Michael T. Ghiselin
California Academy of Sciences
This bibliography was assembled over a period of years as an incidental byproduct of research on reproductive biology and the history of science. It is intended as a scholarly tool for professional biologists, and lists just about all of the scholarly literature on the group. There are a fair number of popular articles as well. Onychophorans are often mentioned in textbooks, encyclopedias as the like, but such material is not listed here. A modest number of books and articles containing material on the Onychophora of significant interest to fans of the group are listed, but coverage of that kind of literature is by no means complete.
Strenuous efforts have been made to assure the accuracy and the completeness of the citations. I have checked virtually all of them against the originals, and the number of errors has thereby been greatly reduced, but doubtless not to zero. If you find any errors, or if I have left something out, please let me know. I am anxious to receive copies of new publications, not just in order to list them, but to read them as well. I read French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
To access the Bibliography, please click on the alphabetical links below: