Compiled by Frederick M. Bayer
Department of Invertebrate Zoology
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution
September 1996

The original version of this bibliography, published in Seminarios de Biologia Marinha (Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, Rio de Janeiro, 1981), covered the literature through 1977. As offprints have long since been exhausted, and as nearly two decades of literature have accumulated, an updated, augmented, and corrected version is now presented in the more generally accessible medium of the world wide web.

Compiled by a taxonomist principally for other taxonomists (rare though they are), coverage is believed to be reasonably complete for titles primarily of taxonomic interest. As in the original printed edition, any titles dealing with other aspects of octocoral biology that came to my attention have been included. Even though the bulk of scientific literature about octocorals now appearing deals with biochemistry, no claims are made for completeness in that field.

Although comments about content or other aspects of publication are given in square brackets [  ] for some titles, time has precluded complete annotation of contents, and keywords for electronic searching are not included. In a few cases, day and/or month of publication are given in parentheses following the citation. No apology is made for inconsistency of journal citations. All diacritical marks of non-English entries have been eliminated by the necessary conversion to ASCII format.

Contrary to predominant contemporary usage, the personal names of authors are spelled out in full whenever known, as reducing these names to mere initials seems to relegate their owners to the mechanical realm of electronic data banks and appears inordinately impersonal.

This augmented and updated electronic edition of the Octocoral Bibliography is the result of nudging and nagging by C.W. Hart, Jr., whose computer literacy made the project possible. The word-processing expertise of Janice Clark Walker was indispensable in preparing the master file for final conversion, and I appreciate the cooperation and critical advice given by Don Gourley, our Webmaster.

Special thanks are extended to Phil Alderslade of the Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences (Darwin, N.T., Australia), Leen van Ofwegen of the Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum (Leiden), and William Fenical of Scripps Institution of Oceanography (La Jolla) for their assistance in adding or verifying numerous references that were omitted from the first on-line edition. While every effort has been made to verify every reference, this has not been feasible in every instance so it is inevitable that errors remain. For these I extend apologies and ask your indulgence.

The contents of this enlarged and corrected edition of "Bibliography of Octocorallia from Pliny to the Present" are copyrighted by the Smithsonian Institution.



ABBIATI, M., G. BUFFONI, G. DI COLA and G. SANTANGELO.--1991. Red coral population dynamics: stability analysis and numerical simulation of time evolution of perturbed states. Pp. 219-228 in Ravera (ed.) Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems: Perturbation and recovery. Ellis Harwood Ltd.

ABBIATI, M., G. BUFFONI, G. CAFORIO, G. DI COLA and G. SANTANGELO.--1992. Harvesting, predation and competition effects on a red coral population. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 30:219-228, figs. 1-6.

ABBIATI, M., GIOVANNI SANTANGELO and SILVIA NOVELLI.--1993. Genetic variation within and between two Tyrrhenian populations of the Mediterranean alcyonarian Corallium rubrum. Marine Ecology Progress Series 95:245-250.

ABEL, D.J., W.T. WILLIAMS, P.W. SAMMARCO and J.S. BUNT.--1983. A new numerical model for coral distribution. Marine Ecology Progress Series 12(3):257-265.

ABEL, ERICH.--1962. Edelkorallen. Neptun 2 (3):65-66.

ABEL, ERICH.--1963. Klasse: Anthozoa (Blumen- oder Korallentiere). Pp. 152-168, pls. 46-51, color plate 2, in: Riedl, Rupert, Fauna und Flora der Adria. Pp. 1-640, pls. 1-221. Hamburg und Berlin: Verlag Paul Parey.

ACCORDI, G., F. CARBONE and R. MATTENCI.--1989. 'Alcyonarian spicu- lite' nei calcari recifali quaternari della costa Somala. Rend. Soc. Geol. Italia 12:17-20.

ACHITUV, YAIR, and YEHUDA BENAYAHU.--1990. Polyp dimorphism and func- tional, sequential hermaphroditism in the soft coral Heteroxenia fuscescens (Octocorallia). Marine Ecology Progress Series 64:263- 269, figs. 1-5.

ACHITUV, YAIR, Y. BENAYAHU and J. HANANIA.--1992. Planulae brooding and acquisition of zooxanthellae in Xenia macrospiculata (Cnidar- ia: Octocorallia). Helgolaender Meeresuntersuchungen 46(3):301- 310, ill.

ACUNA, FABIAN H. and MAURICIO O. ZAMPONI.--1992. Pennatulacea (Cnidar- ia: Octocorallia) de la region subantarctica: nuevos taxa y regis- tros. Iheringia (Ser. Zool.) 73:47-53, figs. 1-10. [Establishes Pannatula argentina and Halipteris heptazooidea as new species and reports Pennatula inflata Kukenthal and Anthoptilum grandiflorum (Verrill). The photographs of the new spp. are so indistinct and the drawings so crude that no definite conclusions can be drawn. Pennatula argentina does not even remotely resemble Pennatula and clearly does not belong in that genus; the photograph of the colony suggests Anthoptilum. Halipteris heptazooidea is unrecog- nizable.]

ADAMS, ROGER OMAR.--1980. Investigations of color, morphology and development of the sea whip, Leptogorgia virgulata, (Lamarck) (Cnidaria: Octocorallia: Gorgonacea). Ph.D. dissertation, Florida State University, College of Arts and Sciences. 87 pp.

AGASSIZ, ALEXANDER.--1888. Three cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey steamer "Blake" in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880. Vol. 2. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 15:i-vi + 1- 220, figs. 195-545.

AHOND, ALAIN, B.F. BOWDEN, J.F. COLL, J.-D. FOURNERON and S.J. MITCHELL.--1979. Studies of Australian soft corals. XII. Further cembranolide diterpenes from Lobophytum crassospiculatum and a correction of a previous stereochemical assignment. Australian Journal of Chemistry 32:1273-1280.

AHOND, ALAIN, B.F. BOWDEN, J.F. COLL, J.-D. FOURNERON and S.J. MITCHELL.--1981. Studies of Australian soft corals. XXV. Several caryophyllene-based diterpenes from a Nephthea species. Australian Journal of Chemistry 34:2657-2664.

AHOND, ALAIN, A. CHIARONI, J.C. COLL, J.D. FOURNERON, C. RICHE, J.C. BRAEKMAN, D. DALOZE, B. TURSCH and P.J. DUNSTAN.--1979. Studies of Australian soft corals. XVII. The isolation and properties of lemnalactone, 7-epi-lemnalactone and their derivatives. A correc- tion of several literature assignments, supported by x-ray dif- fraction. Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. 88(5):313-?

AHOND, ALAIN, J.C. COLL and J.D. FOURNERON.--1979. Studies of Austra- lian soft corals. XIV. The structure of lemnalactone and 7-epi- lemnalactone, a reassessment. Tertrahedron Letters 21:1879-1880.

ALCOLADO, PEDRO M.--1981. Zonacion de los Gorgonaceos someros de Cuba y su posible uso como indicadores comparativos de tension Hidrodinamica sobre los Organismos del Bentos. Academia de Ciencias de Cuba. Informe Cientifico-Tecnico 187:1-84.

ALCOLADO, PEDRO M.--1984. Utilidad de algunos indices ecologicas estructurales en el estudio de comunidades marinas de Cuba. Acad. Ciencias Cuba. Ciencias Biologicas 11:61-77.

ALCOLADO, PEDRO M.--1985. Sinonimia de Plexaurella fusifera Kunze 1916 con P. dichotoma (Esper 1791) (Coelenterata: Gorgonacea). Poeyana 294:1-3, illustr.

ALCOLADO, PEDRO M, ANGELA CORVEA, and ALFREDO GONZALEZ.--1980. Varia- ciones morfologicas internas y externas de los abanicos de mar (Gorgonia spp.) y su valor adaptativo. Acad. Ciencias Cuba. Cien- cias Biologicas 5:47-56.

ALDER, JOSHUA.--1858. A catalogue of the zoophytes of Northumberland and Durham. Trans. Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club 3:93-162, pls. 3-10.

ALDER, JOSHUA.--1862. Occurrence of a sea pen new to Britain (Virgu- laria christi, Kor. and Daniels.). Trans. Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club 5:60-61.

ALDER, JOSHUA.--1863. Supplement to a catalogue of the zoophytes of Northumberland and Durham. Trans. Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club 5:225-247, Pls. 8-11.

ALDER, JOSHUA.--1863. Report on the zoophytes. In: Mennen, H.T. (Ed.), Report of the dredging expedition to Dogger Bank and the coasts of Northumberland. Trans. Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club 5:288- 290.

ALDERSLADE, PHILIP.--1983. Dampia pocilloporaeformis, a new genus and a new species of Octocorallia (Coelenterata) from Australia. The Beagle 1(4):33-40, figs 1-5.

ALDERSLADE, PHILIP.--1985. Redescription of Acrophytum claviger (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). The Beagle 2(1):105-113.

ALDERSLADE, PHILIP.--1986. An unusual leaf-like gorgonian (Coelentera- ta: Octocorallia) from the Great Barrier Reef. The Beagle 3(1): 81-93, figs. 1-12. [Describes Hicksonella expansa n. sp., and compares with H. princeps Nutting.]

ALDERSLADE, PHILIP.--1986. New species of the gorgonian genus Plumi- gorgia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) with a review of the family Ifalukellidae. The Beagle 3(1):95-122, figs. 1-21. [Describes and illustrates Plumigorgia terminosclera, P. schuboti, n. spp. and compares with P. hydroides Nutting; diagnoses of Plumigorgia and Ifalukella; key to genera and species.]

ALDERSLADE, PHILIP.--1987. A new species of Sinularia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from Western Australia, with extraordinary massive sclerites. The Beagle 4(1):85-94, figs. 1-9. [Describes and illustrates Sinularia megasclera sp. nov.]

ALDERSLADE, PHILIP.--1992. Mopsea Lamouroux, 1816 (Cnidaria, Antho- zoa): proposed designation of Isis encrinula Lamarck, 1815 as the type species. Bull. Zool. Nomenclature 49(2):104-108. [Decision rendered in Opinion 1738, Bull. Zool. Nomenclature 50(3):240-241 (1993).]

ALDERSLADE, PHILIP--1993. Subclass Alcyonaria Octocorals (Class Antho- zoa). Pp. 74-79, figs. 27-30 in: Mather, Patricia and Isobel Bennett (Eds.). A coral reef handbook: a guide to the geology, flora and fauna of the Great Barrier Reef. Third edition. Austra- lian Coral Reef Society Handbook No. 1. Pp. xvi + 264, 8 colored pls. Chipping Norton NSW: Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Limited.

ALDERSLADE, PHILIP.--1993. A redescription of Alcyonium agaricum Stimpson with a generic placement in Sarcophyton (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). Precious Corals & Octocoral Research 1:20-29, figs. 1-7, pl. 18.

ALDERSLADE, PHILIP.--1994. A redescription of Anthomastus agilis Tixier-Durivault with generic placement in Sinularia (Coelentera- ta: Octocorallia), and some remarks on Sinularia ramosa Tixier- Durivault. The Beagle 11:133-139, ill. (November.)

ALDERSLADE, PHILIP.-- 2006. New subfamilies and a new genus and species of Melithaeidae (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Alyconacea) with compartative data on the structure of both melithaeid and subergorgiid axes. Zootaxa 1199: 19-47.

ALDERSLADE, PHILIP and JODY BAXTER.--1987. A new species of Sinularia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from Western Australia. Rec. West. Aust. Mus. 13(2):203-214, figs. 1-8. [Describes and illustrates Sinularia platysma, n. sp., from Rottnest Island.]

ALDERSLADE, PHILIP and PRITA SHIRWAIKER.--1991. A new species of soft corals (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from the Laccadive Archipela- go. The Beagle, Records of the Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences 8(1):189-233, figs. 1-48.

ALDROVANDI, ULISSE.--1606. De reliquis animalibus exanguibus libri quatuor post mortem ejus editi: nempe de mollibus, crustaceis, testaceis, et zoophytis. [vii]+ 593 +[26] pp., portrait. Bononiae.

ALDROVANDI, ULISSE.--1648. Musaeum metallicum in libros IIII distribu- tum. Bartholomaeus Ambrosinus...composuit...Marcus Antonius Ber- lucem edidit... [6] + 979 + [3] pp. [Bononiae: Typis Jo. Baptistae Ferronii].

ALLEMAND, DENIS.--1993. The biology and skeletogenesis of the Mediter- ranean red coral, a review. Precious Corals & Octocoral Research 2:19-39, frontisp. 1; figs. 1-18. [Color photo of expanded polyps of Corallium rubrum.]

ALEXANDROWICZ, STEFAN W.--1977. Sclerites of octocorals from the Upper Cretaceous of eastern Poland. J. Paleontol. 51 (4):687-692.

ALINO, P.M., ET AL.--1989. Studies of the feeding preferences of Chaetodon melannotus (Pisces) for soft corals (Coelenterata; Octocorallia). Proc. 6th Int. Coral Reef Symp. 3:31-35.

ALINO, P.M. and J.C. COLL.--1989. Observations of the synchronized mass spawning and post settlement activity of octocorals of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia: biological aspects. Bulletin of Marine Science 45(3):697-707.

ALINO, P.M., P.W. SAMMARCO and J.C. COLL.--1992. Competitive strategies in soft corals (Coelenterata, Octocorallia). 4. Environmentally induced reversals in competitive superiority. Marine Ecol. Progress Series 81(2):129-145.

ALLEMAND, DENIS, J.P. CUIF, N. WATABE, M. OISHI and T. KAWAGUCHI.--1994. The organic matrix of skeletal structures of the Mediterranean red coral, Corallium rubrum. Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco, Numero Special 14(1):129-139, ill.

ALLEMAND, DENIS and M.C. GRILLO.--1990. La biocalcification cez le corail rouge, Corallium rubrum. 2, Approches biochimique et physi- ologique. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Medit. 32:148.

ALLEMAND, DENIS and M.C. GRILLO.--1992. Biocalcification mechanism in gorgonians: 45Ca uptake and deposition by the Mediterranean red Coral Corallium rubrum. Journal of Experimental Zoology 262:237- 246.

ALMOURABIT, A., A. AHOND, A. CHIARONI, C. POUPAT, R.P. POTIER, P. LABOUTE and J.-L. MENOU.--1988. Invertebres marins du Lagon Neo- Caledonien 9. Havannachlorhydrines, nouveaux metabolites de Xenia membranacea: etude structurale et configuration absolue. . J. Natural Prod. (Lloydia) 51(2):282-292, ill.

ALONSO, C.--1979. Estudio morfologico y biometrico de las espiculas de Renilla muelleri Koelliker, 1872 (Anthozoa Pennatulacea). Revista Brasileira de Biologia 39(4):827-834, 6 figs., 3 tables.

ALTUNA PRADOS, A.--[1993]. Eunicella labiata Thomson, 1927 (Cnidaria: Anthozoa), en las costas europeas. Thalassas 10:123-127, ill.

ANCTIL, M.--1987. Bioactivity of FMRFamide and related peptides on a contractile system of the coelenterate Renilla kollikeri. Journal comp. Physiol. (B)157(1):31-38, ill.

ANDERSON, D.G.--1985. Gorgosterol biosynthesis: localization of squa- lene formation in the zooxanthellar component of various gorgo- nians. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (B)81(2):423-428, illustr.

ANONYMOUS.--1865. Il corallo. Annuario Scientifico ed Industriale 1:163-165.

ANONYMOUS.--1865. Die Edelkoralle. Das Ausland for 1865, no. 1:20-22, 2 figs. (January 7.)

ANONYMOUS ("R.").--1868. Verbreitung der rothen Coralle im Mittelmeer. Zeitschr. Gesellsch. Erdkunde zu Berlin (3) 3:B3-B4.

ANONYMOUS.--1868. The coral fishery on the Italian coasts...Journal of the Royal Society of Arts 12 June 1868:552. (Extract in Bull. Soc. Imp. Acclimat. (2) 5 (7):532-533.)

ANONYMOUS.--1869. De la peche du corail. Bull. Soc. Imp. Acclimat. (2)6(1):10-19.

ANONYMOUS.--1870. Die Korallenfischerei im Mittellandischen Meere. Aus der Natur 53 (78):445-447.

ANONYMOUS.--1870. Mediterranische Korallenfischerei und Korallen- Industrie. Ausland 43:518-520.

ANONYMOUS.--1873. Ueber die Korallenfischerei an den Kusten Algeriens. Katalog d. Wiener Weltausstellung, Algerie Catalogue spec. Paris. 1873. (Extract in Lotos 24:1874.)

ANONYMOUS.--1875. Eine neue Korallenbank bei Sicilien. Globus 28 (10): 160.

ANONYMOUS.--1875. Korallen in Sizilien. Aus der Natur 66:

ANONYMOUS.--1876. Korallenfischerei in Italien. Zool. Garten 17:415.

ANONYMOUS (Sr.).--1884. Produktion der Korallen. Zool. Garten 25 (9): 288.

ANONYMOUS.--1885. Korallenfischerei im Meere von Sciacca. Zool. Garten 26:94.

ANONYMOUS.--1911. Ueber die japanische Koralle als Handelsartikel. Deutsch. Japan. Post, Yokohama.

ANONYMOUS.--1979. Animal life of the Great Barrier Reef. Wildlife Aust. 16(3):69-71.

ANONYMOUS.--1986. Of seawhip and sponges. New York Shell Club Notes. no. 301:13.

APOSTOLIDIS, N.--1907. Le corail grec. In: La Grece maritime. Exposi- tion maritime internationale de Bordeaux. Special edition du Ministere de la Marine. Athenes. Pp. 185-214.

ARNDT, W.--1912. Notiz uber Virgularia mirabilis. Zool. Anzeiger 40 (2/3):93- 94

ASBJ0RNSEN, P. CHR.--1856. Beskrivelse over Kophobelemnon mulleri, en ny Sofjaerslaegt. In: Sars, M., J. Koren and D.C. Danielssen (Eds.), Fauna Littoralis Norvegiae 2:81-85, pl. 10, figs. 1-S.

ASHWORTH, J.H.--1898. The stomodaeum, mesenterial filaments, and endoderm in Xenia. Proc. Roy. Soc. London 53:443-446.

ASHWORTH, J.H.--1899. The structure of Xenia hicksoni, nov. sp., with some observations on Heteroxenia elizabethae, Kolliker. Quarterly Journ. Microsc. Sci., (new series) 42 (3):245-304, pls. 23-27.

ASHWORTH, J.H.--1900. Report on the Xeniidae collected by Dr. Willey. Zoological Results based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewhere, collected during the years 1895, 1896 and 1897, by Arthur Willey part 4:509-530, pls. 52-53.

ATES, R.M.L.--1981. Doomansduim--Alcyonium digitatum (Linnaeus). Het Zee- Aquarium Jahrgang 31(4):9-11.

ATES, R.M.L.--[date?] Neteldieren (Cnidaria), Inleiding. Het Zeeaquar- ium Gids & Handboek De Dieren en Wieren 3(2):1-18. [Brief general account of Anthozoa on pp. 6-9 (in Dutch) with figures reproduced from Bayer & Owre, 1968.]

AUDOUIN, VICTOR.--1809 [1826]. Explication sommaire des planches dont les dessins ont ete fournis par M.J.C. Savigny, pour l'histoire naturelle de l'ouvrage. Description de l'Egypte, ou recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont ete faites en Egypte pend- ant l'Expedition de l'Armee Francaise, publie par les ordres de sa Majeste l'Empereur Napoleon le Grand. Histoire Naturelle 1. Zoophytes: pp. 213-214; Polypes: 225-244. [See Bulletin of Zoolog- ical Nomenclature 43(1):107- 111.]

AUDOUIN: SHERBORN, C.D.--1897. On the dates of the natural history portion of Savigny's 'Description de l'Egypte'. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1897:285-288.

AUDOUIN: TOLLITT, M.E.--1986. Dates and authorship of the text volumes of the Histoire Naturelle section of Savigny's Description de l'Egypte. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 43(1):107-111.

AURIVILLIUS, MAGNUS.--1931. The Gorgonarians from Dr. Sixten Bock's expedition to Japan and Bonin Islands 1914. Kungl. Svenska Vetens- kapsakad. Handlingar (3) 9 (4):1-337, figs. 1-65, pls. 1-6.

AVELINA MARY, S., S. VITALINA MARY, R. SAROJINI and R. NAGABHUSHA- NAM.--1994. Broad spectrum natural products from the Indian Ocean octocoral Euplexaura nuttingi. Pp. 241-249 in Thompson, M.F. et. al (Eds.): Recent developments in biofouling control. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, xiv + 450 pp.


BAKER, B.J., R.K. OKUDA, P.T.K. YU and P.J. SCHEUER.--1985. Punaglan- dins: halogenated antitumor eicosanoids from the octocoral Telesto riisei. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 107:2976-2977.

BAKER, B.J. and P.J. SCHEUER.--1994. The punaglandins: 10-chloroprosa- noids from the octocoral Telesto riisei. Journal of Natural Pro- ducts (Lloydia) 57(10):1346-1353, ill.

BAKUS, G.J. and M. KAWAGUCHI.--1984. Toxins from marine organisms: studies on antifouling. Pp. 43-46 in Bolis, L., J. Zadunaisky and R. Gilles. Toxins, drugs, and pollutants in marine animals. Ber- lin: Springer-Verlag, xiii+193 pp. [Toxins of Lophogorgia chilen- sis, Muricea californica.]

BALSS, HEINRICH.--1909. Ueber Pennatuliden des Munchener Museum. Zool. Anzeiger 34:423-431.

BALSS, HEINRICH.--1910. Japanische Pennatuliden. In: Doflein, F. (Ed.), Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte Ostasiens. Abhandl. math.- phys. Klasse K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Suppl.-Bd. 1 (10):1-106, pls. 1-6.

BALUK, WACLAW and ANDRZEJ POSERA.--1984. A new species of sea pens, Graphularia transaedina sp. n., from the Korynica Clays (Middle Miocene; Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland). Acta Geologica Polonica 34(3-4):203-211, pls. 1-8.

BANDURRAGA, M.M. and W. FENICAL.--1985. Isolation of the muricins. Evidence of a chemical adaptation against fouling in the marine octocoral Muricea fruticosa (Gorgonacea). Tetrahedron 41:1057- 1067.

BANDURRAGA, M.M., W. FENICAL, S.F. DONOVAN and J. CLARDY.--1982. Peudopterolide, an irregular diterpenoid with unusual cytotoxic properties from the Caribbean sea whip Pseudopterogorgia acerosa (Pallas) (Gorgonacea). J. Amer. Chem Soc. 104:6463-6465.

BARHAM, ERIC G. and ISSAAC E. DAVIES.--1968. Gorgonians and water motion studies in Gulf of California. Underwater Naturalist (Winter 1968) 5(3):24- 28, 42; figs. 1-4.

BARLETTA, G. and M. VIGHI.--1968. Richerche sul corallo rosso. V. Poriferi perforanti lo sclerasse di Corallium rubrum Lamarck. Rend. Sci. Inst. Lomb. (B)102:145-159.

BARNARD, J.LAURENS and J.D. THOMAS.--1983. A new species of Amphi- lochus from the gorgonian Pterogorgia anceps in the Caribbean Sea. Pp. 179-187 in: John, P.A. [Ed.]. Selected papers on Crustacea. Prof. (Dr.) N. Krishna Pillai felicitation volume. Trivandrum: Prof. N. Krishna Pillai Farewell Committee.

BARRELIER, JACQUES.--1714. Plantae per Galliam, Hispaniam et Italiam observatae, iconibus aeneis exhibitae a R.P. Jacobo Barreliero Parisino... opus posthumum. Accurante Antonio de Jussieu in lucem editum, & ad recentiorum normen digestum. Cui accessit ejusdem auctoris specimen de insectis quibusdam marinis, molli- bus, crustaceis is & testaceis. 5 lvs + xxvi + 140 pp. Pari- siis: apud S. Ganeau.

BASTER, JOB.--1759-1765. Natuurkundige Uitspanningen, behelzende eenige waarneemingen, over sommige Zee-Planten en Zee-Insecten, benevens derzelver Zaadhuisjes en Eijernesten. Vol. 1:1-173, pls. 1-16 (1759-61); vol. 2:1- 171, pls. 1-13 (1761-65). Te Haarlem: J. Bosch.

BATIE, R.E.--1972. Investigations concerning the taxonomic status of the sea pen Ptilosarcus gurneyi (Cnidaria, Pennatulacea). North- west Science, 46(4):290-299, pls.1-3, 2 tables.

BAUHIN, JOHANN.--1650-51. Historia plantarvm universalis et absolv- tissima, cvm consensv et dissensv circa eas, auctoribus Ioh. Ioh. Henr. Cherlero...quam recensuit et auxit Dominicvs Chabraevs... Juris vero publici fecit Franciscvs Lvd. a Graffenried... 3 vols. Ebrodvni.

BAUHIN, CASPAR.--1671. Prodromos theatri botanici in quo plantae supra sex centae ab ipso primum descriptae cum plurimis figuris proponuntur. Editio altera emendatior. Pp. 1-160 + [1-12]. Basileae: impensis Ioannis Regis.

BAUHIN, CASPAR.--1671. Pinax theatri botanici sive index in Theoph- rasti Dioscoridis Plinii et botanicorvm qui a seculo scripserunt opera plantarvm circiter sex millivm ab ipsis exhibitarvm nomina cum earundem synonymjs & differentijs methodice secundum genera & species proponens. Pp. [xix] + 518 + [1-22]. Basileae: Impensis Joannis Regis. (First ed: 1623.)

BAVASTRELLO, G., R. CATTANO-VIETTI and L. SENES.--Micro and macro differences in Mediterranean red coral colonies in and outside a cave. Boll. Mus. Inst. Biol. Univ. Genova 58-59:117-123, ill.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1949. The Alcyonaria of Bikini and other atolls in the Marshall group. Part 1: The Gorgonacea. Pacific Science 3 (3):195-210, pls. 1-4.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1949. Chalcogorgiinae, a new subfamily of Chrysogorgiidae (Coelenterata: Alcyonaria), and a description of Chalcogorgia pellucida, new genus and new species, from the Straits of Florida. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 39 (7):237- 240, 1 fig.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1950. A new precious coral from North Borneo. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 40 (2):59-61, 1 fig.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1950. A new species of the gorgonacean genus Ainigmaptilon Dean (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). Journ. Washing- ton Acad. Sci. 40 (9):295-298, 2 figs.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1951. Two new primnoid corals of the subfamily Calyptrophorinae (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). Journ. Washing- ton Acad. Sci. 41 (1):40-43, 2 figs.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1951. A new Caribbean coral of the genus Chryso- gorgia. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 101:269-273, figs. 56-57, pl. 9. [No more than a synonym of C. desbonni Duch. & Mich.]

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1951. A revision of the nomenclature of the Gorgoniidae (Coelenterata: Octocorallia), with an illustrated key to the genera. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 41 (3):91-102, 14 figs.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1952. A new Calyptrophora (Coelenterata: Octo- corallia) from the Philippine Islands. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 42 (3):82-84, 1 fig.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1952. Descriptions and redescriptions of the Hawaiian octocorals collected by the U.S. Fish Commission steam- er "Albatross." (1. Alcyonacea, Stolonifera and Telestacea.) Pacific Science 6 (2):126-136, 8 figs.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1952. Two new species of Arthrogorgia (Gorgona- cea: Primnoidae) from the Aleutian Islands region. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 65: 63-70, pls. 2-3.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1952. New western Atlantic records of octocorals (Coelenterata: Anthozoa), with descriptions of three new species. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 42 (6):183-189, 1 fig.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1953. Zoogeography and evolution in the octocorallian family Gorgoniidae. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf and Carib. 3 (2):100-119, 5 figs.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1954. Anthozoa: Alcyonaria. In: Galtsoff, P.S. (Ed.) Gulf of Mexico; its origin, waters, and marine life. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Fishery Bull. 89:279-284.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1954. New names for two genera of Octocorallia. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 44 (9):296.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1955. Remarkably preserved fossil sea-pens and their Recent counterparts. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 45 (9): 294-300, 2 figs.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1955. Contributions to the nomenclature, systematics, and morphology of the Octocorallia. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 105:207-220, pls. 1-8.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1956. Descriptions and redescriptions of the Hawaiian octocorals collected by the U.S. Fish Commission steam- er "Albatross" (2. Gorgonacea: Scleraxonia). Pacific Science 10 (1):67-95, 11 figs.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1956. Octocorallia. Pp. 163-231, figs. 134-162. In: Moore, R.C. (Ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology Part F. Coelenterata. xx + 498 pp., 358 figs. Lawrence, Kansas: Geolog- ical Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1957. Recent octocorals. [Annotated bibliography] in: Ladd, H.S. (Ed.), Treatise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology. Geol. Soc. Amer. Memoir 67 (1):1105-1107.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--[1958.] Additional records of western Atlantic octocorals. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 47 (11):379-390, figs. 1-4.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--195B. Les Octocoralliaires plexaurides des cotes occidentales d'Amerique. Mem. Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat. Paris, nouvelle serie (A) 16 (2):41-56, pls. 1-6.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1958. Further remarks on the geographical distribution of Gorgoniidae. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 48 (12):394-396, figs. 1-7.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1959. A review of the gorgonacean genus Placo- gorgia Studer, with a description of Placogorgia tribuloides, a new species from the Straits of Florida. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 49(2):54-61, figs. 1-15.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1959. Octocorals from Surinam and the adjacent coasts of South America. Stud. Fauna Suriname and other Guianas 6:1-43, figs. 1-21.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1959. The alcyonarian and black corals (Antho- zoa: Octocorallia and Antipatharia) described and figured by G.E. Rumphius. Pp. 225-247, pls. 1-3 in: de Wit, H.C.D. (Ed.), Rumphius Memorial Volume. v + 462 pp., 26 pls. Baarn: Uitgeverij en Drukkerij Hollandia N.V.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1961. The shallow-water Octocorallia of the West Indian region. A manual for marine biologists. Stud. Fauna Curacao and other Caribbean Islands 12:1-373, figs. 1-101, pls. 1-27.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1964. A new species of the octocorallian genus Paragorgia trawled in Florida waters by R.V. "Gerda." Zool. Mededelingen 39:56--532, figs. 1-3.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1964. The genus Corallium (Gorgonacea: Sclerax- onia) in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Carib. 14 figs. 1-7.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1974. Plexaura homomalla: brief historical background. In: Bayer, F.M. and A.J. Weinheimer (Eds.), Prosta- glandins from Plexaura homomalla: ecology, utilization and conservation of a major medical marine resource. Stud. Trop. Oceanogr. 12:1-8, figs. 1-13.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1974. Studies on the anatomy and histology of Plexaura homomalla in Florida. In: Bayer, F.M. and A.J. Weinheimer (Eds.), Idem. Stud. Trop. Oceanogr. 12:62-100, figs. 1-62.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1974. A new species of Trichogorgia and records of two other octocorals new to the Palau Islands. Micronesica 10(2):257-271, pls. 1-3.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1982. Some new and old species of the primnoid genus Callogorgia Gray, with a revalidation of the related genus Fanellia gray (Coelenterata: Anthozoa). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 95(1):116-160.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1981. Pseudoplumarella echidna, a new species of primnoid octocoral from Queensland (Coelenterata: Octocoral- lia). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 94(2):622-630.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1981. On some genera of stoloniferous octocor- als (Coelenterata: Anthozoa), with descriptions of new taxa. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 94(3):878-901. (16 October.)

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1981. Key to the genera of Octocorallia exclu- sive of Pennatulacea (Coelenterata: Anthozoa), with diagnoses of new taxa. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 94(3):901-947, figs. 1-80. (16 October.)

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1982. International Octocoral Workshop.--Sum- mary of Activities. Bulletin of Marine Science 32(4):952-954.

BAYER, FREDERICK M.--1988. Mirostenella articulata, a remarkable new genus and species of primnoid octocoral with uncalcfified axial nodes. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 101(2):251-256, figs. 1-3. (23 August.)

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1989. A new isidid octocoral (Coelenterata:Gorgonacea) from the Galapagos Rift. Boletim de Zoologia, Univ. S|o Paulo, Brazil 10:197-208, fig. 1, pls. 1-3.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1990. A new isidid octocoral (Anthozoa: Gorgonacea) from New Caledonia, with descriptions of other new species from elsewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the Biologi- cal Society of Washington 103(1):205-228, figs. 1-14.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1990. The identity of Fannyella rossii J.E. Gray (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 103(4):773-783, figs. 1-6.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1992. Thelogorgia, a new genus of gorgonacean octocorals, with descriptions of four new species from the western Atlantic. Bulletin of Marine Science 49(1/2):506-537, figs. 1-23.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1992. The helioporacean octocoral Epiphaxum Recent and fossil. A monographic iconography. Studies in Tropical Oceanography 15:i-viii + 1-76, 62 figs.<>

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1993. Taxonomic status of the octocoral genus Bathyalcyon (Alcyoniidae: Anthomastinae), with descriptions of a new subspecies from the Gulf of Mexico and a new species of Anthomastus from Antarctic waters. Precious Corals & Octocoral Research [Tokyo] 1:3-13, pls. 1-9.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1993. Generic reassignment and affinities of Sympodium salomonense Thomson & Mackinnon (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). Precious Corals & Octocoral Research [Tokyo] 1:14-19, pls. 10-17.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1993. Two new species of the gorgonacean genus Paragorgia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). Precious Corals & Octocoral Research [Tokyo] 2:1-40, figs. 1-3 [Fig. 1 (page 8) transposed with fig. 3 (page 18) of following paper].

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1993. A new scleraxonian octocoral (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) from Antarctic waters. Precious Corals & Octocoral Research [Tokyo] 2:11-18, figs. 1-3 [Fig. 3 (page 18) transposed with fig. 1 (page 8) of preceding title].

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1994. A new species of the gorgonacean genus Bebryce (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from Papua-New Guinea. Bulletin of Marine Science 54(2):546-553, figs. 1-4.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1994. A new species of the gorgonacean genus Muricea (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from the Caribbean Sea. Precious Corals & Octocoral Research 3:23-27, pls.3-7.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1995. A new genus of alcyonacean coral (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from Caribbean waters. Bulletin of Marine Science 56(2):592-596, figs. 1, 2.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1995. A new species of the gorgonacean genus Narella (Anthozoa: Octocorallia) from Hawaiian waters. Proceed- ings of the Biological Society of Washington 108(1):147-152, figs. 1-3.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1995. Two new species of the alcyonacean genus Protodendron (Octocorallia: Alcyoniidae) from the Indian Ocean off Natal. Bulletin of Marine Science 57(2):301-312, figs. 1-8.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1996. New primnoid gorgonians (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from Antarctic waters. Bulletin of Marine Science 58(2):511-530, figs. 1-16.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1996. The Antarctic genus Callozostron and its relationship to Primnoella (Octocorallia, Gorgonacea: Primnoidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 109(1):150-203, 38 figs.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1996. Three new species of precious coral (Anthozoa: Gorgonacea, genus Corallium) from Pacific waters. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 109(2):205- 228, figs. 1-19.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. 1996. A new species of Acanthogorgia (Anthozoa: Octocorallia) from Aldabra Atoll. Precious Corals & Octocoral Research 4-5:1-16, 8 figs.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. and ELISABETH DEICHMANN.--1958. Two new plexaurid gorgonians from the Bahama Islands. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Carib. 8(3):224-235, figs. 1-5.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. and ELISABETH DEICHMANN.--1960. The Ellisellidae (Octocorallia) and their bearing on the zoogeography of the eastern Pacific. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 73:175-182, 2 figs.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. and MANFRED GRASSHOFF. 1995. Two new species of the gorgonacean genus Ctenocella (Coelenterata: Anthozoa, Octocorallia) from deep reefs in the western Atlantic. Bulletin of Marine Science 56(2)597-624, figs. 1-23.

BAYER, FREDERICK M and MANFRED GRASSHOFF. 1994. The genus group taxa of the family Ellisellidae, with clarification of the genera established by J.E. Gray (Cnidaria; Octocorallia). Senckenber- giana biologica 74(1-2):21-45.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. and MANFRED GRASSHOFF. In Press. Riisea and riisei (Cnidaria, Anthozoa): proposed conservation as the correct original spellings of generic and specific names based on the surname Riise by Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1860. (Case 2940). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. and MANFRED GRASSHOFF. In Press. Umbellula Cuvier, 1798: conservation of universally accepted spelling by ruling that Ombellula Cuvier, 1798, is deemed to be an incorrect original spelling. 19 Ms pp. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature.

BAYER, FREDERICK M., MANFRED GRASSHOFF and JAKOB VERSEVELDT.--1983. Illustrated trilingual glossary of morphological and anatomical terms applied to Octocorallia. Leiden, E.J. Brill/Dr. W. Back- huys. Pp. 1-75, incl. 20 pls.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. and KATHERINE MARGARET MUZIK.--1976. New genera and species of the holaxonian family Chrysogorgiidae (Octocorallia: Gorgonacea). Zool. Mededelingen 50(5):65-90, figs. 1-10, pls 1-7.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. and KATHERINE MARGARET MUZIK.--1976. A new solitary octocoral, Taiaroa tauhou gen. et sp. nov. (Coelentera- ta: Protoalcyonaria) from New Zealand. Journ. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 6 (4):499-515, figs. 1-10.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. and KATHERINE MARGARET MUZIK.--1977. An Atlantic helioporan coral (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 90 (4):975- 984, figs. 1-6.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. and DENNIS M. OPRESKO.--1991. Rediscovery of the enigmatic coelenterate Dendrobrachia, (Octocorallia: Gorgonacea) with descriptions of two new species. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 115(1):1-19, figs. 1-13.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. and JEFFREY STEFANI.--1987. Isididae (Gorgonacea) de Nouvelle-Caledonie. Nouvelle cle des genres de la famille. Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., Paris (4)9(A)1:47-106, incl. pls. 1- 30. (18 Sept. 1987.)

BAYER, FREDERICK M. and JEFFREY STEFANI.--1987. New and previously known taxa of isidid octocorals (Coelenterata: Gorgonacea), partly from Antarctic waters, with descriptions of new taxa. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 100(4):937-991, figs. 1-31.

BAYER, FREDERICK M. and JEFFREY STEFANI.--1988. A new species of Chrysogorgia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from New Caledonia, with a review of some other species from the western Pacific. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 101(2):257-279, figs. 1-14. (23 August.)

BAYER, FREDERICK M. and JEFFREY STEFANI.--[1988]. Primnoidae (Gorgonacea) de Nouvelle-Caledonie. Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., Paris (4)10(A)3:449-476, pls. 1-42. (27 January 1989.)

BAYER, FREDERICK M. See also under Deichmann, E., Grigg, R., Opresko, D., and Verseveldt, J.

BEHETY GONZALES, PEDRO A.--1975. Nuevos reportes de gorgonaceos (Coelenterata) para Cuba. Acad. Ciencias Cuba. Serie Oceanologica 33:1-10.

BEHETY GONZALEZ, P.A. and M. GUARDIOLA.--1979. Ciclo reproductivo de Plexaura homomalla (Esper, 1792) forma kukenthali Moser, 1921 (Gorgonacea). Acad. Ser. Cienc. Cuba, Biol. 3:99-104.

BELEM, MARIA JULIA daC. and L.C. FIGUEIREDO ALVARENGA.--1973. Con- tribuicao ao conhecimento da fauna de Cnidarios dos Estados da Guanabara e do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. I.--Virgularia presbytes Bayer, 1955 (Anthozoa,Pennatulacea, Virgulariidae). Atas da Sociedade de Biologia do Rio de Janeiro 17 (1):41-51, figs. 1 12.

BELL, FRANCIS JEFFREY.--1888. Description of Xiphigorgia ridleyi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) 2:176-177, figs. A-B.

BELL, FRANCIS JEFFREY.--1889. Description of some new or rare spe- cies of plexaurids. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1889:47-50, pl. 3.

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BENAYAHU, YEHUDA.--1982. A new species of Metalcyonium (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea) from the Red Sea. Zoologische Mededelingen 56(16):197-201, fig. 1, pls. 1-4.

BENAYAHU, YEHUDA.--1983. Surface brooding in the Red Sea soft coral Parerythropodium filvum fulvum (Forskal, 1775). Biological Bulletin 165(2):353-369.

BENAYAHU, YEHUDA.--1985. Faunistic composition and patterns in the distribution of soft corals (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) along the coral reefs of the Sinai Peninsula. Proc. 5th int. Coral Reef Congress 6:255-260.

BENAYAHU, Y.--1987. Reproduction and external brooding in the octocoral Clavularia hamra Gohar. In: 22nd European Mar. Biol. Symp. Abstracts (1987).

BENAYAHU, YEHUDA.--1989. Reproductive cycle and developmental processes during embryogenesis of Clavularia hamra (Cnidaria, Octocorallia). Acta Zool. 70:29-36.

BENAYAHU, Y.--1990. Xeniidae (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) from the Red Sea, with the description of a new species. Zoologische Medede- lingen 64(9):113-120, figs. 1-3.

BENAYAHU, Y.--1991. Reproduction and developmental pathways of Red Sea Xeniidae (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea). Hydrobiologia 216:125-130.

BENAYAHU, Y.--1993. Alcyonacea from Sodwana Bay, South Africa. Oceanogr. Res. Inst. (Durban) Investigational Rept. 67:3-16, illustr.

BENAYAHU, Y.--1995. Species composition of soft corals (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea) on the coral reefs of Sesoko Island, Ryukyu Archipela- go, Japan. Galaxea 12:103-124, figs. 1-10, pls. 1, 2.

BENAYAHU, Y.--1995. Corals of the south-west Indian Ocean. II. Eleutherobia aurea spec. nov. (Cnidaria, Alcyonacea) from deep reefs on the KwaZulu-Natal coast, South Africa. Oceanogr. Research Inst. (Durban), Investigational Report 68:1-12, frontisp., figs. 1-7.

BENAYAHU, Y., Y. ACHITUV and T. BERNER.--1988. Embryogenesis and acquisition of algal symbionts by planulae of Xenia umbellata (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea). Marine Biology 100:93-101.

BENAYAHU, Y., T. BERNER and Y. ACHITUV.--1989. Development of planu- lae within a mesogleal coat in the soft coral Heteroxenia fus- cescens. Marine Biology 100:203-210, figs. 1-22.

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BENAYAHU, Y and Y. LOYA.--1984. Life history studies on the Red Sea soft coral Xenia macrospiculata Gohar, 1940. II. Planulae shed- ding and postlarval development. Biol. Bull. 166:44-53.

BENAYAHU, Y. and Y. LOYA.--1984. Substratum preferences and planulae settling of two Red Sea Alcyonaceansn: Xenia macrospiculata Gohar and Parerythropodium fulvum fulvum (Forskal). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., Vol. 83 pp. 249-261.

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BLEEKER, PIETER.--1859. Over eenige nieuwe soorten van Zeeveders of Pennatulina (polypi natantes) van den Indische Archipel. Naturk. Tijdschr. Nederl. Indie 20:399-404. (Summary in Latin under the title "Sur des especes nouvelles de Pennatulina (polypi natantes) de l'Archipel indien," in Revue et Magasin de Zool. (2)14(1):38- 42, January 1862.)

BOCCONE, PAOLO.--1674. Recherches et observations curieuses sur la nature du corail blanc & rouge vray de Dioscoride; et sur la sangsue qui se trouve attachee au poisson xiphias, avec son anatomie & autres choses fort rare, proposees & examinees a diverses fois dans l'Accademie de M. l'abbe Bourdelot. 69 pp. Paris: Claudi Barbin.

BOCCONE, PAOLO.--1674. Recherches et observations naturelles de Monsieur Boccone Gentilhomme Sicilien; touchant le Corail, la Pierre Etoilee, les Pierres de figure de Coquilles, la Corne d'Ammon, l'Astroite Undulatus, les Dents de Poissons petrifiees, les Herissons alterez, l'Embrasement du Mont Etna, la Sangsue du Xiphias, l'Alcyonium stupposum, le Bezoar Mineral, & les Plantes qu'on trouve dans la Sicile, avec quelques Reflexions sur la Vegetation des Plantes. Examinees a diverses fois dans l'Assem- blee de Messieurs de Societe Royale de Londres, & Conferences dans les de Monsieur l'Abbe Bourdelot a Paris. [viii]+328 pp., 15 pls. Amsterdam: Jean Jansson a Waesberge.

BOCK, SIXTEN.--1938. The alcyonarian genus Bathyalcyon. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl.(3)16(5):1-54, pls. 1-2.

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BOERHAAVE, HERMAN.--1720. Index alter plantarum quae in Horto Acade- mico Lugduno-Batavo aluntur conscriptus ab Hermanno Boerhaave... 2 vols., 39 pls. Lugduni Batavorum: Sumptibus auctoris.

BOERHAAVE, HERMAN.--1727. Historia plantarum quae in Horto Academico Lugduni-Batavorum crescunt cum earum characteribus, & medicina- libus virtutibus. 2 vols., 2 lvs. + 408 pp. + 1 lf; 409-698 pp. + 6 lvs. Romae: apud Franciscum Gonzagam.

BOHADSCH, JOANN. BAPT.--1761. De quibusdam animalibus marinis, eorumque proprietatibus, orbi litterario vel nondum vel minus notis,liber cum nonnullis tabulis aeri incisis, ab auctore super vivis animalibus delineatis. 9 lvs + 169 pp., 12 pls. Dres- dae: apud G.C. Walther.

BOLLING, HANS WERNER.--1995. Vermehrung einer Heteroxenia-Art durch Planula-Larven. DATZ 48 Jhrg. 11/95:712-714, figs. 1-4. [Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart; Urania Verlag, Leipzig.] (Color photos of living colonies with larvae.)

BOMME, LEENDERT.--1771. Waarnemingen omtrent de gesteldheid en groeijing der Zee-polypen. Verh. Zeeuwsch Genootschap Vlissingen 1771:277-302.

BONGIORNI, LUCIA and FRANCESCO PIETRA.--1966. Marine natural products for industrial applications. Chemistry & Industry 2:54-58. [Re- views current status of marine natural products research and mentions two products derived from octocorals now on the market; by now rather out of date.]

BOONE, LEE.--1928. Coelenterata from tropical east American seas. Bull. Bingham Oceanogr. Coll. 1 (5):1-8, pls. 1-3.

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BOONE, LEE.--1938. Coelenterata. In Scientific results of the world cruises of the yachts "Ara," 1928-1929, and "Alva," 19Sl-1932, "Alva" Mediterranean cruise, 1933, and "Alva" South American cruise, 1935, William K. Vanderbilt, commanding. Part 2. Bull. Vanderbilt Marine Museum 7:27-76, pls. 4-25.

BORLASE, WILLIAM.--1758. The natural history of Cornwall. xix + 326 + [2]pp., 29 pls. Oxford: printed for the author by W. Jackson.

