California Academy of Sciences
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Abbott, Isabella A. And Hollenberg, George J. Marine Algae of California. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1976. WILD CALIF. QK571.5 .C2 M37 1976; BOTANY QK571.5
.C2 M37 1976.
Ainley, David G. Foraging Ecology of Seabirds
in the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary.
Washington D.C.: Department of Commerce, NOAA, 1987. WILD CALIF QL684 .C2 F67 1987.
Behrens, David, W. Pacific Coast Nudibranchs:
A Guide to the Opisthobranchs, Alaska to Baja California. Monterey, CA: Sea Challengers, 1991. IZ&G QL430.4 .B435 1991; REF QL430.4 .B435 1991.
Brusca, Gary J. A Naturalist’s Seashore Guide:
Common Marine Life of the Northern California Coast and Adjacent Shores. Eureka, CA.: Mad River Press, 1979. WILD CALIF QH91.5 .B75 1978.
Brusca, Richard C. Common Intertidal Invertebrates
of the Gulf of California. Tuscon, AZ: University
of Arizona Press, 1980. QL225 .B78 1980.
California Coastal Commission. California
Coastal Access Guide. Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1991. WILD CALIF F859.3 .C25 1997.
Carefoot, Thomas. Pacific Seashores: A Guide
to Intertidal Ecology. Seattle: University
of Washington Press, 1977. WILD CALIF QH95.3 C37 1977; S.A. QH95.3 C37 1977.
Cogswell, Howard L. Water Birds of California. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977. M&O QL684 .C2
C63; SA QL684 .C2 C63 1977.
Conner, Judith and Charles Baxter. Kelp Forests. Monterey, CA: Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation, l989. PUBLIC QH541.5
.K4 C66 1989; WILD CALIF QH541.5 .K4 C66 1989.
Conner, Judith. Seashore Life on Rocky Coasts. Monterey, CA: Monterey Bay Aquarium, 1993. WILD CALIF QL122.2 .C655
Dawson, Elmer Yale. Seashore Plants of California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, l982. PUBLIC QK 14
9 . D39 1982.
Eschmeyer, William N. and Earl S. Herald. A
Field Guide to Pacific Coast Fishes of North America: From the Gulf of Alaska to Baja. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1983. PUBLIC QL623.4 .E83 1983; REF QL623.4 .E83 1983; ICTHY QL623.4
.E83 1983 ; SA QL623.4 .E83 1983.
Evens, Jules G. The Natural History of the
Point Reyes Peninsula. Point Peyes, CA: Point
Reyes Seashore Association, 1988. PUBLIC QH105 .C2 E95 1988.
Ferguson, Ava and Gregor Calliet. Sharks and
Rays of the Pacific Coast. Monterey, Monterey
Bay Aquarium, 1990. PUBLIC QL638.9 .F47 1990.
Findley, Lloyd T. Annotated checklist of the
Marine Mammals of the Gulf of California.
San Diego, CA: San Diego Society of Natural History, 1993. QH1 .S324 no.28.
Fitch, John E. Tidepool and Nearshore Fishes
of California. Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press, 1975. PUBLIC QL628 .C2 F53 1975. ICHTHY QL628 .C2 F53.
Foster, Michael S. The Ecology of Giant Kelp
Forests in California: A Community Profile.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1985. MAIN QH54 0 .U56 85:7:2.
Haley, Delphine. Marine Mammals of Eastern
North Pacific and Arctic Waters. Seattle,
WA: Pacific Search Press, 1978. WILD CALIF QL713 .M37 1986; M&O QL713 .M37 1986
Hedgepeth, Joel. Introduction to the Seashore
Life of the San Francisco Bay Region and the Coast of Northern California. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1962. WILD CALIF QH95.7 .H43 1962; PUBLIC QH95.7 .H43
1962; IZ&G QH95.7 .H43 1962.
Hill, P. Scott. Marine Mammal Protection Act
and Endangered Species Act Implementation Program, 1996.
Seattle, WA: NOAA, NMFS, 1997. MAIN SERIALS SH11 .A18 no.97-110.
Hinton, Sam. Seashore Life of Southern California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1987. PUBLIC QH95.7
.H557 1987.
Humann, Paul. Coastal Fish Identification:
California to Alaska. Jacksonville, FL: New
World Publications, 1996. ICHTHY QL623.4 .H85 1996.
Johnsgard, Paul A. The Plovers, Sandpipers,
and Snipes of the World. Lincoln: University
of Nebraska Press, 1981. M&O QL 696 .C4 J63 l981.
Johnson, Myrtle Elizabeth and Harry James Snook. Seashore
Animals of the Pacific Coast. New York: Dover
Publications, 1967. WILD CALIF QL138 . J6 1967.
