African Plants Bibliography

African Plants Bibliography

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Africa---The Flowers

A photo gallery of African flowers

The African Garden

'A Garden and Website dedicated to the conservation, culture and photography of Southern African Bulbs.'

African Plants from the Manzanita Project


Photographs, many from Academy scientists and supporters, in a searchable database.

Botanical Garden At The University Of Natal, Pietermaritzburg

A carnivorous plant garden, a medical plant garden, and an evolutionary garden are just three of the hightlights of this botanical garden.

Conspectus of the Vascular Plants of Madagascar

This is not only a photo collection of plants, but you can also learn more about their taxonomy.

East African Mangrove Trees

Text descriptions of mangrove trees, taxonomy and photos of mangrove trees in East Africa

Flora and Fauna -- Biodiversity

Text data of regulations that relates to African plants.

Madagascar Links from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Links, links, and more links to information about plants in Madagascar.

Madagascar Page

A photo collection from Madagascar.

Medicinal Plant Use in Africa

Information on plant gathering and use for medical purposes.

National Botanical Institute, South Africa

Links to gardens, research, education, and more.

People and Plants Online, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Describes the People and Plants Initiative, a cooperative project of UNESCO, the World Wildlife Fund, and the Royal Botanic Gardens.

Review of Ethnobotanical Literature from Eastern and Southern Africa

Interested in the literature? Take a look at this page from the Roayal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

South African Botany on the Internet

This web page provides us likes to the more interesting and interactive local botanical site.

South African Plants

A collection of South African plant books at the Elisabeth C. Miller Horticulture Library.

South African Plants at San Macros Growers

Description of plants and their pictures.

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Adams, Robert P. Conservation of Plant Genes III: Conservation and Utilization of African Plants. St. Louis, MO: Missouri Botanical Garden Press, c1998. Bot QK981.7 .C663 1998.

Bash, Barbara. Tree of Life: the World of the African Baobab. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books; Boston, MA: Little, Brown, c1989. Public Juv QK495 .B7 B37 1989.

Block, P. de. The African Species of Ixora (Rubiaceae-Pavetteae). Meise: National Botanic Garden of Belgium, 1998. Bot QK495 .R85 B58 1998.

Botanical Research Institute (South Africa) South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services. The Flowering Plants of Africa. Pretoria: Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services. Bot Serials.

Cowling, R. M., Roux, P. W. and Pieterse, A. J. H. The Karoo Biome: A Preliminary Synthesis. Pretoria, South Africa: Foundation for Research Development, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 1986. Main QH541.5 .A74 K37 1986.

Fairchild, David. Exploring for Plants. New York: The Macmillan Company, c1930. Bot SB109 .F34.

Friis, Ib(eds.). Mountain Botany: Studies Dedicated to Olov Hedberg. Copenhagen: Council for Nordic Publications in Botany, 1993. Bot Serials.

Geldenhuys, Ryk. Threatened Species: Habitat Conservation and Their Survival. Cape Town: Dept. of Nature and Environmental Conservation, Cape Provincial Administration, 1980. Main QL84.6 .S6 G44 1980.

Goldblatt, Peter. Gladiolus in Tropical Africa: Systematics, Biology & Evolution. Portland, OR: Timber Press, c1996. Bot QK391 .G64 1996.

Goldblatt, Peter. The Woody Iridaceae: Nivenia, Klattia, and Witsenia: Systematics, Biology & Evolution. Portland, OR: Timber Press; St. Louis, Mo.: Missouri Botanical Garden; South Africa: National Botanical Institute, c1993.Bot QK495 .I75 G65 1993.

Grey-Wilson, C. Impatiens of Africa: Morphology, Pollination and Pollinators, Ecology, Phytogeography, Hybridisation, Keys and a Systematic Treatment of All African Species: with a Note on Collecting and Cultivation. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, 1980. Bot QK495 .B25 G74.

Hall, A. V, ed. A Revision of Pentaschistis (Arundineae: Poaceae). Rondebosch, South Africa: Bolus Herbarium, University of Cape Town, 1990. Bot Serials.

Hall, A. V. The Use of a Data-banking System for Taxonomic Collections. Rondebosch, Republic of South Africa: Bolus Herbarium, University of Cape Town, 1972. Bot Serials.

Herre, H. The Genera of the Mesembryanthemaceae. Cape Town: Tafelberg-Uitgewers Beperk, 1971. Bot QK495 .A32 H47.