BORTOLOTTO, M. ET AL.--1977. Chemical studies of marine invertebrates 29. 4alpha-methyl-3beta, 8beta-dihydroxy-5alpha-ergost-24(28)-en- 23-one, a novel polyoxygented sterol from the soft coral Litophyton viridis. (Coelenterta, Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Steroids 30(2):159-164.

BOSC, LOUIS AUGUSTIN GUILLAUME.--1802. Histoire naturelle des vers, contenant leur description et leurs moeurs; avec figures des- sinees d'apres nature. Paris, chez Deterville. 3 vols. 324 pp. + pls. 1-10; 300 pp. + pls. 11-25; 270 pp. + pls. 26-32.

BOSCHMA, HILBRAND.--1925. On the symbiosis of certain Bermuda coelenterates and zooxanthellae. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 60 (9):451-460.

BOSCHMA, HILBRAND.--1925. The nature of the association between Anthozoa and zooxanthellae. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 11 (1): 65-67.

BOTERO, L.--1990. Quantitative structure of gorgonian communities in Tayrona National Park, Caribbean coast of Colombia. Anales Inst. Ciencias del Mar y Limnol., Univ. Nacional Autonoma Mex. 17(1):73-87, ill.

BOUCHER, L.M.--1986. Coral predation by muricid gastropods of the genus Drupella at Enewetak, Marshall Islands. Bulletin of Marine Science 38(1):9-11, ill.

BOUCHON, C.--1981 [1982]. Comparison of two quantitative sampling methods used in coral reef studies: the line transect and the quadrat methods. Proceedings int. Coral Reef Symposium No. 4 vol. 2:375. [Abstract.]

BOUILLON, J. and N. HOUVENAGHEL-CREVECOEUR.--1970. Etude monographique du genre Heliopora de Blainville (Coenothecalia-- Alcyonaria-- Coelenterata). Mus. Roy. Afrique Centrale. Tervuren. Annales (Serie in-8, Sciences Zoologiques) 178:i-viii + 1-83, pls. 1-12.

BOULIGAND, YVES.--1968. Sur une categorie de cellules tres particulieres chez les gorgones (Coelenteres. Octocoralliaires). Vie et Milieu 19 (1-A):59-68, pls. 1-3.

BOULIGAND, YVES and CLAUDE DELAMARE-DEBOUTTEVILLE.--1959. Le dimorphisme sexuel de Linaresia mammillifera Zulueta 1908, copepode parasite de l'octocoral liaire Muricea chamaeleon von Koch. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 248:286-288, 1 fig.

BOULIGAND, YVES and CLAUDE DELAMARE-DEBOUTTEVILLE.--1959. Lamippella faurei n.g. n. sp. Considerations morphologiques sur la famille des Lamippides, copepodes parasites des octocoralliaires. C.R. Acad. Sci Paris 249:1807- 1809, 3 figs.

BOURNE, GILBERT C.--1895. On the structure and affinities of Heliopora coerulea, Pallas. With some observations on the structure of Xenia and Heteroxenia. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London (B) 186:455-4S3, pls. 10-13.

BOURNE, GILBERT C.--1899. Studies on the structure and formation of the calcareous skeleton of the Anthozoa. Quarterly Journ. Mi- crosc. Sci. (New Series) 41 (4):499-547, pls. 40-43.

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BOURNE, GILBERT C.--1900. The Anthozoa. Pp. 1-80, figs. 1-37. in: A treatise on zoology edited by E. Ray Lankester, part 2, chapter 6.

BOURNE, GILBERT C.--1914. On Acrossota liposclera, a new genus and species of alcyonarian with simple tentacles. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (new series) 60(2):261-272, pl. 22.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JEAN-CLAUDE BRAEKMAN, JOHN C. COLL and SARAH JANE MITCHELL.--1980. Studies of Australian soft corals. XX. A new sesquiterpene furan from soft corals of the family Xeniidae and an examination of Clavularia inflata from North Queensland waters. Australian Journal of Chemistry 33:927-932.

BOWDEN, B.F., J.A. BRITTLE, J.C. COLL, N. LIYANAGE, S.J. MITCHELL and G.J. STOKIE.--1977. Studies of Australian soft corals. VI. A new cembranolide diterpene from the soft coral Lobophytum crassum (Coelenterata, Anthozoa, Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Tetra- hedron Letters 41:3661-3662.

BOWDEN, B.F., P.S. CLEZY, J.C. COLL, B.N. RAVI and D.M. TAPIO- LAS.--1984. Studies of Australian soft corals. 34. A new substituted pyrrole from a soft coral-sponge association. Australian J. Chem. 37(1):227-230, ill.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F. and JOHN C. COLL.--1981. Studies of Australian soft corals. XXVI. Tetraprenylbenzoquinone derivatives from a Nephthea species of soft coral (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Australian Journal of Chemistry 34:2677-2681.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL, IOANA M. VASILESCU and PHILIP ALDERS- LADE.--1989. Studies of Australian soft corals 47. New halogenated briaran diterpenes from a Briareum species (Octocorallia, Gorgonacea). Australian Journal of Chemistry 42:1727-1734.

BOWDEN, B.F. and J.C. COLL.--1983. Soft coral chemistry and its implications. In: Baker, J.T. et. al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the inaugural Great Barrier Reef Conference, August 28- September 2, 1983:281-285, ill.

BOWDEN, B.F. and J.C. COLL.--1989. Studies of Australian soft cor- als. XLV. Epoxidation reactions of cembranoid diterpenes: stereochemical outcomes. Heterocycles 28(2):669-672.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL and MEILLEKO C. DAI.--1989. Studies of Australian soft corals. XLIII. The structure and elucidation of a new diterpene from Alcyonium molle. Australian Journal of Chemistry 42:665-673.

BOWDEN, B.F., J.C. COLL, M.S.L. de COSTA, M.F. MACKAY, M. MAHENDRAN, E.D. de SILVA, and R.H. WILLIS.--1984. The structure determination of a new cembranolide diterpene from the soft coral Lobophytum cristagalli (Coelenterata, Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Australian J. Chem. 37(3):545-552, ill.

BOWDEN, B.F., J.C. COLL, E.D. de SILVA, M.S.L. de COSTA, PETER J. DJURA, M. MAHENDRAN and D.M. TAPIOLAS.--1983. Studies of Austra- lian soft corals. XXXI. Novel furanosesquiterpenes from several sinularian soft corals (Coelenterata, Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Australian Journal of Chemistry 36:371-376, ill.

BOWDEN, B.F., J.C. COLL, E. DITZEL, S.J. MITCHELL and W.T. ROBINSON.--1982. Studies of Australian soft corals. XXVIII. The structure and determination of two new diterpenes from the genus Xenia (Alcyonacea). Australian Journal of Chemistry 35:997-1002.

BOWDEN, B.F., J.C. COLL, L.M. ENGELHARDT, A. HEATON and A.H. WHITE.--1987. Studies of Australian soft corals. 41. Structure determination of a new sesquiterpene from Xenia novae-brittaniae and an investigation of a Xenia species. Australian Journal of Chemistry 40:1483-1489.

BOWDEN, B.F., J.C. COLL, L.M. ENGELHARDT, D.M. TAPIOLAS and A.H. WHITE.--1986. Studies of Australian soft corals. XXXVI. The isolation and structure determination of 11 calamenene-based sesquiterpenes from Lemnalia cervicornis (Coelenterata, Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Australian J. Chemistry 39(1):103-121, ill.

BOWDEN, B.F., J.C. COLL, L.M. ENGELHARDT, G.V. MEEHAN, G.G. PEGG, D.M. TAPIOLAS, A.H. WHITE, and R.H. WILLIS.--Studies of Austra- lian soft corals. XXXVII. The structure determination of two cembranolide diterpenes from soft corals of the genus Efflatou- naria (Coelenterata, Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Australian Journal of Chemistry 39(1):123-135, ill.

BOWDEN, B.F., J.C. COLL, J.M. GULBIS, M.F.MACKAY, and R.H. WILLIS.--1986. Studies of Australian soft corals, XXXVIII: Structure determination of several diterpenes derived from a Cespitularia species (Coelenterata, Octocorallia, Xeniidae). Australian Journal of Chemistry 39(5):803-812, ill.

BOWDEN, B.F., J.C. COLL, A. HEATON and G. KONIG.--1987. The structure of four isometric dihydrofuran-containing cembranoid diterpenes from several species of soft coral. J. Nat. Prod. (Lloy- dia) 50(4):650-659, ill.

BOWDEN, B.F., J.C. COLL, W. HICKS, R. KAZLAUSKAS and S.J. MITCHELL.--1978. Studies of Australian soft corals. X. The isolation of epoxyisoneocembrene-A from Sinularia grayi and isoneocembrene-A from Sarcophyton ehrenbergi. Australian Journal of Chemistry 31:2707-2712.

BOWDEN, B.F., J.C. COLL, N. LIYANAGE, S.J. MITCHELL, G.J. STOKIE and I.A. VAN ALTENA.--1978. Studies of Australian soft corals. IV. A novel bicyclic diterpene from Lobophytum hedleyi. Australian Journal of Chemistry 31:163-170.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL and SARAH JANE MITCHELL.--1980. Studies of Australian soft corals. XVI. Two new sesquiterpenes from Lemnalia humesi. Australian Journal of Chemistry 33:681-684.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL and SARAH JANE MITCHELL.--1980. Studies of Australian soft corals. XVIII. Further cembranoid diterpenes from soft corals of the genus Sarcophyton. Australian Journal of Chemistry 33:879-884.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL and SARAH JANE MITCHELL.--1980. Studies of Australian soft corals. XIX. Two new sesquiterpenes with the nardosinane skeleton from a Paralemnalia species. Australian Journal of Chemistry 33:885-890.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL and SARAH JANE MITCHELL.--1980. Studies of Australian soft corals. XXI. A new sesquiterpene from Nephthea chabrolii and an investigation of the common clam Tridacna maxima. Australian Journal of Chemistry 33:1833-1839.

BOWDEN, B.F., J.C. COLL, and R.H. WILLIS.--1986. Studies of Austra- lian soft corals, 39. New sesquiterpene metabolites from several Xenia species (Xeniidae, Octocorallia, Anthozoa). Australian Journal of Chemistry 39(10):1717-1722, ill.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL, SARAH JANE MITCHELL and RYMANTAS KAZLAUSKAS.--1981. Studies of Australian soft corals. XXIV. Two cembranoid diterpenes from the soft coral Sinularia facile. Australian Journal of Chemistry 34:1551-1556.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL, SARAH JANE MITCHELL, JOHN MULDER and GREG J. STOKIE.--1978. Studies of Australian soft corals. IX. A novel nor-diterpene from the soft coral Sinularia leptoclados. Australian Journal of Chemistry 31:2049-2056.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL, SARAH JANE MITCHELL, JACQUES L.E. NEMORIN and SEVER STERNHELL.--1980. Studies of Australian soft corals. XXIII. The co-occurrence of bicyclogermacrene and lemna- carnol derivatives in Parerythropodium fulvum. Tetrahedron Letters 21(32):3105-3108.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL, SARAH JANE MITCHELL, COLIN L. RAS- TON, GREG J. STOKIE and ALLAN H. WHITE.--1979. Studies of Australian soft corals. XV. The structure of pachyclavulariadiol, a novel furano-diterpene from Pachyclavularia violacea. Australian Journal of Chemistry 32:2265-2274.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL, SARAH JANE MITCHELL, BRIAN W. SKELTON and ALLAN H. WHITE.--1980. Studies of Australian soft corals. XXII. The structures of two novel sesquiterpenes and a nor sesqui- terpene from Lemnalia africana, confirmed by a single-crystal x- ray study. Australian Journal of Chemistry 33:2737-2747.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL, SARAH JANE MITCHELL and GREG J. STOKIE.--1978. Studies of Australian soft corals. VII. Two new diterpenes from an unknown species of soft coral (genus Lobophytum). Australian Journal of Chemistry 31:1303-1312.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL, SARAH JANE MITCHELL and GREG J. STOKIE.--1978. Studies of Australian soft corals. XI. Two new cembranoid diterpenes from a Sarcophyton species. Australian Journal of Chemistry 32:653-659.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL, SARAH JANE MITCHELL, GREG J. STOKIE and JOHN F. BLOUNT.--1978. Studies of Australian soft corals. VIII. A chemical and crystallographic study of a novel bicyclic diterpene alcohol with a rearranged skeleton from an unknown species of soft coral. Australian Journal of Chemistry 31:2039- 2047.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL, WYONA PATALINGHUG, BRIAN W. SKELTON, IOANA VASILESCU and ALLAN H. WHITE.--1987. Studies of Australian soft corals. XLII. Structure determination of new briaran derivatives from Briareum stekei [sic] (Coelenterata, Octocorallia, Gorgonacea). Australian Journal of Chemistry 40:2085-2096.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL, VINCENT A. PATRICK, DIANNE M. TAPIO- LAS and ALLAN H. WHITE.--1983. Studies of Australian soft cor- als. XXXII. The structure determination of degraded xenicin-type diterpenes from several Efflatounaria species. Australian Jour- nal of Chemistry 36:2279-2288.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL, and DIANNE M. TAPIOLAS.--1983. Studies of Australian soft corals. XXXIII. New cembranoid diter- penes from a Lobophytum species. Australian Journal of Chemistry 36:2289-2295.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL and DIANNE M. TAPIOLAS.--1983. Stud- ies of Australian soft corals. XXX. A novel trisnorsesquiterpene from a Cespitularia species and the isolation of guaiazulene from a small blue Alcyonium species. Australian Journal of Chemistry 36:211-214.

BOWDEN, B.F., J.C. COLL, D.M. TAPIOLAS, and R. WILLIS.--1985. Some chemical aspects of spawning in alcyonacean corals. Proc. 5th Int. Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti, French Polynesia 4:325-329.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL and RICHARD H. WILLIS.--1982. Studies of Australian soft corals. XXVI. Two novel diterpenes from Sarcophyton glaucum. Australian Journal of Chemistry 35:621-627.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL and RICHARD H. WILLIS.--1986. Studies of Australian soft corals. XXXIX. New sesquiterpene metabolites from several Xenia species (Xeniidae, Octocorallia, Anthozoa). Australian Journal of Chemistry 39:1717-1722.

BOWDEN, BRUCE F., JOHN C. COLL and ANTHONY D. WRIGHT.--1989. Studies of Australian soft corals. XLIV. New diterpenes from Sinularia polydactyla (Coelenterata, Anthozoa, Octocorallia). Australian Journal of Chemistry 42:757-763.

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BUCKERIDGE, JOHN S.--1993. A re-evaluation of the Gondwanan invertebrate Waiparaconus as a coelenterate. Records of the Western Australia Museum 16(2):221-233, figs. 1-6.

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BUISSON, BERNARD.--1970. Les supportes morphologiques de l'integration dans la colonie de Veretillum cynomorium Pall. (Cnidaria, Penntularia [sic]). Z. Morphol. Tiere 68:1-36, 7 pls.

BUISSON, BERNARD.--1971. Les activites rhythmiques comportementales de la colonie de Veretillum cynomorium (Cnidaire, Pennatulidae). Cahiers Biol. Marine 12:11-48, pls. 1-6.

BUISSON, B. and S. FRANC.--1969. La structure et l'ultrastructure des cellules mesenchymateuses et nerveuses intramesogleennes de Veretillum cynomorium Pall. (Cnidaire, Pennatulidae). Vie et Milieu 20 (2-A):279-291, pls. 1-3.

BUJOR, P.--1901. Sur l'organisation de la Veretille (Veretillum cynomorium (Pall.) Cuv. var. stylifera Kollik.). Arch. Zool. exper. gen., Notes (3)9:xlix-lx, 7 figs.

BULLOCK, E.--1970. Occurrence of free porphyrins in certain coelenterates. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 33:711-712.

BUNDY, G.L., E.G. NIDY, D.E. EPPS, S.A. MIZSAK, and R.J. WNUK.--1986. Discovery of an arachidonic acid C-8 lipoxygenase in the gorgonian coral Pseudoplexaura porosa. Journal bio. Chemistry 261(2):747-751, ill.

BUNT, J.S., W.T. WILLIAMS, and B.E. CHALKER.--1981[1982]. Coral associations at depths of 45 to 125 feet in the Bahamiam region. Proceedings int. Coral Reef Symposium No. 4 vol. 1:707-714, ill.

BUONANNI, FILIPPO.--1709. Musaeum Kircherianum; sive, Musaeum a p. Athanasio Kirchero in Collegio romano Societas Jesu, jam pridem incoeptum nuper restitutum, auctum, descriptum, & iconibus illustratum...a p. Philippo Bonanni. Pp. [12] + 522 + 173, 172 pls. Romae: typis Georgii Plachi.

BURCH, MARK.--1986. A chemosystematic study of the Caribbean gorgonian genus Pseudopterogorgia (Octocorallia, Cnidaria). A thesis submit- ted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Master of Science in Oceanography. University of California San Diego. Pp. x+93, 10 figs. [Unpublished.]

BURCHARDT, EUGEN.--1898. Alcyonaceen von Thursday Island (Torres Strasse) und von Amboina. Zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australien und dem Malayischen Archipel. Ausgefuhrt in den Jahren 1891-1893 von Richard Semon. 5. Band, 4. Lief. Denkschr.Med.- Naturwiss. Gesellschaft Jena 8:431-442, pls. 31-32.

BURCHARDT, EUGEN.--1903. Alcyonaceen von Thursday Island (Torres Strasse) und von Amboina. II. Zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australien und dem Malayischen Archipel. Ausgefuhrt in den Jahren 1891-1893 von Richard Semon. 5. Band, 6. Lief. Denkschr. Med.-Naturwiss. Gesellschaft Jena 8:653-682, pls. 54-57.

BURKHOLDER, PAUL R. and LILLIAN M. BURKHOLDER.--1960. Photosynthesis in some alcyonacean corals. Amer. Journ. Botany 47(10):866-872. [Deals with gorgonaceans, not alcyonaceans.]

BURMANNUS, JOANNES.--1769. Index alter in omnes tomos Herbarii Amboinensis Cl. Georgii Everhardi Rumphii, quem de novo recen- suit, auxit, et emendavit. Lugduni Batavorum apud Cornelium Haak; Amstelaedami apud Iohannem Schreuderum. [22] pp.

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CARUS, J. VICTOR.--1884. Prodromus Faunae Mediterraneae sive de- scriptio animalium Maris Mediterranei incolarum...Pars I. Coelenterata, Echinodermata, Vermes. Pp. i-vi + 1-283. Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung.

CARY, LEWIS ROBINSON.--1906. A contribution to the fauna of the coast of Louisiana. Gulf Biologic Sta. Cameron, Louisiana, Bull. 6:50-59.

CARY, LEWIS ROBINSON.--1914. Observations upon the growth-rate and oecology of gorgonians. Carnegie Inst. Washington Pub. 182:79-90, pls. 1-2.

CARY, LEWIS ROBINSON.--1915. The Alcyonaria as a factor in reef limestone formation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 1:285-289.

CARY, LEWIS ROBINSON.--1917. The part played by Alcyonaria in the formation of some Pacific coral reefs. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 3: 545-548.

CARY, LEWIS ROBINSON.--1918. A study of respiration in Alcyonaria. Carnegie Inst. Washington Pub. 252:185-191.

CARY, LEWIS ROBINSON.--1918. The Gorgonaceae as a factor in the formation of coral reefs. Carnegie Inst. Washington Pub. 213: 341-362, pls. 100-105.

CARY, LEWIS ROBINSON.--1931. Studies on the coral reef of Tutuila, American Samoa, with especial reference to the alcyonarians. Carnegie Inst. Washington Pub. 413:53-98, pls. 1-7.

CASTRO, CLOVIS BARREIRA E.--1986. Revisao sistematica dos Octocorallia (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) dos Recifes de Abrolhos, Bahia, Brasil. M.Sc. Thesis. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro.

CASTRO, CLOVIS BARREIRA E.--1989. A new species of Plexaurella Valenciennes, 1855 (Coelenterata, Octocorallia), from the Abrolhos Reefs, Brazil. Rev. Brasil. Biol. 49(2):597-603, figs. 1-3.

CASTRO, CLOVIS BARREIRA E.--1990. Revisao Taxonomica dos Octocorallia (Cnidaria, Anthozoa) do Litoral Sul-Americano: da foz do Rio Amazonas a foz do Rio da Prata. Tese apresentada ao Departamento de Zoologia do Instituto de Biociencias da Universidade de Sao Paulo, para obtencao do grau de Doutor em Ciencias (Zoologia). 343 pp., 78 figs., 3 maps. Sao Paulo.

CASTRO, CLOVIS BARREIRA E.--1990. A new species of Heterogorgia Verrill, 1868 (Coelenterata, Octocorallia) from Brazil with comments on the type species of the genus. Bulletin of Marine Science 47(2):411-420, figs. 1-8.

CATESBY, MARK.--1731-43. The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands: containing the figures of birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, insects and plants ... London, printed at the expence of the author. 2 vols. (Editions also in 1754 and 1771, the latter with a Linnean index.)

CATTANEO-VIETTI, R., G. BAVESTRELLO, M. BARBIERI and L. SENES.--1992. First red coral breeding experiments in the Monaco underwater reserve. Compte-Rendu des activites 1990-91:35-41.

CAVOLINI, PHILIPP.--1813. Philipp Cavolini's Abhandlungen uber Pflanzen-Thiere des Mittelmeers. Aus dem italienischen ubersetzt von Wilhelm Sprengel. Pp. i-ix + 1-131, pl. 1-8. Nurnberg, bei Johann Leonhard Schrag.

CECCHINI, CLELIA.--1914. Su due nuovi Isidae del Mediterraneo (Diagnosi Preliminari). Monitore Zoologico Italiano Firense 25:151-152.

CERUTUS, BENEDICTUS and ANDREA CHIOCCO.--1622. Musaeum Franc. Cal- ceolarii Iun Veronensis. Pp. [1-25] + 1-746, 36 figs., frontis- piece. Veronae: apud Angelum Tamum.

CHALMERS, DOROTHY,--1929. The alcyonarian genus Siphonogorgia, with descriptions of new species. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 21 (4):159-169.

CHAMBERLAIN, C. KENT.--1967. Some Octocorallia of Isla de Lobos, Veracruz, Mexico. Coastal Studies Institute, Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Technical Report 43:47-54, pls. 1-2.

CHANG, K.H., C.-F. DAI and M.S. SENG.--1988. Studies on soft corals of the Kenting National Park. Conservation Research Report No. 53, Kenting National Park Headquarters: 1-44.

CHAPMAN, G. and JACQUES THEODOR.--1969. L'influence de la lumiere sur la consommation d'02 chez Eunicella stricta (gorgone a zooxanthelles symbiotiques) et chez Paramuricea clavata. Vie et Milieu 20 (3-A):483-490, fig. 1.

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CHEN, C.C. and K.H. CHANG.--1991. Gorgonacea (Coelenterata: Anthozoa: Octocorallia) of southern Taiwan. Atoll Res. Bull. 354:1-24.

CHEN, C.C. and K.H. CHANG.--1991. Gorgonacea (Coelenterata: Anthozoa: Octocorallia) of southern Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool. Academia Sinica (Taipei) 30(3):149-182.

CHESSA, L.A., M.C. GRILLO, A. PAIS and L. VITALE.--1992. Natural and artificial settlements of red coral, Corallium rubrum (L.): preliminary observations. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Medit. 33:32.

CHESTER, WAYLAND M.--1913. The structure of the gorgonian coral Pseudoplexaura crassa Wright and Studer. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 48(20):737-773, pls. 1-4.

CHEVALIER, J.-P.--1984. La faune du facies 'Marnes bleues', Burdigalien du Bassin de Faucon-Mollans-Malaucene (sud-est del la France). Coraux. Nouvelles Archs. Mus. Hist. Nat. Lyon 22:57-59, illustr. [Octocorals in Lower Miocene Burdigalian faunal assem- blage.]

CHIA, F.S. and B.J. CRAWFORD.--1973. Some observations on gametogene- sis, larval development and substratum selection of the sea pen Ptilosarcus guerneyi. Marine Biology 23(1):73-82, 5 pls., table.

CHIAJE, STEFANO delle.--1841-44. Descrizione e notomia degli animali invertebrati delle Sicilia citeriore osservati vivi negli anni 1822-1830. (2nd. Ed.). 8 vols. Napoli.

CHINTIROGLU, H., C. DOUNAS and ATH. KOUKOURAS.--1989. The presence of Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758) in the eastern Mediterra- nean Sea. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin 65(1):145-149, pl. 1.

CHUN, CARL.--1903. Aus den Tiefen des Weltmeeres. Schilderungen von der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition (2nd Ed.) Pp. i-x + 1-592, 46 pls., 3 charts, 482 textfigs. Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer.

CIERESZKO, LEON S.--1962. Chemistry of coelenterates. III. Occur- rence of anti microbial terpenoid compounds in the zooxanthellae of alcyonarians. Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci. (2) 24 (5):502-503.

CIERESZKO, LEON S., Y. GOPICHAND, F.J. SCHMITZ, W.P. SCHNEIDER and G.L. BUNDY.-- 1985. Prostaglandin (15S)-PGA2 derivatives in the gorgonian Plexaura homomalla (Esper), forma kukenthali Moser. Experientia 41(1985):37-38.

CIERESZKO, LEON S., M.A. JOHNSON, R.W. SCHMIDT and C.B.KOONS.--1968. Chemistry of coelenterates 6. Occurrence of gorgosterol, a C30 sterol, in coelenterates and their zooxanthellae. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 24:899-904.

CIERESZKO, LEON S. and T.K.B. KARNS.--1973. Comparative biochemistry of coral reef coelenterates. Pp. 183-203 in: Jones, 0.A. and R. Endean (Eds.), Biology and Geology of Coral Reefs volume 2, Biolo- gy 1. New York and London: Academic Press. (Extensive bibliography of biochemistry of octocorals and other coelenterates.)

CIERESZKO, LEON S., D.H. SIFFORD and A.J. WEINHEIMER.--1960. Chemistry of coelenterates. I. Occurrence of terpenoid compounds in gorgo- nians. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 90 (3):917-919.

CIERESZKO, LEON S. and W.W. YOUNGBLOOD.--1971. n-Hexadecyl and n- octadecyl disulfides in 'sediment' derived from the gorgonian Pseudoplexaura porosa (Houttuyn). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 35: 851-853.

CIMBERG, ROBERT L., TIM GERRODETTE and KATHERINE MUZIK.--1981. Habitat requirements and expected distribution of Alaska coral. Final Report, Research Unit 601, VTN Oregon, Inc. [2] + iii + 54 + [27]lvs., offset.

CIMINO, G., S. de ROSA, S. de STEFANO, and G. SODANO.--1984. C-18 hydoxy steroids from Mediterranean gorgonian Leptogorgia sarmen- tosa. Experientia 40(3):246-248, illustr.

CLARKE, F.W. and W.C. WHEELER.--1915. Inorganic constituents of Alcyonaria. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 1:552-556.

CLASTRES, A, A. AHOND, C. POUPAT, P. POTIER and S.K. KAN.--1984. Invertebres marins du lagon Neo-Caledonien, 2. Etude structurale de trois nouveaux diterpenes isoles du pennatulaire Pteroeides laboutei. Journal nat. Products 47(1):155-161, illustr.

CLASTRES, A, P. LABOUTE, A. AHOND, C. POUPAT, and P. POTIER.--1984. Invertebres marins du lagon Neo-Caledonien, 3. Etude structurale de trois nouveaux diterpenes isoles du pennatulaire, Cavernulina grandiflora. Journal nat. Products 47(1):162-166, illustr.

CLOUET, I.--1870. Note pour servir a l'histoire du corail; etude sur la matiere colorante. Bull. Soc. des amis des sci. nat. Rouen 5.

CLUSIUS, CAROLUS.--1605. Exoticorum libri decem: quibus animalium, plantarum. aromatum, aliorumque perigrinorum fructuum historiae discribuntur. Pp. 1-10+ 1-378 + 1-5. Antverpiae: ex Officina Plan- tiniana Raphelengii. [Chapter of historical interest for corals is on pp. 119-126; included (with illustrations) are Paragorgia arborea, Gorgonia flabellum, Primnoa resedaeformis, Isis hippuris, and some species of Pseudopterogorgia.]

COFFROTH, M.A.--1984. Ingestion and incorporation of coral mucus aggregates by a gorgonian soft coral. Marine Ecology Progress Series 17(2):193-199.

COFFROTH, M.A., H.R. LASKER, M.E. DIAMOND, J.A. BRUENN and E. BER- MINGHAM.--1992. DNA fingerprints of a gorgonian coral: a method for detecting clonal structure in a vegetative species. Marine Biology (Berlin) 114(2):317-325, illustr.

COHN, MARTIN.--1907. Alcyonacea von Ost-Madagaskar nach der Sammlung von Professor Dr. Voeltzkow. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlan- gung der Doktorwurde der Hohen Philosophischen Fakultat der Koniglichen Universitat Breslau. Pp. 1-32. Breslau: Druck der Breslauer Genossenschafts-Buchdruckerei, E.G.m.b.H.

COHN, MARTIN.--1908. Alcyonacea von Madagaskar und Ostafrika. Reise in Ostafrika in den Jahren 1903-1905 von Dr. A. Voeltzkow. Wiss. Ergebn. 2, Syst. Arbeit (3):207-244, pl. 10.

COLGAN, M.W.--1984. The Cretaceous coral Heliopora (Octocorallia, Coenothecalia)--a common Indo-Pacific reef builder. In Eldredge, N. and S.M. Stanley, Living Fossils. New York, Berlin etc.: Springer Verlag. i-xi+1-291 pp.

COLIN, PATRICK I.--1978. Caribbean reef invertebrates and plants. A field guide to the invertebrates and plants occurring on coral reefs of the Caribbean, the Bahamas and Florida. Neptune City, New Jersey: T.F.H. Publications, Inc. Ltd. 512 pp., ill. [Octocorals: pp. 158-178. Eight species and several genera mentioned, accompanied by photographs, mostly taken in situ.]

COLIN, PATRICK I. and CHARLES ARNESON.--1995. Tropical Pacific inver- tebrates. Koror, Palau: Coral Reef Press. 296 pp., 1354 numbered color photographs. [Octocorals: pp. 79-96.] COLL, J.C.--1981. Soft coral research at James Cook University of North Queensland. Pp. 197-204 in: Proc. 4th Asian Symp. Med. Plants and Spices. UNESCO Special Pub., Bangkok.

COLL, J.C.--1985. The Soft Touch--another view of coral. Marine Parks Reef Note. 4 pp. ill.

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EISEN, G.--1876. Bidrag till kannedomen om Pennatulid-slagtet Renilla. Kgl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akad. Handl. (n.f.) 13:(1) 1-15, pls. 1-3.

EKMAN, SVEN.--1953. Zoogeography of the Sea. London, Sidgwick and Jackson. Pp. i-xiv + 1-417, 121 figs.

ELLIS, JOHN.--1753. A letter from Mr. John Ellis to Mr. Peter Collin- son F. R. S. concerning a cluster-polype found in the sea near the coast of Greenland. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 48(1):305-308, pl. 12. [Report on original find of Umbellula; see Mylius 1753, 1754.]

ELLIS, JOHN.--1754. A letter to Mr. Peter Collinson, F.R.S. concerning a particular species of coralline. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London 48:504-507, pls. 17-18.

ELLIS, JOHN.--1755. An essay towards a natural history of the coral- lines, and other marine productions of the like kind, commonly found on the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland. i-xvii + 1-103 pp., frontispiece + 1-37 [38] pls. London: for the author. (Number of extra plates varies from 1-3 in different copies.)

ELLIS, JOHN.--1756. Natuurlyke Historie van de Koraal-Gewassen, en andere dergelyke Zee-lighamen, die men gemeenelyk vind op de Kusten van Groot- Brittanien en Ierland: benevens eene Beschryv- ing van een' grooten Zee- Polyp... Uit het engels vertaald door Jan Tak, M.D. Pp. i-xvi + 1-118, frontispiece, pls. 1-39. 's Gra- venhage: Pieter de Hondt.

ELLIS, JOHN.--1756. Essai sur l'Histoire Naturelle des Corallines, et d'autres productions marines du meme Genre, qu'on trouve communement sur les cotes de la Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande; auquel on a joint une Description d'un grand Polype de Mer...Traduit de l'Anglois. Pp. i-xvi + 1-125, frontispiece, pls. 1-39. A la Haye: chez Pierre de Hondt.

ELLIS, JOHN.--1757. An account of a red coral from the East-Indies, of a very singular kind. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London 50:188-194, pl. 3.

ELLIS, JOHN.--1764. An account of the sea pen, or Pennatula phosphorea of Linnaeus; likewise a description of a new species of sea pen, found on the coast of South-Carolina, with observa- tions on sea-pens in general. In a letter to the Honourable Coote Molesworth, Esq; M.D. and F.R.S. from John Ellis, Esq; F.R.S. and member of the Royal Academy at Upsal. Phil. Trans Roy. Soc. London 53:419-435, pls. 19-21.

ELLIS, JOHN.--1767. Herrn Johann Ellis, . . . Versuch einer Natur- Geschichte der Corall-Arten und anderer dergleichen Mer-Corper, welche gemeiniglich an den Kusten von Gross- Britannien und Ir- rland gefunden werden...Aus dem Englischen und Franzosischen ubersezt, und mit Anmerkungen, auch einem Anhange funf hierher gehoriger Abhandlungen der Herren Schlosser, Baster und Ellis, begleitet von D. Johann Georg Kruniz. Nurnberg, Gabriel Nikolaus Raspe. pp. 1-52 + 1-168, frontispiece, pls. 1-46. [Also listed under J.G. Kruniz as editor and translator.]

ELLIS, JOHN.--1767. On the animal nature of the genus of zoophytes called Corallina. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London 57:404-427.

ELLIS, JOHN.--1775. On the nature of the Gorgonia; that it is a real marine animal, and not of a mixed nature, between animal and vegetable. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London 66:1-17, pls. 1-2.

ELLIS, JOHN and DANIEL SOLANDER.--1786. The natural history of many curious and uncommon zoophytes, collected from various parts of the globe by the late John Ellis... Systematically arranged and described by the late Daniel Solander... i-xii + 1-208 pp., pls. 1-63. London: printed for Benjamin White and Son, at Horace's Head, Fleet-Street; and Peter Elmsly, in the Strand.

ELLIS and SOLANDER: CORNELIUS, PAUL F.S. and JOHN W. WELLS.--1988. Ellis & Solander's 'Zoophytes', 1786: six unpublished plates and other aspects. Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (hist. Ser.)16(1):17-87, figs. 1-10. [Valuable insight into the background and production of this historic volume.]

ELMENDORF, C.H. and BRUCE C. HEEZEN.--1957. Oceanographic informa- tion for engineering submarine cable systems. The Bell System Technical Journal 36(5):1047-1093, figs.1-28. [Photograph (Fig. 16) taken at 1500 fathoms on Mid-Atlantic Ridge shows gorgonian colony, probably Narella sp., in situ.]

EMSON, R.H. and J.D. WOODLEY.--1987. Submersible and laboratory ob- servations on Asteroschema tenue, a long-armed euryhaline brittle star epizoic on gorgonians. Marine Biology (Berlin) 96(1):31-45, ill.

ERASMI, FRANCISCI.--1668. Ost- und West-Indischer wie auch Sine- sischer Lust- und Stats-Garten, mit einem Vorgesprach von mancherley lustigen Discursen; In drei Haupt=Theile unterschie- den. Der erste Theil Begrifft in sich die edelsten Blumen, Krauter, Baume . . . in Ost-Indien, Sina und America: . . . aus den furnemsten, alten und neuen, indianischen Geschicht- Land- und Reisbeschreibungen, mit Fleiss zusammengezogen,und au an- nehmliche Unterredungs-Art eingerichtet. 1762 pp., 63 engraved pls. Nurnberg: Johann Andreae Endters, und Wolfgang dess Jugern Sel. Erben. [Plate 18 includes gorgonians & corals.]

ESFORD, L.E. and J.C. LEWIS.--1990. Stiffness of Caribbean gorgo- nians (Coelenterata, Octocorallia) and Ca/Mg content of their axes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 67:189-200.

ESPADA, A., C. JIMENEZ, C. DEBITUS and R. RODRIGUEZ.--1993. Villagor- gin A and B: new type of indole alkaloids with acetylcholine antagonist activity from the gorgonian Villagorgia rubra. Tetrahe- dron Letters 34:7773-7776.

ESPER, EUGENIUS JOHANN CHRISTOPH.--1788-1830. Die Pflanzenthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Farben erleuchtet nest Beschrei- bungen. Theil 1, pp. 1-96, 1788; pp. 97-192, 1789; pp. 193-320, 1790. Theil 2, pp. 1-96, 1791; pp. 97- 180, 1792; pp. 181-220, 1793; pp. 221-304, 1799. Theil 3, pp. 1-24, 1805; pp. 25-76, 1806; 77-144, 1809; pp. 145-284, 1829; pp. 285-408, 1830. Fortsetzungen der Pflanzenthiere... Theil 1, pp. 1-64, 1794; pp. 65-116, 1795; pp. 117-168, 1796; pp. 169-230, 1797. Theil 2, pp. 1-24, 1798; pp. 25-48, 1806. Nurnberg, in der Raspischen Buchhandlung. i-xii + 1- 320; 1-304; 1-285 +, 1- 230; 1-48 pp. 428 pls.

ESPER: GRASSHOFF, MANFRED.--1991. Die von E.J.C. Esper 1788-1809 beschriebenen Anthozoa (Cnidaria). I. Die Sammlung Esper im Senckenberg-Museum.--II. Octocorallia.--III. Antipatharia. Senckenbergiana biol. 71(4/6):325-368. [Extremely important.]

ESPER: GRASSHOFF, MANFRED and GEORG SCHEER.--1991. Die Publikations- daten von E.J.C. Esper "Die Pflanzenthiere". Senckenbergiana biol. 71(1/3):191-208. [Indispensible for establishing dates of publica- tion for nomenclatural purposes, as plates and text often did not appear simultaneously.]


FABRICIUS, KATHARINA E., YEHUDA BENAYAHU and AMATZIA GENIN.--1995. Herbivory in asymbiotic soft corals. Science 268:90-92.

FABRICIUS, KATHARINA E., AMATZIA GENIN and YEHUDA BENAYAHU.--1995. Flow-dependent herbivory and growth in zooxanthellae-free soft corals. Limnol. Oceanogr. 40(7):1290-1301, tables 1-6, figs. 1-6.

FAE, GIUSEPPE.--1884. Di alcune proprieta fisiche del Corallo. Richerche sperimentali. Atti Soc. Veneto Trent. Padova 9:132-141.

FANG, Z., M. ZHANG, X. LIU and H. ZHONG.--1988. A study on physical activities of the soft coral (Sinularia microclavata) collected from South China Sea. Tropic Oceanology 1988(1):66-73, ill. [Chinese, English summary.]

FARRANT, P.A.--1985. Reproduction in the temperate Australian soft coral Capnella gaboensis. Proc. 5th Int. Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti 4:319-324.

FARRANT, P.A.--1986. Gonad development and the planulae of the temperate Australian soft coral Capnella gaboensis. Marine Biology Berlin 92(2):381-392, ill.

FARRANT, P.A.--1987. Population dynamics of the temperate Australian soft coral Capnella gaboensis. Marine Biology Berlin 96:401-407.

FARRANT, P.A., M.A. BOROWITZKA, R. HINDE and R.J. KING.--1987. Nutrition of the termperate Australian soft coral Capnella gaboensis 1. Photosynthesis and carbon fixation. Marine Biology (Berlin) 95(4):565-574, ill.

FARRANT, P.A., M.A. BOROWITZKA, R. HINDE and R.J. KING.--1987. Nutrition of the termperate Australian soft coral Capnella gaboensis 2. The role of zooxanthellae and feeding. Marine Biology (Berlin) 95(4):575-581, ill.

FAURE, GERARD.--1975. Annotated checklist of Octocorallia in the Mascarene Archipelago, Indian Ocean. Atoll Res. Bull. 204:1-13.

FAURE, GERARD.--1977. Distribution of coral communities on reef slopes in the Mascarene Archipelago, Indian Ocean. Marine Research in Indonesia 17:73-97. ("Alcyonarian facies" at depths to 30 m.)

FAUTIN, DAPHNE GAIL and RICHARD N. MARISCAL.--1991. Cnidaria: Antho- zoa. Pp. 267-358 in Microcscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates 2. Placozoa, Porifera, Cnidaria, and Ctenophora. Wiley-Liss Inc.

FEDOTOV, D.M.--1924. Einige Beobachtungen ueber die Biologie und Metamorphose von Gorgonocephalus. Zoologischer Anzeiger 61:303- 311. [Reports extremely small juveniles of Gorgonocephalus living on colonies and within the polyps of Gersemia glomerata. See also Hendler, 1991.]

FEINGOLD, JOSHUA S.--1987. Ecological studies of a cyanobacterial infection of the sea plume Pseudopterogorgia acerosa (Pallas) (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). University of Miami. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. 61 pp., 11 figs.

FEINGOLD, JOSHUA S.--1988. Ecological studies of a cyanobacterial infection on the Caribbean sea plume Pseudopterogorgia acerosa (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). Proc. 6th Int. Coral Reef Symposium 3:157-162.

FELIX, J.--1914. Anthozoa Neocretacea. Fossilium Catalogus I, Ani- malia (7):148-273.

FELIX, J.--1920. Jungtertiare und Quartiare Anthozoen von Timor und Obi II. In: Wanner, J., Paleontologie von Timor, Stuttgart, 13: [1-40], pl. 128.

FENICAL, WILLIAM.--1982. The expanding role of marine organisms in anticancer chemotherapy. Environmental Sci. Res. 23:355-367.

FENICAL, WILLIAM.--1987. Marine soft corals of the genus Pseudopter- ogorgia a resource for novel anti-inflammatory diterpenoids. J. Nat. Prod. (Lloydia) 50(6):1001-1008, ill.

FENICAL, WILLIAM and JOSEPH R. PAWLIK.--1991. Defensive properties of secondary metabolites from the Caribbean gorgonian coral Erythro- podium caribaeorum. Marine Ecology Progress Series 75:1-8.

FIELD, LOUISE RANDALL.--1949. Sea anemones and corals of Beaufort, North Caro lina. Duke Univ. Marine Sta. Bull. 5:1-39, 94 figs.

FILHOL, ANTOINE P.H.-- 1884. Exploration Sur Marine. la Nature 12 (1):119.

FISCHER, P.--1887. Contribution a l'Actinologie francaise. Arch. Zool. Exper. Gen. (2) 5:381-442.

FISCHER, P.--1889. Note sur le Pavonaria quadrangularis et sur les Pennatulides des cotes de France. Bull. Soc. Zool. France 14: 34-38.

FISCHER VON WALDHEIM, G.--1807. Museum Demidoff ou catalogue system- atique et raisonne des curiosites de la nature et de l'art. Donnees a l'Universite Imperiale de Moscou par son Excellence Monsieur Paul de Demidoff. Tome Troisieme. Vegetaux et Animaux. Pp. i-ii + i-ix + 1-330, pls. 1-6. Moscou.

FISHER, W.J.--1874. On a new species of alcyonoid polyp. Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. 5:418. (December.)

FLORES, S.E. and L. HUACUJA.--1966. Elementos menores contenidos en algunas gorgonaceas del Golfo de Mexico. Bol. Inst. Oceanog., Univ. Oriente 5 (1-2):105-127.

FLORES, S.E. and MARTHA Y. ROSAS.--1966. Estudio quimico del coenen- quima de algunas gorgonaceas del Golfo de Mexico. Bol. Inst. Oceanog., Univ. Oriente 5 (1-2):116-127.

FLOURENS, P.--1838. Analyse d'un ouvrage manuscrit intitule: Traite du corail, contenant les nouvelles decouvertes qu'on a faites sur le corail, les pores, les madrepores, escharas, litophytons, eponges et autres corps et productions que la mer fournit, pour servir l'histoire naturelle de la mer: par le sieur de Peyson- nel, ecuyer, docteur en medecine, correspondant des academies des sciences de Paris et de Montpellier et de celle des belles- lettre de Marseille, medecin-botaniste entretenue par sa majeste dans l'ile Guadeloupe, ci-devant envoye par le roi aux cotes de la Barbarie pour les recherches de l'histoire naturelle. Ann. Sci. Nat. (2) 9:334-351.

FORBES, E.--1843. Report on the Mollusca and Radiata of the Aegean Sea and on their distribution, considered as bearing on Geology. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 13:130-193.

FORBES, EDWARD and J. GOODSIR.--1851. On some remarkable marine Invertebrata new to the British Seas. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 20 (2):307-315, pls. 9- 10.

FORSKAL, PETRUS.--1775. Descriptiones animalium avium, amphibiorum, piscium, insectorum, vermium; quae in itinere orientali observa- vit Petrus Forskal, Prof. Havn. Post mortem auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Pp. 1-64. Havniae: ex Officina Molleri, aulae Typographi. FOWLER, G. HERBERT.--1888. On a new Pennatula from the Bahamas. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1888:135-145. (February 21.)

FOWLER, G. HERBERT.--1894. On two sea-pens of the family Veretilli- dae from the Madras Museum. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1894:376-379, pls. 22

FOX, DENIS L.--1953. Animal biochromes and structural colours; physi- cal, chemical, distributional & physiological features of coloured bodies in the animal world. xiii + 378 pp. Cambridge University Press.

FOX, DENIS L.--1972. Pigmented calcareous skeletons of some corals. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 43B:919-927.

FOX, DENIS L., V.E. SMITH, R.W. GRIGG and W.D. MACLEOD.--1969. Some structural and chemical studies of the microspicules in the fan coral Eugorgia ampla. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 28:1103-1114, 1 pl.

FRANC, SUZANNE.--1970. Les evolutions cellulaires au cours de la regeneration du pedoncle de Veretillum cynomorium Pall. Vie et Milieu 21 (1-A):49-93, pls. 1-8.

FRANC, SUZANNE, A. HUC and G. CHASSAGNE.--1974. Etude ultrastructur- ale et physico-chemique de l'axe squelettique de Veretillum cyno- morium Pall. (Cnidaire, Anthozoaire): cellules, calcite, colla- gene. J. Microsc. 21:93-110.

FRANC, SUZANNE, P.W. LEDGER and R. GARRONE.--1985. Structural vari- ability of collagen fibres in the calcareous axial rod of a sea pen. Journal of Morphology 184(1):75-84, illustr. [Veretillum cynomorium.]

FRANCE, SCOTT C, PATRICIA E. ROSEL, J. EWANN AGENBROAD, LAUREN S. MULLINEAUX and THOMAS D. KOCHER.--1996. DNA sequence variation of mitochondrial large-subunit rNA provides support for a two-sub- class organization of the Anthozoa (Cnidaria). Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology 5(1):15-28, table 1, figs. 1-3.