Kozloff, Eugene N. Seashore Life of the Northern
Pacific Coast: An Illustrated Guide to Northern California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1983. WILD CALIF QH104.5
.N6 K7 1983; IZ&G QH104.5 .N6 K7 1983; SA QH104.5 .N6 K7 1983.
Kramer, Donald E. Guide to Northeast Pacific
Flatfishes. Fairbanks, AL: Alaska Sea Grant
College Program, 1995. S.A. WILD CALIF QL637.9 .P5 G84 1995; EDUC QL637.9 .P5 G84 1995; IZ&G QL637.9 .P5 G84
1995; SA QL637.9 .P5 G84 1995.
LeBouf, Burney J., ed. Elephant Seals: Population
Ecology, Behavior and Physiology. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1994. M&O QL737 .P64 E44 1994.
Light, Sol Felty. Intertidal Invertebrates
of the Central California Coast. Berkeley,
CA: University of California Press, 1954. QL362 .L5 1954.
Love, Robin Milton. Probably More Then You
Want to Know About the Fishes of the Pacific Coast.
Santa Barbara, CA: Really Big Press, 1991. REF QL623.4 .L68 1991; ICHTHY QL623.4 .L68 1991; S.A. QL623.4 .L68 1991;
BIODIV REF QL623.4 .L68 1991.
Marine Science Careers: A Sea Grant Guide
to Ocean Opportunities. Durham, NC: Maine-New
Hampshire Sea Grant College Program, 1996. MAIN GC30.5 .M37 1996.
McPeak, Ronald H. The Amber Forest: Beauty
and Biology of California’s Submarine Forests.
San Diego, CA: Watersport Pub., 1988. WILD CALIFORNIA QK569 .L53 M36 1988.
Morris, Robert. Intertidal Invertebrates of
California. Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Press, 1980. WILD CALIFORNIA QL164 .M67 1980; IZ&G QL164 .M67 1980.
Nickerson, Roy. Sea Otters: A Natural History
and Guide. San Francisco: Chronicle Books,
1989. PUBLIC QL737 .C25 N53 1989; REF QL737 .C25 N53 1989.
Niesen, Thomas M. Beachcomber’s Guide to California
Marine Life. Houston, TX: Gulf Pub. Co.,
1994. REF WILD CALIF QH105 .C2 N54 1994.
North, Wheeler J. Underwater California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1976. PUBLIC QH105
.C2 N67 1976, WILD CALIF QH105 .C2 N67 1976.
Orr, Robert T. and Roger C. Helm. Marine Mammals
of California. Berkeley: University of California
Press; 1989. PUBLIC QL719 .C3 O77 1989; WILD CALIF QL719 .C3 O77 1989; M&O QL719 .C3 O77 1989; SA QL719 .C3
O77 1989.
Paine, Stefani. The World of the Sea Otter. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1993. PUBLIC QL737 .C25 P24 1993.
Rigg, George Burton. Intertidal Plant and
Animal Zonation in the vicinity of Neah Bay WA.
San Francisco,CA: 1949. BOT QK938 .M3 F56 1976.
Rondeau, J. Hawkeye. The Farallon Islands
1542-1986: An Ecosystem Review. Woodside,
CA: J.H. Rondeau, 1987. WILD CALIF QH105 .C2 R65 1987.
San Francisco Bay Area Wetlands Wildlife Viewing
Guide. San Francisco: San Francisco Bay National
Wildlife Refuge Complex, 1990. WILD CALIF QH541.5 .M3 S32 1990.
Seabirds of the Farallon Islands: Ecology,
Dynamics, and Structure of an Upwelling-System Community. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1989. WILD CALIF QL684 .C2 S44 1989; M&O QL684 .C2
S44 1989; SA QL684 .C2 S44 1986.
Silberstein, Mark. Elkhorn Slough. Monterey, CA: Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation, l989. PUBLIC QH105
.C2 S48 1989; REF QH105 .C2 S48 1989.
Smith, Gilbert. Marine Algae of the Monterey
Peninsula, California. Stanford, CA: Stanford
University Press, 1944. REF QK571.5 .C2 S6.
Stallcup, Rich. Ocean Birds of the Nearshore
Pacific: A Guide for the Sea-Going Naturalist.
Stinson Beach: Point Reyes Bird Observatory, 1990. PUBLIC QL683 .P3 S72 1990; WILD CALIF QL683 .P3 S72 1990; M&O
QL683 .P3 S72 1990.
Steinbeck, John and Edward F. Ricketts. Sea
of Cortez: A Leisurely Journal of Travel and Research.
MAIN F1246 .S78; IZ&G F1246 .S78.
Stewart, Joan C. Marine Algae and Seagrasses
of San Diego County. La Jolla, CA: California
Sea Grant College, University of California, 1991. BOT QK571.5 .C2 S73 1991.
