus | Moulton and Andre | 10969 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | fungosus | Moulton | 10970 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | hawaiiensis | Moulton | 10971 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | kincaidi | Moulton | 10972 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | mauiensis | Moulton | 10973 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | mexicanus | Moulton | 10974 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | myceticola | Crawford | 10975 | syntype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | paumalui | Moulton | 10976 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | psidii | Moulton | 10977 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | quercus | Moulton and Andre | 10978 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | swezeyi | Moulton | 10979 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Hoplothrips | wilsoni | Watson | 10980 | syntypes, 4 |
Phlaeothripidae | Horistothrips | palidispinosus | Steinweden and Moulton | 10982 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Idolothrips | angusticeps | Crawford | 10983 | syntypes, 3 |
Phlaeothripidae | Kentronothrips | hawaiiensis | Moulton | 10984 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Kladothrips | augonsaxxos | Moulton | 10985 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Kleothrips | agama | Priesner | 10986 | syntypes, 2 |
Phlaeothripidae | Lasiothrips | perplexus | Moulton | 10987 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Leptoliothrips | manilae | Moulton | 10988 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | anonae | Moulton | 10989 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | atratus | Moulton | 10990 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | bakeri | Crawford | 10991 | syntypes, 6 |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | bondari | Moulton | 10992 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | brasiliensis | Moulton | 10993 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | claripennis | Moulton | 10994 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | colimae | Moulton | 10995 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | condei | Moulton | 10996 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | corni | Moulton | 10997 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | distinctus | Moulton | 10998 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | eremicus | Cott | 10999 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | jazykovi | Moulton | 11000 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | kurosawai | Moulton | 11001 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | lepidus | Cott | 11002 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | malloti flavicornis | Moulton | 11004 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | malloti | Moulton | 11003 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | mcconnelli | Crawford | 11005 | lectotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | mendesi | Moulton | 11006 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | penetralis | Hood | 11007 | syntype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | peruviensis | Moulton | 11008 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | querci | Moulton | 11009 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | salti | Moulton | 11010 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | seini | Watson | 11011 | syntypes, 2 |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | terminaliae | Moulton | 11012 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | umbripennis mexicana | Crawford | 11013 | syntypes, 4 |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | unicolor | Moulton | 11014 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | urichi | Karny | 11085 | syntype |
Phlaeothripidae | Liothrips | vernoniae | Moulton | 11015 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Lispothrips | birdi | Moulton | 11016 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Lispothrips | populi | Moulton | 11017 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Lispothrips | varicornis | Moulton | 11018 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Machatothrips | artocarpi | Moulton | 11019 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Machatothrips | celosiae | Moulton | 11020 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Machatothrips | quadrudentatus | Moulton | 5885 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Macrophthalmothrips | hawaiiensis | Moulton | 11021 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Macrophthalmothrips | usingeri | Moulton | 11022 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Macropthalmothrips | flavafemora | Moulton | 5880 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Megalothrips | hesperus | Moulton | 11023 | syntypes, 2 |
Phlaeothripidae | Megathrips | timidus | Cott | 11024 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Mesothrips | claripennis | Moulton | 11025 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Mesothrips | guamensis | Moulton | 11026 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Mesothrips | setidens | Moulton | 11027 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Mesothrips | swezeyi | Moulton | 11028 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Neoheegeria | flavipes | Moulton | 11029 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Neoheegeria | macarangai | Moulton | 11031 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Neoheegeria | nevskyi | Moulton | 11032 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Neosmerinthothrips | oleriae | Moulton | 11033 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Notothrips | argentifer | Cott | 11034 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Oedaleothrips | tristis | Cott | 11035 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Panoplothrips | australiensis | Moulton | 11036 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Paracholeothrips | validus | Moulton | 11037 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Phasmothrips | asperatus | Priesner | 11038 | syntypes, 4 |
Phlaeothripidae | Phaulothrips | fuscus | Moulton | 11039 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Phlaeothripoides | novoanglicanus | Johansen | 17213 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Phlaeothrips | claratibia | Moulton | 11040 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Phlaeothrips | mauiensis | Moulton | 11041 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Phlaeothrips | orientalis | Moulton | 11042 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Phlaeothrips | sides | Moulton | 11043 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Phyllothrips | fasciculata | Crawford | 11044 | syntypes, 4 |
Phlaeothripidae | Plectrothrips | bruneri | Watson | 11045 | syntype |
Phlaeothripidae | Poecilothrips | biformis | Moulton | 11046 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Poecilothrips | fuscus | Moulton | 11047 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Poecilothrips | lupini | Moulton | 11048 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Probolothrips | hambletoni | Moulton | 11049 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Rhaebothrips | fuscus | Moulton | 11050 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Rhynchothrips | ampelopsidis | Moulton | 11051 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Rhynchothrips | brevitubus | Moulton | 11052 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Rhynchothrips | cunctans | Cott | 11053 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Rhynchothrips | fuscipennis | Moulton | 11054 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Rhynchothrips | fuscus | Steinweden and Moulton | 11055 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Rhynchothrips | hungaricus | Moulton | 11056 | syntypes, 2 |
Phlaeothripidae | Rhynchothrips | machili | Moulton | 11057 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Rhynchothrips | turkestanicus | John | 11058 | syntype |
Phlaeothripidae | Rhynchothrips | versicolor | Moulton | 11059 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Sacothrips | bicolor | Moulton | 11060 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Sedulothrips | brevispinosus | Moulton | 11061 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Sedulothrips | hubbelli | Watson | 11062 | syntypes, 2 |
Phlaeothripidae | Smerinthothrips | fuscipennis | Moulton | 11063 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Sphaericothrips | clarapennis | Moulton | 11064 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Spilothrips | varicolor | Moulton | 11065 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Sunaitiothrips | fuscus | Moulton | 11066 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Symphyothrips | potosiensis | Moulton | 11067 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Teuchothrips | albipennis | Moulton | 11068 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Teuchothrips | fuscipennis | Moulton | 11069 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Teuchothrips | spinosus | Moulton | 11070 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Thaumatothrips | acaciae | Moulton | 11071 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Thaumatothrips | distinctus | Moulton | 11072 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Thorybothrips | yuccae | Moulton | 11073 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Trachythrips | astutus | Cott | 11074 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Treherniella | niger | Moulton | 11075 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Trichothrips | angusticeps | Hood | 11076 | syntypes, 2 |
Phlaeothripidae | Trichothrips | dens | Moulton | 11077 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Trichothrips | femoralis | Moulton | 11078 | syntypes, 3 |
Phlaeothripidae | Trichothrips | ilex dumosa | Moulton | 11080 | lectotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Trichothrips | ilex | Moulton | 11079 | syntypes, 6 |
Phlaeothripidae | Trichothrips | ruber | Moulton | 11081 | holotype |
Phlaeothripidae | Trybomia | mendesi | Moulton | 11082 | holotype |