FRENZEL, G.--1937. Die systematische Stellung des adriatischen Alcyonium. Note Istituto Italo-Germanico Biol. Marina Rovigno d'Istria 2 (6); 1-15, pl. 1.

FULLER, HORST.--1958. Symbiose im Tierreich. 228 pp., 119 figs. Wit- tenberg-Lutherstadt: A. Ziemsen Verlag. [In a brief discussion of zooxanthellae in octocorals, states (p. 30) that many "Alcyonari- en" (i.e., Alcyonacea loosely in the European sense) have zoox- anthellae, but few Gorgonaria do, including Isis and Melitodes, and only Virgularia among the Pennatularia.]

FUSETANI, N., K. YASUKAWA, S. MATSUNAGA and K. HASHIMOTO.--1985. Bioactive marine metabolites 12. Moritoside, an inhibitor of the development of starfish embryo, from the gorgonian Euplexaura sp. Tetrahedron Letters 26(52):6449-6542, illustr.

FUSETANI, N., M. ASANO, S. MATSUNAGA and K. HASHIMOTO.--1987. Acaly- cixeniolides, novel norditerpenes which inhibit cell division of fertilized starfish eggs, from the gorgonian Acalycigorgia inermis. Tetrahedron Letters 28(47):5837-5840, ill.

FUSETANI, N., K. YASUKAWA, S. MATSUNAGA and K. HASHIMOTO.--1987. Dimorphosides A and B, novel steroid glycosides from the gorgo- nian Anthoplexaura dimorpha. Tetrahedron Letters 28(11):1187- 1190, ill.

FUSETANI, N., M. ASANO, S. MATSUNAGA and K. HASHIMOTO.--1989. Bioactive marine metabolites. Acalycixeniolides, novel norditer- penes with allene funtionality from two gorgonians of the genus Acalycigorgia. Tetrahedron 45:1647-1652.

FUSETANI, N., H. NAGATA, H. HIROTA and T. TSUYUKI.--1989. Astrogorgia- diol and astrogorgin, inhibitors of cell division in fertlised starfish eggs, from a gorgonian Astrogorgia sp. Tetrahedron Let- ters 30:7079-7082.


GABB, WILLIAM M.--1864. Description of a new species of Virgularia from the coast of California. Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. 3 (2): 120.

GALLES, M.--1982. Nota sobre algunos aspectos concernientes a Lopho- goria ceratophyta (Linnaeus, 1758) (Alcyonaria, Gorgonacea). Actas II Simp. Iber. Estud. Bentos Mar., III:111-119.

GALLES, M.--1982. Callogorgia verticillata (Pallas, 1766), nuevo gorgonaceo (Octocorallia) para la fauna Espanola. P. Dept. Zool. Barcelona, 7:13-15.

GALTSOFF, PAUL S.--1950. The pearl oyster resources of Panama. U.S. Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service. Special Scientific Report: Fisheries No. 28. 53 pp. [Mentions the occur- rence of several gorgonian species, pp. 27-28.]

GAMO, S. and Y. SHINPO.--1992. A new gammaridean amphipod, Pleu- symtes symbiotica, ectosymbiotic with a Japanese gorgonacean octocoral, Melithaea flabellifera (Kukenthal) from Sagami Bay. Sci. Rep. Yokoyama Nat. Univ. (II)39:1-11, illustr.

GANSIUS, JOANNES LUDOVICUS.--1630. Corallorum historia, qua mirabi- lis eorum ortus, locus natalis, varis genera, praeparationes chymicae quamplurimae, viresque eximiae proponuntur. Pp.i- xvi + 1-174. Francofurti: Sumptibus Lucae Iennisii.

GARCIA-ALONSO, L. J.R. MARTINEZ, A. ANEIROS, K. ACOSTA, M. LLANIO, M. DIAZ, A.R. CONCEPCION, S. COWLEY, A. MORALES et al.--1993. Biological activity of secretions and extracts of gorgonians from Cuban waters. Journal of Natural Toxins 2(1):27-39, il- lustr.

GARCIA-RODRIGUES, M. and C. MASSO.--1986. Estudio biometrico de poblaciones de coral rojo (Corallium rubrum L.) del litoral de Gerona (N.E. de Espana). Boletin Inst. esp. Oceanogr. 3(4):61- 64, ill.

GARCIA-RODRIGUES, M. and C. MASSO.--1986. Algunas bases para la determinacion directa de la edad el coral rojo (Corallium rubrum L.). Boletin Inst. esp. Oceanogr. 3(4):65-74, ill.

GARROT, HENRI.--1900. Notice sur la peche du corail sur les cotes de l'Algerie. Pp. 1-24, folding map. Alger: Joseph Angelini, Imprimeur-Editeur.

GAWEL, M.J.--1976. Asterospicularia randalli: A new species of Aster- ospiculariidae (Octocorallia: Alycyonacea) from Guam. Micronesica 12(2):303-307.

GELDIAY, R. and A. KOCATAS.--1972. Note preliminaire sur les peuple- ments benthiques du Golfe d'Ismir. Sci. Monogr., Fac. Sci., Ege Univ. 12:1-34.

GENTH, CARL.--1867. Uber Solenogorgia tubulosa. (Eine neue Gattung der Gorgoniden.) Zeitschr. wissensch. Zool. 17 (3):429-442, pls. 23-25.

GEORGE, J. DAVID and JENNIFER GEORGE.--1987. The coral reefs of Bodgaya Islands (Sabah: Malaysia) and Pulau Sipadan. 4. Macroin- vertebrates. Malayan Nature Journal 40:225-260, pls. 1-12. [Records the occurrence of 58 species of octocorals, illustrated by color photos of some but not accompanied by descriptive information to support identifications. First published records

of Plumigorgia hydroides and Stephanogorgia wainwrighti for this immediate area.]

GEORGE, ROBERT T. and R.P. HIGGINS.--1979. Eutrophic hadal benthic community in the Puerto Rico Trench. In: The Deep Sea--ecology and exploitation. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Univer- sitets-forlaet. Ambio Special Report, no. 6.

GERARD, JOHN.--1636. The herball or generall historie of plantes. Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson citizen and apothecarye of London. 19 unnumbered 1vs + 1-1631 pp. + 23 un- numbered lvs. London: Adam Islip, Ioice Norton and Richard Whitak- ers. (First edition: 1633.)

GERHART, DONALD J.--1983. The chemical systematics of colonial marine animals: An estimated phylogeny of the order gorgonacea based on terpenoid characters. Biological Bulletin 164:71-81.

GERHART, DONALD J.--1984. Prostaglandin A2: an agent of chemical defense in the Caribbean gorgonian Plexaura homomalla. Marine Ecology Progress Series 19(1-2):181-187, illustr.

GERHART, DONALD J.--1986. Prostaglandin A2 in the Cribbean gorgonian Plexaura homomalla: evidence against allelepathic and antifoul- ing roles. Biochemical Syst. Ecol. 14(4):417-421, ill.

GERHART, DONALD J.--1986. Gregariousness in the gorgonian-eating gastropod Cyphoma gibbosum: tests of several possible causes. Marine Ecol. Progress Series 31(3):255-263.

GERHART, DONALD J. and J.C. COLL.--1993. Pukalide, a widely distrib- uted octocoral diterpenoid, induces vomiting in fish. J. Chemical Ecol. 19(11):2697-2704, ill. [The substance is appropriately named!]

GERMANOS, N.K.--1895. Gorgonaceen von Ternate. Zool. Anz. 18:442- 448; 453-458.

GERMANOS, N.K.--1896. Gorgonaceen von Ternate. In: Kukenthal, W. (Ed.), Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Forschungsreise in den Moluk- ken und Borneo, im Auftrage der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft ausgefuhrt von Dr. Willy Kukenthal, Teil 2, Band 1. Abhandl. Senckenb. naturf. Gesellsch. 23 (1):145-187, pls. 9-12.

GESNER, CONRAD.--1558. Historiae animalium liber IIII. quae est de piscium & aquatilium animantium natura. Cum iconibus singulorum ad vivum expressis. Continentur in hoc volumine, Gulielmi Rondeletii & Petri Bellonii Cenomani de aquatilium singulis scripta. 20 lvs. + 1-1297 pp. Tiguri: apud C. Froschoverum.

GESNER, CONRAD.--1565. De rerum fossilium, lapidum et gemmarum maxime, figuris & similitudinibus Liber: non solum Medicis, sed omnibus rerum Naturae ac Philologiae studiosis, vtilis & iucun- dus futurus. 7 unnumbered lvs. + 169 numbered lvs. Tiguri: Jac. Gesner.

GESSERT, L.--1992. Hornkorallen. Pflege und Vermehrung im Korallen- riff-Aquarium. Aquarium (Bornheim) 282:31-36, illustr.

GIAMMONA, C.P. and R.J. STANTON, Jr.--1980. Octocorals from the Middle Eocene Stone City Formation, Texas. Paleontology 54(1):71-80, fig. 1, pls. 1-2.

GIGLIOLI, HENRY HILLYER.--1882. Precious coral. Nature 25:552. (Com- ments on coral fishery, mentions Moseley 1882.)

GILI i SARDA, JOSEP-MARIA.--1982. Fauna de cnidaris de les illes Medes. Treballs de la Institucio Catalana d'Historia Natural 10:1-176, figs. 1-64. [Reports 15 spp. of Octocorals; descrip- tions in Catalan, sclerites illustr. by scanning micrographs of mediocre quality.]

GILI i SARDA, JOSEP-MARIA.--1986. Estudio sistematico y faunistico de los Cnidarios de la costa Catalana. Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona. Memoria presentada para aspirar al Grodo de Doctor en Ciencias, Seccion de la Biologia. 565 pp., 57 pls. (unnumbered). [Pp. 315-344 deal with octocorals, covering 4 spp. Stolonifera, 5 spp. Alcyonacea, 9 spp. Gorgonacea, and 8 spp. Pennatulacea.]

GILI, JOSEP-MARIA and A. GARCIA.--1985. Biologia de Paramuricea clava- ta (Anthozoa: Octocorallia) a les costes Catalanes. 1. Creixement i caracteristiques generals. Bull. Inst. Cat. Hist. Nat. 52 (Sec. Zool., (6):25-32, figs. 1-2.

GILI, J.M. and F. PAGES.--1987. Pennatulaceos (Cnidaria, Anthozoa) recolectados en la plataforma continental Catalana (Mediterraneo Occidental). Misc. Zool. 11:25-39, figs. 1-6.

GILI, J.M. and J.D. ROS.--1985. Estudio cuantitativo de tres pobla- ciones circa litorales de cnidarios bentonicos. Investigacion Pesquera 49(3):323-352.

GILLULY, RICHARD H.--1970. Umbellula in its deep-sea habitat. Science News 97 (24):586-587, ill. (See also JAHN, 1970.)

GLAESSNER, M.F.--1959. Precambrian Coelenterata from Australia, Africa and England. Nature 183:1472-1473, 1 fig.

GLAESSNER, M.F. and B. DAILY.--1959. The geology and late Precambrian fauna of the Ediacara Fossil Reserve. Rec. S. Austral. Mus. 13 (3):369-401, pls. 42-47.

GLOMB, A.--1986. Orgelkorallen. Aufschluss 37(3):99-100, ill.

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GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1835. Characters of a new genus of Corals (Nidalia). Proc. Zool. Soc. London 3:59-60.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1840. The third room [radiated animals]. In: Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. Forty-second Edition. London, G. Woodfall and Son. Pp. 66-77. (Classifi- cation published also in 43rd Edition, pp. 138-150, 1841.)

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1848. Description of Sarcoptilus, a new genus of Pennatulidae. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, part 16, 1848:45. (Also in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) 3:76-77; 1849.)

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1949. Description of a new species of Gorgonia from Australia. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 17:146-147. [Also in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) 5:510-511.]

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1851. Description of a new species of Gorgonia- dae. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1851:124-125, pl. 3.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1857. Description of a new genus of Gorgonia- dae. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1857:128-129, pl. 7.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1857. Description of new genera of Gorgoniadae. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1857:158-159, pl. 8. (October 21.) (Also in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) 20:519-520. December 1857.]

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.-- [1858.] Synopsis of the families and genera of axiferous zoophytes or barked corals. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1857:278-294. (Pp. 278- 288 published Jan. 28, 1858; pp. 289- 294, Feb. 23, 1859.)

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GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1859. Description of some new genera of lithophytes or stony zoophytes. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1859: 479-486.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1860. Description of a new coral (Corallium johnsoni from Madeira. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1860:393-394, pl. 18.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1860. Revision of the family Pennatulidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) 5. 20-25.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1861. Description of a new coral (Corallium Johnsoni) from Madeira. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) 7:214-215. (March.)

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1862. Description of some new species of Spog- godes and a new allied genus (Morchellana) in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) 10:69-73.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1862. Notes on some specimens of claviform Pennatulidae (Veretilleae) in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) 10:73-76.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1862. Notice of a second species of Paragorgia discovered in Madeira by Mr. James Yate Johnson. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3)10:125-126.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1962. Description of two new genera of zoo phytes (Solenocaulon and Bellonella) discovered on the north coast of Australia by Mr. Rayner. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1862: 34-37, 4 figs. [Also in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) 10:147-149, 4 figs.]

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1865. Notice on Rhodophyton, a new genus of Alcyoniadae, found on the coast of Cornwall. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1865:705-707.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1866. Description of two new forms of gorgo- nioid corals. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1866:24-27.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1867. Additional note on Corallium johnsoni. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1867:125-127.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1868. Note on a new Japanese coral (Isis gre- gorii), and on Hyalonema. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 2:263-264

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1868. Descriptions of some new genera and species of alcyonoid corals in the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 2:441-445, figs. 1-4.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1869. Descriptions of some new genera and species of alcyonoid corals in the British Museum Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 3:21-23.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1869. Notes on the fleshy alcyonoid corals (Alcyonium, Linn., or Zoophytaria carnosa). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 3:117-131.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1869. Quoy and Gaimard's species of corals. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 3:245.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1869. Bebryce mollis, a new British coral. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 3:246.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1869. Siliceous spicules of Solanderia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 3:248.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1870. Notes on some new genera and species of alcyonoid corals in the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 5:405-408.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1870. Catalogue of the sea-pens or Pennatulariidae in the collection of the British Museum. Pp. [i-iv] + 1-40. Lon- don: British Museum.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1870. Catalogue of the lithophytes or stony corals in the collection of the British Museum. Pp. [i-iv] + 1-51. Lon- don: British Museum.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1872. Notes on corals from South and Antarctic seas. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1872:744-747, pls. 62-64.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1872. On the genus Osteocella. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 9:405-406.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1872. Jukella, a new alcyonarian from Sir C. Hardy's Island. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 9:48l.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1872. Thouarella antarctica from the Falkland Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 10:124.

GRAY, JOHN EDWARD.--1872. Alcyonoid corals and sponges from the Gulf of Suez. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 9:48l-482.

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GRAY, JOHN EDWARD and HENRY J. CARTER.--1869. On Spoggodes con- glomeratus, and a new genus of fleshy alcyonoids. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 4:360-361. (November.)

GRAY: SAUNDERS, J.--1872. List of the books, memoirs and miscellane- ous papers by Dr. John Edward Gray, F.R.S. With a few historical notes. [London]: Printed for private distribution. 58 pp. [Also printed by Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. 1875.]

GREEF, R.--1882. Die Edelkoralle im Atlantischen Ocean. Kosmos 12:218.

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GRIGG, RICHARD W.--1970. Ecology and population dynamics of the gorgonians, Muricea californica and Muricea fruticosa Coelenter- ata: Anthozoa. Dissertation Abstracts International 31 (4). 2 pp. [The species here treated as Muricea fruticosa is not that species.]

GRIGG, RICHARD W.--1970. Status of the precious coral industry in Japan, Taiwan, and Okinawa: 1970. Univ. Hawaii UNIHI-Sea Grant- AR-71-02.

GRIGG, RICHARD W.--1972. Orientation and growth form of sea fans. Limnol. Oceanogr. 17 (2):185-192, figs. 1-4.

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GRIGG, RICHARD W.--1974. Distribution and abundance of precious corals in Hawaii. Proc. Second Internat. Coral Reef Symp. 2: 235-240.

GRIGG, RICHARD W.--1975. Age structure of a longevous coral: a relative index of habitat suitability and stability. Amer. Naturalist 109 (970):647-657, fig. 1, tables 1-2.

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GRIGG, RICHARD W.--1976. Fishery management of precious and stony corals in Hawaii. Univ. Hawaii Sea Grant Tech. Rep. UNIHI-Sea Grant-TR-77-03. Pp. i- viii + 1-48, figs. 1-23.

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GRIGG, RICHARD W.--1984. Resource management of precious corals: A review and application to shallow water reef building corals. P.S.Z.N.I: Marine Ecology 5(1):57-74.

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GRIGG, RICHARD W. and FREDERICK M. BAYER.--1976. Present knowledge of the systematics and zoogeography of the order Gorgonacea in Hawaii. Pacific Science 30 (2):167-175.

GRIGG, RICHARD W. and LUCIUS G. ELDREDGE.--1975. The commercial potential of precious corals in Micronesia. Part 1. The Maria- na Islands. Univ. Guam Marine Lab. Tech. Rep. No. 18, Sea Grant Publication UGSG 1-16, fig. 1.

GRILLO, M.-C. and L.A. CHESSA.--1992. Developpement larvaire de Corallium rubrum. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Medit. 33:40.

GRILLO, M.-C., W.M. GOLDBERG and D. ALLEMAND.--1993. Skeleton and sclerite formation in the precious red coral Corallium rubrum. Marine Biology 117:119-128, figs. 1-5. [Confirms existence of axis epithelium and participation of sclerites in early stages of axis formation.]

GRIMM, H.N.--1682. Anatome coralloidis. Miscellanea curiosa medi- co-physica Academiae naturae curiosorum. (Dec. II) 1682:408- 409, 1 unnumbered plate.

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GRYGIER, MARK J.--1981. Redescription of Gorgonolaureus bikiniensis (Crustacea: Ascothoracica), with a reevaluation of its familial affinities. Micronesica 17(1-2):67-76. [Jan./Feb. 1982?]

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HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1907. Coelentera I.--Alcyonaria. National An- tarctic (Discovery) Expedition, Nat. Hist. 3:1-15, pl. 1. Brit- ish Museum.

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HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1911. On Ceratopora, the type of a new family of Alcyonaria. Proc. Roy. Soc. London (B) 84:195-200, pl. 6.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1912. Change in the name of a genus of Alcyonaria. Zool. Anzeiger 40 (12):351.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1915. Some Alcyonaria and a Stylaster from the west coast of North America. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1915:541- 557, pl. 1.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1916. The Pennatulacea of the Siboga Expedition. Siboga Expeditie Monogr. 14. i-x + 1-265 pp., 45 text figs., pls. 1-10, 1 chart.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1917. West coast corals. Bionomical Leaflets, McGill University, Montreal 6:21-24.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1919. Sur quelques specimens d'un Alcyonium d'Annam Alcyonium krempfi n. sp. Bull. Soc. zool. France 44:411- 424.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1921. On some Alcyonaria in the Cambridge Museum. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 20 (3):366-373.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1922. On two sea-pens from West Australia. J. Linn. Soc. (Zoology) 35:21-23. (June 12.) [Reports Veretillum malayense Hickson, 1916, and an unidentified juvenile Pteroides sp.]

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1924. An introduction to the study of Recent corals. xiv+257 pp., 110 figs. Manchester: at the University Press.

HICKS0N SYDNEY J.--1928. The Gorgonacea of Panama Bay, together with a description of one species from the Galapagos islands and one from Trinidad. Vidensk. Medd. Dansk naturh. Foren. 85:325-422, pls. 4-6.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1930. The genus Stereosoma. Zool. Anzeiger 90 (7/8):221- 222.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1930. On the classification of the Alcyonaria. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1930:229-252, text figs. 1-2.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1930. Some alcyonarians from the eastern Pacific Ocean. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1930:209-227, pls. 1-3.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1931. Three species of Alcyonaria from the Gulf of Manaar. Bull. Madras Govt. Mus. (New Series) Natural History Section 1 (2):81-89.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1931. The alcyonarian family Xeniidae, with a revision of the genera and species. Great Barrier Reef Exped. 1928-29, Sci. Rept. 4 (5):137-179, pls. 1-2.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1932. Gorgonacea. Great Barrier Reef Exped. 1928-29. Sci. Rept. 4 (13):459-512.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1937. The Pennatulacea. John Murray Exped. 1933- 34, Sci. Rept. 4 (5):109-130.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1937. The family Melitodidae. Trans. Zool. Soc. London 23 (3):73-212, 38 text figs., pl. 14.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1938. The Gorgonacea from Torres Straits col- lected by Prof. A.C. Haddon, F.R.S., 1888-89, with notes on the genera Hicksonella and Pseudothesea. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1938 (B) 108(3):585-610.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1938. An alcyonarian from the Eocene of Missis- sippi. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 28 (2):49-51.

HICKSON, SYDNEY J.--1940. The species of the genus Acabaria in the Red Sea. Publ. Marine Biol. Sta. Ghardaqa (Red Sea) 2:3-22, pls. 1-2. (English with Arabic summary.)

HICKSON, SYDNEY J. and ISA L. HILES.--1900. The Stolonifera and Alcyonaqea collected by Dr. Willey in New Britain, etc. Zoologi- cal Results based on material fron New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewhere, collected during the years 1895, 1896 and 1897, by Arthur Willey, part 4:493- 508, pls. 50-51.

HIGA, T., J. TANAKA, Y. TSUKITANI, and H. KIKUCHI.--1981. Hippurista- nols, cytotoxic polyoxygenated steroids from the gorgonian Isis hippuris. Chem. Lett. 1981:1647-1650.

HIGGINS, H.Y.--1879. The red coral of commerce, Corallium rubrum, Lamarck. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Liverpool 33:xlviii-li.

HIGGINS, H. H.--1882. Museumtalk about animals which have no bones; or visitor's companion to a series of twenty table-cases occupy- ing the central parts of a suite office rooms on the upper floor or the free public museum of Liverpool. Fourth Edition. Liver- pool, J.R. Williams & Co. 31 pp.

HILES, ISA L.--1899. Report on the gorgonacean corals collected by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner at Funafuti. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1899:46-54, pls. 1- 4.

HILES, ISA L.--1899. The Gorgonacea collected by Dr. Willey. Zoolog- ical Results based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewhere, collected during the years 1895 1896 and 1897, by Arthur Willey, part 2:195-206, pls. 22-23.

HILL, DOROTHY.--1960. Possible intermediates between Alcyonaria Tabulata, Tabulata and Rugosa, and Rugosa and Hexacoralla. Internat. Geol. Congr. Rept. Twenty-First Session Norden, part 22:51-58; Abstracts:234.

HILL, M.D.--1906. Notes on the maturation of the ovum of Alcyonium digitatum. Quarterly Journ. microsc. Sci. (new series) 49 (3):493-505.

HILTON, W.A.--1916. Notes on coelenterates and echinoderms from Laguna Beach. Pomona Journ. Entomol. Zool. 8:

HINCKS, THOMAS.--1862. A catalogue of the zoophytes of South Devon and South Cornwall. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) 9:303-317.

HINMAN, J.W.--1973. Studies on experimental harvesting and regrowth of Plexaura homomalla in Grand Cayman waters. Food-drugs Sea Conf. Proc. 1972:165-176.

HINMAN, J.W. (Moderator).--1974. Panel Discussion:Ecology, harvesting, environ mental impact and mariculture potential. In: Bayer, F.M. and A.J. Weinheimer (Eds.), Prostaglandins from Plexaura homomal- la: ecology, utilization and conservation of a major medical marine resource. Stud. Trop. Oceanogr. Miami 12:150-165.

HINMAN, J.W., S.R. ANDERSON and MARLIN SIMON.--1974. Studies on experimental harvesting and regrowth of Plexaura homomalla in Grand Cayman waters. In: Bayer, F.M. and A.J. Weinheimer (Eds.), Idem. Stud. Trop. Oceanogr. Miami 12:39-57, figs. 1-9.

HIRO, FUJIO.--1937. Observations on the alcyonarian Heteroxenia eli- zabethae Kolliker. Annot. Zool. Jap. 16 (3):237-244, figs. 1-4.


HO, J.-S.--1984. Copepoda associated with sponges, cnidarians, and tunicates of the Sea of Japan. Report Sado Marine Biological Station, Niigata University No. 14:23-61, illustr. [Enalcyonium digitigerum, new parasite species in Bellonella rigida.]

HOEGH-GULDBERG, O., L.R. McCLOSKEY and L. MUSCATINE.--1987. Expul- sion of zooxanthellae by symbiotic cnidarians from the Red Sea. Coral Reefs 5(4):201-204, ill. [Xeniidae.]

HOGG, J.--1840. On the tentacular classification of zoophytes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4:364-368.

HOKAMA, S., J. TANAKA, T. HIGA, N. FUSETANI, M. ASANO, S. MATSUNAGA and J. HASHIMOTO.--1988. Bioactive marine metabolites. Ginamel- lene, a new norditerpene with allene functionality from four gorgonians of the genus Acalycigorgia. Chem. Letters 1988:855.

HOLM, AKE.--1957. Specimina Linneana i Uppsala braarade zoologiska Samlingar fra Linnes tid. Uppsala Universitetets Arsskrift 1957:6. [With English summary.]

HOLM, OTTO.--1894. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Alcyonidengattung Spongodes Lesson. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst) 8 (1):8-57, pls. 2-3. [Separates repaged 1-50; also distributed as doctoral disserta- tion, University of Upsala, dated 1903.]

HOLM, OTTO.--1904. Weiteres uber Nephthya und Spongodes. Results of the Swedish Zoological Expedition to Egypt and the White Nile 1901, no. 27:1- 18, pl. 1.

HONDA, A., Y. YAMAMOTO, Y. MORI, Y. YAMADA and H. KIKUCHI.--1985. Antileukemic effect of coral-prostanoids clavulones from the stolonifer Clavularia viridis on human myeloid leukemia (HL-60) cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 130(2):515-523.

HONDA, ATSUSHI, YO MORI, KAZUO IGUCHI and YASUJI YAMADA.--1987. Antiproliferative and cytotoxic effects of newly discovered halogenated coral prostanoids from the Japanese stolonifer Clavularia viridis on human myeloid leukemia cells in culture. Molecular Pharmacology 32(4):530-535.

d'HONDT, J.-L. and M.-J. d'HONDT.--1992. First observations on the electrophoretic variability of Alcyonium digitatum Linnaeus, 1758 (Cnidaria: Octocorallia). Bolletino di Zoologia 59(3):315- 320, illustr.

d'HONDT, MARIE-JOSE.--1984. Contribution a la connaissance de cer- tains genres de la famille Veretillidae (Pennatulacea). Descrip- tion de Cacernulina grandiflora n. sp. et de Lituaria valencien- nesi nom. nov. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris 4 pp. 625-640.

d'HONDT, MARIE-JOSE.--1986. Sur quelques octocoralliaires stolo- niferes (Coelenterata, Anthozoa). Description de Tesseranthelia chesterfieldensis n. sp. Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Paris (4)8(A no. 3):471-485, figs. 1-7, pls. 1-3.

d'HONDT, Marie-Jose.--1988. Anthomastus tahinodus n. sp., octocoral- liaire Alcyonacea du nord-est de Tahiti. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (4)10(A) no. 2:256-276, figs. 1-4, pl. 1.

d'HONDT, MARIE-JOSE.--1992. Description d'Anthomastus globosus n. sp. (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea) de Nouvelle-Caledonie. Remarques sur quelques especes du genre. Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., Paris (A)14(3-4):623-638, illustr.

HONJO, ICHIJIRO.--1940. Beitrage zur Nervenmuskelphysiologie der kolonienbildende Tiere. I. Die Peristaltik von Cavernularia. Annot. Zool. Jap. 19 (4):301-308, 1 fig., 1 table.

HORN, GEORGE H.--1860. Descriptions of three new species of Gorgoni- dae, in the collection of the Academy. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 12:233. (June.)

HORN, GEORGE H.--1860. On Milne-Edwards' synonymy of Xiphigorgia setacea. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 12:367-368.

HORNELL, JAMES.--1922. Some commensals of Indian alcyonarians. Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 28 (4):926-936, 6 figs.

HORRIDGE, G.A.--1956. The responses of Heteroxenia (Alcyonaria) to stimulation and to some inorganic ions. J. exper. Biol. 33 (3):604-614.

HOSHINO, TAKAHARU.--1976. An Epitome of the Zoologial collection obtained from the antarctic in the 15th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition. No. 57. pp. 123-128.

HOUTTUYN, MARTIN.--1772. De Zee-Gewassen. In: Natuurlyke Historie of uitvoerige Beschryving der Dieren, Planten en Mineraalen, volgens het Samenstel van den Heer Linnaeus 1 (17):i-vii + 1-614, pls. 126-138. Amsterdam: F. Houttuyn.

HUBRECHT, A.A.W.--1885. On a new pennatulid from the Japanese Sea. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1885:512-518, pls. 30-31.

HUECKEL, G.-A.--1910. Les idees des anciens sur le corail. Revue Scientifique 48 (16):490-494.

HUMES, ARTHUR G.--1984. Harpacticoid copepods associated with cni- darians in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Zoologica Scripta 13(3):209-221, illustr. [Parategastes conexus associated with Stereonephthya ulicoides.]

HUMES, ARTHUR G.--1993. Copepoda associated with gorgonaceans (Cnidar- ia) in the Indo-Pacific. Bulletin of Marine Science 53:1078-1098.

HUMES, ARTHUR G.--1994. Copepoda associated with octocorals in northwestern Madagascar, including Orecturus sakalavicus n. sp. from the telestacean Coelogorgia palmosa. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 113(2):117-126, ill.

HUMES, ARTHUR G.--1996. Orecturus amplus, a new species (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from an alcyonacean in New Caledonia. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 109(1):112-117, figs. 1- 3. [Copepod associated with Siphonogorgia variabilis.]

HUMES, ARTHUR G. and J.S. HO.--1968. Cyclopoid copepods of the genus Lichomolgus associated with octocorals of the family Nephtheidae in Madagascar. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 125(3661):1-41.

HUETTEROTT, G.--1891. La pesca ed il commercio del corallo in Ital- ia. Trieste, Tip. Marterra & Co.

HUTTON, F.W.--1904. Index Faunae Novae Zelandiae. [Lists four spe- cies of octocoral from New Zealand, and others from Kermadec Islands.]

HYMAN, LIBBIE H.--1940. The Invertebrates. Protozoa through Cte- nophora. Pp. i-x + 1-716, figs. 1-221. New York: McGraw-Hill.


IGUCHI, K., S. KANETA, K. MORI, Y. YAMADA, A. HONDA and Y. MORI.--1985. Chlorovulones, new halogenated marine prostanoids with an antitumor activity from the stolonifer Clavularia viri- dis Quoy and Gaimard. Tetrahedron Letters 26(47):5787-5790. [See also Nagaoka, H., 1986.]

IGUCHI, K., S. KANETA, K. MORI, Y. YAMADA, A. HONDA and Y. MORI.--1986. Bromovulone I and Iodovulone I, unprecedented brominated and iodinated marine prostanoids with antitumour activity isolated from the Japanese stolonifer Clavularia viri- dis Quoy and Gaimard. Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications 1986 (384):981-982.

IGUCHI, K., S. KANETA, K. MORI and Y. YAMADA.--1987. A new marine epoxy prostanoid with an antiproliferative activity from the stolonifer Clavularia viridis Quoy and Gaimard. Chem Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo) 35(10):4375-4376, ill.

IGUCHI, K., K. MORI, M. MATSUSHIMA and Y. YAMADA.--1987. Sprotubipo- lide, a new marine sesquiterpenoid from the stolonifer Tubipora musica Linnaeus. Chem. Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo) 35(8):3531-3533, ill.

IGUCHI, K. and Y. YAMADA.--1983. Novel C-20-oxygenated prostanoids, 20-acetoxyclavulones, from the stolonifer Clavularia viridis Quoy and Gaimard. Tetrahedron Letters 24(41):4433-4434.

IMAFUKU, MICHIO.--1973. On some physiological aspects in the daily rhythmic activity of the sea-pen, Cavernularia obesa Valencien- nes. Pub. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 20:431-454.

IMAFUKU, MICHIO.--1975. Peristalsis in the monopolypid stage of the sea-pen, Cavernularia obesa Valenciennes. Pub. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 22 (1/4):195- 216, figs. 1-9.

IMAFUKU, MICHIO.--1976. On the mechanism of the activity rhythm of the sea-pen, Cavernularia obesa Valenciennes. Pub. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 23 (1/2):1-17, figs. 1-5.

IMAHARA, YUKIMITSU.--1977. Alcyoniid octocorals from Suruga Bay, the Pacific coast of central Japan. Annot. Zool. Japon. 50 (1):31- 35, figs. 1-2. (March 20.)

IMAHARA, YUKIMITSU.--1977. Nephtheid octocorals from Suruga Bay, the Pacific coast of central Japan. Annot. Zool. Japon. 50 (3):164- 173, figs. 1-4. (September 20.)

IMAHARA, YUKIMITSU.--1991. Report on the Octocorallia from the Ryukyu Islands of Japan. Bull. Inst. Oceanic Res. and Develop., Tokai Univ. 1991(11/12):59-94.

IMAHARA, YUKIMITSU.--1996. Previously recorded octocorals from Japan and adjacent seas. Precious Corals & Octocoral Research 4-5:17-44.

IMPERATO, FERRANTE.--1599. Dell' historia natvrale, di Ferrante Imperato... libri XXVIII, nella qvale ordinatamente si tratta della diuersa condition di miniero, e pietre. Con alcune histor- ie di piante, & animali; sin 'hora non date in luce... 13 lvs + 1- 791. Napoli: C. Vitale. [Also 1672, Venetia: Presso Combi & La Nou. 4 lvs + 1-696 pp.]

IMRE, S., A. OZTUNC, T. CELIK and H. WAGNER.--1987. Isolation of caffeine from the gorgonian Paramuricea chamaeleon. J. Nat. Prod. (Lloydia) 50(6):1187. ISAACS, S., S. CARMELY and Y. KASHMAN.--1990. Juncins A-F: six new briarane diterpenoids from the gorgonia Junceella juncea. J. Natural Products (Lloydia) 53:596-602.

IZAK, R.R., W. FENICAL and J.M. WRIGHT.--1984. Inflatene, an ichthyotoxic C12 hydrocarbon from the stoloniferan soft coral Clavularia inflata var. luzoniana. Tetrahedron Letters 25(13):1325-1328, illustr.

IZAK, R.R., S.E. POET, W. FENICAL, D. VAN ENGEN and J. CLARDY.--1982. The structure of pacifigorgiol, an ichthyotoxic sesquiterpenoid from the Pcific gorgonian coral Pacifigorgia sp. cf. adamsii. Tetrahedron Letters 23:3743-3746.


JAGODZINSKA, B.M., J.S. TRIMMER, W. FENICAL and C. DJERASSI.--1985. Sterols in marine invertebrates. 49. Isolation and structure elucidation of eight new polyhydroxylated sterols from the soft coral Sinularia dissecta. Journal of Organic Chemistry 50(9):1435-1439, illustr.

JAGODZINSKA, B.M., J.S. TRIMMER, W. FENICAL and C. DJERASSI.--1985. Sterols in marine invertebrates. 51. Isolation and structure elucidation of C-18 functionalized sterols from the soft coral Sinularia dissecta. Journal of Organic Chemistry 50(16):2988- 2992, illustr.

JAHN, W.--1970. Umbellulidae distribution in the Atlantic. Nature, London 225:1068-1069.

JANOWER, MARTIN.--1904. Die Gattung Solenocaulon. Rev. Suisse Zool. 12 (2):495-538, pls. 7-8.

JENKINS, R.J.F.--1985. The enigmatic Ediacaran (Precambrian) genus Rangea and related forms. Paleobiology 11(3):336-355, illustr.

JEYASURIA, P. and J.C. LEWIS.--1987. Mechanical properties of the axial skeleton in gorgonians. Coral Reefs 5(4):213-219, ill.

JINGYU, S., L. KANGHOU, P. TANGSHENG, H. CUN-HENG and J. CLARDY.--1986. The structure of methyl isosartortuate, a novel tetracyclic tetraterpenoid from the soft coral Sarcophyton tortuosum. Journal of the American Chemical Society 108(1):177- 178, ill.

JOHNSON, JAMES YATE.--1861. Description of a second species of Acanthogorgia from Madeira. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1861:296- 298, 2 figs. (June 25.)

JOHNSON, JAMES YATE.--1861. Notes on the sea-anemones of Madeira, with descriptions of new species. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1861:298-306. (June 25.) [Includes Cornularia.]

JOHNSON, JAMES YATE.--1862. Descriptions of some new corals from Madeira. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1862:194-197, 14 figs. [Also in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) 11:140-143, 14 figs. (1863).

JOHNSON, JAMES YATE.--1862. Descriptions of two corals from Madeira, belonging to the genera Primnoa and Mopsea Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1862:245-246, pl. 31. [Also in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) 11:299-300, April 1863.]

JOHNSON, JAMES YATE.--1863 Description of a new species of flexible coral belonging to the genus Juncella, obtained at Madeira. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1863:505-506. [Also in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) 14:142-143, August 1864.]

JOHNSON, JAMES YATE.--1898. Short diagnoses of two new species of Coralliidae from Madeira. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 2:421-422. (November.) [Full descriptions with illustrations published in Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1899:57- 63, June 1, 1899.]

JOHNSON, JAMES YATE.--1899. Notes on the Coralliidae of Madeira, with descriptions of two new species. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1899:57-63, pl. 5-7. (June 1.)

JOHNSON, JAMES YATE.--1899. Note on the habit and mode of growth of the corals belonging to the genus Pleurocorallium. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1899:978- 979.

JOHNSTON, GEORGE.--1838. A history of the British zoophytes. Pp. i-xii + 1-341, pls. 1-44. Edinburgh: W.H. Lizars.

JOHNSTON, GEORGE.--1847. A history of the British zoophytes. Second edition. Vol. 1, pp. i-xvi + 1-488. Vol. 2, pls. 1-74. London: John Van Voorst.

JORDAN, E.--1989. Gorgonian community structure and reef zonation patterns on Yucatan coral reefs. Bulletin of Marine Science 45:673-696.

JORDAN, E. and R. NUGENT.--1978. Evaluacion poblacional de Plexaura homomalla en la costa noreste de la Peninsula de Yucatan. Anuario del Instituto de Ciencias Marinas de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 5:189-200.

JOUBIN, L.--1906. Cours d'Oceanographie. Bulletin du Musee Oceano- graphique de Monaco. No. 66 pp. 1-38.

JUNGERSEN, HECTOR F.E.--1887. Kara-Havets Alcyonider. In: Lutken, Christian F. (Ed.), Dijmphna-Togtets zoologisk-botaniske Ud- bytte...Avec des Resumes en Francais. Kjobenhavn, xxi + 515 pp., 41 pls. (Pp. 373-380.)

JUNGERSEN, HECTOR F.E.--1888. Om Bygningen og Udviklingen af Kolo- nien hos Pennatula phosphorea. Vid. Medd. nat. For. Kjobenhavn for Aaret 1888, 40:154-181, pl. 5.

JUNGERSEN, HECTOR F.E.--1888. Ueber Bau und Entwicklung der Kolonie von Pennatula phosphorea L. Zeitschr. wissenschaftl. Zool. 47:626-649, pl. 39.

JUNGERSEN, HECTOR F.E.--1892. Ceratocaulon wandeli, en ny nordisk Alcyonide. Vid. Medd nat. Fon Kobenhavn 1891:234-242, figs. 1-4.

JUNGERSEN, HECTOR F.E.--1904. Pennatulida. Danish Ingolf-Exped. 5 (1):i-iv + 1-95, pls. 1-3, map. [English edition published July 13, 1904; Danish edition correspondingly imprinted "Faerdig fra Trykkeriet den 16de Juni 1904." Pagination of Danish edition 1- 91.]

JUNGERSEN, HECTOR F.E.-1907. Pennatuliden. Expedition Antarctique Belge. Rapports Scientifiques: Zoologie. Pp. 1-12, 1 pl. (un- numbered).

JUNGERSEN, HECTOR F.E.--1915. Alcyonaria, Antipatharia og Madrepor- aria. Conspectus Faunae Groenlandicae. Medd. Gronland 23:1156- 1212.

JUNGERSEN, HECTOR F.E.--1916. Alcyonarian and madreporarian corals in the museum of Bergen, collected by the Fram-Expedition 1898- 1900 and by the "Michael Sars" 1900-1906. Bergens Mus. Aarbog, Naturvidensk. Raekke, 2 Heft 1915-16 (No. 6):1-44. [Published 1917 according to Madsen 1944.]

JUNGERSEN, HECTOR F.E.--1916. The Alcyonaria of East Greenland. Medd. Gronland 43 (17):487-503, 2 figs.

JUNGERSEN, HECTOR F.E.--1918. Om Koraldyrslaegten Anthomastus og Udviklingen af dens Koloniform. Forhandl. Skand. Naturf. 16:670- 674.

JUSSIEU, BERNARD.--1745. De quelques productions marines qui ont ete mises au nombre des Plantes, & qui sont l'ouvrage d'une sorte d'Insectes de mer. Histoire de l'Academie Royale des Sciences. Annee M. DCCXLII. Avec les Memoires de Mathematique & de Phy- sique:290-302, pls. 9-10.


KAMMERS, M. and K. SAALFELD.--1989. Octocorallia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) e fauna associada da costa catarinense: resultados iniciais. In: Poli, C.R. and P.A.M. d Nascimento (eds) Anais do IIo Seminario sobre Ciencias do Mar da UFSC, Florianopolis-SC, 03 e 04 de dezem- bro de 1987: 25-31. Florianopolis, UFSC/CAPES, 160 pp.

KANGHOU, L., L. YONGCHENG and H. WEIXONG.--1987. Studies on the chemical constituents of the Chinese gorgonia 6. Junceellin B, a new chlorine-containing diterpenoid from Junceella squamata. Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni 1987(2):15-20, ill.

KANWISHER, JOHN W. and STEPHEN A. WAINWRIGHT.--1967. Oxygen balance in some reef corals. Biol. Bull. 133:378-390. [Includes data on 4 species of octocoral.]

KASHMAN, Y., et. al.--1980. Gas-liquid chromatograms of sesquiter- penes as finger prints for soft-coral identification. Marine Biology 55, 255-259.

KASHMAN, Y., A. GROWEISS, S. CARMELY, Z. KINAMONI, D. CZARKIE and M. ROTEM.--1982. Recent research in marine natural products from the Red Sea. Pure appl. Chemistry 54(10):1995-2010.

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KASSIANOW, N.--1908. Untersuchungen uber das Nervensystem der Alcyo- naria. Zeitschr. wissensch. Zool. 90:478-545, pls. 29-31.

KAWAGUTI, SIRO.--1964. Electron microscopy on the spicules and the polyp of a gorgonian, Euplexaura erecta. Biol. Journ. Okayama Univ. 10 (1-2):23-38, figs. 1-24.

KAWAGUTI, SIRO.--1969. Electron microscopy on a soft coral, Heterox- enia elisabethae Kolliker. Biol. Journ. Okayama Univ. 15:25-35, 16 pls.

KAWAGUTI, SIRO and YOSHIHISA KAMISHIMA.--Electron microscopy on a gorgonian coral, Anthoplexaura dimorpha. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Cnidaria, Shirahama and Kushimoto, Japan, October 16-19, 1972. Pub. Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 20: 785-793, figs. 1-11.

KAZLAUSKAS, RYMANTAS, PETER T. MURPHY, ROBERT J. WELLS, P. SCHONHOL- ZER and JOHN C. COLL.--1978. Cembranoid constituents from an Australian collection of the soft coral Sinularia flexibilis. Australian Journal of Chemistry 31:1817-1824.

KEIFER, P.A., K. L. RINEHART Jr. and I.R. HOOPER.--1986. Renillafou- lins, antifouling diterpenes from the sea pansy Renilla renifor- mis (Octocorallia). Journal org. Chem. 51(23):4450-4454, ill.

KELLER, N.B., F.A. PASTERNAK and D.V. NAUM0V.--1975. Bottom deep-sea Coelenterata from the Gulf and Caribbean. In: Scientific studies Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and adjacent waters. Trans. P.P. Shirsov Inst. Oceanol. 100:147-159, figs. 1-2. [Russian, with English summary.]

KENT, WILLIAM SAVILLE.--1870. On two genera of alcyonid corals, taken in the recent expedition of the yacht "Norma" off the coast of Spain and Portugal. Quarterly Journ. Microsc. Sci. (N.S.) 10:397-399.

KENT, WILLIAM SAVILLE.--1870. On the calcareous spicula of the Gorgonaceae: their modification of form, and the importance of their characters as a basis for generic and specific diagnosis. Monthly Microsc. Journ. 3:76-94, pls. 41-42.

KENT, WILLIAM SAVILLE.--[1893]. The Great Barrier Reef of Australia; its products and potentialities. Pp. [xiii] + 387 pp., 48 photo- mezzotype pls., 16 chromolith plates, chart of the Great Barrier Reef area. London: W.H. Allen & Co., Limited.

KETTNER, R.--1937. Palaeontological studies of the Devonian of Celeskovice (Moravia). Part 5. On some alcyonarians. Pub. Fac. Sci. Univ. Charles, Prague, no. 155:20 pp., 13 figs.

KIKUCHI, H., Y. TSUKITANI, K. IGUCHI and Y. YAMADA.--1982. Clavu- lones, new type of prostanoids from the stolonifer Clavularia viridis Quoy and Gaimard. Tetrahedron Letters 23:5171-5174.

KIKUCHI, H., Y. TSUKITANI, K. IGUCHI and Y. YAMADA.--1983. Absolute stereochemistry of new prostanoids clavulone I, II and III, from Clavularia viridis Quoy and Gaimard. Tetrahedron Letters 24:1549-1552.

KIKUCHI, H., Y. TSUKITANI, H. NAKANISHI, I. SHIMIZU, S. SAITOH, K. IGUCHI and Y. YAMADA.--1982. New butenolides from the gorgonian Euplexaura flava (Nutting). Chem. Letters 1982:233-236.

KIKUCHI, H., Y. TSUKITANI, H. NAKANISHI, I. SHIMIZU, S. SAITOH, K. IGUCHI and Y. YAMADA.--1983. Studies on marine natural products 8. New butenolides from the gorgonian Euplexaura flava (Nutting). Chem. Pharm. Bulletin 31:1172-1176.

KIM, K.--1994. Antimicrobial activity in gorgonian corals (Coelen- terata, Octocorallia). Coral Reefs 13(2):75-80, illustr.

KINGSLEY, R.J.--1984. Spicule formation in the invertebrates with special reference to the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata. Ameri- can Zoologist 24(4):883-891, illustr.