Sumich, James L. Laboratory and Field Investigations
in Marine Life. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown,
1996. PUBLIC QH91.55 S85 1996. MAIN QH91.55 s85 1996.
Tidepool Tank Handbook. Edited and compiled by Margaret Tieger. San Francisco: California
Academy of Sciences, 1982. Ref CAS Pubs. Q11 .C362 1982.
White, Richard. Seashells of Albion. Mendicino, CA: Mendicino Academy of Sciences, 1993. Q11 .O25 no.54.
Williams, S.L. Restoring Sustainable Coastal
Ecosystems on the Pacific Coast: establishing a research agenda. California Sea Grant College, University of California, 1992. BIODIV QH541.5 .C65 W55 1992.
[back to the top]
Armstrong, Pam. Sea Searcher’s Handbook. Monterey,
CA: Monterey Bay Aquarium, 1996. BIODIV QH541.5 .S3 S33 1996.
Bay Shores Studies Teacher’s Handbook. Tiburon, CA: Richardson Bay Audubon Society, 1988. Biodiv Ref.
QH105.C2 B39 1988.
Goldstein, Debra, Darcy Morgan and Craig Strang. MARE
Teacher’s Guide to Marine Science Field Trips: Central California. Berkeley, CA: University of California, 1995. EDUC GC31.35 .G64 1995.
Living in Water: Activity Guide. Baltimore, MD: National Aquarium in Baltimore, 1989. Biodiv Ref.
QH90.53 .L48 1989.
MacRae-Campbell, Linda; McKisson, Micki and Bruce Campbell. The Ocean Crisis. Tucson,
AZ: Zephyr Press, 1990. Biodiv Ref. GE70. M27 1990.
Marine and Coastal Educational Resources Directory,
San Francisco and Monterey Bay Areas. San
Francisco, CA: California Coastal Commission, 1996. Biodiv Ref. QH105 .C2 M27 1996.
Marine Mammal Activity and Curriculum Guide. Sausalito, CA: Marine Mammal Center, 1989. Biodiv Ref. QL713.2
.M352 1989.
The Ocean Book. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1989. Biodiv Ref. GC21.5 O28 1989.
Project Wild Aquatic Education Activity Guide. Boulder, CO: Western Regional Environmental Education Council,
1987. Biodiv Ref. QH90.55 .A68 1987.
Ranger Rick’s Naturescape: Diving into Oceans. National Wildlife Federation, 1986. Biodiv Serial; Biodiv QH51
.R36 V4:2; Public Juv. QH51 .R36 V4:2.
Sharing Reasources 1996: Southwest Marine
Educator’s Association Regional Conference.
Berkeley, CA: Southwest Marine Educator’s Association, 1996. Biodiv GC31.35 1996.
Texas A&M University. Marine Education:
a bibliography of educational materials available from the nation’s Sea Grant college programs. Ocean Springs, MS: Mississippi - Alabama Sea Grant Consortium,
1994. REF QH90.5 .M37 1994, BIODIV REF QH90.5 .M37 1994.
[back to the top]
Amato, Carol A. Captain Jim and the Killer Whales.
Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s 1995. PUBLIC JUV QL737 .C42 A535 1995.
Bellamy, David. The Rock Pool. New York: C.N. Potter, 1988. PUBLIC JUV QH541.5 .S35 B44 1988.
Brust, Beth Wagner. Sea Birds. Mankato, MN: Creative Education, 1991. PUBLIC JUV QL676.2 .B78
Brust, Beth Wagner. Sea Otters. Minneapolis, MN: Creative Education, 1991. PUBLIC JUV 737 .C25
B78 1991.
Delaunois, Angele. Kotik, the Baby Seal. Victoria, BC: Orca Book Publishers, 1995. PUBLIC JUV QL737 .P64
D44213 1995.
Hickman, Pamela. Wetlands. Toronto: Kids Can Press Ltd., 1993. BIODIV JUV QH541.5 .M3 H52
Jaspersohn, William. A Day in the Life of
a Marine Biologist. Boston: Little Brown
and Company, 1982. PUBLIC JUV QH91.45 .J37 1982.
Johnson, Sylvia A. Elephant Seals. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Co., 1989. PUBLIC JUV QL737 .P64
J63 1989.
McFarlane, Sheryl and Ken Campbell. The Tides
of Change. Victoria, BC: Orca Book Publishers,
1995. BIODIV JUV QL696 .F32 M54 1995.
Miles, Victoria. Sea Otter Pup. Victoria, BC: Orca Book Publishers, 1993. PUBLIC JUV QL737 .C25 M535 1993.
Reidman, Marianne. Sea Otters. Monterey, CA: Monterey Bay Aquarium, 1990. BIODIV QL 737 .C25 R54
1990; PUBLIC JUV QL737 .C25 R54 1990; WILD CALIF QL737 .C25 R54 1990.