KINGSLEY, R.J. and J.L. DUPREE.--1993. Seasonal localization of a collagenous protein in the organic matrix of spicules from the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata (Cnidaria: Gorgonacea). Cell and Tissue Res. 273(2):309-316, illustr.

KINGSLEY, RONI J., ERIC W. MOLARO, KIRSTEN E. COE, MARK R. FLORY, AMY M. SKORUPA and KRISTIN A. HARCLERODE.--1996. Mechanisms of the annual cycling of organic-matrix collagen from spicules of the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata. Invertebrate Biology 115(2):89- 98, figs. 1-15.

KINGSLEY, RONI J., M. TSUZAKI, N. WATABE and G.L. MECHANIC.--1990. Collagen in the spicule organic matrix of the gorgonian Leptogor- gia virgulata. Biol. Bull. 179:207-213.

KINGSLEY, R.J. and N. WATABE.--1982. Ultrastructural investigation of spicule formation in the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata (Lamarck) (Coelenterata: Gorgonacea). Cell Tissue Res. 223:325-334.

KINGSLEY, R.J. and N. WATABE.--1982. Ultrastructure of the axial region in Leptogorgia virgulata (Cnidaria: Gorgomacea). Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 101:325-339.

KINGSLEY, R.J. and N. WATABE.--1983. Analysis of proteinaceous components of the organic matrices of spicules from the gorgo- nian Leptogorgia virgulata. Comparative Biochemistry and Physi- ology (B)76(3):443-447.

KINGSLEY, R.J. and N. WATABE.--1984. Synthesis and transport of the organic matrix of the spicules in the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata (Lamarck) (Coelenterata: Gorgonacea). An autoradio- graphic investigation. Cell Tissue Res. 235(1):533-538, illustr.

KINGSLEY, R.J. and N. WATABE.--1984. Calcium uptake in the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata. The effects of ATPase inhibitor. Compara- tive Biochemistry and Physiology (A)79(3):487-491, illustr.

KINGSLEY, R.J. and N. WATABE.--1985. An autoradiographic study of calcium transport in spicule formation in the gorgonian Lepto- gorgia virgulata (Lamarck) (Coelenterata: Gorgonacea). Cell Tisue Res. 239(2):305-310, illustr.

KINGSLEY, R.J. and N. WATABE.--1985. Ca-ATPase localization and inhibition in the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata (Lamarck) (Coelenterata: Gorgonacea). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 93(1-2):157-167, illustr.

KINGSLEY, R.J. and N. WATABE.--1987. Role of carbonic anhydrase in calcification in the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata. Journal of Experimental Zoology 241(2):171-180, ill.

KINGSLEY, R.J. and N. WATABE.--1989. The dynamics of spicule cal- cification in whole colonies of the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgu- lata (Lamarck) (Coelenterata:Gorgonacea). J. Exper. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 133:57-65.

KINGSLEY, RONI J., ET AL.--1987. Scleroblast cultures from the gorgo- nian Leptogorgia virgulata (Lamarck) (Coelenterata: Gorgonacea). In vitro cell dev. Biol 23(4):297-302.

KINOSHITA, KUMAO.--1907. Vorlaufige Mitteilung uber einige neue japanische Primnoidkorallen. Annot. Zool. Japon. 6 (3):229-237.

KINOSHITA, KUMAO.--1908. Gorgonacea no ikka Primnoidae ni tsuite. Dobutsugaku zasshi 20 (240):409-419; (241):453-459, pl. 17; (242):517-528, pl. 18; 21 (243):1-10, pl. 1.

KINOSHITA, KUMAO.--1908. Primnoidae von Japan. Journ. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 23 (12):1-74, pls. 1-6.

KINOSHITA, KUMAO.--1908. Diplocalyptra, eine neue Untergattung von Thouarella (Primnoidae). Annot. Zool. Japon. 7 (1):49-60.

KINOSHITA, KUMAO.--1909. Telestidae von Japan. Annot. Zool. Japon. 7 (2):113- 123, pl. 3.

KINOSHITA, KUMAO.--1909. On some muriceid corals belonging to the genera Filigella and Acis. Journ. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 27 (7):1-16, pls. 1-2.

KINOSHITA, KUMAO.--1909-14. Hassha-sango rui no keitohassei oyobi sono bunrui. Dobutsugaku zasshi 12 (245):116-125 (1909); 22 (259):279-286, pl. 10 (1910); 24 (286):433-441 (1912); 26 (303):7-9 (1914).

KINOSHITA, KUMAO.--1910. Uber die postembryonale Entwicklung von Anthoplexaura dimorpha Kukenthal. Journ. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 27 (14):1-13, 1 pl.

KINOSHITA, KUMAO.--1910. Notiz uber Telesto rosea. Annot. Zool. Japon. 7:209- 211.

KINOSHITA, KUMAO.--1910. On the Keroeididae, a new family of Gorgo- nacea, and some notes on the Suberogorgiidae. Annot. Zool. Japon. 7(4):223-230, pl. 6.

KINOSHITA, KUMAO.--1911. Chinki naru hassha-sango Bathyalcyon. Dobutsugaku zasshi 23 (269):121-124, pl. 3.

KINOSHITA, KUMAO.--1913. Studien uber einige Chrysogorgiiden Japans. Journ. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 33 (2):1-47, pls. 1-3.

KINOSHITA, KUMAO.-1913. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Morphologie und Stammes geschichte der Gorgoniden. Journ. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 32 (10):1-50.

KINZIE, ROBERT A. III.--1973. The zonation of West Indian Gorgo- nians. Bull. Marine Sci. 23(1):93-155, figs. 1-34.

KINZIE, ROBERT A. III.--1974. Plexaura homomalla: the biology and ecology of a harvestable marine resource. Stud. Trop. Oceanogr. Miami 12:22-38, figs. 1-12.

KINZIE, ROBERT A. III.--1974. Experimental infection of aposymbiotic gorgonian polyps with zooxanthellae. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 15:335-345.

KISHINOUYE, KAMAKICHI.--1903. Hompo-san no sango. Dobutsugaku zasshi 15 (174):103-106. (April 25.)

KISHINOUYE, KAMAKICHI.--1903. Preliminary note on the Coralliidae of Japan. Zool. Anzeiger 26 (705):623-62b. (27 July)

KISHINOUYE, KAMAKICHI.--1903. Kosango. Dobutsugaku zasshi 15 (180):372. (October 15.)

KISHINOUYE, KAMAKICHI.--1904. Sango no kenkyu. Suisan chosa hokoku 14 (1):1-31, pls. 1-9. (25 August.)

KISHINOUYE, KAMAKICHI.--1905. Notes on the natural history of cor- als. Journ. Imperial Fish. Bureau 14 (1):1-32, pls. 1-9. (Issued 28 Jan. 1905.)

KITAGAWA, I., Z. CUI, Y. CAI, M. KOBAYASHI, and Y. KYOGOKU.--1986. Marine natural products, 16. Structures of five new diterpenes from an Okinawan soft coral of Xenia sp. (Xeniidae). Chemical Pharmaceutical Bulletin 34(11):4641-4652, ill.

KITAGAWA, I., M. KOBAYASHI, Z. CUI, Y. KIYOTA, and M. OHNISHI.--1986. Marine natural products, 15. Chemical consituents of an Okinawan soft coral of Xenia species (Xeniidae). Chemical Pharmaceutical Bulletin 34(11):4590-4596, ill.

KITAGAWA, I, ZHENG CUI, BYENG WHA SON, M. KOBAYASHI and Y. KYOGOKU.--1987. Marine natural products. 17. Nephthyoxydiol, a new cytotoxic hydroperoxy-germacrane sesquiterpene, and related sesquiterpenoids from an Okinawan soft coral of Nephthya sp. (Nephtheidae). Chem. Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo) 35(1):124-135, ill.

KITAHARA, T.--1904. On the coral fishery of Japan. Journ. Imperial Fish. Bur. 13 (3):1-14, pls. 1-5. (March 31.)

KLUNZINGER, C.B.--1877. Die Korallthiere des rothen Meeres. Erster Theil: Die Alcyonarien und Malacodermen. Pp. i-vii + 1-98, pls. 1- 8. Berlin: Verlag der Gutmann'schen Buchhandlung (Otto Enslin).

KLUNZINGER, C.B.--1880. Uber das Wachstum der Korallen, insbesondere ihre Vermehrung durch Ableger und uber Wachsthumstorungen. Jahreshefte Vereins vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg 36:62-71.

KNER, RUD.--1858. Uber Virgularia multiflora, n. sp. aus der Familie der Seefedern, Pennatulina. Verhandl. k.k. zool. bot. Ges. 1858:295-298, pl. 5.

KNORR, GEORG WOLFGANG.--1766-67. Deliciae Naturae Selectae; oder auserlesense Naturalien-Cabinet, welches aus den drey Reichen der Natur zeiget was von... Liebhabern aufbehalten und gesammlet zu werden verdienet. Ehemals heraus gegeben von G.W. Knorr...fortgesetzt von dessen Erben, beschrieben von P.L.S. Muller, und in das Franzosische ubersetzt von M.V. de la Bla- quiere. Pp. 13 + viii; xx + 144, 91 pls. Nurnberg: Knorr (Erben).

KOBAYASHI, M., T. YASUZAWA, M. YOSHIHARA, H. AKUTSU, Y. KYOGOKU and I. KITA GAWA.--1982. Four new prostanoids: claviridenone-A, -B, -C, and -D from the Okinawan soft coral Clavularia viridis. Tetrahedron Letters 23:5331-5334.

KOBAYASHI, M., T. YASUZAWA, M. YOSHIHARA, B.W. SON, Y. KYOGOKU and I. KITA GAWA.--1983. Absolute stereostructures of claviridenone- A, -B, -C, and -D four prostanoids from the Okinawan soft coral Clavularia viridis. Chem. Pharmacol. Bull. 31:1440-1443.

KOBAYASHI, M., Y. OHIZUMI, H. NAKAMURA, T. YAMAKADO, T. MATSUZAKI and Y. HIRATA.--1983. Ca-antagonistic substance from soft coral of the genus Sarcophyton. Experientia 39(1):67-69.

KOBAYASHI, M., Y. KIYOTA, S. ORITO, Y. KYOGOKU and I. KITAGA- WA.--1984. Five new steroidal glycosides, pregnedioside-A, -B, and their three monoacetates, from an Okinawan soft coral of Alcyonium sp. Tetrahedron Letters 25(34):3731-3734, illustr.

KOBAYASHI, M., N.K. LEE, B.W. SON, K. YANAGI, Y. KYOGOKU and I. KITAGAWA.--1984. Stoloniferone-A, -B, -C, and -D, four new cytotoxic steroids from the Okinawan soft coral Clavularia viridis. Tetrahedron Letters 25(51):5925-5928, illustr.

KOBAYASHI, M., B.W. SON, T. FUJIWARA, Y. KYOGOKU and I. KITA- GAWA.--1984. Neodolabelline, a methyl migrated dolabellane-type diterpene from the Okinawan soft coral Clavularia koellikeri. Tetrahedron Letters 25(48):5543-5546, illustr.

KOBAYASHI, M., B.W. SON, Y. KYOGOKU and I. KITAGAWA.--1986. Kericem- brenolides A, B, C, D, and E, five new cytotoxic cembrenolides from the Okinawan soft coral Clavularia koellikeri. Chemical Pharmaceutical Bulletin 34(5):2306-2309, ill.

KOBAYASHI, M. and F. KANDA.--1991. Marine sterols. 18. Isolation and structure of four novel oxygenated sterols from a gorgonian coral Melithaea ochracea. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I 1991(5):1177- 1180.

KOBAYASHI, M., F. KANDA, C.V.L. RAO, S.M.D. KUMAR, D.V. RAO and C.B. RAO.--1991. Marine sterols. 19. Polyhydroxysterols of the soft corals of the Andaman and Nicobar coasts (3). Isolation and struc- tures of five new C28 polyhydroxysterols from two Sclerophytum sp. soft corals. Chem. Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo) 39(2):297-300.

KOBAYASHI, M., K. KOBAYASHI, K.V. RAMANA, C.V. LAKSHMANA RAO, D. VENKATA RAO and C. BHEEKMASANKARA RAO.--1991. Marine sterols. Part 20. Polyhydroxysterols of the soft corals of the Andaman and Nicobar coasts. Part 4. Andamansterol and nicobarsterol, novel sterols with 3,8,11,21-tetrahydroxylated, and 11,21-epoxy-9,11- secoteroid skeletons, from a Sclerophytum sp. of soft coral. X-ray molecular structure of andamansterol. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I 1991(3):493-497.

KOBAYASHI, M., J.F. CHENG, H. NAKAMURA, Y. OHIZUMI, Y. TOMOTAKE, T. MATSUZAKI, K.J.S. GRACE, R.S. JACOBS, Y. KATO, L.S. BRINEN and J. CLARDY.--1991. Structure and stereochemistry of brianolide, a new antiinflammatory diterpenoid from the Okinawan gorgonian Briareum sp. Experientia (Basel)47(5):501-502.

KOBLUK, DAVID R. and MARY A. LYSENKO.--1995. Note on the scleraxonian octocoral Briareum asbestinum in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles. Bull. mar. Sci. 56 (1):330-337, figs. 1-3.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1874. Anatomie der Orgelkoralle (Tubipora hemprichii Ehrbg.). Dissertation zur Erlangung der Venia Docendi bei der philosophischen Fakultat der Universitat Jena. Jena, Hermann Dabis. Pp. 1-26, pls. 1-2.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1878. Anatomie von Isis neapolitana nov. sp. Morph. Jahrb. 4 (1):112-125, pl. 4.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1878. Bemerkungen uber Synonymie von Isis elongata Esper, Isis neapolitana m. Morph. Jahrb. 4 (1):126-127.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1878. Mittheilungen uber Gorgonia verrucosa Pall. Morph. Jahrb. 4 (2):269-278, pl. 15.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1878. Das Skelet der Alcyonarien. Morph. Jahrb. 4:447- 449.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1878. Notiz uber die Zooide von Pennatula. Zool. Anzeiger 1:103-104.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1879. Bemerkungen uber das Skelet der Korallen. Morph. Jahrb. 5 (2):316-323.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1882. Vorlaufige Mittheilungen uber die Gorgo- nien (Alcyonaria axifera) von Neapel und uber die Entwicklung der Gorgonia verrucosa. Mitt. Zool. Sta. Neapel 3 (4):537-550.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1882. Die morphologische Bedeutung des Koral- lenskelets. Biol. Zentralblatt 2:583-593. (December 1.)

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1882. Anatomie der Clavularia prolifera n. sp. nebst einigen vergleichenden Bemerkungen. Morph. Jahrb. 7:467- 487, pls. 22-23.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1887. Die Gorgoniden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeresabschnitte. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel 15:i- x + 1-99, pls. 1-10.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1889. Kleinere Mittheilungen uber Anthozoen. 1. Zwei Entwicklungsstadien von Pteroides spinulosus. Morph. Jahrb. 15:646- 649.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1890. Kleinere Mittheilungen uber Anthozoen. 2. Terminalpolyp und -zooid bei Pennatula und Pteroides.--3. Einstulpung der Tentakel bei Rhizoxenia rosea und Asteroides calycularis. Morph. Jahrb. 16:396-400.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1891. Kleinere Mittheilungen uber Anthozoen. 7. Uber Kolonien von Bebryce mollis Phil., welche Cornulariden ahnlich sind. Morph. Jahrb. 18 (2) 373-376.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1891. Kleinere Mittheilungen uber Korallen. 9. Beobachtung des Wachsens von Clavularia ochracea. Morph. Jahrb. 18:605-608.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1891. Die systematische Stellung von Sympodium coralloides Pallas. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst.) 5:76-92.

KOCH, GOTTLIEB VON.--1891. Die Alcyonacea des Golfes von Neapel. Mitt. Zool. Sta. Neapel 9:652-676, pl. 25.

KOCH, WILHELM.--1886. Uber die von Herrn Prof. Dr. Greeff im Golf von Guinea gesammelten Anthozoen. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlang- ung der Doctorwurde bei der philosophischen Fakultat der Rhein. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn. i-iv + 1-36 pp., pls. 1-5. Bonn: Universitats-Buchdruckerei von Carl Georgi.

KOCURKO, M. JOHN.--1987. Shallow-water Octocorallia and related submarine lithification, San Andres Island, Colombia. Texas Journal of Science 39(4):349-365, pls. 1-7. [Brief distribution- al remarks and photographic illustrations of gross characters, 20 species of Gorgonacea.]

KOCURKO, M. JOHN.--1988. Note on fossil octocorals and comparisons of some modern and ancient octocoral remains. Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology 21(3/4):105-115, figs. 1-3, pls. 1-4. (Describes and illustrates axial and basal structures of gorgo- nians from 1 Pleistocene and 5 Tertiary localities in Jamaica, North and Central America; speculates about generic or familial assignment.)

KOCURKO, M. JOHN.--1992. Fossil Octocorallia of the Red Bluff Forma- tion, Lower Oligocene, Mississippi. Journal of Paleontology 66(4):594-602, figs. 1-8.

KOLLIKER, RUDOLPH ALBERT von.--1865. Icones histiologicae oder Atlas der vergleichenden Gewebelehre. Zweite Abtheilung. Der feinere Bau der hoheren Thiere. Erstes Heft. Die Bindesubstanz der Coelenteraten. [i-iv] + 87-181 pp., pls. 10-19, 13 text figs. Leipzig: Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann. [Reviewed by Verrill, 1866, Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (2)42:283-284. This is the first illustrated publication to use sclerites as a basis for classifi- cation. The quality of the illustrations is equal to, or better than, any published in the ensuing 100 years.]

KOLLIKER, RUDOLPH ALBERT von.--1868. On the polymorphism of the Anthozoa and the structure of the Tubiporae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 1:227-228 (March.) [Also in Amer. Journ. Sci. (2) 46:273-274. Sept. 1868]

KOLLIKER, RUDOLPH ALBERT von.--1871. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Polypen. Verhandl. physikal.-medicin. Gesellsch. Wurzburg (Neue Folge) 2:11-29, pls. 3-4.

KOLLIKER, RUDOLPH ALBERT von.--1871. Uber den Bau der Renillen. Verhandl. physikal-medicin. Gesellsch. Wurzburg (Neue Folge) 2:108-111. (Feb. 4.) [Also in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 7:307- 309.]

KOLLIKER, RUDOLPH ALBERT von.--1870-72. Anatomisch-systematische Beschreibung der Alcyonarien. Erste Abtheilung: Die Pennatuliden. Abhandl. Senckenb Naturf. Gesellsch. 7:111-255; 487-602; 8:85- 275; pls. 1-24. [Also issued with consecutive pagination, [i-iv] + 1-458 + [1-15], dated 1872.]

KOLLIKER, RUDOLPH ALBERT von.--1872. Morphologie und Entwickclungs- geschichte des Pennatulidenstammes nebst allgemeinen Betrachtun- gen zur Descendenzlehre. iii + 87 pp. Frankfurt a.M.: Christian Winter. [Separate printing from Abhandl. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges. 7 and 8.]

KOLLIKER, RUDOLPH ALBERT von.--1874. Uber den Bau und die systema- tische Stellung der Gattung Umbellularia. Verhandl. physikal.- medicin. Gesellsch. Wurzburg 8:92-95.

KOLLIKER, RUDOLPH ALBERT von.--1875. Die Pennatulide Umbellula und zwei neue Typen der Alcyonarien. In: Festschrift zur Feier des funfundzwanzigjahrigen Bestehens der physicalisch-medicinischen Gesellschaft in Wurzburg. Pp. 1- 23, pls. 1-2.

KOLLIKER, RUDOLPH ALBERT von.--1880. Report on the Pennatulida, dredged by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Voyage of the Challenger, Zoology 1:1-41, pl. 1-11.

KOLONKO, KURT.--1926. Beitrage zu einer Revision der Alcyonarien. Die Gattung Sinularia. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin 12 (2):291-334, pls. 1-4.

KOMAI, TAKU and M. KUMANO.--1953. Octocorallia. Pp. 1547-1563, figs. 4352-4399 in: Illustrated encyclopedia of the fauna of Japan. Pp. 1898 + 18 + 20 + 101 + 89 + 1 lf. + 1 lf. colophon. Tokyo: Hokur- yukan Co., Ltd. (Numerous editions.) [Includes 48 species de- scribed in Japanese, each accompanied by a good-quality line drawing.]

KONISHI, K.--1981 [1982]. Alcyonarian spiculite: limestone of soft corals. Proceedings int. Coral Reef Symposium No. 4 vol. 1:643- 649, ill.

KONNECKER, G.--1985. The epifauna of Kilkieran Bay and Galway Bay with special consideration of the Porifera, Hydroidea and Bryo- zoa. Dissertation Abstracts International (C)46(3):692.

K0O, S.Y.--1935. On a new pennatulid (Lituaria) from Amoy. Nat. Sci. Bull. Univ. Amoy 1 (2):157-164, pl. 1.

KOREN, JOHAN, and DANIEL C. DANIELSSEN.--1847. Virgularia christii, n. sp. Nyt Magazin for Videnskabernes 5 (3):269-271. [Also in Oken's Isis 1848:208- 209.]

KOREN, JOHAN and DANIEL C. DANIELSSEN.--1856. Virgularia Christii K. & D. In: Sars, M., J. Koren and D.C. Danielssen (Eds.), Fauna Lit- toralis Norvegiae 2:91-93, pl. 12, figs. 7-12.

KOREN, JOHAN and DANIEL C. DANIELSSEN.--1874. Bidrag til de ved den norske Kyst levende Pennatuliders Naturhistorie. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne 12:422-427.

KOREN, JOHAN and DANIEL C. DANIELSSEN.--1877. Description of some new coelenterates. In: Sars, M., J. Koren and D.C. Danielssen (Eds.), Fauna Littoralis Norvegiae 3:77-81, pl. 3, figs. 8-11; pl. 9, figs. 1-6.

KOREN, JOHAN and DANIEL C. DANIELSSEN.--1877. Contribution to the history of the Pennatulidae living on the Norwegian coast. In: Sars, M., J. Koren and D.C. Danielssen (Eds.), Fauna Littoralis Norvegiae 3:82-102, pl. 3, figs. 1- 7; pl. 4, figs. 1-7; pl. 9, figs. 7-15; pl. 10, figs. 1-13, pl. 11, figs. 1-11; pl. 12, figs. 1-3.

KOREN, JOHAN and DANIEL C. DANIELSSEN.--1883. Nye Alcyonider, Gorgo- nider og Pennatulider tilhorende Norges Fauna. Bergens Museum. Pp. [i-ii] + I-XVI + 1-38, pls. 1-13. Bergen: John Griegs Bogtrykkeri.

KORNICKER, L.S., F. BONET, R. CANN and C.M. HOSKIN.--1959. Alacran Reef, Campeche Bank, Mexico. Pub. Inst. Marine Sci. (Univ. Texas) 6:1-22, 20 figs.

KOROTNEFF, A.--1887. Zur Anatomie und Histologie des Veretillum. Zool. Anzeiger 10:387-390.

KOROTNEFF, A.--1887. Zwei neue Coelenteraten. Zeitschr. wissensch. Zool. 45:468-490, pl. 23.

KOSUGE, SADAO.--1993. History of the precious coral fisheries in Japan (1). Precious corals & octocoral research 1:30-38, fron- tisp. 2; figs. 1-12.

KOSUGE, SADAO.--1993. History of the precious coral fisheries in Japan (2). Precious corals & octocoral research 2:40, frontisp. 2.

KOWALEVSKY, ALEXANDRE 0.--1879. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Alcyoniden Sympodium coralloides, M.-Edw., und Clavularia cras- sa, M.-Edw. Zool. Anzeiger 5:307-310. [Also in Arch. Zool. exper. gen. 8:liii-lv.]

KOWALEVSKY, ALEXANDRE 0. and A.-F. MARION.--1882. Sur le developpe- ment des Alcyonaires. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 95:562-565.

KOWALEVSKY, ALEXANDRE 0. and A.-F. MARION.--1883. Documents pour l'histoire embryonogenique des alcyonaires. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille. Zoologie 1 (Memoire No. 4):1-50, pls. 1-5.

KRAMP, P.L.--1930. Alcyonaria. Zoology of the Faroes 7a:1-12, 5 figs.

KRAMP, P.L.--1932. The Godthaab Expedition 1928. Alcyonaria, Anti- patharia, and Madreporaria. Medd. Gro/nland 79 (4):1-20, figs. 1-7.

KRAMP, P.L.--1939. Octocorallia. The Zoology of Iceland 2 (7):1-13.

KREMPF, A.--1919. Indications complementaires sur la biologie de Alcyonium krempfi. Bull. Soc. zool. France 44:424-427.

KRUKENBERG, C.F.W.--1884. Uber das Cornein. Berichte Deutschen chem. Gesellsch. 17:1843-1846.

KRUKENBERG, C.F.W.--1887. Die nervosen Leitungsbahnen in dem Polypar der Alcyoniden. In: Vergleichend-Physiologische Studien (2 Reihe) 4:59-76, pl. 1. Heidelberg, Carl Winter's Universitats- Buchhandlung.

KRUKENBERG, C.F.W.--1887. Die physiologischen Eigenthumlichkeiten des Leuchtvermogens bei Pteroides griseum L. In: Vergleichend- Physiologische Studien (2 Reihe) 4:83-105. Heidelberg, Carl Winter's Universitats-Buchhandlung.

KRUKENBERG, C.F.W.--l788. Das Leuchten des Rothen Meeres. In: Ver- gleichend-Physiologische Studien (2 Reihe) 4:117-142, frontis- piece. Heidelberg, Carl Winter's Universitatsbuchhandlung.

KRUKENBERG, C.F.W.--1887. Die Farben der lebenden Korallen des Rothen Meeres. In: Vergleichend-Physiologischen Studien (2 Reihe) 4:172- 187, pl. 3. Heidelberg, Carl Winter's Universitatsbuchhandlung.

KRUNIZ, J.G. (ed. & transl.).--1767. Herrn Johann Ellis . . . Versuch einer Natur-Geschichte der Corall-Arten und anderer dergleichen Mer-Corper, welche gemeiniglich an den Kusten von Gross- Britan- nien und Irrland gefunden werden...Aus dem Englischen und Franzo- sischen ubersezt, und mit Anmerkungen, auch einem Anhange funf hierher gehoriger Abhandlungen der Herren Schlosser, Baster und Ellis, begleitet von D. Johann Georg Kruniz. Pp. 1-52 + 1-168, frontispiece, pls. 1-46. Nurnberg: Gabriel Nikolaus Raspe.

KSEBATI, M.B., L.S. CIERESZKO and F.J. SCHMITZ.--1984. 11B, 12B- epoxypukalide, a furanocembranolide from the gorgonian Leptogorgia setacea. Journal nat. Products 47(6):1009-1012, illustr.

KSEBATI, M.B. and F.J. SCHMITZ.--1986. Diterpenes from a soft coral, Minabea sp., from Truk Lagoon. Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. 95(9- 10):835-851. [Ten new diterpenoids having the briarein skeleton were isolated from Minabea sp., and named "minabeins 1-10."]

KUGLER, HANS G.--1971. An enigmatic gorgonian remnant. Eclogae geo- logicae Helvetiae 64(3):635-636, pls. 1-3. [Fossil Isis described from Sumbawa; photos of specimen and thin sections of axis.]

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1896. Alcyonaceen von Ternate. In: Kukenthal, W. (Ed.), Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Forschungsreise in den Moluk- ken und Borneo, im Auftrage der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft ausgefuhrt von Dr. Willy Kukenthal, Teil 2, Band 1. Abhandl. Senckenb. naturf. Gesellsch. 23 (1):81-144, pls. 5-8.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1902. Diagnosen neuer Alcyonarien aus der Ausbeute der deutschen Tiefseeexpedition. Zool. Anzeiger 25 (668):299-303.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1902. Diagnosen neuer Umbelluliden aus der Ausbeute der deutschen Tiefseeexpedition. Zool. Anzeiger 25 (679):593-597.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1902. Versuch einer Revision der Alcyonarien. 1. Die Familie der Xeniiden. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst.)15:635-662.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1903. Versuch einer Revision der Alcyonarien. 2. Die Familie der Nephthyiden. 1. Theil. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst.) 19 (1):99-178, pls. 7-9.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1903. Uber eine neue Nephthyidengattung aus dem sudatlantischen Ocean. Zool. Anzeiger 26 (694):272-275.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1904. Uber einige Korallentiere des Roten Meeres. In: Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage von Ernst Haeckel herausgegeben von seinen Schulern und Freunden. Jenaische Denkschriften 11:31-58, pls. 4-5.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1905. Anthozoa, Korallentiere. 5. Kursus, pp. 62-69 in Leitfaden fur das zoologische Praktikum von Dr. Willy Kuken- thal. Dritte, umgearbeitete Auflage. Pp. viii+314. Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer. [Includes a concise, illustrated anatomy of Alcyonium digitatum.]

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1905. Versuch einer Revision der Alcyonaceen. 2. Die Familie der Nephthyiden. 2 Teil. Die Gattungen Dendro- nephthya n.g. und Stereonephthya n.g. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst.) 21 (5/6):503-726, pls. 26-32.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1906. Alcyonacea. Wissensch. Ergebn. deutschen Tiefsee-Exped. "Valdivia" 13 (1) Lieferung 1:1-111, pls. 1-12.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1906. Diagnosen neuer japanischer Alcyonaceen. Zool. Anzeiger 30 (8/9):280-289.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1906. Die Stammesgeschichte und die geographische Verbreitung der Alcyonaceen. Verhandl. Deutsch. Zool. Gesellsch. 1906:138-149.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1906. Japanische Alcyonaceen. In: Doflein, F. (Ed.), Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte Ostasiens. Abhandl. math.- phys. Klasse K. Bayer. Akad. Wissensch., Suppl.-Bd. 1 (1):9-86, 5 pls.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1906. Alcyonium brioniense n. sp. Ein neues Alcyonium des Mittelmeeres. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturwiss. 42:61-72, pl. 4.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1906. Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Untersuchungs- fahrt des deutschen Seefischerei-Vereins nach der Bareninsel und Westspitzbergen, ausgefuhrt im Sommer lS98 auf S.M.S. "Olga." VII. Alcyonacea. Wissensch. Meeresunters. Kiel und Biol. Anstalt Helgoland (Neue Folge) 8 (1) Abteilung Helgoland:19-30, pl. 1. (December 1.)

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1907. Versuch einer Revision der Alcyonaceen. 2. Die Familie der Nephthyiden. 3. Teil. Die Gattungen Eunephthya Verrill und Gersemia Marenzeller. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst.) 24 (5):317-390.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1907. Gorgoniden der Deutschen Tiefsee- Expedition. Zool. Anzeiger 31 (7):202-212.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1907. Diagnosen neuer Gorgoniden aus der Familie Plexauridae. Zool. Anzeiger 32 (17):495-504.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1908. Diagnosen neuer Gorgoniden (4. Mitteilung.) Zool. Anzeiger 33 (1):9-20.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1908. Die Gorgonidenfamilie der Melitodidae Verr. (5. Mitteilung.) Zool. Anzeiger 33 (7/8):189-201.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1908. Uber die Berechtigung des Gattungsnamens Spongodes Less. Zool. Anzeiger 33 (9):288.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1908. Diagnosen neuer Gorgoniden aus der Gattung Chrysogorgia (6. Mitteilung.) Zool. Anzeiger 33 (21):704-708.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1909. Diagnosen neuer Alcyonarien. (7. Mitteil- ung.) Zool. Anzeiger 35 (1/2):46-53.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1909. Japanische Gorgoniden. 2. Teil:Die Familien der Plexauriden, Chrysogorgiiden und Melitodiden. In: Doflein, F. (Ed.), Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte Ostasiens. Abhandl. math.- phys. Klasse K. Bayer. Akad. Wissensch., Suppl.-Bd. 1 (5):1-78, pls. 1-7.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1909. Zur Kenntnis der Alcyonarien des Sibirischen Eismeeres. In: Resultats Scientifiques de l'Expedition Polaire Russe. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersburg (8) 18 (15):1-7.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1910. Pennatuliden der Deutschen Tiefsee- Expedition. Zool. Anzeiger 36 (2/3):51-58.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1910. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Anthomastus Verr. In: Doflein, F. (Ed.), Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte Ostasiens. Abhandl. math.-phys. Klasse K. Bayer. Akad. Wissensch., Suppl.- Bd. 1 (9):1-16, 1 pl.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1910. Alcyonaria. 1. Teil. In: Michaelsen, W. and R. Hartmeyer (Eds.), Die Fauna Sudwest-Australiens. Ergebnisse der Hamburger sudwest-australischen Forschungsreise 1905, 3 (1):1-108, pls. 1-4.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1911. Alcyonarien von der Aru- und Kei-Inseln nach den Sammlungen von Dr. H. Merton. Abhandl. Senckenb. Na- turf. Gesellsch. 33:307- 346, pls. 19-23.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1912. Die Alcyonaria der deutschen Sudpolar- Expedition 1901-1903. In: Drygalski, Erich von (Ed.), Deutsche Sudpolar-Expedition 1901-1903, 13. Band. Zoologie 5 (3):289-349, pls. 20-23.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1912. Der Stammbaum der Seefedern. Verh. inter- nat. Zool. Kongr. Jena 8:563-570.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1913. Uber die Alcyonarienfauna Californiens und ihre tiergeographischen Beziehungen. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst.) 35 (2):219-270, pls. 7-8.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1913. Alcyonaria des Roten Meeres. In: Expeditionen S.M. Schiff "Pola" in das Rote Meer. Zoologische Ergebnisse 29. Denkschr. math.-naturw. Klasse K. Akad. Wissensch. 89:1-31, pls. 1-3.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1914. Zur Systematik der Umbelluliden. Zool. Anzeiger 43 (13):630-632.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1915. Das System der Seefedern. Zool. Anzeiger 45 (6):284- 287.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1915. System und Stammesgeschichte der Isididae. Zool. Anzeiger 46:116-126.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1915. System und Stammesgeschichte der Primnoi- dae. Zool. Anzeiger 46 (5):142-158.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1915. Pennatularia. Das Tierreich 43:i-xv + 1- 132. Berlin, Verlag von R. Friedlander und Sohn.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1916. System und Stammesgeschichte der Scleraxon- ier und der Ursprung der Holaxonier. Zool. Anzeiger 47 (6):170- 183.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1916. System und Stammesgeschichte der Melitodidae. Zool. Anzeiger 47 (4):88-97.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1916. Die Gorgonarien Westindiens. Kap. 1, Die Scleraxonier; 2, Uber den Venusfacher; 3, die Gattung Xiphigor- gia H.M. Edw. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 11 (4):443-504, pl. 23.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1916. Die geographische Verbreitung mariner Bodentiere. Die Naturwissenschaften 4 (44):657-663. (November 8.)

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1917. System und Stammesgeschichte der Plexauri- dae. Zool. Anzeiger 48 (11):330-336; 48 (12):340-347.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1919. Gorgonaria. Wissensch. Ergebn. deutschen Tiefsee- Exped, "Valdivia" 13 (2):1-946, pls. 30-89.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1919. Eireifung und Spermatogenese bei den Gorgo- narien. Zool. Anzeiger 50 (6/7):164-166.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1921. Versuch eines naturlichen Systems der Oktokorallen. Sitzungsb. preussischen Akad. Wissensch. 1921 (4):82-102.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1923-25. Octocorallia. In: Krumbach, Thilo (Ed.), Handbuch der Zoologie 1:690-769.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY.--1924. Gorgonaria. Das Tierreich 47:i-xxviii + 1- 478, 209 figs. Berlin and Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter & Co. [This remains the single most useful work on world-wide Gorgonacea of the 20th Century.]

KUKENTHAL, WILLY and HJALMAR BROCH.--1910. System und Stammes- geschichte der Seefedern. Zool. Anzeiger 36:222-230.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY and HJALMAR BROCH.--1911. Pennatulacea. Wissensch. Ergebn. deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition "Valdivia" 13 (1) Lieferung 2:i-vi + 113-576, pls. 13-29, 17 charts and 295 figs.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY and HUBERT GORZAWSKY.--1908. Diagnosen neuer japa- nischer Gorgoniden (Reise Doflein 1904-05). Zool. Anzeiger 32:621-631.

KUKENTHAL, WILLY and HUBERT GORZAWSKY.--1908. Japanische Gorgoniden. 1. Teil: Die Familien der Primnoiden, Muriceiden und Acanthogor- giiden. In: Doflein, F. (Ed.), Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte Osta- siens. Abhandl. math.-phys. Klasse K. Bayer. Akad. Wissensch., Suppl.-Bd. 1 (3):1-71, pls. 1-4.

KUGLER, HANS G.--1971. An enigmatic gorgonian remmant. Bericht der Schweizerischen Palaontologischen Gesellschaft, 50. Jahresver- sammlung. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae 64 (3):635-636, pls. 1-3.

KUMANO, M.--1937. Japanese pennatulids. (In Japanese.) Hakubutsugaku zasshi 35:246.

KUNZE, G.--1916. Die Gorgonarien Westindiens. Kap. 4, Die Gattung Eunicea Lamouroux; 5, die Gattung Plexaurella. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 11 (4):505-586, pls. 24-28.

KUZMICHEVA, E.I.--1987. [Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene corals of the USSR.] Nauka, Moscow. 187 pp., ill.

KUZMICHEVA, E.I. and O.I. MALYUTIN.--1987. [Class Anthozoa. Octocor- als: recent and fossil]: pp. 170-186 in Sokolov, B.S. and A.B. Ivanovskij, eds. [Reefs and reef-building corals.] Nauka, Mos- cow. 294 pp., ill. [Plates not within pagination.]


LAACKMANN, H.--1908. Zur Kenntnis der Alcyonarien-Gattung Telesto Lmx. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 11 (1):41-104, pls. 2-8.

LA BARRE, STEPHANE and J.C. COLL.--1982. Movement in soft corals: an interaction between Nephthea brassica (Coelenterata: Octocoral- lia) and Acropora hyacinthus (Coelenterata:Scleractinia). Marine Biology 72:119-124.

LA BARRE, STEPHANE, J.C. COLL and P.W. SAMMARCO.--1986. Competitive strategies of soft corals (Coelenterata: Octocorallia): III. Spacing and aggressive interactions between alcyonaceans. Marine Ecology Progress series 28:147-156.

LA BARRE, STEPHANE, J.C. COLL and P.W. SAMMARCO.--1986. Defensive strategies of soft corals (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) of the Great Barrier Reef. II. The relationship between toxicity and feeding deterrence. Biological Bulletin 171:565-576.

LABOREL, JACQUES.--1960. Contribution a l'etude directe des peuple- ments benthiques sciaphiles sur substrat rocheux en Mediterranee. Rec. Trav. stat. mar. d'Endoume, Bulletin 20:117-173, figs. 1-16.

LABOREL, JACQUES and J. VACELET.--1958. Etude des peuplements d'une grotte sous- marine du golfe de Marseille. Bulletin de l'Insti- tut Oceanographique de Monaco no. 1120:1-20, figs 1-8.

LABOREL, JACQUES and J. VACELET.--1961. Repartition bionomique du Corallium rubrum Lmck dans les grottes et falaises sous-marines. Rapports et Proces-verbaux des reunions de la C.I.E.S.M.M. 16(2):465-469.

LACAZE-DUTHIERS, HENRI DE.--1862. Memoire sur la reproduction du corail. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 54:116-119; 498-502. [Also Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) 9:335- 336.]

LACAZE-DUTHIERS, HENRI DE.--1864. On the formation of coral (Coral- lium rubrum). Quarterly Journ. Sci. 1:614-623.

LACAZE-DUTHIERS, HENRI DE.--1864. Histoire naturelle du corail. Pp. i- xxv + 1-371, pls. 1-20. Paris, J.B. Bailliere et Fils.

LACAZE-DUTHIERS, HENRI DE.--1864. Le couleur des Alcyonaires et ses variations, expliquee par l'histologie. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 59:252-255.

LACAZE-DUTHIERS, HENRI DE.--1865. Des sexes chez les Alcyonaires. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 60:840-843. [Also Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 15:453-456.]

LACAZE-DUTHIERS, HENRI DE.--1865. Histologie du polypier des Gor- gones. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.) 3:353-366.

LACAZE-DUTHIERS, HENRI DE.--1865. [Review of] On the formation of coral [Quarterly Journ. Sci. 1, 1864]. Quarterly Journ. Microsc. Sci. (New Series) 5:52-53.

LACAZE-DUTHIERS, HENRI DE.--1874. Un mot sur la peche du Corail en Afrique en 1873. Arch. Zool. exper. gen. 3 xlvii-xlviii.

LACAZE-DUTHIERS, HENRI DE.--1887. Sur le developpement des Pen- natules (Pennatula grisea) et les bonnes conditions biologiques que presente le laboratoire Arago pour les etudes zoologiques. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 104 (8):463-469.

LACAZE-DUTHIERS, HENRI DE.--1888. Observations relatives a une note recente de M. Viguier "Sur un nouveau type d'alcyonaire." C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 107 (4):215.

LACAZE-DUTHIERS, HENRI DE.--1891. Note sur la presence du Kophobe- lemnon dans les eaux de Banyuls. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 112 (23):1294-1297.

LACAZE-DUTHIERS, HENRI DE.--1896. Sur les coralliaires du Golfe du Lion. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 122:435-441.

LACAZE-DUTHIERS, HENRI DE.--1900. Coralliaires du Golfe du Lion. Alcyonaires. Arch. Zool. Exper. Gen. (3) 8:353-462, pls. 11-15.

LAFARGUE, F.--1969. Peuplements sessiles de l'Archipel de Glenan. 1. Inventaire: Anthozoaire. Vie et Milieu 20 (2-B):415-436, 4 pls.

LAI, ZUOQI, KANGHOU LONG and R. LI.--1981. Studies on the Chinese soft corals (2). Acta scient. nat. Univ. Sunyatseni 1981(2):14-18.

LAI, ZUOQI and KANGHOU LONG.--1984. Studies on the Chinese soft corals. (11). Acta scient. nat. Univ. Sunyatseni 1984(2):110- 111, illustr. [Steroid content and descr. of Sinularia fibrilla n. sp.]

LAKSHMI, V. and F.J. SCHMITZ.--1986. Metabolites from two soft corals from Guam: Sinularia leptoclados and Sinularia gyrosa. Journal nat. Products 49(4):728- 730, ill.

LAMARCK, JEAN BAPTISTE PIERRE ANTOINE DE MONET DE.--1801. Systeme des animaux sans vertebres, ou tableau general des classes, des ordres et des genres de ces animaux;... Pp. i- viii + 1-432 - 402 bis. Paris: chez l'auteur, au Museum d'Hist. Naturelle.

LAMARCK, JEAN BAPTISTE PIERRE ANTOINE DE MONET DE.--1815. Sur les polypiers corticiferes. Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1:401-416, 467-476. Vol. 2:76- 84, 157-164, 227-240.

LAMARCK, JEAN BAPTISTE PIERRE ANTOINE DE MONET DE.--1816. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebres...2. Pp. i-iv + 1-568. Paris: Verdiere.

LAMARCK, JEAN BAPTISTE PIERRE ANTOINE DE MONET DE.--1836. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebres... Deuxieme edition. Revue et augmentee... par MM. G.P. Deshayes et H. Milne Edwards. Tome deuxieme. Histoire des polypes. Pp [i-iv] + 1-[684]. Paris: J.B. Bailliere.

LAMBERTS, AUSTIN E.--1983. An annotated check list of the corals of American Samoa. Atoll Research Bulletin 264:1-19. [The only octo- coral listed is Heliopora coerulea.]

LAMEERE, AUGUSTE.--1938. Evolution des Coelenteres. Travaux de la Station Zoologique de Wimereux 1938:399-406.

LA MOTTE, F.--1877. Cenni sulla pesca e sul allevamento della spugna da bagno e del corallo rosso nel Golfo Adriatico. Bollet. Agrar. della Dalmatia, Zora.

LAMOUROUX, JEAN VINCENT FELIX.--1812. Extrait d'un memoire sur la classification des polypiers coralligenes non entierement pier- reux. Nouv. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philomatique, Paris, 3 (No. 63):18l- 188.

LAMOUROUX, JEAN VINCENT FELIX.--1816. Histoire des polypiers coral- ligenes flexibles, vulgairement nommes Zoophytes. Pp. i-lxxxiv + 1- 560, pls. 1-19. Caen: F. Poisson.

LAMOUROUX, JEAN VINCENT FELIX.--1818. Histoire naturelle des polypiers coralligenes flexibles, vulgairement nommes zoophytes. Journal de Physique, de Chimie et d'Histoire Naturelle 86:290-296. [Brief summary of Lamouroux 1816. Not nomenclaturally significant for Octocorallia.]

LAMOUROUX, JEAN VINCENT FELIX.--1821. Exposition methodique des genres de l'ordre des polypiers, avec leur description et celles des principales especes, figurees dans 84 planches; les 63 premieres appartenant a l'Histoire Naturelle des Zoophytes d'Ellis et Solander. Pp. i-viii + 1-115, pls. 1-84. Paris: chez Mme Veuve Agasse.

LAMOUROUX, JEAN VINCENT FELIX.--1824. Corallina; or, a classical arrangement of flexible coralline polypidoms, selected from the French of J.V.F. Lamouroux, D.E.S. Pp. i-xxvi, [27]-284, pls. 1- 19. London: Printed by A.J. Valpy, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. Sold by Sherwood and Co. Paternoster-Row; Rattle and Brine, Bath.

LAMOUROUX, JEAN VINCENT FELIX.--1824. Extrait de l'Introduction a l'histoire des Zoophytes. Ferussac Bull. Sci. Nat. 3:123-124.

LAMOUROUX, JEAN VINCENT FELIX.--1824-[26]. Polypiers flexibles. In: Freycinet, L. de (Ed.), Voyage autour du monde...execute sur... l'Uranie et la Physicienne, pendant...1817-20...Zoologie, par MM. Quoy et Gaimard. iv + 712 pp., 96 pls.

LAMOUROUX, JEAN VINCENT FELIX and J.B.G.M. BORY DE SAINT-VINCENT and I.A.E. DESLONGSCAMPS.--1824. Histoire naturelle des zoophytes ou animaux rayonnes, faisant suite a l'histoire naturelle des vers de Bruguiere. Encyclopedie Methodique. Tome second. Pp. i-viii + 1-819. Paris: chez Mme. veuve Agasse.

LANDSBOROUGH, D.--1852. A popular history of British Zoophytes or corallines. xii+404 pp. 20 pls., adverts. London: Reeve and Co.

LANGE, M.--1987. Ein seltener Fund einer Orgelkoralle aus dem Geschiebe von Sylt. Pp. 123-125 in von Hacht, U. Fossilien von Sylt. 2. Inge-Maria von Hacht, Hamburg. 327 pp., ill.

LARSON, H.K.--1985. A revision of the gobiid genus Bryaninops (Pisces), with a description of six new species. Beagle 2(1):57- 93, ill.

LASKER, HOWARD R.--1981. A comparison of the particulate feeding abilities of three species of gorgonian soft coral. Marine Ecology. Vol.5:61-67.

LASKER, HOWARD R.--1983. Vegetative reproduction in the octocoral Briareum asbestinum (Pallas). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 72(2):157-169.

LASKER, HOWARD R.--1984. Asexual reproduction, fragmentation, and skeletal morphology of a plexaurid gorgonian. Marine Ecology Progress Series 19(3):261-268, illustr.

LASKER, HOWARD R.--1985. Prey preferences and browsing pressure of the butterflyfish Chaetodon capstratus on Caribbean gorgonians. Marine Ecology Progress Series 21(3):231-???, illustr.

LASKER, HOWARD R.--1988. The incidence and rate of vegetative propaga- tion among coral reef alcyonarians. Pp. 763-768 in Choat, J.H. et al. (Eds.): Proc. 6th Int. Coral Reef Symp., Townsville, Australia 2:1-868.

LASKER, HOWARD R.--1990. Clonal propagation and population dynamics of a gorgonian coral. Ecology 71(4):1578-1589.

LASKER, HOWARD R.--1992. Population growth of a gorgonian coral: equilibrium and non-equilibrium sensitivity to changes in life history variables. Oecologia 86(4):503-509.

LASKER, HOWARD R. and MARY ALICE COFFROTH.--1983. Octocoral distribu- tions at Carrie Bow Cay, Belize. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 13:21-28.

LASKER, HOWARD R. and MARY ALICE COFFROTH.--1985. Vegetative reproduc- tion, clonal spread, and histocompatibility in a Caribbean gorgo- nian. Proc. 5th Intl. Coral reef Congress, Tahiti 4:331-336.

LASKER, HOWARD R. and MARY ALICE COFFROTH.--1988. Temporal and spatial variability among grazers: variability in the distribution of the gastropod Cyphoma gibbosum on octocorals. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 43:285-295.

LASKER, HOWARD R, MARY ALICE COFFROTH and L.M. FITZGERALD.--1988. Foraging patterns of Cyphoma gibbosum on octocorals: the roles of host choice and feeding preference. Biol. Bull. 174:254-266.

LASKER, HOWARD R., M.D. GOTTFRIED and M.A. COFFROTH.--1983. Effects of depth on the feeding capabilities of two octocorals. Marine Biology Berlin 73(1):73-78.

LASKER, HOWARD R., KIHO KIM and MARY ALICE COFFROTH.--1996. Repro- ductive and genetic variation among Caribbean gorgonians: The differentiation of Plexaura kuna, new species. Bulletin of Marine Science 58(1):277-288, figs. 1-5.

LASKER, HOWARD R. and K.M. STEWART.--1993. Gamete dilution and fertilization success among broadcast spawning octocorals. Proc. Seventh International Coral Reef Symposium Guam 1:476-483, ill.

LATKA, R.--1991. Kleine Anleitung zur Xeniiden-Pflege. DATZ 44(10):640-641, illustr.

LATKA, R.--1994. Karibische Hornkorallen. TI-Magazin 117:21-27, illustr.

LATREILLE, PIERRE ANDRE.--1825. Familles naturelles du regne animal exposees, succinctement et dans un ordre analytique, avec l'in- dication de leurs genres. Pp. 1-570. Paris: Bailliere.

LATYPOV, YURI YA.--1995. Community structure of scleractinian reefs in the Baitylong Archipelago (South China Sea). Asian Marine Biology 12:27-37, figs. 1-4, table 1. [Primarily concerns stony corals, but reports Gorgonia, a genus that is confined to the western Atlantic, among a few other octocoral genera.]

LAWNICZAK, A.--1987. Les modalites de croissance de l'axe calcaire chez Corallium johnsoni (Cnidaria: Gorgonaria: Scleraxonia). Senckenbergiana Maritima 19(3/4):149-161, ill.

LAWSON, HENRY.--1865. Recent investigations into the natural history of the red coral. Pop. Sci. Rev. 4:67-76, 1 pl.

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LEDGER, P.W., and S. FRANC.--1978. Calcification of the collagenous axial skeleton of Veretillum cynomorium Pall. (Cnidaria: Pennatu- lacea). Cell Tissue Res.--192(2):249-266.

LEIDENFROST, GYULA.--1910. Nemes korall a Quarneroban. Allatt. Kozlem. Budapest 9:146-150, 155.

LENDENFELD, ROBERT VON.--1888. Studer's Alcyonarien-System. Biol. Centralbl. 8:312-314. (July 15.) [Review of Studer, No. 1151.]

LENDENFELD, ROBERT VON.--1888. G. von Koch, Die Gorgoniden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeresabschnitte. Biol. Centralbl. 8 (10):314- 319. (July 15.) [Review of von Koch, 1887.

LENDENFELD, ROBERT VON.--1889. Neuere Untersuchungen uber Anthozoen. Biol. Centralbl. 9 (2):54-55. (March 15.) [Review of Krukenberg, 1887.]

LEPECHIN, I.--178l. Novae Pennatulae et Sertulariae species descrip- tae. Acta Acad. Sci. Imp. Petropolitanae, pro Anno 1778. Pars posterior. 2:236-238 [misnumbered 138], pl. 7.

LESSON, RENE PRIMEVERE.--1832. Histoire naturelle des zoophytes recueillies dans le voyage de la corvette la Coquille. In: Duperry, L.I. (Ed.), Voyage autour du monde...sur la Coquille pendant...1822-25...Zoologie, par MM. Lesson et Garnot. 157 pls.

LESSON, RENE PRIMEVERE.--1832-1835. Illustrations de zoologie, ou Recueil de figures d'animaux peintes d'apres nature. 4 lvs., [211], 60 pls. Paris: A. Bertrand.

LEUCKART, FRIEDRICH SIGISMUND.--1841. Einige Bemerkungen uber die Familie der Halopteriden oder Seefedern, insbesondere uber des genus Veretillum, und eine von mir Veretillum clavatum benannte Art. In: Zoologische Bruchstucke. part 2. Stuttgart, Rieger. 130 pp., 6 pls.

LEUCKART, RUD.--1875. Die Zoophyten. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Zoologie. Arch. Naturgesch. 41:70-110.

LEVERSEE, G.R., JR.--1969. Composition and function of the axial skeleton of a gorgonian coral, Leptogorgia virgulata. American Zoologist 9:1115-1116. [Abstract.]

LEVERSEE, G.R., JR.--1976. Flow and feeding in fan-shaped colonies of the octocoral, Leptogorgia virgulata. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 151:344-356.

LEWIS, JOHN B.--1982. Feeding behaviour and feeding ecology of the Octocorallia (Anthozoa). J. Zool. Lond.--196:371-384.

LEWIS, J.C., T.F. BARNOWSKI and G.J. TELESNICKI.--1992. Characteris- tics of carbonates of gorgonian axes (Coelenterata, Octocoral- lia). Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 183(2):278-296, illustr.

LEWIS, J.C., and E. VON WALLIS.--1991. The function of surface scler- ites in gorgonians (Coelenterata, Octocorallia). Biol. Bull. 181(2):275-288, figs. 1-5.

LI CHUPU.--1982. Studies the Alcyonacea of the South China Sea. 1. Alcyonacea from Yalong Bay. Tropic oceanology 1(2):156-169, pls. 1-5.

LI CHUPU.--1982. Two new species of Alcyonacea from south China sea (Coelenterata:Octocorallia). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 7(3):229- 232, figs. 1-2.

LI CHUPU.--1984. Studies on the Alcyonacea of the South China Sea. 2. Genera Lobophytum and Sarcophyton from the Xisha Islands, Guangdong Province. Nanhai Stud. mar. sin. No. 6:103-130, il- lustr.

LI, CHUPU.--1986. The Alcyonacea in Hong Kong waters. Tropic Oceanolo- gy 5(4):19-25, pls. 1-4.

LI, CHUPU.--1993. Two species of Alcyonacea from the northeastern South China Sea. Tropic Oceanology 12(2):94-96.

LI, M.K.W. and P.J. SCHEUER.--1984. A guaianolide pigment from a deep sea gorgonian. Tetrahedron Letters 25(20):2109-2110, il- lustr.

LI, Y.--1983. A brief discussion on the origin of octocorals and some related problems. Bulletin Nanjing Institute Geol. Miner. Resources 4(3):96-110.

LIGHT, R.J. and B. SAMUELSSON.--1972. Identification of prostaglan- dins in the gorgonian, Plexaura homomalla. Eur. J. Biochem. 28:232-240.

LIGHT, SOL FELTY.--1913. Notes on Philippine Alcyonaria part 1: The Philippine species of the genus Capnella. Philippine Journ. Sci. 8D (6):435-453, pls. 1-3.

LIGHT, SOL FELTY.--1914. Notes on Philippine Alcyonaria part 2: Lemnalioides kukenthali, a new genus and species of Alcyonaria from the Philippines and a discussion of the systematic position of the new genus. Philippine Journ. Sci. 9D (3):233-246, pl. 1.

LIGHT, SOL FELTY.--1915. Notes on Philippine Alcyonaria part 3: two new species of Lithophytum Forskal from the Philippines. Philip- pine Journ. Sci. lOD (1):1-10, pls. 1-2.

LIGHT, SOL FELTY.--1915. Notes on Philippine Alcyonaria part 4:notes on Philippine Stolonifera and Xeniidae. Philippine Journ Sci. 10D (2):155-167.

LIGHT, SOL FELTY.--1915. Notes on Philippine Alcyonaria part 5: Cornularia minuta, new species. Philippine Journ. Sci. 10D (3):203-213.

LIGHTBOWN, CONSTANCE M.--1918. The dorsal mesenteric filaments in siphonozooids of Pennatulacea. Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. 62 (1) (No. 4):1-20, pl. i.

LIN BAOYU.--1984. Les strates du Permien et la faune corallienne de part et d'autre du Yarlung Zangbo dans la region contre-sud du Tibet. (Version resumee). Pp. 77-107, illustr. in Mercier, J.L and Li Guangcen [Eds.], Mission Franco-Chinoise au Tibet 1980. Etude geologique et geophysique de la croute terrestre et du manteau superieur du Tibet et de l'Himalaya. Paris: Editions de Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.

LIN, Y., C.A. BEWLEY and D.J. FAULKNER.--1993. The valdivones, anti- inflammatory diterpene esters from the South African soft coral Alcyonium valdiviae. Tetrahedron 49(36):7977-7984.

LINDAHL, JOSUA.--1874. Om Pennatulid-Slagtet Umbellula Cuv. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akad. Handl. 13 (3):1-22, pls. 1-3.

LINDAHL, JOSUA.--1874. Om twanne polypstockar af slagtet Umbellula Cuv. Skand. Naturforskeres moede Forhandl. 11:377-379.

LINDAHL, JOSUA.--1874. Umbellula from Greenland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 13:258.

LINDSTROM, G.--1877. Contributions to the actinology of the Atlantic Ocean. Kgl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akad. Handl. 14 (6):1-26, pls. 1-3.

LINDSTROM, G.--1895. On the "Corallia baltica" of Linnaeus. Ofver- sigt k. Vetenskaps-Akad. Forhandl. Stockholm 3:615-641. [Ab- stract in Journ. Roy. Microsc Soc. April 1896, part 2:194.]

LINDSTROM, M.--1978. An octocoral from the Lower Ordovician of Sweden. With appendix by H. Pietzner: Geochemische Untersuchung an einem apatischen Problematicum aus dem Ordovicium von Sweden. Geologica et Paleontologica 12:41-52, pls. 1-2.

LINK, H.F.--1832. Uber die Pflanzenthiere uberhaupt und die dazu gerechneten Gewachse besonders. Abhandl. K. preussischen Akad Wissensch. Berlin. Aus dem Jahre 1830, pp. 109-123. [Also Ann. Sci. Nat. (Botany) 2:321-331; 1834.]

LINNAEUS, CAROLUS.--1737. Hortus Cliffortianus: plantas exhibens quas in hortis tam vivis quam siccis, Hartecampi in Hollandia, coluit... Georgius Clifford... Cum tabulis aeneis. 15 lvs. + 231, 301-501, [17] pp., frontisp., 36 pls. Amstelaedami. LINNAEUS, CAROLUS.--1754. Museum S.R.M. Adolphi Frederici quo animalia rariora imprimis, et exotica...discribuntur... Pp. xxx + 96 + [8], 33 pls. Holmiae.

LINNAEUS, CAROLUS.--1758. Systema naturae. Editio decima, reformata. 1. Pp. i-iv + 1-824. Holmiae: Impensis Direct. Laurentii Salvii.

LINNAEUS, CAROLUS.--1767. Systema naturae. Editio duodecima, reforma- ta. 1 (2):533-1327 + 18 lvs. Holmiae.

LINNAEUS: SHERBORN, CHARLES DAVIES.--1899. Index to the generic and trivial names of animals described by Linnaeus in the 10th and 12th editions of his "Systema Naturae." Museum Handbooks. The Manchester Museum, Owens College. Publication 25. Pp. viii + 108. London: Dulau & Co.; Manchester: J.E. Cornish.

LIU, Y.-X., L.-M. ZENG and K.N. TRUEBLOOD.--1986. Sarcophinone at 115K: a cembranolide diterpenoid from the South China Sea. Acta Cryst. (C)42(3):373-376, ill.

LIVERINO, B.--1983. Il Corallo, esperienze e ricordi de un coral- laro. ix + 230 pp. Torre del Greco: Banco di Credito Popolare.

LIX, X.--1983. Some new materials of metazoan fossils from Mashan Group, Heilongjang Province. Bulletin Shenyang Inst. Geol. Miner. Resour. No. 7:1-8, illustr. [Mashania removed from Pen- natulacea.]

L'OBEL, MATTHIAS DE.--1631. Plantarvm sev stirpivm icones. Vol. 1:[3] 1-816 pp.; vol. 2:1-280 + [18] pp. Antverpiae: ex Officina C. Plantini.

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LOHUIS, MICHAEL ten, PHILIP ALDERSLADE and DAVID J. MILLER.--1990. Isolation and cloning of DNA from somatic tissue of soft corals (Cnidaria: Octocorallia). Marine Biology 104:489-492.

LONG, KANGHOU, JU ZHAONIAN, LIN YONGCHENG, XU SHIBO, XIE QIXUAN and XIE RUIWEN.--1984. Studies on the chemical constituents of the Chinese soft corals collected from the South China Sea (10). Acta scient. nat. Univ. Sunyatseni 1984(4):85-92, illustr.

LONG, KANGHOU, L. ZHENG and H. ZHENG.--1981. Studies on the Chinese soft corals (5). Acta scient. nat. Univ. Sunyatseni 1981(4) 1981:105-109.

LONSDALE, WILLIAM.--1850. Descriptions of the fossils of the Chalk Formation. Notes on the corals. Pp. 237-324, pls. 18, 18A in: Dixon, Frederick (Ed.), The Geology and fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous formations of Sussex. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.

LOOK, S.A., K. BUCHHOLZ and W. FENICAL.--1984. 12-hydroxy-E-gamma- bisabolene, a new sesquiterpene alcohol from a Caribbean sea whip of the genus Pseudopterogorgia (Gorgonacea, Cnidaria). Experientia 40(9):931-933, illustr.

LOOK, S.A., W. FENICAL, Q. ZHENG and J. CLARDY.--1984. Calyculones, new cubitane diterpenoids from the Caribbean octocoral Eunicea calyculata. J. Organic Chem. 49:1417-1423.

LOOK, S.A., M.T. BURCH, W. FENICAL, Z. QI-TAI and J. CLARDY.--1985. Kallolide A, a new antiinflammatory diterpenoid, and related lactones from the Caribbean octocoral Pseudopterogorgia kallos. J. Org. Chem. 50:5741-5746.

LOOK, S.A., W. FENICAL, R.S. JACOBS and J. CLARDY.--1986. The pseu- dopterosins: anti-inflammatory and analgesic natural products from the sea whip Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (Biol. Sci.)83(17):6238- 6240, ill.

LOOK, S.A., W. FENICAL, Q.-T. ZHENG and J. CLARDY.--1984. Calycu- lones, new cubitane diterpenoids from the Caribbean gorgonian octocoral Eunicea calyculata. Journal of Organic Chemistry 49(8):1417-1423, illustr.

LOPEZ-GONZALES, P.J. and J.C. GARCIA GOMEZ.--1995. First record of Clavularia carpediem Weinberg, 1986 (Anthozoa, Stolonifera) since its original description: taxonomical, zoogeographical and bathymetrical data. Miscellania Zoologica (Barcelona) 17:17-23, illustr.

LOPEZ-GONZALEZ, P.J., O. OCANA and J.C. GARCIA-GOMEZ.--1995. Scler- anthelia microsclera n. sp. (Anthozoa: Stolonifera) from the Strait of Gibraltar and Canary islands. Ophelia 43(2):119-125, figs 1-2.

LOPEZ-GONZALEZ, P.J., ET AL.--1995. North-eastern Atlantic and Medi- terranean species of Cornulariidae Dana, 1846 (Anthozoa: Stoloni- fera) with the description of a new genus. Zool. Med. Leiden 69 (20): 261-272, figs 1-21.

LOSER, H.--1993. Morphologie und Taxonomie der Gattung Pseudopoly- tremacis Morycowa, 1971 (Octocorallia; Kreide). Courier For- schungsinstitut Senckenberg 164:211-220, ill. LOWENSTAM, HEINZ A.--1954. Factors affecting the aragonite:calcite ratios in carbonate-secreting marine organisms. Journ. Geol. 62 (3):284-322, figs. 1-15. (May.)

LOWENSTAM, HEINZ A.--1964. Coexisting calcites and aragonites from skeletal carbonates of marine organisms and their strontium and magnesium contents. Pp. 373-404 in: Miyake, Y. and T. Koyama (Eds.), Recent researches in the fields of hydrosphere, atmosphere and nuclear geochemistry. Tokyo: Maruzen Co., Ltd.

LUBRANO, A.--1880. Cenno sulla pesca del corallo nel Isola S. Yago (Capo Verde). Expos. Internat. di Pesca in Berolino.

LUCAS, GABRIEL.--1938. Les Cancellophycus du Jurassique sont des alcyonaires. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 206 (25):1914-1916.

LUCAS, GABRIEL.--1950. Precisions sur les Cancellophycus du Juras- sique. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 230 (13):1297-1299.

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LUO YUNKANG, LONG KANGZHOU and FANG ZHENG.--1983. Studies of the chemical constituents of the Chinese Gorgonia (3). Isolation and identification of a new polyacetoxy chlorine-containing diter- pene lactone (praelolide). Acta scient. nat. Univ. Sunyatseni 1983(1):83-92. [Chinese, English summary.]

LUTTSCHWAGER, JOHANNES.--1915. Beitrage zu einer Revision der Famil- ie Alcyoniidae. Arch. Naturgesch. 1914 A (10):1-42.

LUTTCHWAGER, JOHANNES.--1922. Alcyonarien von den Philippinen. 1. Die Gattung Alcyonium Linnaeus. Philippine Journ. Sci. 20:519- 542, 1 pl.

LUTTSCHWAGER, JOHANNES.--1926. Die Gattung Alcyonium Linnaeus. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin 12 (2):279-289.


MACDONALD, JOHN DENIS.--1857. Anatomical description of a species of asteroid polypes, probably forming the type of a new genus of Alcyonidae. Proc. Roy. Soc. London 8:417- 418. (Also in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2)19:391.) [The genus is not named.]

MACFADYEN, LAURA M.I.--1936. Alcyonaria (Stolonifera, Alcyonacea, Telestacea and Gorgonacea). Great Barrier Reef Exped. Sci. Rept. 5 (2):19-72, pls. 1- 5.

MACKIE, A.M.--1987. Preliminary studies on the chemical defenses of the British octocorals Alcyonium digitatum and Pennatula phosphorea. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (A)86(4):629-632, ill.

MCCONNEL, A.--1990. The flowers of coral. Some unpublished conflicts from Montpellier and Paris during the early 18th Century. Hist. Phil. Life Sci. 12:51-66.

MCINTOSH, WILLIAM C.--1866. Note on the polyps of Alcyonium digitatum. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 5:393-394.

MCINTOSH, WILLIAM C.--1910. A brief sketch of the red or precious coral. Zoologist 14:1-22.

MACMUNN, C.A.--1902. On the pigments of certain corals, with a note on the pigment of an asteroid. In: Gardiner, J. Stanley (Ed.), The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipe- lagoes 1 (2):184-190.

MADSEN, FRITZ JENSENIUS.--1943. The Danish octocorals from the waters inside Skagen. Vidensk. Medd. Dansk naturh. Foren. 107:1- 12.

MADSEN, FRITZ JENSENIUS.--1944. Octocorallia. Danish Ingolf-Exped. 5 (13):1- 65, 1 pl.

MADSEN, FRITZ JENSENIUS.--1948. The zoology of east Greenland. Octocorallia. Medd. Grcnland 122 (2):1-22.

MADSEN, FRITZ JENSENIUS.--1956. Primnoella krampi n. sp. a new deep- sea octocoral. Galathea Rept. 2:21-22.

MADSEN, FRITZ JENSENIUS.--1970. Remarks on Swiftia rosea (Grieg) and related species. Steenstrupia 1 (1):1-10.

MADSEN, F.J.: WOLFF, TORBEN.--1993. Fritz Jensenius Madsen (1916- 1993). Deep-Sea Newsletter 21:19, ill.

MAGNUS, DIETRICH B.E.--1966. Zur Oekologie einer nachtaktiven Flach- wasser-Seefeder (Octocorallia, Pennatularia) im Roten Meer. Veroffentl. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerhaven, Sonderband 2:369- 380, figs. 1-9.

MAI-BAO-THU, FRANCIS and JOSE S. DOMANTAY.--1970. Taxonomic studies of the Philippine gorgonaceans in the collections of the Uni- versity of Santo Tomas, Manila. Acta Manilana (A) 6 (11):25-73, pls. 1-18.

MAI-BAO-THU, FRANCIS and JOSE S. DOMANTAY.--1971. Taxonomic studies of the Philippine Gorgonaceans in the collections of the Uni- versity of Santo Tomas, Manila (Con't). Acta Manilana (A) 7 (12):3-77, pls. 19-44.

MAIDA, MAURO, PAUL W. SAMMARCO and JOHN C. COLL.--1995. Preliminary evidence for directional allelopathic effects of the soft coral Sinularia flexibilis (Alcyonacea: Octocorallia) on scleractinian coral recruitment. Bull. Mar. Sci. 56 (1):303-311, figs 1-5.

MAJEWSKE, O. P.--1969. Recognition of invertebrate fossil fragments in rocks and thin sections. Int. Sediment. Petrograph. Series, 13. E.J. Brill, 100 pp.

MAJORAN, S.--1987. Structural investigations of octocoral sclerites. Zoologica Scripta 16(4):277-287, ill. [Sclerites of Cladiella, Sarcophyton, Lobophytum, Sinularia, Alcyonium digitatum, Isis hippuris, Plexaura flexuosa, Pseudoplexaura porosa and the fossil Atractosella were ground and polished to investigate internal organization of mineral elements by SEM; the natural crystal forms of the intact surface are not illustrated.]

MAK, T.C.W., SHI KAILIANG, LI RUISHENG and LONG KANGHOU.--1985. The molecular and crystal structure of Delta 9(12)-Capnellene-8a, 10B-diol. Acta scient. nat. Univ. Sunyatseni 1985(4):22027, illustr.

MALECKI, J.--1982. Bases of Upper Cretaceous octocorals from Poland. Acta Paleontologica Polonica 27:65-75.

MALYUTIN, ANDREY N.--1990. Two new species of Sinularia (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) from South Vietnam. Asian Marine Biology 7:9-14, figs. 1-2, pls. 1-2.

MALYUTIN, ANDREY N.--1992. Octocorallia from the Seychelles Islands with some ecological observations. Atoll Research Bulletin 367:1- 9.

MALYUTIN, ANDREY N.--1993. On a new genus and species of nidaliid octocoral (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from the South China Sea. The Beagle, Records of the Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences 10(1):41-43, fig. 1.

MANCINI, A.--1992. Achtstrahlige Korallen (Cnidaria: Anthozoa). Ordnung Alcyonacea (Leder- oder Weichkorallen). DATZ 45(8):501- 503, illustr.

MANCINI, A.--1992. Achtstrahlige Korallen (Cnidaria: Anthozoa). DATZ 45(9):570-572, illustr.

MANUPUTTY, ANNA E.W.--1992. Mengenal batu mulia dari laut (Corallium spp.). Oseana 16(4): 13-20 (Indonesian with English summary).

MANUPUTTY, ANNA E.W.--1992. Status of knowledge of the octocorals of world seas. Oseana 17(2): 55-60 (Indonesian with English summary).

MANUPUTTY, ANNA E.W.--1992. The soft coral cover in the Seribu Is- lands. In: Chou, L.M. and C.R. Wilkinson (eds). The third ASEAN Science and Technology Week Conference Proceedings, Vol. 6, Marine Science: Living Coastal Resourses:87-94. Singapore. MARCHETTI, R.--1965. Richerche sul corallo rosso della costa ligure e toscana. I. Distribuzione geografica. Rendic. Istit. Lomb. Sci. e Lett. (B)99(2):255- 278.

MARENZELLER, EMIL VON.--1878. Die Coelenteraten, Echinodermen und Wurmer der K.K. osterreichisch-ungarischen Nordpol-Expedition. Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturw. Classe, 35:357-398, pls. 1-4.

MARENZELLER, EMIL VON.--1886. Uber die Sarcophytum benannten Alcyo- niiden. Zool. Jahrb. 1 (2):341-368, pl. 9.

MARIN, F. and P. GAUTRET.--1994. Les teneurs en acides amines acides des matrices organiques solubles associees aux squelettes cal- caires des demosponges et des cnidaires: une implication possi- ble dans leur transformation diagenetique. Bull. Soc. Geol. France 165(1):77-84, illustr.

MARION, A.F.--1882. Les alcyonaires du golfe de Marseille. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 94:985-988. [Also in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) 9:406-409.]

MARION, A.F.--1906. Etudes des coelenteres atlantiques recueillis par la Commission de dragages de l'aviso le "Travailleur" durant les campagnes 1880 et 188l. Oeuvres posthumes du A.-F. Marion. Reunies par Paul Gourret. IV. Les Alcyonaires de la premiere expedition du Travailleur. Exped. sci. Travailleur et Talisman, pp. 103-151, pls. 11-17. Paris, Masson.

MARION, ANTOINE FORTUNE and ALEXANDRE 0. KOWALEWSKI.--1882. Sur le developpement des Alcyonaires C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 95:562-565.

MARISCAL, R. and C. BIGGER.--1977. Possible ecological significance of octocoral epithelial ultrastructure. Proc. 3rd International Coral Reef Symposium 1:127-133.

MARSHALL, A. MILNES.--1883. The polymorphism of Alcyonaria. Nature 28:580. (October 11.)

MARSHALL, A. MILNES.--1887. Report on the Pennatulida dredged by H.M.S. Triton. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 32:119-152, pl. 25.

MARSHALL, A. MILNES and G.H. FOWLER.--1887. Report on the Pennatuli- da dredged by H.M.S. "Porcupine." Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 33 (2):453-464, pls. 31- 32.

MARSHALL, A. MILNES and G. HERBERT FOWLER.--1888. Report on the Pennatulida of the Mergui Archipelago, collected for the Trus- tees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by Dr. John Anderson, F.R.S., Superintendent of the museum. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zoology 21:267-286, pls. 22-23.

MARSHALL, A. MILNES and WILLIAM P. MARSHALL.--1882. Report on the Pennatulida collected in the Oban dredging excursion of the Birmingham Natural History and Microscopical Society, July 1881. Pp. 1- 81, pls. 1-4. Birmingham: The Herald Press. [Also in Midland Naturalist 5:1-9, 25-36, 49-56, 121-128, 145-151, 193- 202, 217-227, 241-250, 265-273, 4 pls.]

MARSHALL, WILLIAM P.--1895. Virgularia mirabilis. Journ. Marine Biol. Assoc. U.K. (new series) 3 (4):335-336. (February.)

MARSILLI, LOUIS FERDINAND, COMTE DE.--1724. Histoire physique de la mer. Pp. [i-iv] + i-xi + 1-173, 40 pls. Amsterdam: aux De'pens de la Compagnie.

MARTENS, EDUARD VON.--1889. Eine neue Art von Rindenkorallen, Gorgo- nella reticosa. Sitzungsber. Gesellsch. naturf. Freunde Berlin 1889:7-8, 9.

MARTENS, EDUARD VON.--1902. Die Mollusken (Conchylien) und die ubrigen wirbellosen Thiere in Rumpf's Rariteitkamer. Pp. 109-136 in: Greshoff, M. (Ed.), Rumphius-Gedenkboek. x + 221 pp., 4 pls., one opposite p. 16 unnumbered. Haarlem: Koloniaal Museum. [Octocorals on pp. 133, 134.]

MARTIN C. E.--1982 [1983]. Ciclo reproductivo, proporcion sexual y fecundidad del coral blando Plexaura homomalla (Esper) en el Mar Caribe mexicano. (Octocorallia: Plexauridae). Anales Inst. Cienc. Mar Limnol. Univ. nac. auton. Mex. 9(1):359-379, illustr.

MARTIN, M. and J. CLARDY.--1982. The synthesis of pacifigorgiol. Pure and Applied Chemistry 54(10):1915-1918.

MARY, S.R., S.A. MARY, D. RITTSCHOF, R SAROJINI and R. NAGABHUSHANAM.--1991. Compounds from octocorals that inhibit barnacle settlement: isolation and biological potency. Pp. 317-330 in: Bioactive compounds from marine organisms. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.

MATE, P., S. REVENGA and C. MASSO.--1986. Estudio preliminar de la composicion del coral rojo (Corallium rubrum L.) de distintas zonas de Mediterraneo espanol. Boletin Inst. esp. Oceanogr. 3(4):53-60, ill.

MATERN, U.--1984. Geschichte und Mechanismus der Biolumineszenz. Biologie unserer Zeit 14(5):140-149, illustr. [Renilla renifor- mis.]

MATEU, G. and M. GAZA.--1986. Micropaleontologia circalitoral y coraligena. Foraminiferos y cocolitoforidos asociados al Corall- ium rubrum (L.): sistema tica, ecologia y evolucion paleoceano- grafica. Boletin Inst. esp. Oceanogr. 3(4):13-52, ill.

MATEU, G., A. TRAVERIA, R. FONTARNAU and C. MASSO.--1986. Biodiagen- esis mineralogica del Corallium rubrum (L.). Boletin Inst. esp. Oceanogr. 3(4):1- 12, ill.

MATTHEWS, A.--1916. The development of Alcyonium digitatum, with some notes on the early colony formation. Ouarterly Journ. Microsc. Sci. (N.S.) 62:43- 94, 51 figs., pls. 3-5.

MATTIOLI, PIETRO ANDREA.--1554. Commentarii, in libros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei, De Medica Materia. Adjectis quam plurimis plantarum & anima1ium imaginibus, eodem authore... Pp. [48] + 707. Venetiis: in Officina Erasmiana, apud Vincentium Valgrisium.

MAY, WALTHER.--1898. Die von Dr. Stuhlmann im Jahre 1889 gesammelten ostafrikanischen Alcyonaceen des Hamburger Museums. Jahrb. Hamburg. Wissensch. Anstalten 15 (Beiheft 2):1-38.

MAY, WALTHER.--1898. Alcyonaceen von Ost-Spitzbergen, nach der Ausbeute der Herren Prof. Dr. W. Kukenthal und Dr. A. Walter im Jahre 1889. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst.) 11:35-404, pl. 23.

MAY, WALTHER.--1899. Alcyonarien. In: Hamburger Magalhaensische Sam- melreise:1-22. Hamburg, L. Friederichsen & Co.

MAY, WALTHER.--1900. Beitrage zur Systematik und Chorologie der Alcyonaceen. Jenaische Zeitsch. Naturwiss. 33 (Neue Folge 26):1- 180, pls. 1-5.

MAY, WALTHER.--1900. Die arktische, subarktische und subantarktische Alcyonaceenfauna. Fauna Arctica 1:381-408, pls. 1-10.

MAZZARELLI, GIUSEPPE.--1915. Banchi di corallo esplorati dalla R. Nave "Volta" nell'estate del 1913. Ministerio di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio. Annali dell'Industria, Roma. iv + 173 pp., pls. 1-7, 5 folding maps.

MCENROE, F.J. and W. FENICAL.--1978. Structures and synthesis of some antibacterial sesquiterpenoids from the gorgonian Pseudopterogor- gia rigida. Tetrahedron 34:1661-1664.

MEEK, F.B.--1876. A report on the invertebrate Cretaceous and Terti- ary fossils of the Upper Missouri country. United States Geologi- cal Survey of the Territories. Alcyonaria, pp. 2-4 in: Report of the U.S. Geological Survey of the Territories 9. Washington: Gov- ernment Printing Office, lxiv + 629 pp. [Reports Websteria M.-E. & H. and Microstizia Meek as Gorgoniidae; neither appear to be octocorals.]

MEHRLE, 1981. Die Weichkorallen im Golf von Akaba. In: Eilat und das Riff Exkursionsbericht aus Israel: II. Arb. mitt. biol.inst. Stuttgart 4:25-39

MENNEKING, FRIEDRICH.--1905. Uber die Anordnung der Schuppen und das Kanalsystem bei Stachyodes ambigua (Stud.), Caligorgia flabellum (Ehrb.), Calyptrophora Agassizii (Stud.), Amphilaphis abietina (Stud.) und Thouarella variabilis (Stud.). Arch. Naturgesch. 71. Jahrgang 1 (3):245-266, pls. 8- 9.

MENTZELIUS, CHRISTIANUS.--1685. De coraliis in genere, Androsace, Fucis marinis, unguibus odoratis, lignis olentibus, pyritibus, silicum generibus & c. praemissa ad Cl. Dn. G. Everhandi Rumphii observationes sequentes, de rebus variis & raris ex Indiis ad me transmissis. Miscellanea Curiosa sive Ephemeridum medico-physicar- um germanicorum Acad. Nat. Curiosorum. Decuriae Annorum Secundae, Annus Tertius:7-74. Norimbergae.

MERCATI, MICHELE.--1719. Metallotheca. Opus posthumum, auctoritate & munificentia Clementis Undecimi Pontificis Maximii... lxiv + 378 + 53 pp. Romae: apud J.M. Salvioni Typograph. Vaticanum.

MEREJKOWSKI, L.--1880. Sur la structure de quelques Coralliaires. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 90:1086-1088.

MERGNER, H.--1979. Quantitative okologische Analyse eines Rifflagunen- areals bei Aqaba (Golf von Aqaba, Rotes Meer). Helgolander wiss. Meeresunters. 32(4):476-507.

MERGNER, H.--1981 [1982].--Man-made influences on and natural changes in the settlement of the Aqaba reefs (Red Sea). Proceedings of the International Coral Reef Symposium No. 4 Vol 1:193-207, ill.

MERGNER, H. and SCHUHMACHER, H.--1981. Quantitative analyse der korallenbesiedlung eines vorriffareals bei Aqaba (Rotes Meer). Helgolander Meeresuntersuchungen 34:337-354.

MERGNER, H. and SCHUHMACHER, H.--1985. Quantitative analyse von korallengemein schaften des Sanganeb-Atolls (mittleres Rotes Meer). I. Die besiedlungs struktur hydrodynamisch unterschie- dlich exponierter Aussen- und Innenriffe. Helgolander Meeresun- tersuchungen 39:375-417.

MERLIN, J.C. and M.L. DELE.--1983. Etude par spectroscopie Raman de resonance de la pigmentation des squelettes calcaires de cer- tains coraux. Bull. Soc. Zool. France 108(2):289-301.

MESSING, CHARLES G.--1987. To the deep reef and beyond. Miami, Florida: Deep Ocean Society. Unnumbered contents page + 30 pp., pictorial paper covers. [Illustrates and briefly describes the growth form of five octocorals.]

MESSING, CHARLES G., A. CONRAD NEUMANN and JUDITH C. LANG.--1990. Biozonation of deep-water lithoherms and associated hardgrounds in the northeastern Straits of Florida. Palaios 5:15-33, figs. 1-8. [Candidella imbricata, Callogorgia sp., Plumarella sp. cf. pourtalesi, Corallium medea, and Paragorgia johnsoni recorded and observed in situ.]

MEYER, R.--1875. Die Seerosen (Actiniae), Polypen und Gorgonien der oceanischen Kusten Frankreichs. Zool. Garten 16:316-318.

MICHELIN, HARDOUIN.--1845. Zoophytes, echinodermes et stellerides. In: Essai d'une faune de l'ile Maurice, publiee avec les materiaux et les notes laisses par Julien Desjardins, sous la direction et par les soins de M. F.E. Guerin Meneville. Magasin de Zoologie 1845: 1-27 + III-IV, pls. 7-12.

MIGOT, A.--1920. La formation du squelette axial chez Eunicella (Gorgonia) cavolinii Koch. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 171 (6):365- 367.

MILNE EDWARDS, ALPHONSE.--1882. Summary report upon a zoological expedition made in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic aboard the 'Travailleur'. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) 9:37-46.

MILNE EDWARDS, HENRI.--1835. Memoire sur un nouveau genre de la famille des Alcyoniens (genre Alcyonide). Ann. Sci. Nat. (2) 4 Zool.:323-333, pls. 12-13.

MILNE EDWARDS, HENRI.--1835. Observations sur les Alcyons proprement dits. Ann. Sci. Nat. (2) 4 Zool.:333-342, pls. 14-16.

MILNE EDWARDS, HENRI.--1836-1849. Les Zoophytes. Avec un atlas. In: Cuvier, Georges. Le Regne Animal distribue d'apres son organisa- tion. Vol 11: [iv] + 160 + 94 pp.; 100 pls., each with unnumbered page of explanation. Paris: Fortin, Masson. (Smith 1993 no. 750. Also see Cowan 1976.) [Octocorals appear on pls. 65, 65bis, 79, 80, 91-94.]

MILNE EDWARDS, HENRI.--1838. Observations sur la nature et le mode de croissance des polypiers. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool) 10:321-334. [Also in C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 8:107-113., 1839.]

MILNE EDWARDS, HENRI and JULES HAIME.--1850. A monograph of the British fossil corals. Part 1: Introduction; corals from the Tertiary and Cretaceous formations. Pp. i-lxxxv + 1-71, pls. 1-11. London: Palaeontographical Society.

MILNE EDWARDS, HENRI and JULES HAIME.--1851. Monographie des polypi- ers fossiles des terrains palaeozoiques, precedee d'un tableau general de la classification des polypes. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 5:1-504.

MILNE EDWARDS, HENRI [and JULES HAIME].--1857. Histoire naturelle des coralliaires ou polypes proprement dits. Vol. 1. Pp. i-xxxiv + 1-326, 8 pls. numbered Al-6, Bl-2. Paris: a la Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret.

MINCHIN, D.--1987. Swiftia pallida Madsen (Coelenterata: Gorgonacea) in Irish waters, with a note on Pseudanthessius thorelli (Brady) (Crustacea: Copepoda) new to Ireland. Irish Nat. J. 22(5):183- 185, ill.

MINOBE, HIROMU.--1929. Melitodes mutsu, a new gorgonid coral. Repts Biol. Surv. Mutsu Bay, 14. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ. Sendai (Ser. 4, Biol.) 4 (4):671-673.

MISTRY, M.--1994. Ecological observations on a population of the Mediterranean gorgonian Paramuricea clavata (Risso, 1826). Bolletino Zool. 61(2):163-166, illustr.

MISTRY, M. and V.U. CECCHERELLI.--1993. Growth of the Mediterranean gorgonian Lophogorgia ceratophyta (L. 1758). Marine Ecology 14(4):329-340, illustr.

MISTRY, M. and V.U. CECCHERELLI.--1994. Growth and secondary produc- tion of the Mediterranean gorgonian Paramuricea clavata. Marine Ecol. Progress Ser. 103(3):291-296, illustr.

MITCHELL, N.D., M.R. DARDEAU and W.W. SCHROEDER.--1993. Colony mor- phology, age structure, and relative growth of two gorgonian corals, Leptogorgia hebes (Verrill) and Leptogorgia virgulata (Lamarck), from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Coral Reefs 12(2):65-70, illustr.

MIYAJIMA, K.--1897. Umi shaboten (Veretillum) no seitaiteki kansat- su [Ecological observations on Veretillum]. Dobutsugaku zasshi 9 (107):367-371.

MIYAJIMA, K.--1900. Umi shaboten (Cavernularia Val.). Dobutsugaku zasshi 12 (142):280-287, pls. 5-6; (146):426-433, pls. 5-6.

MIYAMOTO, T., K. YAMADA, N. IKEDA, T. KOMORI and R. HIGUCHI.--1994. Bioactive terpenoids from Octocorallia, 1. Bioactive diterpe- noids: litophynols A and B from the mucus of the soft coral Litophyton sp. Journal of Natural Products (Lloydia) 57(9):1212- 1219, illustr.

MIZOBUCHI, S., K. KON-YA, K. ADACHI, M. SAKAI and W. MIKI.--1994. Antifouling substances from a Palauan octocoral Sinularia sp. Fisheries Science 60(3):345-346, illustr.

MIZOBUCHI, S., N. SHIMIDZU, M. KATSUOKA, K. ADACHI and W. MIKI.--1994. Antifouling substances against the mussel in an octocoral Dendronephthya sp. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 59(7):1159-1199, illustr.

MODEER, AD.--1786. Slagtet Sjopenna (Pennatula). K. Vetenskapsakad. Nya Handl., Stockholm 7:267.

MOBIUS, KARL.--1861. Neue Gorgoniden des naturhistorischen Museums zu Hamburg. Nova Acta Acad. Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Nat. Curiosorum 29:1-12, pls. 1-2.

MOEBIUS, KARL.--1874. Uber eine Hornkoralle Verrucella guadalupen- sis. Schr. naturwiss. Vereins Schleswig-Holstein 1 (2):204-206.

MOLANDER, ARVID R.--1915. Northern and arctic invertebrates in the collection of the Swedish State Museum (Riksmuseum). 7. Alcyona- cea. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapakad. Handl. 51 (11):1-94, pls. 1-3.

MOLANDER, ARVID R.--1918. Membranose Ausbildung der Kolonien bei Gorgonacea. Arkiv for Zoologi 11 (21):1-19.

MOLANDER, ARVID R.--1918. Der Kelch als systematischer Charakter bei den Alcyonaceen. Arkiv for Zoologi 11 (22):1-12.

MOLANDER, ARVID R.--1919. Bemerkungen uber Leptogorgia irramosa (Grieg). Arkiv for Zoologi 12 (5):1-7.

MOLANDER, ARVID R.--1921. Alcyonarien von Madagaskar. Arkiv for Zoologi 14 (2):1-13.

MOLANDER, ARVID R.--1929. Die Octactiniarien. Further Zool. Res. Swedish Antarctic Exped. 1901-1903 2 (2):i-iv + 1-86, pls. 1-5.

MOLANDER, ARVID R.--1929. South and West African Octactiniae in the Gothenburg Natural History Museum. Kungl. Vetenskaps och Vitter- hets Samhalles Handl. (5) Ser. B, Band 1, No.7:1-16.

MOLIN,--.--1870. Uber Korallen und Korallenfischerei. Verein zur Verbreitung Naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnis Vienna Schriften 10:429-458. (April 8.)

MONTANARO-GALLITELLI, EUGENIA.--1955. Trachypsammacea un nuovo ordine dei celenterati. Accad. Sci. Lett. Art Modena, Atti e Memorie (5) 13:224-226. (27 December.)

MONTANARO-GALLITELLI, EUGENIA.--1956. Il Permiano del Sosio e i suoi coralli. Palaeontographia Italica 49:1-98, pls. 1-10.

MONTANARO-GALLITELLI, EUGENIA.--1956. Trachypsammiacea. In: Moore, R.C. (Ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology Part F: Coelen- terata. Pp. F190-F192.

MONTLONG, H. von.--1905. Beitrage zur Statistik der Seefischerei in den wichtigsten Staaten Europas. Statistische Monatsschrift, Wien.

MOORE, A.R.--1926. On the nature of inhibition in Pennatula. Amer. J. Physiol. 76:112-115.

MOORE, DONALD R.--1958. Notes on Blanquilla Reef, the most northerly coral formation in the western Gulf of Mexico. Institute of Marine Science 5:151- 155. [Reports three species of gorgonians.]

MORENO, O., M. MERINO and E. JORDAN DAHLGREN.--1982 [1983]. Estima- cion de la edad en un organismo colonial Plexaura homomalla (Esper). (Octocorallia: Plexauridae). Anales Inst. Cienc. Mar Limnol. Univ. nac. auton. Mex. 9(1):345-357, illustr.

MORI, KENICHIRO, KAZUO IGUCHI, NOBUKO YAMADA and YASUJI YAMADA.--1987. Stolonidiol, a new marine diterpenoid with a strong cytotoxic activity from the Japanese soft coral. Tetrahe- dron Letters 28(46):5673-5676.

MORI, SYUITI.--1943. Daily rhythmic activity of the sea-pen, Cavernu- laria obesa Valenciennes. 1. Observations in nature. Dobutsugaku zasshi 55:285-291. [In Japanese.]

MORI, SYUITI.--1943. Daily rhythmic activities of the sea-pen, Cavern- ularia obesa Valenciennes. 2. Activities under constant darkness and constant illumination. Dobutsugaku zasshi 55:247-253. [In Japanese.]

MORI, SYUITI.--1944. Daily rhythmic activities of the sea-pen, Cavern- ularia obesa Valenciennes. 3. Controlling of the activity by light. Dobutsugaku zasshi 56:81-85. [In Japanese.]

MORI, SYUITI.--1944. Daily rhythmic activities of the sea-pen, Cavern- ularia obesa Valenciennes. 4. Observations of the activity in winter. Dobutsugaku zasshi 56:86-90. [In Japanese.]

MORI, SYUITI.--1944. Daily rhythmic activities of the sea-pen, Cavern- ularia obesa Valenciennes. 5. Activities under constant illumina- tion and constant darkness in winter and influence of water tem- perature. Dobutsugaku zasshi 56:91-95. [In Japanese.]

MORI, SYUITI.--1944. Daily rhythmic activities of the sea-pen, Cavern- ularia obesa Valenciennes. 6. Analysis of the endogenous rhythm. Dobutsugaku zasshi 56:96-100. [In Japanese.]

MORI, SYUITI.--1944. Daily rhythmic activities of the sea-pen, Cavern- ularia obesa Valenciennes. 7. Overnight change of reaction to light. Dobutsugaku zasshi 56:21-24. [In Japanese.]