Robinson, Sandra Chisholm. Sea Otter, River
Otter. Denver, CO: Denver Museum of Natural
History. Biodiv Juv. QL737 .C25 R64 1993.
Simon, Seymour. Oceans. Morrow Junior Books, l990. PUBLIC JUV GC21.5 .S58 1990.
Sterlling, Mary Ellen. Oceans. Huntington Beach, CA: Teacher Created Materials, 1990. PUBLIC JUV
GC31.3 .S73 1990.
Swanson, Diane. Safari Beneath the Sea. San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Books for Children, 1994. PUBLIC
JUV QH104.4 .P32 S83 1994.
Alaska’s Whales and Wildlife. Gonbury, CT: WonderVisions, 1990. (47 min.) PUBLIC QL161 .A43 1990.
Amazing Seashore Animals. New York, NY:DK Vision, 1997. (30 min.) Public QL122.2 .A42 1997.
Conserving America: The Challenge of the Coast. Pittsburgh: KQED Communications, Inc., 1989 (60 min.) BIODIV GB460
.U6 C52 1989.
Jellies and Other Ocean Drifters. Monterey, CA: Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation, 1996. (35 min.)
PUBLIC QL377 .S4 J45 1996.
Magnificent Whales. NY: Smithsonian Books, 1988. (60 min.) PUBLIC QL737 .C4 M34 1988.
Monterey Bay Aquarium. Monterey, CA: The Aquarium, 1996. Biodiv QL79 .U62 M66 1996.
My Strength is From the Fish. Portland,OR: Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, 1994.
Public Juv E98 .F4 1994.
Ocean. New York, NY: DK Vision,1997. (35 min.) Public GC21 .O22 1997.
Ocean Symphony. Universal City, CA: MCA Home Video, 1987. (47 min.) Biodiv QH91 .O34 1987.
Oceanography with Dr. Sylvia Earle. San Ramon, CA: Pangea Digital Pictures, 1995. (50) Public QH 541.5
.S3 O34 1995.
On a Barren Rock. San Anselmo, CA: Two Dot Productions, 1995.(12 min.) Public VK 1025 .P6 O6 1995.
Parks in the Sea: California’s Underwater
State Parks. Sacramento: California Department
of Parks and Recreation, 1988. (28 min.) BIODIV SB482 .C2 P38 1988.
Return of the Salmon. Corvallis, OR: Oregon Sea Grant, 1995. (30 min.) BIODIV QL638 .S2
R47 1995.
The Seashore. [London?]: DK Vision, 1996. (35 min.) Public GB 451.2 .S42 1996.
A Second Chance: California Marine Mammal
Center. Sausalito, CA: California Marine
Mammal Center, 1980. (9 min.) BIODIV QL83.2 .S42 1980.
Shells. [London?]: DK Vision, 1996. (35 min.) Public QL405 .S53 1996.
Stripmining the Seas: The Rise of Driftnetting
in the Pacific Ocean. Honolulu: Earthtrust,
1989. (22 min.) BIODIV QH344.6 .G5 S76 1989.
The Trash Troll. Oley, PA:Bullfrog Films 1993. (13 min.) Biodiv TD 791 .T7 1993.
Trashing the Oceans. Capitol Height, MD: National Audiovisual Center, 1988. (8 min.)
BIODIV QH90.8 .P8 T73 1988.
Washington’s Wetlands. Olympia, WA: Washington Department of Ecology, 1986. (15 min.)
BIODIV QH541.5 .M3 W37 1986.
Watching the Whales. San Francisco, CA: Marine Mammal Fund, 1985. (30 min.) Special
Collections QL737 .C4 W37 1985.
When the Salmon Runs Dry. Oakland, CA: The Video Project, 1992. (51 min.) BIODIV QL 638 .S2
W48 1992.
Where Have All the Dolphins Gone? Marine Mammal Fund/ASPCA. Oakland, CA: The Video Project, 1990.
(48 min.) BIODIV QL737 .C432 W49 1990.
Wild California. Monterey, CA: Sea Studios, 1989. (40 min.) Biodiv QH105 .C2 W54 1989.
The Worlds Below. Monterey, CA: Sea Studios, 1990. (60 min.) Biodiv QH 541.5 .S3 W67 1988.
Yellowlegs, Eelgrass and Tideflats. Olympia, WA: Washington State Dept. Of Ecology, Wetlands Section,
1987. (29 min.) BIODIV QH105 .W2 Y45 1987.
Marine Mammals of the World. University of Amsterdam
Coastal Resources
and Table Manners Learned from Mom: Sea Otters
of the Sea Otter
Marine Mammal Pages
Forest and Rocky Subtidal Habitats
Marine Mammal Center
Estuary Program
Planet (Smithsonian)
Reyes Bird Observatory
Net (Good resource for teachers)
June 2000 -- url updates May 2002