MORI, SYUITI.--1945. Daily rhythmic activities of the sea-pen, Cavern- ularia obesa Valenciennes. 8. Endogenous daily rhythmic activity. Kyodai Seiri Seitai 19. [In Japanese.]

MORI, SYUITI.--1947. Daily rhythmic activities of the sea-pen, Cavern- ularia obesa Valenciennes. 9. Activities when kept long under constant darkness. Physiol. and Ecol. Univ. Kyoto 1:8-14. [In Japanese.]

MORI, SYUITI.--1948. Daily rhythmic activities of the sea-pen, Cavern- ularia obesa Valenciennes. 10. Two kinds of stimulus which control the activities. Physiol. and Ecol. Univ. Kyoto 2:34-38. [In Ja- panese.]

MORI, SYUITI.--1949. Daily rhythmic activities of the sea-pen, Cavern- ularia obesa Valenciennes. 11. Controlling @f the activity by light (2). Physiol. and Ecol. Univ. Kyoto 3:32-37. [In Japanese.]

MORI, SYUITI.--1950. Daily rhythmic activities of the sea-pen, Cavern- ularia obesa Valenciennes. 12. Conclusions--Problems on relations among environments, behaviors and internal physiological condi- tions. Physiol. and Ecol. Univ. Kyoto 4:14-20. [In Japanese.]

MORI, SYUITI.--1960. Influence of environmental and physiological factors on the daily rhythmic activity of a sea-pen. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 25:333-344.

MORI, SYUITI.--1994. Daily rhythmic activity of the sea-pen Cavernu- laria obesa Valenciennes. 19. Further considerations on the mechanism of the circadian rhythmic activity. Pub. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 36(4):267-276, illustr.

MORI, SYUITI and Y. ONDO.--1957. Daily rhythmic activities of the sea- pen, Cavernularia obesa Valenciennes. 15. Controlling the activity by light (3). Pub. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 6:79-98.

MORI, SYUITI and H. TANASE.--1973. Studies on the daily rhythmic activity of the sea-pen, Cavernularia obesa Valenciennes. XVIII. Ontogenetic development of the daily rhythmic activity. Pub. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 20:455-467.

MORISON, ROBERT.--1680-99. Plantarum historiae universalis Oxonien- sis, seu Herbarum distributio nova, per tabulas cognationis & affinitatis ex libro naturae observata & detecta. 2 vols. Oxonii: Teatro Sheldoniano.

MOROFF, THEODOR.--1902. Einige neue Pennatuliden aus der Munchener Sammlung. Zool. Anzeiger 25 (678):579-582.

MOROFF, THEODOR.--1902. Einige neue japanische Gorgoniaceen in der Munchener Sammlung; gesammelt von Dr. Haberer. Zool. Anzeiger 25 (678):582-584.

MOROFF, THEODOR.--1902. Studien uber Octocorallien. I. Uber die Pennatulaceen des Munchener Museums; II. Uber einige neue Gorgo- naceen aus Japan. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst.) 17:363-410, pls. 14-17.

MORSE, DANIEL E., AILEEN N.C. MORSE and HELEN DUNCAN.--1977. Algal "tumors" in the Caribbean sea-fan, Gorgonia ventalina. Proc. Third Internat. Coral Reef Symp. 1:623-629, figs. 1-9.

MOSELEY, HENRY N.--1876. On the structure and relations of the alcyonarian Heliopora coerulea, with some account of the anatomy of a species of Sarcophyton; notes on the structure of species of the genera Millepora, Pocillopora, and Stylaster, and remarks on the affinities of certain Palaeozoic corals. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 156:91-129, pls. 8, 9. [Also Proc. Roy. Soc. 24:59-70; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4)16:147-158; Arch. Zool. Exper. 5:xxxviii-xlii.]

MOSELEY, HENRY N.--1880. Report on certain hydroid, alcyonarian, and madreporarian corals procured during the voyage of H.M.S. Chal- lenger, in the years 1873-1876. Rept. sci. res. Challenger, Zool. 2 (Part 7):1-248, pls. 1-16.

MOSELEY, HENRY N.--1882. Notes on the structure of Seriatopora, Pocillopora, Corallium, and Tubipora. Quarterly Journ. Microsc. Sci. 22:391-398.

MOSELEY, HENRY N.--1882. Precious coral. Nature 25:510-511. (Comments about commercial fishery, discolored coral etc.)

MOSER, JOHANNES.--1919. Eireifung, Spermatogenese und erste Entwick- lung der Alcyonarien. Zool. Anzeiger 50 (6/7):159-164.

MOSER, JOHANNES.--1919. Beitrage zu einer Revision der Alcyonarien. 1. Die Gattungen Sarcophyton Lesson und Lobophytum Marenzeller. Mitteil. Zool. Mus. Berlin 9:219-293, pl. 6.

MOSER, JOHANNES.--1921. Ergebnisse einer Revision der Gattung Plex- aura Lamouroux. Zool. Anzeiger 53 (5/6):110-118.

MOSER, JOHANNES.--1930. Octocorallen. Tabulae Biologicae (W. Junk, Ed.) 6 (Suppl. 2):151-163.

MOSS, E.L.--1873. Description of a virgularian actinozoon, from Burrard's Inlet, British Columbia. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1873:730-732, pl. 61.

MOSS, EDWARD L.--1878. On specimens of Osteocella septentrionalis. Journ. Roy. Dublin Soc. 1875:241.

MOTZ-KOSSOWSKA, SOPHIE and LOUIS FAGE.--1907. Contribution a l'etude de la famille des Fascicularides. Arch. Zool. Exper. Gen. (4) 7:423-443, 10 figs.

MOYSE, J.--1983. Isidascus bassindalei gen. nov., sp. nov. (Ascothor- acida: Crustacea) from north-east Atlantic with a note on the origin of barnacles. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 63(1):161-180.

MUDIE, ROBERT.--1854. The Radiata. Pp. 638-660 in: Cuvier, G. The animal kingdom, arranged according to its organization. A new edition with additions by W.B. Carpenter and J.O. Westwood. Pp. [i-x] + 1-718. London: Wm. S. Orr and Co.

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MYLIUS, CHRISTLOB.--1753. Beschreibung einer neuen Gronlandischen Thierpflanze. In einem Sendschreiben an . . . Hrn. Albrecht von Haller . . . Pp. 1-27, 1 pl. London: Andreas Linde.

MYLIUS, CHRISTLOB.--1754. An account of a new zoophyte, or animal plant, from Groenland. In a letter to Dr. Albert Haller, President of the Royal Society of Sciences at Gottingen. Pp. [i-iv] + 1-27, folding plate. London: A. Linde.


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NAKANO, J.--1969. Cardiovascular effect of a prostaglandin isolated from a gorgonian, Plexaura homomalla. J. Pharm. Pharmac. 21:782- 783.

NARDO, GIOVANNI DOMENICO.--1844. Rischiarimenti e rettificazioni ai generi ed a qualche specie della famiglia de' zoofitari sarcinoidi od alcionari stabilita dal Sig. de Blainville. Nuov. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna (2) 2:460- 474.

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NUTTING, CHARLES CLEVELAND.--1911. The Gorgonacea of the Siboga Expe- dition VIII. The Scleraxonia. Siboga-Exped. Monogr. 13b5 Pp. 1-62, pls. 1-12.

NUTTING, CHARLES CLEVELAND.--1912. Descriptions of the Alcyonaria collected by the U.S. Fisheries steamer "Albatross," mainly in Japanese waters, during 1906. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 43:1-104, pls. 1-21.

NUTTING, CHARLES CLEVELAND.--1914. Some curious parasites, commensals, etc., found on Alcyonaria. Science (N.S.) 39:366.


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OFWEGEN, L.P. VAN.--1989. On Wrightella coccinea (Ellis & Solander, 1786) and Wrightella stiasnyi spec. nov. (Anthozoa: Gorgonacea: Melithaeidae). Zoologische Mededelingen 63(3):27-34, figs. 1-3.

OFWEGEN, L.P. VAN.--1990. Notes on the Keroeididae (Anthozoa: Gorgona- cea) collected in 1963 and 1964 by the International Indian Ocean Expedition of the R/V "Anton Bruun", in the Indian Ocean, with the description of a new species, Lignella hartogi. Zoologische Mede- delingen 63(13):163-168, pls. 1-3. [Illustrates and briefly de- scribes Keroeides koreni and Lignella richardii for comparison with Lignella hartogi n. sp.]

OFWEGEN, L.P. VAN.--1994. Pseudothelogorgia, a new genus of gorgona- cean octocorals from the Indian Ocean. Precious Corals & Octocoral Research 3:19-22, fig. 1, pl. 1.

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OLEARIUS, ADAM.--1674. Gottorfische Kunst-Kammer, worinnen allerhand ungemeine Sachen, so theils die Natur, theils kunstliche Hande hervor gebracht und bereitet vor diesem aus allen vier Theilen der Welt zusammen getragen... 5 lvs. + 80 + 72 + [8] + 148 + [8] pp., pls. Schlesswig: G. Schultzen.

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OPRESKO, DENNIS M. and FREDERICK M. BAYER.--1991. Rediscovery of the enigmatic coelenterate Dendrobrachia, (Octocorallia: Gorgonacea) with descriptions of two new species. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 115(1):1-19, figs. 1-13. (May 31.) [Dendrobrachia fallax redescribed and compared with new species D. paucispina from Australia and D. multispina from the Straits of Florida; all illustrated by SEM.]

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PALLAS, PETER SIMON.--1766. Elenchus zoophytorum sistens generum adumbrationes generaliores et specierum cognitarum succinctas descriptiones cum selectis auctorum synonymis. Pp. [i]-xvi +[17]- 28 + 1-451. Hagae Comitum.

PALLAS, PETER SIMON.--1766. Miscellanea zoologica, quibus novae impri- mis atque obscurae animalium species discribunter et observationi- bus iconibus illustrantur. Pp. xii + 224 pp., 14 pls. Hagae Comi- tum.

PALLAS, PETER SIMON.--1768. Lyst der Plant-dieren... In het Latyn beschreeven door den Hooggel. Heer P.S. Pallas... Vertaald, en met Aanmerkingen en Afbeeldingen voorzien door P. Boddaert Med. Doct. Pp. i-xxxvi, 37-50 + 1-574, pls. 1-4. Te Utrecht: by A. van Pad- denburg en J. van Schoonhoven.

PALLAS, PETER SIMON.--1787. Charakteristik der Thierpflanzen...aus dem Lateinischen ubersetzt, und mit Anmerkungen versehen, von C.F. Wilkens, und nach seinem Tode herausgegeben von Johann Wilhelm Herbst. 2 vols. Nurnberg: Verlegt von der Raspischen Buchhandlung.

PALLAS, PETER SIMON.--1798 Natuurlyke historie der Plant-Dieren... In het Latyn beschreeven door P.S. Pallas... Vertaald, met Aanmerkin- gen en Afbeeldingen voorzien door P. Boddaert. Vol. 1, pp. 1- xxxvi, 37-50, 1-274, pls. 1-8; vol. 2, pp. i-ii + 275-654. Te Amsterdam: J.B. Elwe.

PANCERI, PAOLO.--1870. Intorno ad una forma non per anco notata negli zooidi delle pennatule. Rendiconto R. Accad. Sci. Napoli. 2:1-5.

PANCERI, PAOLO.--1871. Intorno a due pennatularii, l'uno non per anco trovato nel Mediterraneo, l'altro nuovo nel nostro Golfo. Rendi- conto R. Accad. Sci. Napoli 10 (6):113-115. (June.)

PANCERI, PAOLO.--1871. Gli organi luminosi e la luce delle pennatule. Rendiconto R. Accad. Sci. Napoli 10 (10):204-211. (October.) [Also Arch. Zool. Exper. Gen. 1:xxv-xxvi, and Ouarterly Journ. Microsc. Sci. (new series) 12:248-254.]

PANCERI, PAOLO.--1871. Gli organi luminosi e la luce delle pennatule. Atti R. Accad. Sci. Napoli. 5 (10):1-46, 1 pl.

PANCERI, PAOLO.--1872. Intorno ad un pennatulario fosforescente non per anco rinvenuto presso Napoli. Rendiconto R. Accad. Sci. Napoli 11 (4):88-90. (April.)

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PARENZAN, PAOLO.--1977. Nuovi reperti di Maasella edwardsi (de Lacaze- Duthiers, 1888) nel Mediterraneo (Octocorallia:Alcyonacea). Tha- lassia Salentina, Porti Cesareo. No. 7:71-80.

PARKER, G.H.--1920. Activities of colonial animals. I. Circulation of water in Renilla. J. exper. Zool. 31:343-367, 1 pl.

PARKER, G.H.--1920. Activities of colonial animals. II. Neuromuscular move ments and phosphorescence in Renilla. J. exper. Zool. 31:475- 515, 1 pl.

PARKER, G.H.--1925. Activities of colonial animals. III. The interre- lation of zooids in soft corals. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 11 (6):346- 347.

PARSONS, JAMES.--1753. A letter the Rev. Mr. Birch, Secr. R.S. concerning the formation of corals, corallines, & c. Phil. Trans. Roy-Soc. London 48:505-513.

PASCAL, H. and E. VACELET.--1981 [1982]. Bacterial utilization of mucus on the coral reef of Aqaba (Red Sea). Proceedings of the International Coral Reef Symposium No. 4 Vol. 1:669-677, ill.

PASTERNAK, F.A.--1960. The deep-sea Pennatularia from the Bering Sea and Kuril-Kamtschatka Trench. Trudy Inst. Okeanol. Moskva 34:329- 335, figs. 1-5. [Russian.]

PASTERNAK, F.A.--1961. Some new data on the specific composition and the distribution of deep-sea Pennatularia, genus Kophobelemnon, in northern Pacific. Trudy Inst. Okeanol. Moskva 45:240-258, figs. 1- 9. [Russian, English summary.]

PASTERNAK, F.A.--1961. Pennatularia (Octocorallia) and Antipatharia (Hexacorallia) obtained by the Soviet Antarctic Expedition in 1955-1958. Trudy Inst. Okeanol. Moskva 46:217-230. [Russian.]

PASTERNAK, F.A.--1962. Pennatulids of the genus Umbellula Cuvier from the Antarctic and Subantarctic. Issled. Faun. Morei 1:105-128, figs. 1-5, map. [Russian.]

PASTERNAK, F.A.--1964. The deep-sea Pennatularians and Antipatharians obtained by R/S "Vitjaz" in the Indian Ocean and the resemblance between the fauna of the Pennatularians of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific. Trudy Inst. Okeanol. Moskva 69:183-215, figs.1-6. [Russian.]

PASTERNAK, F.A.--1970. [Pennatularians (Octocorallia, Pennatularia) from the ultra-abyssal depths of the Kurile-Kamchatka Trench.] Trudy Inst. Okeanol. Akad. Nauk SSSR 86:236-248. [ Records Kopho- belemnon biflorum and Umbellula magniflora from 6090-6135m, and Umbellula thomsoni from 6090-6235m. In Russian; no English sum- mary.]

PASTERNAK, F.A.--1975. Deep-sea pennatularians genus Umbellula from the Caribbean Sea and Puerto-Rican Trench. In: Scientific studies Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and adjacent waters. Trans. P.P. Shirsov Inst. Oceanol. 100:160-173, figs. 1-3. [Russian, with English summary.]

PASTERNAK, F.A.--1981. Alcyonacea and Gorgonacea. In: Kuznetsov, A.P. and A.N. Mironov [Eds.], Benthos of the submarine mountains Mar- cus-Necker and adjacent Pacific regions. Moscow: Akademiya Nauk. Pp. 40-55, illustr.

PASTERNAK, F.A.--1984. Gorgonarians (Anthozoa: Gorgonacea) of the seamaunt in the northern part of the Kapingamarangi Rise and the probability of the existance of particular thalassobathyal verti- cal zone on isolated seamaunts. Tsitologiya, Leningrad 119:65-75, ill. [Russian, English summary.]

PASTERNAK, F.A.--1985. Specific composition and the ways of forming of the bottom fauna isolated underwater rises. Gorgonarians and antipatarians of the Seamounts Rockeway, Atlantis, Plato, Great- Meteor and Josephin (Atlantic Ocean). Trudy Inst. Okeanol. 120:21- 38, ill. [Russian, English summary.]

PASTERNAK, F.A.--1989. [On the variability of sea-pens (Octocorallia: Pennatulacea) connected with the transition to the deep-water existence.] Trudy Inst. Okeanol. Akad. Nauk SSSR 124:165-173. [In Russian.]

PATERSON, G.L.J.--1986. Aspects of the zoogeography of some benthic animals in the Rockall Trough. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinb. (B)88:316- 318, ill.

PASTORINO, GUIDO and CHRISTIAN ITUARTE.--1996. Rhodelinda gardineri (Gohar, 1940) (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) a stoloniferous octocoral from Patagonian shallow waters. Bull. mar. Sci. 58 (1):196-202, figs 1-3.

PATHIRANA, C., W. FENICAL, E. CORCORAM and J. CLARDY.--1993. Erythro- diene: a new spirobicyclic sesquiterpene of a rare skeletal class from the Caribbean gorgonian coral Erythropodium caribaeorum. Tetrahedron Letters 34(21):3371-3372, illustr.

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PATTERSON, MARK R.--1984. Patterns of whole colony prey capture in the Octocoral, Alcyonium siderium. Biol. Bull. 167:613-629.

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PLINIUS SECUNDUS, CAIUS (= PLINY THE ELDER).--1469. Historia natu- ralis. Venice, Johannes de Spira. 356 lvs. [Many subsequent edi- tions in original Latin and various modern languages, including English: The historie of the world. Commonly called, the Natvrall historie of C. Plinivs Secvndvs. Translated into English by Phile- mon Holland, doctor in Physicke. London, A. Islip, 1601.]

PLUKENET, LEONARD.--1705. Amaltheum botanicum; i.e., Stirpium indi- cam alterum copiae cornu millenas ad minimum & bis centum diver- sas species novas & indicates nominatim comprehendens; quarum sexcena & insuper selectis iconibus, aeneisque tabulis in gra- tiam phytosophorum exquisite & summo artificio illustrantur. Londini. 214 pp., pls. 351-454.

POCHE, FRANZ.--1914. Das System der Coelenterata. Arch. Naturgesch. (A) 80 (5):47-128.

POCHE, FRANZ.--1915. Uber das System der Anthozoa und einige allge- meine Fragen der zoologischen Systematik. Zool. Anzeiger 46 (1):6-26.

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POMEL, AUGUSTE.--1868. Sur les Alcyonaires fossiles Miocenes de l'Algerie. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 67:963-966. [Also in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 3:398-399; 1869. ]

PONA, GIOVANNI.--1617. Monte Baldo cui si figurano, & discrivono molte rare piante de gli antichi, da' moderni fin' hora non conosciute... [16] + 248 + [15] pp.; 132 pp. Venetia: Roberto Meietti.

PONTOPPIDAN, ERIK.--1753-54. Versuch einer naturlichen historie von Norwegen ...aus dem danischen uebersetzt von Johann Adolph Scheiben... 2 vols. in 1, 30 pls. Kopenhagen: F.C. Mumme. [Also an English edition, London, 1755.]

PORDESIMO, E.O., F.J. SCHMITZ, L.S. CIERESZKO, M.B. HOSSAIN and D. van der HELM.--1991. New briarein diterpenes from the caribbean gorgo- nians Erythropodium caribaeorum and Briareum sp. J. Organic Chem. 56(7):2344-2357.

POUCHET, G. and A. MYEVRE.--1869. Sur l'anatomie des alcyonaires. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 69:1097-1099.

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PRATT, EDITH M.--1902. The mesogloeal cells of Alcyonium (prelimi- nary account). Zool. Anzeiger 25 (677):545-548, figs. 1-4.

PRATT, EDITH M.--1903. The Alcyonaria of the Maldives. Part II. The genera Sarcophytum, Lobophytum, Sclerophytum, and Alcyonium. In: Gardiner, J. Stanley (Ed.), The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes 2 (1):503-539, pls. 28-31.

PRATT, EDITH M.--1905. Report on some Alcyoniidae collected by Professor Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. Report to the Government of Ceylon on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar 3 (Supplementary Report No. 19):247-268, pls. 1-3.

PRATT, EDITH M.--1905. The digestive organs of the Alcyonaria and their relation to the mesogloeal cell plexus. Ouarterly Journ. Microsc. Sci. (New Series) 49 (2):327-362, pls. 20-22.

PREOBRAZHENSKY, B.V.--1980. Morphogenesis in corals: methodological aspect. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 25(3-4):473-476.

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PUGH, P.R.--1974. Letter to the editors. Deep Sea Research 21:785.

PUGH, P.R.--1974. Bibliography of A.K. Totton. Deep Sea Research 21:787-789.


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QUOY, J.R.C. and PAUL GAIMARD.--1828. Remarques sur les Polypes a polypiers pierreux et flexibles. Ann. Sci. Nat. 14:236-249. [Also Oken's Isis 23:318-324.]

QUOY, J.R.C. and PAUL GAIMARD. 1833. Zoophytes. In: Voyage de decou- vertes de l'Astrolabe execute par ordre du Roi, pendant les annees 1826-1827-1828- 1829, sous le commandement de M.J. Dumont d'Urville. Zoologie 4:1-390, pls. 1-26.


RALI, TOPUL and KATRINA SOLIEN.--1990. Chemical study of a soft coral (Lobophytum species). Science in New Guinea 16 (3):115-117, figs. 1-2.

RAMIL BLANCO, FRANCISCO and EUGENIO FERN|NDEZ PULPEIRO.--1990. Inventario de los Antozoos de Galicia. A checklist of the Antho- zoa from Galicia. Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de His- toria Natural 86(1-4):17-30, fig. 1.

RAMIREZ-VILLAROEL, PABLO J.--1978. Fauna coralina de la Isla de Cubagua, Venezuela. Trabajo presentado por...como requisito parcial para ascender a la categoria de Profesor Agregado. Universidad de Oriente, Nucleo de Nueva Esparta. Departamento de Ciencias. Guatamare. v+53 pp. mimeographed. (January.)

RAMIREZ-VILLAROEL, PABLO J. and P. GONZALEZ-BRITO.--1974. Distribu- cion y ecologia de los octocoralarios de la Isla de Coche, Venezuela Nor-Oriental. Bol. Soc. Venezolana Ciencias Nat. 31 (128/129):33-62.

RAMSAROOP, D.--1978. Common shallow-water gorgonians of Trinidad. Living world. Journal of the Field Naturalists' Club of Trinidad and Tobago 1977-1978:21-32, figs. 1-14.

RANNOU, MICHEL.--1968. Formation de spicules dans des cultures cellulaires de cnidaire (gorgone). Vie et Milieu 19 (1-A):53-57, figs. 1-3.

RANSON, GILBERT and ANDREE DURIVAULT.--1937. Le pigment d'Heliopora coerulea Pall. et de quelques autres Alcyonaires. C.R. Soc. Biol. 126:1149-1151.

RAPP, M.W.--1827. Untersuchungen uber den Bau einiger Polypen des mittellandischen Meeres. Nova Acta Physico-Medica Acad. Caesar- eae Leopoldino-Carolinae nat. curiosorum 14 (2):643-658, pl. 38.

RATHBUN, RICHARD.--1879. Brazilian corals and coral reefs. Amer. Naturalist 13 (9):539-551, 1 fig.

RATHBUN, RICHARD.--1880. List of marine Invertebrata from the New England coast, distibuted by the U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Series I. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 3:227-232. [Two species of Alcyonium.]

RATHBUN, RICHARD.--1882. List of marine invertebrates, mainly from the New England coast, distibuted by the U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Series II. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 4:298-303. [Four species of octocorals.]

RATHBUN, RICHARD.--1882. List of marine invertebrates from the New England coast, distibuted by the U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Series III. Educational Series. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 4:304- 307. [Three species of octocorals.]

RATHBUN, RICHARD.--1883. Descriptive catalogue of the collection illustrating the scientific investigation of the sea and fresh waters. Great International Fisheries Exhibition. London, 1883 G:1-109 (repaged?). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. [Historical account of U.S. scientific investigations of aquatic life. 11 species of octocorals are listed in the cata- logue of the invertebrate collection.]

RAY, JOHN.--1693-1704. Historia plantarum generalis: species hactenus editas aliasque insuper multas noviter inventas & descriptas complectens... 3 vols. Londini: S. Smith & B. Walford.

RAYMOND, P.E.--1931. Notes on invertebrate fossils, with descrip- tions of new species. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College 55:165-213, pls. 1-5. [Petaloptyon danei a possible gorgonian from the middle Cambrian.]

REES, J.T.--1972. The effect of current on growth form in an octo- coral. Journal of experimental marine Biology and Ecology 10:115-123.

REICHELT, R.E. and R.H. BRADBURY.--1984. Spatial patterns in coral reef benthos: multiscale analysis of sites from three oceans. Marine Ecology Progress Series 17(3):251-157, illustr.

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REINICKE, GOTZ B.--1995. Xeniidae des Roten Meeres (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Beitrage zur Systematik and Okologie:1-193. Essener Okologische Schriften 6, Magdeburg.

REUSS, A.E.--1854. Beitrage zur Charakteristik der Kreideschichten in den Ostalpen, bes. im Gosauthale und am Wolfgangsee. Denkschr. k.k. Akad., Nath.-Naturw. Klasse 7:1-156, pls. 1-31.

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RHO, BOON-JO.--1979. [Specimen Catalogue, Natural History Museum, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.] pp. 1-130, incl. 10 pls. [Japanese Title: Shizen shi Hakubutsukan Mokuroku. Octocorals on pp. 52-53.]

RHO, BOON-JO and JUN-IM SONG.--1976. A study on the classification of the Korean Anthozoa 1. Gorgonacea and Pennatulacea. Journ. Korean Res. Inst. for Better Living 17:71-92, pls. 1-6.

RHO, BOON-JO and JUN-IM SONG.--1977. A study on the classification of the Korean Anthozoa 3. Alcyonacea and Pennatulacea. Journ. Korean Res. Inst. for Better Living 19:81-100, figs. 1-9, pls. 1-2.

RHO, BOON-JO, JUN-IM SONG and JONG-WII LEE.--1980. A systematic study on Octocorallia in Korea 4. Scleraxonia (Gorgonacea). Journ. Korean Res. Inst. for Better Living 25:45-64.

RICE, A.L., P.A. TYLER and G.L.J. PATERSON. 1992. The ecology and biology of pennatulid Kophobelemnon stelliferum (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) in the Porcupine Seabight (Northeast Atlantic Ocean). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 72(2):417-434.

RICE, JOHN R., CONSTANTIN PAPASTEPHANOU and DAVID G. ANDERSON.--1970. Isolation, localization and biosynthesis of crassin acetate in Pseudoplexaura porosa (Houttuyn). Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 138 (3):334-343.

RICHIARDI, SEBASTIANO.--1869. Monografia della famiglia dei Pennatu- larii. Arch. Zool. Anat. Fisiol. (Turin) (2) 1:1-150, pls. 1-14. [Reviewed by A.E. Verrill, Amer. Journ. Sci. (2) 49:426-427.]

RICHIARDI, SEBASTIANO.--1880. Contribuzione alla Fauna d'Italia. D. Alcionari del Mare della Toscana. Esposizione internazionale de Pesca in Berolino 1880, Sezione Ital. Catalogo degli espositori e della cose esposita.

RICHTER, RUDOLF.--1955. Die altesten Fossilien Sud-Afrikas. Sencken- bergiana Lethaea 36 (3/4):243-289, pls. 1-7.

RIDLEY, STUART 0.--1882. Contributions to the knowledge of the Alcyonaria with descriptions of new species from the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) 9:184-193.

RIDLEY, STUART 0.--1882. Contributions to the knowledge of the Alcyonaria II. Including descriptions of new species from Mauri- tius. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) 10:125-133.

RIDLEY, STUART 0.--1882. On the arrangement of the Coralliidae, with descrip tions of new or rare species. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1882:221-233, pl. 9. (June 1.)

RIDLEY, STUART 0.--1883. On the coral-fauna of Ceylon, with descrip- tions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) 11:250-262.

RIDLEY, STUART 0.--1884. Alcyonaria. Pp. 327-365, pls. 36-38 in: Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Alert' 1881-2. London: British Museum.

RIDLEY, STUART 0.--1888. Report on the alcyoniid and gorgoniid Alcyonaria of the Mergui Archipelago, collected for the Indian Museum. Journ. Linn. Soc. London 21:223-247, pls. 17-18.

RIEGL, R.--1995. Effects of sand deposition on scleractinian and alcyonacean corals. Marine Biology 121:517-526.

RIESS, MARGOT.--1929. Die Gorgonarien Westindiens. Kap. 8. Die Familie Muriceidae. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 16 (2):377-420, pl. 8.

RISSO, ANTOINE.--1826. Histoire naturelle des principales produc- tions de l'Europe Meridionale et particulierement de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes Maritimes. 5 vols.

RISSO, A.--1826 [1827]. Zoophytes, pp. 307-383 in Histoire naturelle des principales productions de l'Europe Meridionale et principale- ment de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes Maritimes. Tome 5. Paris:Chez F.-G. Levrault, Libraire, rue de la Harpe. viii+383, 401-403, pl. unnumbered.

RITTSCHOF, D., I.R. HOOPER, E.S. BRANSCOMB and J.D. COSTLOW.--1985. Inhibition of barnacle settlement and behavior by natural pro- ducts from whip corals, Leptogorgia virgulata (Lamarck, 1815). Journal of Chemical Ecology 11(5):551-563, illustr.

RITTSCHOF, D., I.R. HOOPER, and J.D. COSTLOW.--1986. Barnacle set- tlement inhibitors from sea pansies, Renilla reniformis. Bull. Mar. Sci. 39(2):376-382, ill.

RIVEROS ZUNIGA, FRANCISCO.--1948. Nuevos datos y description de Renilla chilen sis Philippi. Revista Biol. Marina, Valparaiso 1 (1):32-45.

RIVOIRE, G.--[N.D.] Mortalite du corail et des gorgones en profon- deur au large des cotes provencales. Pp. 53-59 in: Boudour- esque, C.F. et al. (eds.), Colloque international "Les Especes Marine a Proteger en Mediterranee." Marseille: GIS Posidonie, 447 pp.

ROBERTSON, DAVID. --1887. Jottings from my notebook. On the local distribu tion of Pennatula phosphorea, Lin., Virgularia mirabi- lis, Lam., and Pavo naria quadrangularis, Pall. Proc. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow 2:211- 212.

ROBINS, M.W.--1968. The ecology of Alcyonium species in the Scilly Isles. Underwater Association Report 1968: 67-71.

ROCHEBRUNE, A.T. de.--1882. Materiaux pour la faune de l'Archipel du Cap Vert. Nouvelles Arch. Mus. natl. Hist. Nat. (2)4:215-340.

ROCHEFORT, M. DE.--1665. Histoire naturelle et morale des Iles Antilles de l'Amerique. Enrichie d'un grand nombre de belles figures en taille douce, des places & des raretez le plus con- siderables, qui y sont decrites. Avec un vocabulaire Caraibe. Seconde edition, Revue & augmentee de plusieurs descriptions, & de quelques eclaircissemens, qu'on desiroit en la precedente. [36]+583+12 pp. Roterdam: Chez Arnout Leers. [Arbres de Mer, p. 231; Panaches de Mer, p. 234.]

RODRIGUEZ, A.D. and O.M. COBAR.--1993. Structures and bioactivities of new asbestinin diterpenoids from the Caribbean gorgonian octocoral Briareum asbestinum. Tetrahedron 49(2):319-328.

RODRIGUEZ, A.D. and H. DHASMANA.--1993. Further bioactive cembrano- lide diterpenes from the gorgonian Eunicea succinea. Journal of Natural Products (Lloydia) 56(4):564-570, i llustr.

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SHAW, THOMAS.--1738-46. Travels, or observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant. Pp. xv + 442 + [60] (1738). Oxford. [And] A supplement to the book entituled Travels, or observations, & c... Pp. xvi + 112 pp., 2 pls. (1746). Oxford.

SHEPHERD, S.A.--1983. The epifauna of megaripples: species adapta- tions and population responses to disturbance. Australian Jour- nal of Ecology 8(1):3-8. [Virgularia mirabilis--??]

SHERRIFFS, W. RAE.--1921. Evolution within the genus Dendronephthya (Spongodes) (Alcyonaria), with descriptions of a number of species. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1922:33-77, pls. 1-3.

SHINKARENKO, L.--1981. The natural history of five species of octo- corals (Alcyonacea) with special reference to reproduction, at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Queensland.

SHINN, J., M. PARK and W. FENICAL.--1989. The juncellolides, new antiinflammatory diterpenoids of the briarane class from the Chinese gorgonian Junceella fragilis. Tetrahedron 45:1633-1638.

SHINN, J., W. FENICAL, T.J. STOUT and J. CLARDY.--1993. New cembra- diene diterpenoids from an undescribed Caribbean gorgonian of the genus Eunicea. Tetrahedron 49(3):515-524.

SHINN, J. and Y. SEO.--1995. Isolation of new ceramides from the gorgonian Acabaria undulata. Journal of Natural Products (Lloydia) 58:948-953.

SIMPSON, JAMES J.--1905. A new cavernularid from Ceylon. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 15:561-565, pl. 17. (June.)

SIMPSON, JAMES J.--1905. Agaricoides, a new type of siphonogorgid Alcyonarian. Zool. Anzeiger 29 (9):263-271, figs. 1-19. (August 15.)

SIMPSON, JAMES J.--1906. The structure of Isis hippuris, Linnaeus. Journ. Linn. Soc. London 39 (194):421-434, pl. 43. (July 23.)

SIMPSON, JAMES J.--1907. On a new siphonogorgid genus Cactogorgia; with descriptions of three new species. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin- burgh 45 (3):829- 836, pl. 45 (September 5.)

SIMPSON, JAMES J.--1910. A revision of the Gorgonellidae:1, the Juncellid group. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 28 B (7):247-386, pls. 1-19. (August 19.)

SIMPSON, JAMES J.--1910. Hicksonella, a new gorgonellid genus. Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. 1910 (6):681-692, pl. 13. (December 21.)

SIMPSON, JAMES J.--1910. On a new species of Cactogorgia. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 30 (4):324-326, 1 pl. (March 10.)

SIMPSON, JAMES J.--1910. On a nev pseudaxonid genus--Dendrogorgia. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 18 (1):62-67. (February 19.)

SLATTERY, M. and J.B. McCLINTOCK.--1995. Population structure and feeding deterrence in three shallow-water antarctic soft corals. Marine Biology 122:461-470, figs. 1-6.

SLEPKOVA, N.V.--1988. [To the structural classification oof the sclerits of octocorals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa). Pp. 126-130, figs. 1-6 in: Porifera and Cnidaria. Modern and perspective investiga- tions. Leningrad: USSR Academy of Sciences, Zoological Insti- tute. 164 pp.+ [12 pp. illustr.]

SLEPKOVA, N.V.--1989. [Materials to the comparative study of the form of sclerites and sclerons of Octocorallia]: 107-109 in: Fundamen- tal investigations of the recent Porifera and Coelenterata. (In Russian.)

SLEPKOVA, N.V.--1995. [Sclerom of Octocorallia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) modern and perspective investigations]. Proc. Russian acad. sci. 261:155-169. (In Russian.)

SLEPKOVA, N.V. and L.N. SERAVIN.--1983. Spontaneous and induced retraction of polyps in Gersemia fruticosa (Alcyonacea, Nephthyidae). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 62(5):675-680, 1 fig. [Russian, with English summary.]

SLOANE, HANS.--1707. A voyage to the islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica, with the natural history of the herbs and trees. four footed beasts, fishes, birds, insects, reptiles & c of the last of those islands; ... Vol. 1. 7 lvs + 1- 264 + 4 lvs, 156 pls. London.

SNELI, J.-A.--1985. Paramuricea placomus (L.) in Trondheimsfjorden. Fauna, Oslo 38(4):117-119, illustr.

SOEST, R.W.M. VAN.--1977. A catalogue of the coelenterate type speci- mens of the Zoological Museum of Amsterdam. III. Antipatharia, Pennatulacea, Stolonifera, Telestacea, Alcyonacea. Beaufortia 26 (332):77-98.

SOEST, R.W.M. VAN and J. VERSEVELDT.--1987. Unique symbiotic octo- coral-sponge association from Komodo. Indo-Malayan Zoology 4:27- 32, figs. 1-3 (1 and 2 not included in pagination). (Describes symbiotic association of Tubipora musica with sponge, genus Mycale.)

SOEST, ROB W.M. VAN and STEVEN WEINBERG.--1980. A note on the sponges and octocorals from Sherkin sland and Loughe Ine, Co. Cork. Irish Naturalists Journal 20:1-15.

SONG, JUN-IM.--1976. A study on the classification of the Korean Anthozoa 2. Alcyonacea. Korean J. Zool. 19(2):51-62, pls. 1-2. [Part 1 appeared in 1976 under authorship of Rho and Song (q.v.).]

SONG, JUN-IM.--1980. A systematic study on Octocorallia in Korea 5. Paramuriceidae (Holaxonia: Gorgonacea). Korean J. Zool. 23(1):25- 40, pls. 1-4.

SONG, JUN-IM.--1981. A systematic study on Octocorallia in Korea 6. Holaxonia (Gorgonacea). Korean J. Zool. 24(2):99-115, fig. 1, pls 1-3. [Part 7 covers Scleractinia, part 8 the Actiniaria, part 10 the Antipatharia, and part 12 some additional Scleractinia.]

SONG, JUN-IM.--1994. Molecular phylogeny of anthozoans (Phylum Cnidaria) based on the nucelotide sequences of 18S rRNA gene. Korean J. Zool. 37:343-351, tables 1-3, figs. 1-4.

SONG, JUN-IM.--1995. A systematic study on the Korean Anthozoa 16. Order Stolonifera. Korean Journal of Zoology 38:356-363, fig. 1, pls. 1, 2.

SONG, JUN-IM, WON KIM, EUN KYOUNG KIM and JIHEE KIM.--1994. Molecular phylogeny of anthozoans (Phylum Cnidaria) based on the nucleotide sequences of 18S rRNA gene. Korean J. Zool. 37:343-351, tables 1- 3, figs. 1-4. [Study includes Bellonella rigida Putter.]

SPIRO, BARUCH FELIX.--1971. Ultrastructure and chemistry of the skeleton of Tubipora musica Linne. Bull. Geol. Soc. Denmark 20:279-284, pls. 1-2.

SPONAUGLE, S.--1991. Flow patterns and velocities around a suspension- feeding gorgonian polyp: evidence from physical models. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 148(1):135-145.

SPONAUGLE, S. and M. LABARBERA.--1991. Drag-induced deformation: a functional feeding strategy in two species of gorgonians. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 148:121-134.

SPOTTE, STEPHEN, PATRICIA M. BABUCIS and ROBIN M. OVERSTREET. 1995. Caridean shrimps associated with the slimy sea plume (Pseudopterogorgia americana) in midsummer at Guana Island, British Virgin Islands, West Indies. Journal of Crustacean Biology 15(2):291-300, figs. 1-10. [Nine species of shrimp were found living on P. americana: Neopontonides chacei, Hippolyte nicholosoni, Latreutes sp., Periclimenes sp. cf. patae, Periclimenes sp. cf. pauper, Periclimenes sp., Pseudocoutierea antillensis, Tozeuma sp. cf. cornutum, Trachycaris rugosa; individual colonies were infested with as many as five species and 156 specimens.]

SREBRODOLSKY, B.I.--1987. [Blue or Sun Corals.] Priroda (Moscow) 1987(4):98, ill.

STANDING, J.D., I.R. HOOPER and J.D. COSTLOW.--1984. Inhibition and induction of barnacle settlement by natural products present in octocorals. Journal chem. Ecol. 10(6):823-834, illustr. [Leptogor- gia virgulata affects crustacean larval settlement.]

STEARNS, ROBERT E.C.--1873. Remarks on a new alcyonoid polyp, from Burrard's Inlet. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 5:7-12. (April.)

STEARNS, ROBERT E.C.--l873. Description of a new species of alcyo- noid polyp. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco 27 (6):88. (August 9.)

STEARNS ROBERT E.C.--1873. Description of a new genus and species of alcyonoid polyp. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 5 :147-149, pl. 9. (August 18.)

STEARNS, ROBERT E.C.--1874. Description of a new genus and species of alcyonoid polyp. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (3) 7:68-70. (January.)

STEARNS, ROBERT E.C.--1874. Remarks suggested by Dr. J.E. Gray's paper on the "Stick Fish," in "Nature," Nov. 6th, 1873. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 5:283- 285. (April.)

STEARNS, ROBERT E.C.--1882. Verrillia blakei or Halipteris blakei. Amer. Naturalist 16:55-56. (January.)

STEARNS, ROBERT E.C.--1883. Descriptions of a new genus and species of alcyonoid polyp, from Japanese waters, with remarks on the structure and habits of related forms, etc. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 6:96-101, pl. 7.

STEENSTRUP, J.--1849. Om slaegten Isis og de under Isis hippuris, Linn., sammenblandede Arter. Vid. Medd. nat. For. Kjobenhavn 1849:66-75.

STEENSTRUP, J.J.--1861. Beskrivelsen af en ny Koralslaegt af Octac- tiniernes Orden. Oversigt Kgl. danske Vidensk. Selskabs For- handl. Medlemmers Arbeider i Aaret 1860:121-122. [Also German translation in Zeitschr. Gesammten Naturwiss, Jahrgang 1862, 19:74-76.]

STEINER, H.--1987. Unbekannte Weichkoralle aus dem Mittelmeer. Aquari- um (Wuppertal) no. 216:305-306, ill.

STEPHENS, JANE.--1909. Alcyonarian and madreporarian corals of the Irish coasts, by..., with description of a new species of Stachyodes by Professor S.J. Hickson, F.R.S. Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland; Fisheries Branch. Scientific Investigations 1907 (No. V):1- 28, pl. 1.

STEPHENSON, W. and J.W. WELLS. 1956. The corals of Low Isles, Queensland. August, 1954. University of Queensland Papers. Department of Zoology 1(4):1- 59, pls. 1-7. [Reports Heliopora coerulea and Tubipora musica.]

STEUDLER, PAUL A., F.J. SCHMITZ and L.S. CIERESZKO.--1977. Chemistry of coelenterates. Sterol composition of some predator--prey pairs on coral reefs. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 56B:385-392.

STEUER, ADOLF.--1910. Ein Vorschlag zur Hebung der osterreichischen Korallen-Fischerei. Osterr. Fisch.-Zeitung 7:8-10.

STEUER, ADOLF.--1911. Die italienische Korallenfischerei. (Ergebnisse einer Sommerreise nach Neapel.) Osterr. Fisch.-Zeitung 8:23-26, 60-63.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1935. Diagnosen neuer und alter Arten der Gorgo- narien-Familie Plexauridae. Zool. Anzeiger 109 (9/10):236-245.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1935. Briareum asbestinum (Pall.), wie ich es sehe. Zool. Anzeiger 110 (7/8):I80-190, 8 figs.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1935. Die Gorgonacea der Siboga-Expedition. Sup- plement I, Revision der Plexauridae. Siboga-Exped. Monogr. 13b7. Pp. i-vi + 1-106, pls. 1-7.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1935. Uber Plexauropsis humilis (Milne-Edw.) und Eunicea hicksoni nov. spec. (Gorgonaria, Plexauridae). Zool. Anzeiger 112 (5/6) 107-116, 3 figs.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1936. Diagnosen einiger neuer Gorgonarien-Arten von Cap Blanco (Westafrika). Zool. Anzeiger 113 (7/B):201-206.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1936. Gorgonaria von Cap Blanco (Westafrika, Mauretanien). Capita Zoologica 8 (2):1-44, pls. 1-6.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1937. Die Gorgonacea der Siboga-Expedition. Sup- plement II, Revision der Scleraxonia mit ausschluss der Melito- didae und Coralliidae. Siboga-Exped. Monogr. 13b8. Pp. i-vi + 1- 138, pls. 1-8.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1937. Deux nouvelles especes de plexaurides des Indes Occidentales. Revision des Collections H. Michelin. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 9:330-336, figs. 1-7.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1937. Catalogue raisonne des alcyonides, gorgonides, zoanthides et pennatulides. Revision des Collections H. Michelin. Bull Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 9:391-397, figs. 1-2.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1937. Gorgonaria von Konakry, Liberia, Goldkuste und Angola. Zool. Meded. Leiden 20:65-82, pl. 3.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1937. Parerythropodium maris-tenebrosi n. sp., eine neue Alcyonarie von der Kuste Nordwest-Afrikas. Proc. Roy. Acad. Amsterdam 40 (8):735-744, pl. 1.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1937. Gorgonaria von Cap Blanco, gesammelt durch Dr. Theodore Monod. Temminckia 2:297-316, pls. 16-17.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1937. Gorgonaria von Setubal. Arq. Mus. Bocage 8:1-18, pls. 1-2.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1938. Catalogue raisonne des alcyonides, gor- gonides, zoanthides et pennatulides. Revision des Collections H. Michelin. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 10:93-108, 1 pl.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1938. Die von Dr. C. Dawydoff in franzosisch Indochina gesammelten Gorgonarien. Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (n.s.) 6 (3):355-368, pl. 1.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1938. Diagnosen einiger neuer Gorgonarien-Arten aus dem Roten Meere. Zool. Anzeiger 121 (11/12):336-341.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1938. Revision des Plexauriden Genus Eunicella Verrill (Versuch einer Synthese). Verhandel. K. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Afdeeling Natuurkunde, Tweede Sectie 37 (7):1-37, pls. 1-8.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1939. Gorgonarien von der Congomundung (Sammlung des Musee du Congo Belge, Tervuren). Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines 32 (1):97-110, pls. 4-7.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1939. System der Octocorallia. Zool. Meded. Leiden 21:367-368.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1939. Gorgonaires du Maroc (Cote Atlantique). Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Maroc 19:119-149, pls. 3-8.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1939. Gorgonaria von Cap Blanco, Senegal und Rio d'Ouro. (Aus dem Zoologischen Museum, Amsterdam.). Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines 32 (3/4):285-322, pls. 10-18.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1939. Gorgonaria aus dem Congo-Gebiet (aus der Sammlung des Musee du Congo Belge). Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines 33 (1):23-32, pls. 1-3.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1939. Gorgonaria von Portugal (Sammlung des Museu Bocage). Arq. Mus. Bocage 10:15-38, pls. 5-6.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1939. Gorgonaria von den Westafrikanischen Kolo- nien Portugals (Sammlung des Museu Bocage). Arq. Mus. Bocage 10:41-46, pl. 7.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1939. Alcyonaria und Gorgonaria von Lourenco Marques (Portugiesisch Ostafrika). Arq. Mus. Bocage 10:169-185, pl.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1940. Gorgonaria von Tropisch-Westafrika aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Hamburg. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst.) 73 (4):339- 368, pls. 3-5.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1940. Gorgonides et alcyonides des collections du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Premiere partie). Arch. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (6) 16:109-145, pls. 18-23.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1940. Alcyonaria und Gorgonaria von Mauritius. Arch. Neerl. Zool. 4 (2/3):334-351, pls. 12-14.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1940. Kurze Mitteilung uber Rindenkorallen (Gorgo- narien). Arch. Neerl. Zool. 4:366-367.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1940. Alcyonaria und Gorgonaria von Sudafrika, aus der Sammlung des South African Museum, Cape Town. Verhandel. K. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Afdeeling Natuurkunde, Tweede Sectie 39 (3):1-37, pls. 1-4.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1940. Gorgonaria aus dem Roten Meere. Sammlung Dr. Cyril Crossland, Ghardaqa, und der "Mabahith" Expedition 1934-5. Pub. Marine Biol. Sta. Ghardaqa (Red Sea) 2:121-174, pls. 1-10.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1940. Biological Results of the Snellius Expedi- tion VII. Die Gorgonarien-Sammlung der Snellius-Expedition. Temminckia 5:191-256, pls. 6-14.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1941. Alcyonaria und Gorgonaria von St. Helena (Sammlung Dr. Th. Mortensen). Zool. Jahrb. (Syst.) 74 (5/6):473- 486.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1941. Studien uber Alcyonaria und Gorgonaria. I. (Parerga und Paralipomena.) Zool. Anzeiger 133 (11/12):265-276.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1941. Studien uber Alcyonaria und Gorgonaria (Parerga und Paralipomena). II. Zool. Anzeiger 134 (3/4):53-71.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1941. Studien uber Alcyonarien und Gorgonarien. III. (Parerga und Paralipomena.) Zool. Anzeiger 134 (11/12):254- 268.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1941. Studien uber Alcyonaria und Gorgonaria. IV. (Parerga und Paralipomena.) Zool. Anzeiger 135 (1/2):13-25.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1941. Studien uber Alcyonaria und Gorgonaria. V. (Parerga und Paralipomena.) Zool. Anzeiger 135 (3/4).. 75-88.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1941. Gorgonaria von Venezuela (Inseln Blanquilla und Los Frailes). Arch. Neerl. Zool. 6 (1):101-116, pls. 1-2.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1941. Octocorallia from Philippine waters. Philip- pine Journ. Sci. 76 (1):67-72, pls. 1-2.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1942. Alcyonaria und Gorgonaria aus dem Golf von Neapel. Pubbl. Sta. Zool. Napoli 19 (1):1-47, figs. 1-25.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1942. Ergebnisse der Nachuntersuchung der Muricei- dae (Gorgonaria) der Siboga-Expedition. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Zool. Anzeiger 140 (9/10):191-199.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1943. Die Gorgonarien-Familie Acanthogorgiidae Kukenth. & Gorz. mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Materials der Siboga-Expedition. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Zool. Anzeiger 141 (5/6):127-133.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1943. Gorgonaria von Panama. Aus der Sammlung Dr. Th. Mortensen, Zoologisk Museum, Kopenhagen. Vid. Medd. Dansk naturh. Foren. 107:59-103.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1947. De Gorgonarien-Familie Acanthogorgiidae Kukenth. & Gorz. (Met bijzondere Inachtneming van het Materiaal der Siboga-Expeditie.) Verhandel. K. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Afdeeling Natuurkunde, Tweede Sectie 43 (2):1-93, pls. 1-3.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1951. Alcyonides et gorgonides des collections du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (II). Mem Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (n.s.) A 3 (1):1-80, pls. 1-22.

STIASNY, GUSTAV.--1959. Alcyonaria I. Gorgonaria aus dem Roten Meere (Sammlung Dr. R. Ph. Dollfus, Paris, aus dem Golf von Suez). Pp. 37-65, pls. 1-8 in: Mission Robert Ph. Dollfus en Egypte (Decembre 1927-Mars 1929) S.S. "Al Sayad". Resultats Scientifiques, 3e Partie, XXXIV. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientif- ique.

STIBANE, F.A.--1987. Primnoide Oktokorallen (Coelenterata: Anthozoa, Ordo Gorgonacea Lamouroux, 1816) aus dem Sudatlantik. Mitt. Hamb. Zool. Mus. Inst. 84:17-26, ill.

STILLER, M.-A. and G. RIVOIRE.--1984. Biologie et ecologie du corail rouge en Mediterranee francaise. FAO Fish. Rep. 306:89-93.

STIMPSON, WILLIAM.--1855. Descriptions of some of the new marine invertebrata from the Chinese and Japanese Seas. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 7:375-384.

STOCK, J.H.--1953. Biological Results of the Snellius Expedition XVII. Contributions to the knowledge of the pycnogonid fauna of the East Indian Archipelago. Temminckia 9:276-313, figs. 1-18 [See p. 307, figs. 17a-d.]

STOKES, CHARLES.--1847. Remarks on some corals obtained from great depths in the Antarctic Ocean, in a letter Captain Sir James C. Ross. Edinburgh new Phil. Journ. 43:258-262. (October.)

STORM, V.--1879. Bidrag til Kundskab om Trondhjemsfjordens fauna. Det Kgl. norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 1878:9-36.

STORM, V.--1882. Bidrag til Kundskab om Trondhjemsfjordens fauna. III. Det Kgl. norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 1880:73-96.

STRAND, EMBRIK.--1926. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte. Zweiundneunzig- ster Jahrgang. Replacement name Cereopsida:pp. 3 Gorgonia nom- landica pp. 34

STRANKS, T.N.--1993. Catalogue of Recent Cnidaria type specimens in the Museum of Victoria. Occasional Papers from the Museum of Victoria 6:1-26.

STROHL, J.--1938. Zur Geschichte des Zoophytenbegriffes. Verhandl. Schweizerischen naturf. Gesellsch. 119:229-230.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1874. Uber Bau und Entwicklung der Achse von Gorgonia bertoloni Lx. Mitt. naturf. Gesellsch. Bern 1873:85-97, 3 pls.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1878. Uber die mit dem Schleppnetz angestellten Untersuchungen an der Westkuste von Afrika wahrend der Reise S.M.S. Gazelle. Sitzungs-Berichte Gesellsch. naturf. Freunde Berlin 1878:135-139.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1878. Ubersicht der Anthozoa Alcyonaria, welche wahrend der Reise S.M.S. Gazelle um die Erde gesammelt wurden. Monatsber. K. preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1878:632-688, pls. 1-5.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1878. Neubestimmung einiger seltener Corallenar- ten. Mitt. naturf. Gesellsch. Bern 1878, Abhandlungen:174-176.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1883. Mittheilungen aus dem Museum fur Natur- geschichte. 1. Kalifornische Korallen. Mitt. naturf. Gesellsch. Bern 1883, 1 Heft, Abhandlungen:3-8.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1887. Versuch eines Systemes der Alcyonaria. Arch. Naturgesch. 53 (1):1-74, pl. 1.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1887. Systeme des Alcyonaires. Arch. Sci. phys. nat. Geneve 18 (11):431-432.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1887. Uber das System der Alcyonarien. Act. Soc. Helvetique Sci. nat. 1887:51-53.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1887. Uber Bau und System der achtstrahligen Korallen. Mitt. naturf. Gesellsch. Bern 1887:xiii-xiv.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1888. On some new species of the genus Spon- godes, Less., from the Philippine Islands and the Japanese Seas. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) 1:69-72.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1888. Sur la formation de l'axe chez une Cornu- laride; la Telesto trichostemma, Dana. Act. Soc. Helvetique Sci. Nat. 1888:62.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1889. Supplementary report on the Alcyonaria collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. Rept. Sci. Res. Challenger, Zool. 32 (part 81):1-31, pls. 1-6.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1891. Cas de fissiparite chez un alcyonaire. Bull. Soc. zool. France 16:28-30.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1890. Note preliminaire sur les alcyonaires prove- nant des campagnes du yacht "l'Hirondelle" 1886- 1887-1888. Mem. Soc. zool. France 3(5):551-559.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1891. Note preliminaire sur les alcyonaires prove- nant des campagnes du yacht "l'Hirondelle" 1886, 1887, 1888. Part 2. Alcyonacea and Pennatulacea. Mem. Soc. zool. France 4(2):86-95.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1894. Note preliminaire sur les alcyonaires. Reports on the dredging operations...carried on by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer "Albatross," during 1891...X. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 25 (5):53-69.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1894. Alcyonarien aus der Sammlung des Naturhis- torischen Museums in Lubeck. Mitt. Geogr. Gesellsch. Naturhist. Mus. Lubeck, (2. Ser.) Heft 7/8:103-128, pls. 1-5.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1895. Sur le genre Calypterinus, Wright et Studer. Arch. Sci. phys. nat. 30:641-642.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1901. Alcyonaires provenant des campagnes de l'Hirondelle Res. Camp. Sci. Monaco 20:1-64, pls. 1-11.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1905. La squelette axiale des Gorgonacea. Note. Arch. Sci. phys. nat. 20 (11):582-584.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1905. Uber die morphologische Bedeutung der Achse der Gorgonacea. Act. Soc. Helvetique Sci. Nat. 88:52-53.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1913. Sur la Eunicella verrucosa (Pall.). Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve 36:458-461.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1914. Uber Eunicella verrucosa (Pall.). Verhandl. Schweizerischen naturf. Gesellsch. Frauenfeld 96 (2):240-243.

STUDER, THEOPHILE.--1914. Uber Eunicella verrucosa (Pall.) und ihre Farbenvarietaten. Zool. Anzeiger 43:449-460.

SU JINGYU, LONG KANGHOU and JIAN ZHIGANG.--1984. Studies on the chemical consituents of the Chinese Gorgonia (5)- A new marine C29-sterol from Echinogorgia pseudossapo (Kolliker). Acta sci- ent. nat. Univ. Sunyatseni 1984(1):97-101, illustr.

SU JINGYU, LONGMEI ZENG, TANGSHENG PENG and KANGHOU LONG.--1987. Studies on the chemical constituents of the Chinese soft coral (16). Structure of a novel polyhydroxylated steroid, sartortus- terol A. Acta scient. nat. Univ. Sunyatseni 1987(1):71-77, ill. [Chinese, with English summary.]

SU, J., Y. ZHENG, L. ZENG, E.O. PORDESIMO, F.J. SCHMITZ M.B. HOSSAIN, and D. VAN DER HELM.--1993. Patagonicol: a diterpenoid from the Chinese soft coral Alcyonium patagonicum. Journal of Natural Products (Lloydia) 56(9):1601-1604, illustr. [As Alcyonium patago- nicum May, 1899, originally was described from the coast of Chile, report of its occurrence in China is highly suspect.]

SU, J.Y., Y.-H. MENG, L.-M. ZENG and Q.-W. WANG.--1993. Lobocalone: a novel secondary metabolite from the soft coral Lobophytum caledo- nense. Journal of Natural Products (Lloydia) 56(2):279-281, ill. SU, J.-Y., Y.-I. ZHONG and L.-M. ZENG.--1993. Two new sesquiterpenoids from the soft coral Paralemnalia thyrsoides. Journal of Natural Products (Lloydia) 56(2):288-291, illustr.

SUBRAHMANYAM, C., C. VENKATESWARA RAO and M. KOBAYASHI.--1993. A new steroid glycoside from a new species of Sinularia soft coral. Indian J. Chem. (B)32(10):1093-1094, illustr.

SUESS, E., B. CARSON, S.D. RITGER, J.C. MOORE, M.L. JONES, L.D. KULM and G.R. COCHRANE.--1985. Biological communities at vent sites along the subduction zone off Oregon. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington 6:475-484, illustr. [Candidella (Parastenel- la) doederleini.]

SUKARNO.--1974. The scleractinian corals of the Rumphius Expedition I. Oseanologi di Indonesia 1:13-15. [One octocoral, Tubipora musica, p. 15.]

SUZUKI, HIROSHI.--1971. Notes on Cornularia (Stolonifera, Alcyonaria) found in the vicinity of the Manazuru Marine Biological Labora- tory. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University (Section II. Biological and Geological Sciences)18:1-6, figs. 1-2, pl. 1. [Morphology, breeding, development.]

SWITZER, DEBRA M.--1984. North Atlantic tiptoing [sic] star. Sea Fron- tiers 30(1):51-53, 3 figs. [Reports that larvae of Gorgonocephalus articus [sic] have been found in the polyps of Gersemia. See also Fedotov 1924 and Hendler 1991. This presumed "association" is suspect and remains to be confirmed.]

SY, J.C., F.S. HERRERA and J.W. McMANUS.--1981 [1982]. Coral community structure of a fringing reef at Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines. Proceedings of the International Coral Reef Symposium No. 4 Vol. 2:263-269, ill.

SZMANT-FROELICH, ALINA.--1974. Structure, iodination and growth of the axial skeleton of Muricea californica and M. fruticosa (Coelenter- ata: Gorgonacea). Marine Biology 27:299-306.


TAKADA, N. and S. MORI.--1956. Daily rhythmic activities of the sea- pen Cavernularia obesa Valenciennes. 13. Rhythmic change of ammon- ium content in body fluid (1). Dobutsugaku zasshi 65:359-361. [Japanese.]

TAKADA, N. and S. MORI.--1957. Daily rhythmic activities of the sea- pen, Cavernularia obesa Valenciennes. 14. Rhythmic change of ammonium content in body fluid (2). Dobutsugaku zasshi 66:284-288. [Japanese.]

TAKEDA, MASATSUNE.--1980. Two new crabs associated with precious coral from the central Pacific. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Tokyo (A)6(2):71-76, figs. 1-4.

TANAKA, J.-I., H. MIKI and T. HIGA.--1992. Echinofuran, a new furano- sesquiterpene from the gorgonian Echinogorgia praelonga. Journal of Natural Products (Lloydia) 55(10):1522-1524.

TARGETT, N.M., BISHOP, S.S., McMCONNEL, O.J., and YODER, J.A.--1983. Antifouling agents against the benthic marine diatom Navicula salinicola: Homarine from the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata and L. setacea and analogs J. Chem. Ecol. 9:817-829.

TARGIONI-TOZZETTI, G.--1873. Nota intorno ad alcune forme di Alcionar- ii e di Gorgonacei. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. nat. Milano 15 (5): 453- 459.

TARGIONI-TOZZETTI, GLOVANNI.--1903. Le Collezioni di Giorgio Everardo Rumpf acquistate dal Granduca Cosimo III di Medici una volta esistente nel Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale di Firenze. 213 pp. Frenze: Tipografia Luigi Niccolai.

TARGIONI-TOZZETTI, ADOLFO--1880. Korallen von der Insel S. Jago. Eine neue Art Korallen. Internationale Fischerei-Ausstellung in Berlin im Jahre 1880. Italienische Abtheilung. Auszug aus dem Italie- nischen Special-Catalog. [Original description of Corallium lubra- ni.]

TEMPLADO, J., M. CARCIA-CARRACOSA, L. BARATECH, R. CAPACCIONI, A. JUAN, A. LOPEZ-IBOR, R. SILVESTRE and C. MASSO.--1986. Estudio preliminar de la fauna asociada a los fondos coraliferos del mar de Alboran (SE de Espana). Boletin Inst. esp. Oceanogr. 3(4):93- 104, ill.

TEMPLETON, ROBERT.--1835. Descriptions of a few invertebrated animals obtained at the Isle of France. Trans. Zool. Soc. London 2: 25-30, pl. 5. [Condensed version without illustrations appeared in Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Part III:111-112.]

TENDAL, OLE SECHER.--1992. The North Atlantic distribution of the octocoral Paragorgia arborea (L., 1758) (Cnidaria, Anthozoa). Sarsia 77:213-217.

TERMIER, H. and G. TERMIER.--1954. Foraminiferes, Spongiaires et Coelenteres. Paleontologie Marocaine II (1). Morocco, Service Geologique, Notes et Memoires 73:1-220. 51 pls. in text.

TESCIONE, GIOVANNI.--1965. Il corallo, nella storia e nell'arte. Napoli, Montanino Editore.

TESCIONE, GIOVANNI.-- 1968. Italiani alla pesca del corallo ed egemo- nie marittime nel Mediterraneo. Napoli, F. Fiorentino. 506 pp., 18 pls. (6 color).

THEODOR, JACQUES L.--1963. Contribution a l'etude des gorgones (III): Trois formes adaptives d'Eunicella stricta en fonction de la turbulence et du courant. Vie et Milieu 14 (3):815-818, fig. 1.

THEODOR, JACQUES L.--1964. Contribution a l'etude des gorgones (IV): Mise en evidence, par la technique des chromatoplaques, d'un caractere systematique complimentaire. Bull. Inst. r. Sci. nat. Belge 40 (14):1-5, fig. 1.

THEODOR, JACQUES L.--1964. Contribution a l'etude des gorgones (II): Ecologie: La faune et la flore contenues dans des excroissances de l'axe d'Eunicella stricta (sensu Rossi). Vie et Milieu Suppl. 17:157-163, fig. 1.

THEODOR, JACQUES L.--1966. Contribution a l'etude des gorgones (V): Les greffes chez les gorgones: etude d'une systeme de reconnais- sance de tissus. Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco 1374:1-8, pls. 1-4.

THEODOR, JACQUES L.--1967. Contribution a l'etude des gorgones (VI): La denudation des branches de gorgones par des mollusques preda- teurs. Vie et Milieu 18 (1-A):73-78, fig. 1.

THEODOR, JACQUES L.--1967. Contribution a l'etude des gorgones (VII): Ecologie et comportement de la planula. Vie et Milieu 18(2-A):291- 301, figs. 1-8, pl. 1.

THEODOR, JACQUES L.--1969. Contribution a l'etude des gorgones (VIII): Eunicella stricta aphyta, sous-espece nouvelle sans zooxanthelles, proche d'une espece normalement infestee par ces algues. Vie et Milieu 20 (3-A):635-637.

THEODOR, JACQUES L.--1971. Reconnaissance du 'self' ou reconnaissance du 'not-self.' Arch. Zool. exper. gen. 112:113-116.

THEODOR, JACQUES L.--1975. Comment les gorgones distinguent le "soi" du "non-soi." La Recherche 6:573-575.

THEODOR, JACQUES L.--1977. The gorgonian Plexaura homomalla (Esper). In: Crabbe, P. (Ed.), Prostaglandin Research. Organic Chemistry 36:47-63. New York, Academic Press.

THEODOR, JACQUES and MICHEL DENIZOT.--1965. Contribution a l'etude des gorgones (I): A propos de l'orientation d'organismes marins fixes vegetaux et animaux en fonction du courant. Vie et Milieu 16 (1-B):237-241.

THEODORUS, JACOBUS TABERNAEMONTANUS.--1664. Neuw vollkommentlich Kreuterbuch...vermehret durch H. Bauhinum... [x] + 1529 + [66] pp. Basel: Jak. Werenfels.

THEOPHRASTUS.--1644. Theophrasti Eresii de Historia Plantarum libri decem, Graece et Latine; in quibus textum Graecum variis lectioni- bus emendationibus...cum notis...illustravit J.B. a Stapel... accesserunt J.C. Scaligeri...animadversiones et R. Constantini annotationes, & c. [xx] + 1187 + [87] pp. Amstelodami.

THIBAUDEAU, S.--1983. The composition, form and function of spicules in octocorals. B.Sc. Honours thesis, Brock University: 262 pp.

THOMAS, LOWELL P.--1984. Wire corals. Sea Frontiers 30(1):12-13, illustr. [Body form of Gorgonacea.]

THOMAS, P.A. and K.J. MATHEW.--1986. Primnoisis spicata (Hickson) (Order Gorgonacea Lmx. Family Isididae Lmx.) from the Antarctic Sea. Third Indian Expedition to Antarctica Scientific Report 1986, Technical publ. 3:129-132.

THOMPSON, D'ARCY W.--1885. A bibliography of Protozoa, sponges, Coelenterata, and worms, including also the Polyzoa, Brachiopoda and Tunicata, for the years 1861-1883. viii + 284 pp. Cambridge: at the University Press.

THOMSON, J. ALLAN.--1908. Fossils from Kakanui gem-sand. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. 40:98-103, pl. 14.

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR.--1905. Appendix to the report on the Alcyonaria collected by Professor Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. In: Report to the Government of Ceylon on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar. Part 4, sup plementary report 28:167-186, 1 plate.

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR.--1907. Note on Primnoa reseda from the Faeroe Channel, and on its embryos. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 17(2):65-72, pls. 1-2.

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR.--1908. Note on a remarkable alcyonarian, Studeria mirabilis g. et sp. n. Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. London 1908: 675- 681, pl. 16.

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR--1922. A long-lost alcyonarian. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1921:421.

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR.--1927. Alcyonaires provenant des campagnes scientifiques du Prince Albert Ier de Monaco. Res. Camp. Sci. Monaco 73:1-77, pls. 1-6.

THOMS0N, J. ARTHUR and GEORGE CRANE.--1909. Alcyonarians of the Gulf of Cutch. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 3:362-366. (April.)

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and GEORGE CRANE.--1909. The Alcyonarians of Okhamandal. In: Hornell, J. (Ed.), Marine Zoology of Okhamandal in Kattiawar 1:125-135, 1 pl.

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and LAURA M.I. DEAN.--1931. The Alcyonacea of the Siboga Expedition with an addendum to the Gorgonacea. Siboga- Exped. Monogr. 13d:1-227, pls. 1-28. (June.)

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and W.D. HENDERSON.--1905. Preliminary notice of the deep-sea Alcyonaria collected in the Indian Ocean. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 15:547-557. (June.)

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and W.D. HENDERSON.--1905. Report on the Alcyonaria collected by Professor Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. In: Report to the Government of Ceylon on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar. Part 3, supplementary report 20:269-328, pls. 1-6.

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and W.D. HENDERSON.--1906. Alcyonaria. In: The marine fauna of Zanzibar British East Africa, from collections made by Cyril Crossland, M.A., B.Sc., F.Z.S., in the years 1901 and 1902. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1906 (1):393-443, pls. 26-31.

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and W.D. HENDERSON.--1906. Lebendiggebarende Arten von Alcyonaceen. Zool. Anzeiger 30:504.

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and W.D. HENDERSON.--1906. Second preliminary report on the deep-sea Alcyonaria collected in the Indian Ocean. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 18:427-433. (December.)

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and W.D. HENDERSON.--1906. An account of the alcyo- narians collected by the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship Investi- gator in the Indian Ocean. Part 1. The Alcyonarians of the deep sea. Pp. i-xvi + 1-132, pls. 1-10. Calcutta: The Indian Museum.

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and DORIS L. MACKINNON.--1910. Alcyonarians col- lected on the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner. Part 2, the Stolonifera, Alcyonacea, Pseudaxonia, and Stelechotokea. Trans. Linn. Soc. London (2) 13 (2):165-211, pls. 6-14.

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and DORIS L. MACKINNON.--1911. The alcyonarians of the "Thetis" Expedition. Australian Mus. Mem. 4:661-695, pls. 41- 82. (January 27.)

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and JAMES L. McQUEEN.--1908. Reports on the marine biology of the Sudanese Red Sea.--VIII. The Alcyonarians. Journ. Linn. Soc. London 31 (204):48-75, pls. 5-8.

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and NITA I. RENNET.--1927. Report on Japanese pennatulids. Journ. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo (Section 4, Zoology) 1 (2):115-143, pls. 7-9.

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and NITA I. RENNET.--1931. Alcyonaria, Madreporar- ia, and Antipatharia. Australasian Antarctic Exped. Sci. Rept. (C- Zoology and Botany) 9 (3):1-46, pls. 8-14. (January.)

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and JAMES RITCHIE.--1906. The Alcyonarians of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 41 (3):851-860, pls. 1-2. (January 18.)

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and E.S. RUSSELL.--1910. Alcyonarians collected on the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner. Part 1, the Axifera. Trans. Linn. Soc. London (2) 13 (2):139-164, pls. 6-14.

THOMSON, J. ARTHUR and JAMES J. SIMPSON.--1909. An account of the alcyonarians collected by the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship Investigator in the Indian Ocean; with a report on the species of Dendronephthya by W.D. Henderson. II. The alcyonarians of the littoral area. Pp. i-xviii + 1-319, pls. 1-9. Calcutta: The Indian Museum.

THOMSON, J. STUART.--1910. The Alcyonaria of the Cape of Good Hope and Natal. Alcyonacea. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 47 (3):549-589, pls. 1-4. (September 21.)

THOMSON, J. STAURT.--1911. The Alcyonaria of the Cape of Good Hope and Natal. Gorgonacea. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1911:870-893, pls. 43- 45. (December.)

THOMSON, J. STUART.--1912. Observations on living gorgonias (Gorgonia verrucosa) occurring in the English Channel. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 10:479-483.

THOMSON, J. STUART.--1915. The Pennatulacea of the Cape of Good Hope and Natal. Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. 59 (1):1-26, pls. 1-2. (January 19.)

THOMSON, J. STUART.--1917. South African Gorgonacea. Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. 61 (1):1-56, pls. 1-5. (May 20.)

THOMSON, J. STUART.--1918. The occurrence of Cavernularia lutkenii Koll. in seas of Natal. Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. 62 (3):1-5, pls. 1-2. (July 20.)

THOMSON, J. STUART.--1921. South African Alcyonacea. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Africa 9 (2):149-175, pls. 5-6.

THOMSON, J. STUART.--1923. Charts and comparisons of the distribution of South African Alcyonaria. With a statement of some of the problems of their dispersal. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Africa 11 (1):45-84 charts 1-3.

THORPE, LAURA.--1928. Alcyonaria of the Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia. Journ. Linn. Soc. London 36 (247):479-531, pls. 30-34. (April 25.)

THURSTON, EDGAR.--1890. [Remarks as to the mode of life of the penna- tulids, in a letter from...] Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1890: 462- 463.

TIDBALL, J.G.--1985. Changes in skeletal chemistry and skeletogenic cell ultrastructure between young and old sites on axial skeletons (Leptogorgia virgulata) (Cnidaria: Gorgonacea). Comparative Bio- chemistry and Physiology (B)81(4):827-831, illustr.

TILLEKERATNE, L.M.V., E.D. DE SILVA, M.P.D. MAHINDARATNE, F.J. SCHMITZ, S.P. GUNASEKARA and PHILIP ALDERSLADE.--1989. Xanthyletin and Xanthoxyletin from a gorgonian, Echinogorgia sp. Journal of Natural Products 52(6):1303-1304.

TILMANT, J.T. ans G.P. SCHMAHL.--1981 [1982]. A comparative analysis of coral damage on recreationally used reefs within Biscayne National Park, Florida. Proceedings of the International Coral Reef Symposium No. 4 Vol. 1:187-192, ill.

TISCHER, ALESSANDRO.--1884. Analisi del corallo raccolto dal Professor Canestrini nel Mare di Sciacca e studi fatti sulla materia color- ante di esso. Atti Soc. Veneto-Trentina Sci. Nat. Padova 9: 126- 131.

TITSCHACK, H.--1966. Uber die Lumineszenz und ihre Lokalisation bei Seefedern. Zool. Anz. Suppl. 29 (1965):120-131, 8 figs.

TITSCHACK, H.--1968. Uber das Nervensystem der Seefeder Veretillum cynomorium (Pallas). Z. Zellforsch. microsk. Anat. 90:347-371, 13 figs.

TITSCHACK, H.--1970. Histologische Untersuchung des mesogloealen Nervenplexus der Seefedern Pennatula rubra (Ellis) und Pteroides griseum (Bohadsch). Vie et Milieu 21-A:95-102, pls. 1-3.

TITSCHACK, H.--1970. Uber das mesogloeale Nervensystem der Oktocoral- len Alcyonium palmatum Pallas und Eunicella stricta (Bertoloni). Zool. Anzeiger 185:68-75, figs. 1-6.

TIXIER, R.--1945. Contribution a l'etude de quelques pigments pyrro- liques naturels des coquilles de mollusques, de l'oeuf d'emeu, et du squelette du corail bleu (Heliopora caerulea). Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco 22:243-297.

TIXIER, R.--1952. Sur quelques pigments tetrapyrroliques provenant d'animaux marins. Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris 5:41-132.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1940. Note sur Chironephthya retractilis Harrison et l'axe des spicules des alcyonaires. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 11 (7):442-448.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1940. Contribution a l'etude du metabolisme du calcium et du fer chez l'Alcyonium palmatum Pallas. Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco 20 (5):311-379, pl. 1.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1941. Note sur l'Alcyonium krempfi Hickson. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 13 (2):104-111.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1941. Note sur une nouvelle espece d'Alcyo- niidae Lobularia echinata n. sp. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 13 (6):575-582.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1942. Note sur une nouvelle espece. d'Al- cyoniidae: Lobularia papillosa n. sp. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 14(1):80- 87.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1942. Note sur une nouvelle espece. d'Al- cyoniidae Lobularia kukenthali n. sp. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 14 (2):138-143.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1943. Note sur une nouvelle espece d'Alcyo- niidae, Lobularia germaini n. sp. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 15 (3):123-128.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1943. Les alcyonaires du Museum: I. Famille des Alcyonidae. I. Genre Lobularia. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 15 (6):437-443. (December.)

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1944. Les alcyonaires du Museum: 1. Famille des Alcyoniidae. 1. Genre Lobularia (suite). Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 16 (3):183-190; (5):339-345; (6): 476-482 (fin).

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1945. Les alcyonaires du Museum... I Fa- mille des Alcyoniidae. 2. Genre Sinularia. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 17 (1):55-63., (2):145-152; (3):243-250, (4):321- 325 (fin).

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1946. Les alcyonaires du Museum: I. Famille des Alcyoniidae. 3. Genre Sarcophytum. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris. (2) 18 (1):80-86; (2):165-171; (4):348-354 (fin).

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1948. Revision de la famille des Alcyoni- idae. Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (N.S.) 23(1):1-255, 248 figs.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1951. Revision de la famille des Alcyoni- idae. Le genre Sinularia May, 1898. Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belg. Mem. (2) 40:1-146.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1953. Sur quelques Alcyonidees de Tahiti et des Iles Fidji. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 25 (3): 311- 319.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1954. Les octocoralliaires d'Afrique du Sud. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 26:124-129, 261-268, 385-390, 526-533, 624-641.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1955. Sur quelques Alcyoniidae de la Mer Rouge. Res. Scient. Camp. "Calypso" I. Campagne 1951-1952 en Mer Rouge. Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco (N.S.) 30:121-128.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1955. Alcyonaires atlantiques intertropi- caux. Res. Scient. Exped Oceanogr. Belg. Eaux Cot. Afr. 3 (4): 197-246.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1956. Les alcyonaires du Museum: I. Famille des Alcyoniidae. IV. Genre Lobophytum. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 28 (4):401-405.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1957. Les alcyonaires du Museum: I. Famille des Alcyoniidae. IV. Genre Lobophytum (suite). Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2)28(5):476-482; (6):541-546; 29 (1):106-111 (fin).

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1958. Revision de la famille des Alcyonii- dae: les genres Sarcophytum et Lobophytum. Zool. Verhandelingen Leiden 36. Pp. 1- 180, figs. 1-214.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1959. Alcyonaria II: Alcyonidae et Nephtheidae (a suivre). Res. Sci. Miss. R.P. Dollfus en Egypte 1927-29 Paris 3 (33):253-255.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1960. Un nouvel alcyonaire d'Afrique du Sud. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 31 (6):520-521.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT ANDREE.--1960. Les octocoralliaires de l'Ile Inhaca. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 32 (4):359-367, figs. 1-2.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1961. Les octocoralliaires du Golfe de Guinee et des Iles du Cap-Vert. Campagne de la "Calypso": Golfe de Guinee. Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco 39:237-262.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1961. Sur un nouvel alcyonaire: Parerythro- podium bosphorense. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 33 (3):322-325, figs. 1-2.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1961. Crassophyllum cristatum n. gen. et n. sp., type d'un genre de Pteroedidae (Pennatulacea). Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 33 (4):428-433, figs. 1-4.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1964. Stolonifera et Alcyonacea. Galathea Report 7:43-58, figs. 1-30.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1965. Quelques octocoralliaires austra- liens. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 37:705-716.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1966. Octocoralliaires. Faune de Madagas- car 21:1- 456, figs. 1-399.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1969. Les Alcyoniidae des Tuamotu (Murur- oa) et des Gambier. Cahiers du Pacifique 13:133-156. (May.)

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1970. Octocoralliaires. Campagne de la "Calypso" au large des cotes atlantiques de l'Amerique du Sud (1961-1962). Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco 47:145-169.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1970. Les octocoralliaires de Nouvelle- Caledonie. L'Expedition francaise sur les recifs coralliens de la Nouvelle-Caledonie 4:171-350, figs. 1-173.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1970. Les octocoralliaires de Nha-Trang (Viet-Nam). Cahiers du Pacifique 14:115-236, figs. 1(map)-74. (September 1970.) [The map, fig. 1, is a fold-out not within the pagination.]

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE.--1972. Nouvel rapport d'octocoralliaires de Madagascar et des iles avoisinantes. Tethys Suppl. 3:11-68.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE and MARIE-JOSE D'HONDT.--1973. Les octocor- alliaires de la campagne Biacores. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (3) No. 252:1361-1433.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE and MARIE-JOSE D'HONDT.--1973. Nouvelles recoltes d'Octocoralliaires a Madagascar. Tethys 5 (2/3):251-266.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE and F. LAFARGUE.--1966. Quelques alcyo- naires des iles de Glenan. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 38:456-460.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE and F. LAFARGUE.--[1969.] Quelques octocor- alliaires des cotes francaises. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 40:621-629.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE and META PREVORSEK.--1957. Validite du genre Spongodes Lesson 1831. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (2) 29 (2):172- 179.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE and META PREVORSEK.--1959. Revision de la famille des Nephtheidae. 1. Le genre Spongodes Lesson 1831. Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris (N.S.) Zool. 20:1-151, figs. 1-85.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE and META PREVORSEK.--1960. Le genre Roxa- sia. Spolia Zoologica Musei Hauniensis 18:1-296, figs. 1-256.

TIXIER-DURIVAULT, ANDREE and META PREVORSEK.--1962. Le genre Morchellana (Alcyonaria, Nephtheidae). Spolia Zoologica Musei Hauniensis 19:1-240, figs. 1-150.

TOEPLITZ, CHARLOTTE M.--1929. Die Gorgonarien Westindiens. Kap. 7, die Famile Gorgonellidae, zugleich eine Revision. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 16 (2):235-376, pls. 6-7.

TOMMASI, LUIZ ROBERTO.--1971. Ocorrencia de Tripalea clavaria (Studer, 1878) na plataforma continental de Rio Grande do Sul. Bol. Inst. Oceanogr. S. Paulo 20:27-32.

TORREY, H.B.--1901. Some facts concerning regeneration and regula- tion in Renilla. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 2 (6):355-356. (June.)

TORRUBIA, JOSE.--1754. Aparato para la Historia Natural Espanola... [xxiv] + 204 + [34] pp., 10 pls. Madrid.

TORTONESE, ENRICO I.--1936. I gorgonarii del golfo di Genova. Boll. Zool. Torino 7:113-125.

TORTONESE, ENRICO.-- 1963. The Mediterranean red coral and its asso- ciated fauna. Sea Frontiers 9(4):205-211.

TOTTON, A. KNYVETT.--1933. A rare deep-sea alcyonarian polyp. Natu- ral History Magazine London 4(27):107-109, fig. 1.

TOURNEFORT, JOSEPH PITTON DE.--1700. Observations sur les plantes qui naissent dans le fond de la mer. Mem. Acad. Roy. Sci. 1700: 27-36, 3 pls.

TOURNEFORT, JOSEPH PITTON DE.--1700-[03]. Institutiones Rei Herba- riae. Editio altera, Galle longe auctior... 3 vols., 664 pp., 476 pls. Parisiis: Typogr. regia.

TUNESI, L., A. PEIRANO, G. ROMEO and M. SASSARINI.--[N.D.] Problema- tiques de la protection des facies a gorgonaires sur les fonds cotieres de "Cinque Terre" (Mer Ligure, Italie). Pp. 65-70 in: Boudouresque, C.F. et al. (eds.), Colloque international "Les Especes Marine a Proteger en Mediterranee." Marseille: GIS Posidonie, 447 pp.

TUNNICLIFFE, V. and J.P.M. SYVITSKI.--1983. Corals move boulders: an unusual mechanism of sediment transport. Limnology and Oceanogr- pahy 28(3):564-568.

TUR, J.M.--1982. Consideraciones preliminares sobre la ecologia de los antozoos del litoral sur de la Costa Brava. Oecologia aquat- ica 6:175-183.

TURSCH, B.--1982. Chemical protection of a fish by a soft coral. J. Chem. Ecol. 8:1421-1428.

TURSCH, B., and TURSCH, A.--1982. The soft coral community on a sheltered reef quadrat at Laing Island (Papua New Guinea). Mar. Biol. 68:321-332.

TURSCH, B., BRAEKMAN, J.C., DALOZE, D., and KAISIN, M. 1978.--Terpe- noids from coelenterates, pp. 247-296, in P.J. Scheuer (ed.) Marine Natural Products: Chemical and Biological Perspetives, Vol. 2. New York: Academic Press.


UCHIDA, TOHRU.--1963. On the interrelationships of the Coelenterata, with remarks on their symmetry. Pp. 169-177, figs. 12-1 - 12-4 in: E.C. Dougherty et al. (eds.), The lower Metazoa. 11 + 478 pp., ill. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press. [General account briefly mentioning octocorals in regard to their symmetry.] UCHIDA, TOHRU.--1963. Two phylogenetic lines of coelenterates from the viewpoint of symmetry. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University (Series VI, Zoology)15(2):276-282. [General account mentioning octocorals only in regard to symmetry.]

UCHIDA,TOHRU.--1969. On a northern alcyonarian, Alcyonium pacificum Yamada. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. (6, Zoology) 17 (2): 397-399, figs. 1-3.

UDY, J.W., R. HINDE and M. VESK.--1993. Chromosomes and DNA in Symbiodinium from Australian hosts. Journal of Phycology 29(3):314-320, illustr.

UEHARA, T., M. SATO and K. YAMAZATO.--1987. General description of developmental stages in a soft coral Lobophytum crassum Maren- zeller. Galaxea 6:185-193.

UENO, YUKINORI, KENJI TASHIMA, MITUAKI YAMAGUCHI, MANZO KASHIZAKI and KEI'ICHI MYOJIN.--1993. Culture of precious corals, Coralli- um japonicum Kishinouye in aquaria. Precious corals & octocoral research 1:1-2, frontispiece 1. [Color photos of branches with polyps fully expanded.]

UNESCO.--1989. UNESCO/COMAR First Octocoral Research Workshop and Advanced Training Course Phuket, Thailand. 30 November-13 Decem- ber 1987. Jakarta: MARINF/71. [4]+28 pp. [Contains checklist of octocoral genera from Phuket, Thailand; description of families and genera studied from the Phuket region.]

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1950. Clavularia racemosa, a new primitive alcyo- narian found in Japan and Formosa. Annot. Zool. Japon. 24 (1): 38-44, figs. 1-3.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1950. On a new primitive alcyonarian, Cornularia komaii n. sp. from Japan. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 1 (3): 75-80, figs. 1-3.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1950. Some xeniid alcyonarians from Japan and adjacent localities. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 1 (3):81-91, figs. 1-3.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1951. Asterospicularia laurae, n. gen. et n. sp., the type of a new family of alcyonarians with stellate spicules. Pacific Science 5 (2):190-196, figs. 1-2.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1951. Eunephthya from middle Japan. Publ. Seto Marine Publ. Lab. 2 (1):27-40, figs. 1-5, pl. 1.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1952. On a new deep-sea alcyonarian from Sagami Bay, Carotalycon sagamianum n. gen. et n. sp. Annot. Zool. Japon. 25 (4):441-446, fig. 1.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1952. Dendronephthya of Japan, I. Dendronephthya collected chiefly along the coast of Kii Peninsula. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 2 (2):161-212, figs. 1-29, pls. 9-11.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1953. Alcyonaria. Invertebrate fauna of the inter- tidal zone of the Tokara Islands, VI. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 3 (2):149-160, pl. 8.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1954. On a small collection of Anthozoa from the Inan coast, Ehime Prefecture. Mem. Ehime Univ., Sect. II, Series B, 2 (1):101-106.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1954. Dendronephthya of Japan, II. New species and new records of Dendronephthya and the allied Stereonephthya from Kii region. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 3 (3):319-338, pls. 39-40.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1954. Some alcyoniid octocorals from Kii coast, middle Japan. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 4 (1):43-55, figs. 1-8, pl. 1.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1954. Some nephtheid octocorals from Kii coast, middle Japan. Publ Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 4 (1):57-66, figs. 1- 6, pl. 2.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1955. Two new species of Xenia from Kusimoto (Coelenterata, Alcyonaria). Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 4 (2/3):263-267, figs. 1-2.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1955. On five new stoloniferans from Sagami Bay, collected by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan. Jap. Journ. Zool. 11(3):121-135, figs. 1-11.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1956. On some alcyonarians from the west-Pacific islands (Palau, Ponape and Bonins). Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 5 (2):221-242, figs. 1-9.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1956. On the so-called "Umi-utiwa," a peculiar flabellate gorgonacean, with notes on a syllidean polychaete commensal. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 5 (2):243-250, figs. 1- 2, pl. 27.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1956. Coloured illustrations of sea shore animals of Japan. Hoikusha no Genshoku Zukan no. 8. [Hoikusha's Color Books no. 8.] 167 pp., 64 pls. + 12 pp. habitat and other photos. Osaka: Hoikusha Publishing Co., Ltd. A second edition appeared in 1969. [Octocorals on pp. 11-20, pls. 6-10.]

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1957. Minabea ozakii n. gen. et n. sp., a new re- markable alcyonarian type with dimorphic polyps. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. (Zoology) 13:139-146, figs. 1-4.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1957. Identifying memoirs. Bull. Jap. Soc. Syst. Zool. No. 16:3-5. (In Japanese.)

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1957. The alcyonarian genus Bellonella from Japan, with descriptions of two new species. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 6 (2):147- 168, figs. 1-8, pls. 9-10.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1958. On some octocorals from deep waters of Prov. Tosa, Sikoku. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 7 (1):89-110, figs. 1-8, pls. 5-6.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1958. A revision of the genera Nidalia and Bello- nella, with an emendation of nomenclature and taxonomic defini- tions for the family Nidaliidae (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Bull. British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Zoology 5 (5):101-121, figs. 1-6.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1959. A new gall-forming barnacle imbedded in the bark of a gorgonacean colony (Acasta gregaria n. sp.). Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 7 (3):313-318, figs. 1-2, pl. 25.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1959. Fleshy alcyonarians from southern Formosa. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 7 (3):303-312, figs. 1-4.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1960. A revision of the nomenclature of the family Nephtheidae (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea). 1. The genera Capnella, Scleronephthya and Chondronephthya (n. g.) Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 8 (1):27-40, figs. 1-5.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1960. Noteworthy octocorals collected off the southwest coast of Kii Peninsula, middle Japan. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 8 (1):1-26, pls. 1-2.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1961. A revision of the nomenclature of the family Nephtheidae (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea). II. The boreal genera Gersemia, Duva, Drifa and Pseudodrifa (n.g.). Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 9 (1):229-246, figs. 1-6, pl. 11.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1961. Noteworthy octocorals collected off the south- west coast of Kii Peninsula, middle Japan. Part II, Telestacea, Gorgonacea and Pennatulacea. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 9 (1):197-228, figs. 1-14, pls. 7-10.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1962. Gorgonolaureus, a new genus of Ascothoracid barnacle endoparasitic in Octocorallia. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 113:457-464, figs. 1- 9.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1962. Preliminary list of octocorals of Sagami Bay deposited in the Biological Laboratory of the Imperial Household. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 10 (1):105-108.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1964. Some octocorals from the Antarctic waters off Prince Harald Coast. Jap. Antarctic Res. Exped. Sci. Rept. (E) 23:1-14, figs. 1- 6, pls. 1-2.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1965. A revised catalogue of octocorals collected from the southwest coast of Sikoku. Dobutsu Bunrui Gakkaishi 1: 1- 6.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1966. A revision of the nomenclature of the family Nephtheidae (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) III. A new genus Coro- nephthya for a unique octocoral previously assigned to the genera Dendronephthya or Stereonephthya. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 14 (3):207-218, figs. 1-3, pl. 11.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1971. Port Phillip Bay Survey 2. Octocorallia. Mem. Nat. Mus. Vic. 32:7-18, figs. 1-6, pl. 7, chart.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1971. Intertidal alcyonarians in the vicinity of Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Rec. Australian Mus. 28 (5):87-110, figs. 1-12, pls. 15-16.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1973. Description of a new species of Telesto from the Inland Sea of Japan, with a review of the telestacean octocor- als. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 20:146-155, pl. 1.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1975. Octocorallia collected by trawling in the western Australia. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 22 (5):237-266, pla. 1-4.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1976. A review of the Japanese species of Alcyonium, with descriptions of two new species and an almost forgotten rare species (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 23 (3/5):191- 204, figs. 1-5, pls. 1-2.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1976. Shallow-water octocorals of the Ryukyu Archipe- lago (Part I). Sesoko Marine Sci. Lab. Tech. Rept. 4:1-5.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1977. Shallow-water octocorals of the Ryukyu Archipe- lago (Part II). Sesoko Marine Sci. Lab. Tech. Rept. 5:1-11, pls. 1-2.

UTINOMI, HUZIO.--1977. Shallow-water octocorals of the Ryukyu Archipe- lago (Part III). Sesoko Marine. Sci Lab. Tech. Rept. 5:13-34, pls. 1-6.

UTINOMI, HUZIO and EIJI HARADA.--1958. A list of bottom animals col- lected by a trawler "Kaiun-maru" off the southwest coast of Kii Peninsula. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 6 (3):385-395.

UTINOMI, HUZIO and EIJI HARADA.--1973. Rediscovery of an enigmatic octocoral, Pseudogorgia godeffroyi Kolliker, from southern Austra- lia and a discussion of its systematic position. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 20:111-132, figs. 1-6.

UTINOMI, HUZIO and YUKIMITSU IMAHARA.--1976. A new second species of dimorphic alcyonacean octocoral Minabea from the bays of Sagami and Suruga, with the emendation of generic diagnosis. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 23 (3/5):205-212, figs. 1-3, pl. 1.

UTINOMI, HUZIO and S.A. SHEPHERD.--1982. Seapens (order Pennatulacea). In Shepherd, S.A. and I.M. Thomas [Eds.], handbook of the flora and fauna of South Australia. Marine Invertebrates of southern Australia. Part 1, pp. 207-211. Adelaide: Handbooks Committee, South Australian Government.



VAFIDIS, DIMITRIS and ATHANASIOS KOUKOURAS.--1991. Crassophyllum thessalonicae sp. n. (Octocorallia, Pennatulacea), from the Aegean Sea. Zoologica Scripta 20(3):201-205, figs. 1-3.

VAFIDIS, DIMITRIS, ATHANASIOS KOUKOURAS and ELENI VOULTSIADOU-KOU- KOURAS.--1994. Octocoral fauna of the Aegean Sea with a checklist of the Mediterranean species: new information, faunal comparisons. Ann. Inst. oceanogr. Paris 70 (2):217-229, fig. 1, tabs. 1-2.

VAISSIERE, RAYMOND and CHRISTIAN CARPINE.--1964. Compte rendu de plongees en soucoupe plongeante SP 300 (region A 1). Contributions a l'etude bionomique de la Mediterranee occidentale (Cote du Var et des Alpes maritimes--cote occidentale de Corse). Fascicule 4. Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco 63(1314):1-36 incl. 22 pls. [Photos show Eunicella cavolini and E. stricta in situ, as well as Anti- pathes gracilis and Parantipathes larix; Isidella elongata, Para- muricea clavata and Corallium rubrum also are present in the community (but not photographed).]

VALENCIENNES, ACHILLE.--1846. Zoophytes. In: Dupetit-Thouars, Abel, Voyage autour du monde sur la fregate la Venus, pendant les annees 1836-1839. Atlas de Zoologie, pls. 1-15. [No text.]

VALENCIENNES, ACHILLE.--1855. Extrait d'une monographie de la famille des Gorgonidees de la classe des polypes. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 41:7-15 [Abridged English translation in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) 16:177-183. The first use of sclerites in classification; no illustrations.]

VALENTIJN, FRANCOIS.--1726. Verhandeling der zee-horenkens en zee- gewassen in en omtrent Amboina en de naby gelegene eylanden, mitsgaders een naaukeurige Beschryving van Banda en de Eylanden onder die Landvoogdy begrepen. Als ook der Eylanden Timor en Solor, Celebes ofte Macassar, Borneo en Bali. In: Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien, 3 Deels, 2 Stuck:517-586, pls. 51-67. Dordrecht & Amsterdam. [Also issued with a separate title page, pp. [viii] + 70, 18 pls. and portrait.]

VALENTIJN, FRANCOIS.--1773. Abhandlung von Schnecken, Muscheln und Seegewachsen, welche um Amboina und den umliegenden Inseln gefun- den werden. Als ein Anhang zu Georg Eberhard Rumphs Amboinischen Raritatenkammer aus dem Hollandischen ubersetzt von Philipp Ludwig Statius Muller. Pp. i- viii + 1-148, pls. 1-18. Wien: Krauss.

VAN ALSTYNE, K.L. and V.J. PAUL.--1992. Chemical and structural de- fenses in the sea fan Gorgonia ventalina: effects against general- ist and specialist predators. Coral Reefs 11(3):155-159.

VAN ALSTYNE, K.L. C.R. WYLIE, V.J. PAUL and K. MEYER.--1992. Antipre- dator defenses in tropical Pacific soft corals (Coelenterata: Alcyonacea). 1. Sclerites as defenses against generalist carnivor- ous fishes. Biol. Bull. 182(2):231-240. VAN ALSTYNE, K.L. C.R. WYLIE and V.J. PAUL.--1994. Antipredator de- fenses in tropical Pacific soft corals (Coelenterata: Alcyonacea). 2. The relative importance of chemical and structural defenses in three species of Sinularia. J. Exper. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 178(1):17- 34, illustr.

VELIMIROV, BRANKO.--1971. Beitrag zur Systematik der sudafrikanischen Gorgonien. Zool. Anzeiger 187 (3/4):266-273, 7 figs.

VELIMIROV, BRANKO.--1971. Standortsmodifikationen von Eunicella papil- losa (Octocorallia) in durchgangigen Hohlen. Zool. Anzeiger 187 (3/4):273-282, 8 figs.

VELIMIROV, BRANKO.--1973. Orientation in the sea fan Eunicella cavoli- nii related to water movement. Helgolander wiss. Meeresunters. 24: 163-173, 9 figs.

VELIMIROV, BRANKO.--1975. Growth and age determination in the sea fan Eunicella cavolinii. Oecologia, Berlin 19:259-272.

VELIMIROV, BRANKO.--1976. Variations in growth forms of Eunicella cavolinii Koch (Octocorallia) related to intensity of water move- ment. Journ. Exper. Marine Biol. Ecol. 21:109-117.

VELIMIROV, BRANKO and E.L. BOHM.--1976. Calcium and Magnesium car- bonate concentrations in different growth regions of gorgonians. Marine Biol. 35:269-275.

VELIMIROV, BRANKO, G.J. HERNDL and J.A. OTT.--1985. Tierische Skelette und ihre Genese. Mg2+-Einbau in Kalkskelette von Octocorallia. Verhandlungen dt. zool. Ges. 78:172.

VELIMIROV, BRANCO and J. KING.--1979. Calcium uptake and net calcifi- cation rates in the octocoral Eunicella papillosa. Marine Biol. 50:349-358.

VENKATA RAMI REDDY, M., S. LAKSHMAN, A.V. RAMA RAO, Y. VENKATESWARLU and J. VENKATESWARA.--1993. A new diterpene from a soft coral, Sinularia dissecta. Journal of Natural Products (Lloydia) 56(6):970-972, illustr.

VENNAM, J. and A.H. PARULEKAR.--1994. Sinularia mauritiana, a new species of soft coral (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Zool. Mededelingen Leiden 68(1-14):127-133, illustr.

VERLOOP, R. and R. ATES.--1993. Nephthea Anmerkungen zu dieser Weich- korallen-Gattung und speziell zu einer Art. Aquarium (Bornheim) 284:28-31, illustr.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1862. Notice of a Primnoa from Georges Bank. Proc. Essex Inst. Salem. 3:127-129.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1864. List of the polyps and corals sent by the Museum of Comparative Zoology to other institutions in ex- change, with anno tations. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 1 (3):29-60.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1864. Revision of the polypi of the eastern coast of the United States. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1:1-45, pl. 1. (July.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1865. A communication on the genus Lissogor- gia. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 10:22-23. (October; see Amer. Journ. Sci. (2) 42:283.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1865. Classification of polyps: (Extract condensed from a synopsis of the polypi of the North Pacific Exploring Expedition, under Captains Ringgold and Rodgers, U.S.N.). Proc. Essex Inst. Salem 4:145-152.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1865. Synopsis of the polyps and corals of the North Pacific Exploring Exploring Expedition, under Commodore C. Ringgold and Captain John Rodgers, U.S.N., from 1853 to 1856. Collected by Dr. Wm. Stimpson, naturalist to the Expedition. With descriptions of some additional species from the west coast of North America. Proc. Essex Inst. Salem, 4:18l-196, pls. 5-6.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1866. Review: Icones histiologicae, oder Atlas der vergleichenden Gewebelehre; zweite Abtheilung. Der feinere Bau der hoheren Thiere. Erstes Heft. Die Bindesubstanz der Coelenteraten... Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (2) 42: 283-284.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1866. On the polyps and corals of Panama with descri ptions of new species. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 10:323- 333.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1866. On the polyps and echinoderms of New England, with descriptions of new species. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 10:333-357.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1868. Notes on the Radiata in the Museum of Yale College, with descriptions of new genera and species. 4. Notice of corals echinoderms collected by Prof. C.F. Hartt, at the Abrolhos Reefs, Province of Bahia, Brazil, 1867. Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. 1:351-371, pl. 4.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1868-1870. Notes on Radiata in the Museum of Yale College. 6. Review of the corals and polyps of the west coast of America. Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. 1:377-422 (1868); 423-502 (1869); 503-558 (1870), pls. 5-10. [The regular edition up to p. 502 was destroyed by fire after distribution of the author's edition of 150 copies; the reprinted edition issued in 1869 con- tains nomenclatural changes marked "Reprint" and thus constitutes a separate publication.]

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1868. Critical remarks on the halcyonoid polyps in the Museum of Yale College with descriptions of new genera. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (2) 45:411-415.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1869. A second critical notice of alcyonari- ans in the Museum of Yale College. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (2) 46:143-144.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1869. Critical remarks on halcyonoid polyps. No. 3. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (2) 47:282-285. (March.) [Mostly a critique of J.E. Gray 1869: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4)3:117-131.]

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1869. Critical remarks on the halcyonoid polyps with descriptions of new species in the Museum of Yale College, no. 4. Amer. Journ. Sci Arts (2) 48:419-429.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1869. Comparison of the coral fauna of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the Isthmus of Darien, as bearing on the supposed former connection between the two oceans. Amer. Naturalist 3:499-500.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1869. Synopsis of the polyps and corals of the North Pacific Exploring Expedition, under Commodore C. Ring- gold and Capt. John Rodgers, U.S.N., from 1853-1856. Collected by Dr. Wm. Stimpson, naturalist to the expedition. Additions and corrections. Communications Essex Inst. Salem, 6:75-104. (Novem- ber.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1870. Contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College. No. 7. Descriptions of new corals. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (2) 49:370-375.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1870. Notes on Radiata in the Museum of Yale College. 7. On the geographical distribution of the polyps of the west coast of America. Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. 1: 558-567.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1870. Review of the "Monografia della fami- glia dei Pennatularii" per Dott. Sebastiano Richiardi. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (2) 49:426-427.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1872. Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College. No. XXII.--On Radiata from the coast of North Carolina. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (3) 3:432-438. (June.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--l873. Brief contributions to zoology, from the Museum of Yale College. No. XXIII.--Results of recent dredging expeditions on the coast of New England. Amer. Jorun. Sci. Arts (3) 5:1-16. (January.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1874. Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College. XXVI.--Results of recent dredging expedi- tions on the coast of New England, No. 4. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (3) 7:38-46. (January.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1874. Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College. XXIX.--Results of recent dredging expedi- tions on the coast of New England, No. 7. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (3) 7:498-505, pls. 6-8. (May.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1874. Exploration of Casco Bay by the U.S. Fish Commission, in 1873. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 22 (2, B):340-395, pls. 1-6.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1876. Anthozoa. In: Kidder, J.H., Contribu- tions to natural history of Kerguelen Island. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 3:76-77.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1878. Notice of recent additions to the marine fauna of the eastern coast of North America, No. 2. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (3) 16:371-378.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1878. Description of a new species of Para- gorgia from Jervis Inlet, B.C. Canadian Nat. (n.s.) 8 (8): 476. (Dec 20.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1879. Notice of recent additions to the marine Invertebrata, of the northeastern coast of America, with descriptions of new genera and species and critical remarks on others. Part I--Annelida, Gephyraea, Nemertina, Nematoda, Polyzoa, Tunicata, Mollusca, Anthozoa, Echinodermata, Porifera. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 2:165-226.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1879. [Review of] Fauna Littoralis Norvegiae: edited by J. Koren and Dr. D.C. Danielsen. Part III, with 16 plates. Amer. Journ. Sci Arts (3) 17:258-259. (March.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1879. Notice of recent additions to the marine fauna of the eastern coast of North America, No. 3. Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College. XL. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (3) 17:239-243. (March.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1882. Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England, No. 5. Brief contri butions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College: No. LI. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (3) 23:309-316. (April.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1883. Report on the Anthozoa, and on some additional species dredged by the "Blake" in 1877-1879, and by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer "Fish Hawk" in 1880-82. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 11:1-72, pls. 1-8.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1884. Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England, and of some additions to the fauna of Vineyard Sound. Ann. Rept. U.S. Comm. Fish for 1882:641- 669.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1884. Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England, No. 9. Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College. No. 55. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (3) 28:213-220. (Septem- ber.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1885. Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England, No. 11. Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College, LVII. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (3) 29:149-157. (February.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1885. Results of the explorations made by the steamer Albatross off the northern coast of the United States in 1883. Ann. Rept. U.S. Comm. Fish for 1883:503-699, pls. 1-44.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1900. Additions to the Anthozoa and Hydrozoa of the Bermudas. Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. 10:551-572, pls. 67- 69.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1901. Additions to the fauna of the Bermudas from the Yale Expedition of 1901, with notes on other species. Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. 11:15-62, pls. 1-9. (October.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1906-1907. The Bermuda Islands. Part V.--Characteristic life of the Bermuda coral reefs. Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. 12:160- 304, pls. 28-30, 30A, 31-32 32A, 33 33A-C, 34, 34A-D, 35, 35A-D, 36, 36A-B, 37-40. (Pp 160-256, 1906; pp. 257-304, 1907.)

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1912. The gorgonians of the Brazilian coast. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia (2) 15:373-404, pls. 29-35.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1922. Alcyonaria and Actinaria. Rept. Cana- dian Arctic Exped. 8 (G):1-164, pls. 1-31.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY.--1928. Hawaiian shallow water Anthozoa. Ber- nice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 49:1-30, pls. 1-5.

VERRILL, ADDISON EMERY and SIDNEY I. SMITH.--1873. Report upon the invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound and adjacent waters, with an account of the physical characaters of the region. Rept. U.S. Comm. Fish 1871-1872:295-778, pls. 1-38. [A repaginated reprint was issued in 1874.]

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1940. Studies on Octocorallia of the famillies Briareidae, Paragorgiidae and Anthothelidae. Temminckia 5:1-142, figs. 1-52.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1942. Further studies on Octocorallia. Zool. Meded. Leiden 24:159-186.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1960. Octocorallia from the Malay Archipelago (Part I.) Biological Results of the Snellius Expedition XX. Tem- minckia 10:209-251, pl. 6.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1960. Two new species of the genus Dendronephthya Kukenthal (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). K. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam, Proc. (C) 63 (4):511-517, figs. 1-4.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1964. Notes on Mediterranean Alcyonium species (Coelenterata: Octocrallia). Zool. Meded. Leiden 39:153-167, figs 1-7, pls. 11- 12.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1965. Report on the Octocorallia (Stolonifera and Alcyonacea) of the Isreal south Red Sea Expedition 1962, with notes on other collections from the Red Sea. Sea Fish Res. Sta. Haifa, Bull. 40:28- 48,pls. 1-3.

VERSEVEDT, JAKOB.--1966. Octocorallia from the Malay Archipelago (Part II). Biological Results of the Snellius Expedition XXII. Zool. Verhandelingen Leiden, 80:1-107-, pls. 1-16.

VERSEVEDT, JAKOB.--1967. The Octocorallia collected by R/V "Vema" in the Atlantic Ocean. Amer. Mus. Novitates 2282:1-19, figs. 1-7.

VERSEVEDT, JAKOB.--1968. Preliminary note on some new Octocorallia from Madagascar. K. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsaterdam, Proc. (c) 71 (1); 52-59.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1969. A new species of the genus Anthelia (Octo- corallia: Alcyonacea) from the Gulf of 'Aqaba (Red Sea). Israel Journ. Zool. 18:325- 327, fig. 1.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1969. Octocorallia from north-western Madagascar (Part I). Zool. Verhandelingen Leiden 106:1-38, pls. 1-7.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB,--1970. A new speccies of Sinularia (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) from Madagascar. Isreal Journ. Zool. 19 (3):165-168, figs. 1-3.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1970. Report on some Octocorallia (Alcyonacea) from the northern Red Sea. Isreal Journ. Zool. 19 (4):209-229, figs. 1-10, pls. 1-3.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1971. Octocorallia from north-western Madagascar (Part II). Zool. Verhandelingen Leiden 117:1-73, pls. 1-15.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1972. Report on a few octocorals from Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands. Zool. Meded. Leiden 47:457-464, figs. 1- 3, pls. 1.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1973. Octocorallia from north-western Madagascar (Parts IIIA, IIIB). K. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam, Proc. (C) 76 (1):69- 100, figs. 1-23, pls. 1-8.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1973. Octocorallia from north-western Madagascar (Parts IIC, IIID). K. Nederl. Akad. Wetnsch. Amsterdam, Proc. (C) 76 (2):140-171, figs. 24-42.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1973. On the validity of Alcyonium siderium Verrill (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). Zool. Meded. Leiden 46 (16):209-216, pls. 1-2.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1974. Octocorallia from New Caledonia. Zool. Meded. Leiden 4@ (12):95-122, pls. 1-5.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1974. Alcyonacea (Octocorallia) from the Red Sea, with a discussion of a new Sinularia species from Ceylon. Israel Journ. Zool. 23:1-37, figs. 1-24, pls. 1-10.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1976. Alcyonacea from the Seychelles (Coelenterata Octocorallia). Rev. Zool. afr. 90 (3):497-513, figs. 1-5, 1 pl. (September 30.)

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1977. On two new Sinularia species (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) from the Moluccas. Zool. Meded. Leiden 50 (20): 303- 307, figs. 1-2, pls. 1-2.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1977. Octocorallia from various localities in the Pacific Ocean. Zool. Verhandelingen Leiden 150:1-42, pls. 1-10. (3 February.)

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1977. Australian Octocorallia (Coelenterata). Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 28:171-240, figs. 1-49.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1978. On some Telestacea and Alcyonacea (Coelen- terata: Octocorallia) from the West Indian region. Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden 53(4):41-47, figs. 1-3, pl. 1. (22 June.)

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1978. Alcyonaceans (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from some Micronesian islands. Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden 53(5):49-55, figs. 1- 3, pls. 1-3. (22 June.)

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1980. A revision of the genus Sinularia May (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden 179:1-128, figs. 1-68, pls. 1-38. (8 July.)

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1982. New species of Alcyonacea (Octocorallia) from the Great Barrier Reef, South-East Asia, and the Red Sea. Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden 56(12):143-151, figs. 1-4, pls. 1-2. (7 May.)

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1982. A revision of the genus Sarcophyton Lesson (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden 192:1-91, figs. 1-39, pls 1-24. (20 July.)

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1982. Soft corals or alcyonarians (orders Stoloni- fera, Telestacea and Alcyonacea). Pp. 183-195 in: Shepherd, S.A. and I.M. Thomas [Eds.], Handbook of the flora and fauna of South Australia. Marine Invertebrates of southern Australia. Part 1. Adelaide: Handbooks Committe, South Australian Government.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1983. Sinularia molokaiensis, a new species of Alcyoniidae (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) from Hawaiian waters. Occasional Papers of Bernice P. Bishop Museum 25(8):1-4, figs. 1- 2. (April 30.)

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1983. A revision of the genus Lobophytum von Marenzeller (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Zoologische Verhandelin- gen, Leiden 200:1-103, figs. 1-51, pls. 1-31. (20 June.)

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB.--1983. The octocorallian genera Spongodes Lesson, Neospongodes Kukenthal and Stereonephthya Kukenthal. Beaufortia 33(1):1-13, figs. 1-5, pls. 1-2. (18 October.)

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB and PHIL ALDERSLADE.--1982. Descriptions of types and other alcyonacean material (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Records of the Australian Museum 34(15):619-647, figs. 1-9, pls. 1- 8.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB and FREDERICK M. BAYER.--1988. A revision of the genera Bellonella, Eleutherobia, Nidalia and Nidaliopsis (Octocor- allia: Alcyoniidae and Nidaliidae), with descriptions of two new genera. Zoologische Verhandelingen Leiden 245:i-vi + 1-131, Fron- tisp., figs. 1-64. [Obituary of Dr. Verseveldt by J.C. den Hartog appears as pp. i-vi, with portrait frontispiece.]

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB and Y. BENAYAHU.--1978. Descriptions of one old and five new species of Alcyonacea (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from the Red Sea. Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden 53(6):57-74, figs. 1-8, pls. 1-5. (22 June.)

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB and Y. BENAYAHU.--1983. On two old and fourteen new species of Alcyonacea (Coelenterata, Octocorallia) from the Red Sea. Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden 208:1-33, figs. 1-16, pls. 1-7. (15 December.)

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB and J. COHEN.--1971. Some new species of Octocoral- lia from the Gulf of Elat (Red Sea). Israel Journ. Zool. 20:53-67, figs. 1-10.

VERSEVELDT, J. and L.P. van OFWEGEN.--1991. Five new species of the genus Dendronephthya Kukenthal, 1905, (Octocorallia: Nephtheidae) from the Indian Ocean. Zool. Meded. Leiden 65(1-14):155-169, illustr.

VERSEVELDT, J. and L.P. van OFWEGEN.--1992. New and redescribed spe- cies of Alcyonium Linnaeus, 1758 (Anthozoa: Alcyonacea). Zool. Meded. Leiden 66(1-15):155-181, illustr.

VERSEVELDT, JAKOB and B. TURSCH.--1979. Octocorallia from the Bismarck Sea (Part I). Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden 54(11):133-148, figs. 1-7, pls. 1-10.

VERSEVELDT, J. and GARY C. WILLIAMS.--1988. A redescription of the soft coral Alcyonium valdiviae Kukenthal, 1906, with the descrip- tion of a new species of Litophyton Forskal, 1775, from southern Africa (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Annals of the South African Museum 97(12):315-328, figs. 1-8.

VERSEVELDT: HARTOG, J.C. den.--1988. Obituary. Dr. Jakob Verseveldt 8 February 1903-29 March 1987. Pp. I-VI in: Verseveldt, J. and F.M. Bayer, Revision of the genera Bellonella, Eleutherobia, Nidalia and Nidaliopsis (Octocorallia: Alcyoniidae and Nidaliidae), with descriptions of two new genera. Zoologische Verhandelingen Leiden 245:i-vi + 1-131, Frontisp., figs. 1-64.

VERSLUYS, J.--1901. Voorkomen van Parasieten in de polypen van eenige diepzee Gorgonides (Siboga-Exped.) Tijdschr. Nederland. Dierk. Ver. (2) 7:iii-iv.

VERSLUYS, J.--1902. Over de Chrysogorgiidae, een Familie van Gorgoni- den. Tijdschr. Nederland. Dierk. Ver. (2) 7 (3/4):lv. (July.)

VERSLUYS, J.--1902. Die Gorgoniden der Siboga-Expedition I. Die Chry- sogorgiiden. Siboga-Exped. Monogr. 13. Pp. 1-120, 170 textfigs. (July.)

VERSLUYS, J.--1905. [Note on species of Caligorgia.] In: Thomson, J. Arthur, 1905, pp. 173-175 (No. 1192).

VERSLUYS, J.--1906. Die Gorgoniden der Siboga Expedition II. Die Primnoidae. Siboga-Exped. Monogr. 13a. Pp. 1-187, figs. 1-178, pls. 1-10, chart. (January.)

VERSLUYS, J.--1907. Die Alcyoniden der Siboga-Expedition II. Pseudo- cladochonus hicksoni n.g. n. sp. Siboga-Exped. Monogr. 13c. Pp. 9- 40, pls. 2-3.

VIGHI, M.--1970. Recherche sul ciclo reproduttivo del corallo rosso (C. rubrum (L)) del promontorio di Portofino. Lincei-Mem. Sci. fisiche, ecc. Ser. III (10):1-26.

VIGUIER, CAMILLE.--1888. Etudes sur les animaux inferieurs de la baie d'Alger. III. Un nouveau type d'anthozoaire (Fascicularia Edward- si, de Lac. Duth.). Arch. Zool. Exper.. Gen. (2) 6:351-373, pls. 19-20.

VINCENT, E.--1893. Sur la presence de Pennatuliens dans l'Eocene belge. Ann. Soc. Malac. Belgique 27:lvii-lxix.

VINOGRADOV, A.P.--1953. The elementary chemical composition of marine organisms. Sears Foundation Marine Res. Memoir 2. xiv + 647 pp.

VOIGT, EHRHARD.--1958. Untersuchungen an Oktokorallen aus der oberen Kreide. Mitt. Geol. Staatsinst. Hamburg 27:5-49, pls. 1-13.

VOSS, GILBERT L. and NANCY A. VOSS.--1955. An ecological survey of Soldier Key, Biscayne Bay, Florida. Bull. Marine Sci. Gulf Carib. 5:203-229, figs. 1-4.

VREELAND, H.V. and H.R. LASKER.--1989. Selective feeding of the poly- chaete Hermodice carunculata Pallas on Caribbean gorgonians. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 129:265-277.


WAELE, J.P. de, M. ANCTIL and M. CARLBERG.--Biogenic catecholamines in the cnidarian Renilla kollikeri: radioenzymatic and chromatograph- ic detection. Canadian Journal of Zoology 65(10):2458-2465, ill.

WAHLE, CHARLES M.--1980. Detection, pursuit, and overgrowth of tropi- cal gorgonians by milleporid hydrocorals: Perseus and Medusa revisited. Science 209:689-691.

WAHLE, CHARLES M.--1980. Hurricanes and gorgonians: patterns of colony and polyp mortality. Amer. Soc. Zool. Bull. 50. [Abstract.]

WAHLE, CHARLES M.--1983. Regeneration of injuries among Jamaican gorgonians: the roles of colony physiology and environment. Bio- logical Bulletin 165:778-790, 3 figs., 2 tables.

WAHLE, CHARLES M.--1983. The roles of age, size and injury in sexual reproduction among Jamaican gorgonians. American Zoologist 23(4). [Abstract.]

WAHLE, CHARLES M.--1985. Habitat-related patterns of injury and mor- tality among Jamaican gorgonians. Bulletin of Marine Science 37(3):905-927, illustr.

WAHLE, CHARLES M. and G.D. BULL.--1983. A newly discovered method of reproduction in gorgonian coral. Marine Ecology Progress Series 12(2):137-143.

WAINWRIGHT, STEPHEN A.--1962. Reef communities visited by the Israel South Red Sea Expedition, 1962. No.9.

WAINWRIGHT, STEPHEN A.--1967. Diurnal activity of hermatypic gorgo- nians. Nature 216 (5119):1041.

WAINWRIGHT, STEPHEN A. and J. DILLON.--1969. On the orientation of sea fans (genus Gorgonia). Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 136: 130-139.

WAINWRIGHT, STEVEN A. and M.A.R. KOEHL.--1976. The nature of flow and the reaction of benthic Cnidaria to it. Pp. 5-21 in: Mackie, G.O. (ed.) Coelenterata Ecology and Behavior. Pp. xix+744. New York and London: Plenum Press.

WARD, W.W.--1979. Energy transfer processes in bioluminescence. Photo- chemical Biological Review 4:1-57. [Renilla.]

WATABE, N., A.M. BERNHARDT, R.J. KINGSLEY and K.M. WILBUR.--1986. Recalcification of decalcified spicule matrices of the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata (Cnidaria: Anthozoa). Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 104(4):311-318, ill.

WATABE, N. and R.J. KINGSLEY.--1992. Calcification in octocorals. Pp. 127-147 in: Suga, S. and N. Watabe (eds.), Hard Tissue, Minerali- zation and Demineralization. Tokyo: Springer Verlag.

WATABE, N., M. OISHI and R.J. KINGSLEY.--1991. The organic matrix of spicules of the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata. Pp. 9-16 in: S. Suga and H. Nakahara (Eds.), Mechanisms and Phylogeny of Minerali- zation in Biological Syatems. Tokyo: Springer Verlag.

WATABE, N., M. OISHI, L.W. KNAPP, J.M. OSTERMAN, T. TAGAKI and R.J. KINGSLEY.--1995. Spicule collagen degrading enzyme in the gorgo- nian Leptogorgia virgulata. Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco, Special 14:187-198.

WEBB, L. and J.C. COLL.--1983. Ovula ovum and Sarcophyton sp.: a predator prey relationship with biosynthetic implications. Pro- ceedings of the Australian Biochemical Society 15:61.

WEBB, L. and J.C. COLL.--1983. Effects of alcyonarian coral terpenes on scleractinian coral photosynthesis and respiration. Toxicon Suppl. no. 3:485-488, illustr.

WEFER, G.--1985. Die Verteilung stabiler Isotope in Kalkschalen marin- er Organismen. Geologisches Jb. (A)82:3-111, illustr.

WEIGUO, S.--1986. Late Precambrian pennatulids (sea pens) from the eastern Yangtze Gorge, China: Paracharnia gen. nov. Precambrian Research 31(4):361-375, ill.

WEILL, ROBERT.--1934. Les octanthides. Pp. 554-560, figs. 352-365 in: Contribution a l'etude des cnidaires et leurs nematocystes. I. Recherches sur les nematocystes (morphologie, physiologie, developpement). II. Valeur taxonomique du cnidome. Travaux de la Station Zoologique de Wimereux 10:1-348, figs. 1-208; 11:349-701, figs. 209-432.

WEINBAUER, M.G. and B. VELIMIROV.--1995. Calcium, magnesium and strontium concentrations in the calcite sclerites of Mediterranean gorgonians (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 40(1):87-104, illustr.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1975. Ecologie des octocoralliaires communs du substrat dur dans la region de Banyuls-sur-Mer. Essai d'une meth- ode. Bijddr. Dierkunde 45 (1):50-70, figs. 1-9.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1975. Contribution a la connaissance de Parerythro- podium coralloides (Pallas, 1766) (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Beaufortia 23 (298):53-73, pls. 1-9.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1976. Revision of the common Octocorallia of the Mediterranean circalittoral. I. Gorgonacea. Beaufortia 24 (313): 63-104, pls. 1-20.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1977. Revision of the common Octocorallia of the Mediterranean circalittoraL II. Alcyonacea. Beaufortia 25 (326): 131-166, pls. 1-18.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1978. Revision of the common Octocorallia of the Mediterranean circalittoral. III. Stolonifera. Beaufortia 27(328):139-176, pls. 1-8.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1979. The light-dependent behaviour of planula larvae of Eunicella singularis and Corallium rubrum and its impli- cation for octocorallian ecology. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 49(1):16-30.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1979. Transplantation experiments with Mediterra- nean gorgonians. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 49(1):31-41.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1984. [Octocorallia/3. European Alcyonacea.]. Het Zee-Aquarium 34 (4):84-90, illustr.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1984. [Octocorallia/4. Europe's creeping corals (Stolonifera).]. Het Zee-Aquarium 34 (9):180-185, illustr.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1985. Octocorallia. Vita Marina 35(1-6):47-68, illustr.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1986. Mediterranean Octocorallia: Description of Clavularia carpediem n. sp. and synonymy of Clavularia crassa and C. ochracea on etho-ecological grounds. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 56(2):232-246, ill.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1986. Octocorallia. Vita Marina 36(1):69-74, ill.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1986. Octocorallia. Vita Marina 36(3):75-76, ill.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1990. A redescription of the specimens of "Telesto humilis" (Octocorallia) collected by Prince Albert Ier of Monaco, with the descriptions of four new species. Beaufortia 41(28):205- 218, pls. 1-8 (in text). [Reassigns the species to Telestula, and proposes four new species.]

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--1993. Il corallo rosso e la ricerca scientifica nei secoli. Pp. 37-60 in: Cicogna, F. and R. Cattaneo-Vietti (eds.), Il corallo rosso in Mediterraneo: Arte, Storia e Scienza. Roma.

WEINBERG, STEVEN.--[N.D.] Faut-il proteger les gorgones de Mediterra- nee? Pp. 47-52 in: Boudouresque, C.F. et al. (eds.), Colloque international "Les Especes Marine a Proteger en Mediterranee." Marseille: GIS Posidonie, 447 pp.

WEINBERG, S. and F. WEINBERG.--1979. The life cycle of a gorgonian: Eunicella singularis (Esper, 1794). Bijdr. Dierk. 48:127-140.

WEINHEIMER, A.J.--1974. The discovery of 15-epi PGA2 in Plexaura homomalla. Stud. Trop. Oceanogr. Miami 12:17-21.

WEINHEIMER, A.J., F.J. SCHMITZ and L.S. CIERESZKO.--1967. Chemistry of coelenterates. VII. The occurrence of terpenoid compounds in gorgonians. Pp. 135-140 in: Drugs from the Sea. Transactions of the Drugs from the Sea Symposium, Marine Technology Society.

WEINHEIMER, A.J. and R.L. SPRAGGINS.--1969. The occurrence of two new prostaglandin derivatives (15-epi-PGA2 and its acetate, methyl ester) in the gorgonian Plexaura homomalla. Chemistry of coelent- erates 15. Tetrahedron Letters No. 59:5185-5188.

WELLS, SUSAN M., ROBERT M. PYLE and N. MARK COLLINS.--1983. Cnidaria. Pp. 21-52 in: The IUCN Invertebrate Red Data book. Gland, Switzer- land: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. [The taxonomic list of threatened invertebrates (xxiii- xxxiii) includes seven octocorals (p. xxiii).] WENDT, P.H. R.F. van DOLAH and C.B. O'ROURKE.--1985 [1986]. A compara- tive study of the invertebrate macrofauna associated with seven sponge and coral species collected from the South Atlantic Bight. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 101(3):187-203, ill.

WEST, J.M., C.D. HARVELL and A.-M. WALLS.--1993. Morphological plas- ticity in a gorgonian coral (Briareum asbestinum) over a deep cline. Mar. Ecol. Progress Series 94(1):61-69, illustr.

WHEATON, J.L.--1987. Observations on the octocoral fauna of southeast Florida's outer slope and fore reef zones. Carib. J. Sci. 23(2):306-312.

WHEATON, J.L. and W.C. JAAP.--1988. Corals and other prominent benthic Cnidaria of Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary, Florida. Florida Marine Research Pub. 43. 25 pp.

WHITEAVES, J.F.--1878. On some marine Invertebrata from the west coast of North America. Canadian Nat. (n.s.) 8(8):464-471.

WHITEAVES, J.F.--1901. Catalogue of the marine Invertebrata of eastern Canada. Rept. Geol. Survey Canada 1901:1-271, pl. 1.

WHITELEGGE, THOMAS.--1897. The Alcyonaria of Funafuti. Part I. Mem. Australian Mus. 3(3):211-225, pls. 10-12. (July 12.)

WHITELEGGE, THOMAS.--1897. The Alcyonaria of Funafuti. Part II. Mem. Australian Mus. 3(5):307-320, pls. 16-17. (November 17.)

WIKTOR, J.--1974. Type-specimens of Anthozoa in the Zoological Museum of Wroclaw [Breslau] University. Ann. Zool. Polska Akad. Nauk 32(3):29-37.

WILFERT, M. and W. PETERS. 1969. Vorkommen von Chitin bei Coelentera- ten. Zeitschr. Morph. Tiere 64:77-84.


WILLEMOES-SUHM, R. VON.--1875. Notes on some young stages of Umbellu- laria, and on its geographical distribution. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 15:312- 316, pl. 18A.

WILLEMOES-SUHM, R. VON.--1875. Distribution of the alcyonoid polyps of the Umbellularia group. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (3) 10:397-398.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1986. Morphology, systematics, and variability of the southern African soft coral Alcyonium variabile (J. Stuart Thomson, 1921) (Octocorallia, Alcyoniidae). Annals of the South African Museum 96(6):241-270, figs. 1-15, table 1.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1986. A new species of the octocorallian genus Alcyonium (Anthozoa: Alcyonacea) from southern Africa, with a revised diagnosis of the genus. J. Nat. Hist. 20:53-63.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1987. A new species of stoloniferous octocoral (Cnidaria: Alcyonacea) from the south-western Indian Ocean. J. Nat. Hist. 21:207-218, figs. 1-8.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1987. The aberrant and monotypic soft coral genus Malacacanthus Thomson, 1910 (Octocorallia: Alcyoniidae) endemic to southern Africa. J. Nat. Hist. 21:1337-1346, figs. 1-7.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1987. Systematics and zoogeography of southern African octocoral cnidarians. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cape Town. 14 + 111 + 91 + 92 + 45 pp., appendix 1- 3, + original MS of Williams 1987 and offprints of 1986, 1987.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1988. Four new species of southern African octocor- als (Cnidaria: Alcyonacea), with a further diagnostic revision of the genus Alcyonium Linnaeus, 1758. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 92:1-26, figs. 1-19.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1989. A comparison of the stoloniferous octocoral- lian genera Scyphopodium, Stereotelesto, Bathytelesto and Rhode- linda, with a description of a new species from south eastern Africa (Anthozoa, Clavulariidae). Journal of Zoology, London 219:621-635, figs. 1-5, pls. 1-3.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1989. The pennatulacean genus Cavernularia Valen- ciennes (Octocorallia: Veretillidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 95:285-310, figs. 1-16.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1989. A review of recent research on the sublittor- al coral reefs of northern Natal with a provisional assessment of findings regarding the distribution of corals on Two-Mile Reef, Sodwana Bay. South African Journal of Science 85:140-141.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1989. A provisional annotated list of octocorallian coelenterates occurring on the sublittoral coral reefs at Sodwana Bay and Kosi Bay, northern Natal, with a key to the genera. South African Journal of Science 85:141-144.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1990. A new genus of dimorphic soft coral from the south-western fringe of the Indo-Pacific (Octocorallia: Alcyoni- idae). Journal of Zoology London 221:21-35, figs. 1-5, pls. 1-3.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1992. Revision of the soft coral genus Minabea (Octocorallia: Alcyoniidae) with new taxa from the Indo-west Pacific. Proceedings of the Claifornia Academy of Sciences 48(1):1-26, figs. 1-16.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1992. Biotic diversity, biogeography, and phylogeny of pennatulacean octocorals associated with coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific. Proc. 7th International Coral Reef Symposium, Guam 2:729-735, figs. 1, 2.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1993. Coral Reef Octocorals. An illustrated guide to the soft corals, sea fans and sea pens inhabiting the coral reefs of northern Natal. Pp. 1-64, figs. 1-28. Durban: Natural Science Museum.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1995. Living genera of sea pens (Coelenterata: Pennatulacea): illustrated key and synopses. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 113:93-140, figs. 1-10.

WILLIAMS, GARY C.--1995. The enigmatic sea pen genus Gyrophyllum--a phylogenetic reassessment and description of G. sibogae from Tasmanian waters (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 48(15):315-328, figs. 1-7.

[WILLIAMS, GARY C.]--1996. Octocorallia--Octocorals. Pp.32-60, photos 65-176 in: Terrence M. Gosliner, David W. Behrens and Gary C. Williams, Coral reef animals of the Indo-Pacific. Monterey, Cali- fornia: Sea Challengers. 314 pp., 1103 color photos.

WILSON, E.B.--1880. The early stages of Renilla. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts (3) 20:446-449, pl. 7.

WILSON, E.B.--1882. Variation in the yolk-cleavage of Renilla. Zool. Anzeiger 5:545-548.

WILSON, E.B.--1882. Observations on the structure and development of Renilla and Leptogorgia. Johns Hopkins University Circulars No. 17.

WILSON, E.B.--1882. Animal polymorphism. Johns Hopkins University Circulars May 1882:203. [Also Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) 10:416.]

WILSON, E.B.--1883. The development of Renilla. Phil. Trans Roy. Soc. London 174:723-815, pls. 52-67.

WILSON, E.B.--1883. The development of Renilla. Johns Hopkins Univers- ity Circulars No. 22:78-79. (April.)

WILSON, E.B.--1884. The mesenterial filaments of the Alcyonaria. Mitt. Zool. Stat. Neapel 5 (1):1-27, pls. 1-2.

WILSON, E.B.--1903. Notes on merogony and regeneration in Renilla. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 4 (5):215-226, figs. 1-4. (April.) [Sum- marized in Science (new series) 17:490-491, March 27, 1903.]

WOLFF, TORBEN.--1993. Fritz Jensenius Madsen (1916-1993). Deep-Sea Newsletter 21:19, ill. WOODLAND, W.--1905. Studies in spicule formation. II.--Spicule forma- tion in Alcyonium digitatum; with remarks on the histology Ouar- terly Journ. Microsc. Sci. (new series) 49 (2):283-304, pls. 16- 17.

WOODLAND, W.--1907. A preliminary consideration as to the possible factors concerned in the production of the various forms of spi- cules. Quarterly Journ. Microsc. (new series) 51 (1):55-79.

WOODLEY, J.D., CHORNESKY, E.A. et al.--1981. Hurricane Allen's impact on Jamaican coral reefs. Science 214:749-755.

WORM, OLE.--1655. Museum Wormianum. Seu Historia rerum rariorum, tam Naturalium, quam Artificialium, tam Domesticarum, quam Exoticarum, quae Hafniae Danorum in aedibus Authoris servantur. Frontisp., 6 lvs. + [390] + 1 lf. Lugduni Batavorum: Ex Officina Elseviriorum, Acad. Typograph. [Chapter on "marine plants" and "zoophytes" is on pp. 230-238. Includes Corallium rubrum and several of the forms described by Clusius.]

WRIGHT, A.E., N.S. BURRES and G.K. SCHULTE.--1989. Cytotoxic cembra- noids from the gorgonian Pseudopterogorgia bipinnata. Tetrahedron Letters 30(27):3491-3494.

WRIGHT, EDWARD PERCEVAL.--1865. On a new genus of Alcyonidae. Ouarter- ly Journ. Microsc. Sci. (new series) 5:213-217.

WRIGHT, EDWARD PERCEVAL.--1868. Notes on deep-sea dredging. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 2:423.

WRIGHT, EDWARD PERCEVAL.--1869. On a new genus of Gorgonidae from Portugal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 3:23-26, 3 text figs.

WRIGHT, EDWARD PERCEVAL.--1869. Notes on the animal of the organ-pipe coral (Tubipora musica). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 3:377-383, pl. 23.

WRIGHT, EDWARD PERCEVAL.--1869. Exhibition of preparation of an alcyo- noid from Messina and Syracuse, which has been described some years ago (1842) by Philippi as Bebryce mollis. Ouarterly Journ. Microsc. Sci. 9:319-320.

WRIGHT, EDWARD PERCEVAL.--1885. The Alcyonaria. In: Rept. Sci. Res. Challenger. Narrative 1 (2):689-693, figs. 234-236.

WRIGHT, EDWARD PERCEVAL.--1895. The scientific results of the "Chal- lenger" Expedition. Alcyonaria. Natural Science 7:39-40.

WRIGHT, EDWARD PERCEVAL and THEOPHILE STUDER.--1889. Report on the Alcyonaria collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873- 1876. Rept. Sci. Res. Challenger, Zool. 31:i-lxxvii + 1-314, 43 pls.

WRIGHT, EDWARD PERCEVAL.--1864. On a new genus of Alcyonidae. Dublin Microscopical Club. Minutes of the Proceeding 1864:12-20, pl. 1.

WRIGHT, T. STRETHILL.--1859. Observations on British zoophytes. Edin- burgh New Phil. Journ. (New Series) 10:105-114, pls. 7-9

WU, SHI-KUEI, CHUNG-CHI CHEN and KUN-HSIUNG CHANG.--1990. Three ovu- lids (Gastropoda: Ovulidae) from southern Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool. Academia Sinica 29(4):273-282, figs. 1-20. [Four species of gorgonian corals are cited as hosts of ovulid snails: Mopsella aurantia, Verrucella umbraculum, Ellisella robusta, and Euplexaura sp., color photos of which are presented. The identifications of the gorgonians must be considered suspect.]

WYLIE, C.R. and V.J. PAUL.--1989. Chemical defenses in three species of Sinularia (Coelenterata: Alcyonacea): effects against general- ist predators and the butterflyfish Chaetodon unimaculatus Bloch. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 129: 141-160.


YAMADA, MAYUMI.--1950. Descriptions of two Alcyonium from northern Japan. Annot. Zool. Japon. 23:114-116.

YAMAMOTO, TORAO.--1973. Molluscs symbiotic with coelenterates in Japan, wit special reference to Ovulidae and allied forms. Publi- cations of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 20:567-581, figs. 1-12. [22 species of ovulid gastropods recorded exclusively from octocoral hosts, three exclusively from antipatharians, and one from both antipatharian and octocoral hosts.]

YAMAZATO, K., M. SATO and H. YAMASHIRO.--1981[1982]. Reproductive biology of an alcyonarian coral, Lobophytum crassum Marenzeller. Proceedings off the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium, Mani- la, Philippines 2:671-678.

YOSHIOKA, PAUL M.--1996. Variable recruitment and its effect on the population and community structure of shallow-water gorgonians. Bulletin of Marine Science 59(2):433-443, figs. 1-5.

YOSHIOKA, P.M. and B.B. YOSHIOKA.--1987. Variable effects of Hurricane David on the shallow water gorgonians of Puerto Rico. Bull. Mar. Sci. 40(1):132-144, ill.

YOSHIOKA, PAUL M. and BEVERLEY BUCHANAN YOSHIOKA.--1989. Effects of wave energy, topographic relief and sediment transport on the distribution of shallow-water gorgonians of Puerto Rico. Coral Reefs 8: 145-152.

YOSHIOKA, PAUL M. and BEVERLEY BUCHANAN YOSHIOKA.--1989. A multispe- cies, multisca analysis of spatial pattern and its application to a shallow-water gorgonian community. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 54: 257-264.

YOSHIOKA, PAUL M. and BEVERLEY BUCHANAN YOSHIOKA.--1991. A comparison of the survivorship and growth of shallow-water gorgonian species of Puerto Rico. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 69:253-260.


ZIBROWIUS, HELMUT.--1979. A propos du corail rouge en Mediterranee orientale Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Medit. 25/26(4):121-122.

ZIBROWIUS, HELMUT.--1979. L'association Pedicularia sicula - Errina aspera en Mediterranee (Gastropoda Prosobranchia et Hydrocorallia Stylasterina). Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Medit. 25/26(4):123-124.

ZIBROWIUS, HELMUT.--1991. Gorgonaires Primnoidae bathyaux a croutes calcaires massives dans le Plio-Pleistocene de la Mediterranee (Cnidaria: Octocorallia). Atti Accad. Pelorit. Pericol. Cl. 1 Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. Suppl. No. 1(ii):473-481.

ZIBROWIUS, HELMUT.--1991. A propos des gorgonaires Isididae du Plio- Pleistocene de Mediterranee (Cnidaria: Anthozoa). Atti Accad. Pelorit. Pericol. Cl. 1 Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. Suppl. No. 1(ii):159- 179.

ZIBROWIUS, HELMUT, VASCO MONTEIRO MARQUES and MANFRED GRASSH- OFF.--1984. La repartition du Corallium rubrum dans l'Atlantique (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Gorgonaria). Tethys 11(2):163-170.

ZOU, REN-LIN.--1978. Studies on the corals of the Xisha Islands, Guangdong Province, China. III. An illustrated catalogue of Scler- actinian, Hydrocorallinian, Heliporina [sic] and Tubiporina. [Journal title in Chinese] pp. 29-38. [Chinese, English abstract.]

ZOU, REN-LIN, HUANG BAOCHAO and WANG XIANGZHEN.--1991. Studies on gorgonians of China.--I. Isis, with one new species. Acta Oceano- logica Sinica 10(4):593-602, pls. 1, 2.

ZOU, REN-LIN, and CHEN YOUZHANG.--1984. Study on the shallow-water Gorgonacea from the coast of Guangdong. Nanhai Studia Marina Sinica 5:67-75, pls. 1-13.

ZOU, REN-LIN and P.J.B. SCOTT.--1980. The Gorgonacea of Hong Kong. Marine Biological Workshop. [Abstract.]

ZULUETA, ANTONIO DE.--1908. Note preliminaire sur la famille des Lamippidae, copepodes parasites des Alcyonaires. Arch. Zool. exper. gen. (4) 9 (1): 1- 30. (August 30.) .