Hilliard, O. M. and Burtt, B. L. Dierama: The Hairbells of Africa. Johannesburg: Acorn Books, 1991. Bot Folio QK495 .I75 H55 1991.

Katayama, Tadao. Studies on Distribution and Ecotypic Differentiations of Wild and Cultivated Rice Species in Africa. Kagoshima, Japan: Kagoshima University, Research Center for South Pacific, 1987.Bot SB191 .R5 S75 1987.

Katayama, Tadao C. Distribution and Ecotypic Differentiations of Wild and Cultivated Rice Species in Africa: Report of the Monbusho International Scientific Research Program. Kagoshima, Japan: Kagoshima University Research Center for the South Pacific, 1990. Bot SB191 .R5 D57 1990.

Kingdon, Jonathan. Island Africa: The Evolution of Africa's Rare Animals and Plants. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1989. Biodiv REF QH77 .A3 K46 1989.

Leach, L. C. A Revision of Stapelia L (Asclepiadaceae). Johannesburg, South Afrca: Aloe Books, 1985. Bot QK495 .A815 L42 1985.

Lewis, G. Joyce. The Genus Babiana. Kirstenbosch, Newlands, Cape Province: Trustees of the National Botanic Gardens, 1959. Bot QK495 .I75 L48.

National Research Council (U.S.). Board on Science and Technology for International Development. Lost Crops of Africa. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1996-. Bot SB176 .A4 L67 1996.

Oliver, Daniel. Flora of Tropical Africa. London, L. Reeve and co., 1868. Bot QK391 .O45 v1-5.

Pearson, Henry Harold Welch. The Annals of the Bolus Herbarium. London, Cambridge University Press. Bot Serials.

Persoon, J. G. M. The African Species of Landolphia P. Beauv. Wageningen: Agricultural University, c1992. Bot QK495 .A66 A39 1992.

Polhill, R. M. Crotalaria in Africa and Madagascar. Rotterdam; Salem, NH: A.A. Balkema, 1982. BOT QK495 .L52 P58 1982.

Reynolds, Gilbert Westacott. The Aloes of Tropical Africa and Madagascar. Mbabane, Swaziland: The Trustees, Aloes Book Fund, 1966. BOT QK495 .L72 R49.

Roger Polhill and Delbert Wiens. Mistletoes of Africa. Richmond, England: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1998.Bot QK495 .L87 P65 1998.

Rourke, J. P. Taxonomic Studies on Leucospermum R. BR. Kirstenbosch, Trustees of the National Botanic Gardens of South Africa, 1972. Bot QK495 .P957 R6.

Rycroft, Hedley Brian. What Protea is That? Cape Town, Purnell, 1970. Bot QK495 .P957 R9.

Sale, J. B. The Importance and Values of Wild Plants and Animals in Africa. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, c1983. Biodiv QH705 .S34 1983.

Seyani, J. H. The Genus Dombeya (Sterculiaceae) in Continental Africa. Meise: National Botanic Garden of Belgium, 1991. Bot QK495 .S8 S49 1991.

South Africa. Dept. of Agriculture. South Africa. Dept. of Agriculture and Forestry. Memoir. Pretoria: Govt. Printing and Stationery Office, 1919-1936. Bot QK396 .A3 v. 1-15.

Sprechman, David L, ed. Lithops. Rutherford, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,1970. Bot QK495 .A32 S67.

White, F. Vegetation of Africa: A Descriptive Memoir to Accompany the Unesco/AETFAT/UNSO Vegetation Map of Africa. Paris: Unesco, 1983. Bot & Herp QK381 .W46 1983.

Williams, Ion James Muirhead. A Revision of the Genus Leucadendron (Proteaceae). Rondebosch, Republic of South Africa: Bolus Herbarium, University of Cape Town, 1972. Bot Serials.

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Bond, Pauline. and Goldblatt, Peter. Plants of the Cape Flora: a Descriptive Catalogue. Cape Town: National Botanic Gardens of South Africa, 1984. Bot QK397 .B66 1984.

Botanical Society of South Africa. Journal of the Botanical Society of South Africa. Kirstenbosch, Newlands, C.P., S.A. [etc.] Botanical Society of South Africa. Bot Serials.

Daniel, Thomas F. Chromosome Numbers of South African Acanthaceae. San Francisco, Calif.: California Academy of Sciences, c2000. Ref Cas Pubs Q11 .C25 ser.4 v. 52:12.

De Wet, Madeleine. A Bibliography of South African Stapelieae. Cape Town, University of Cape Town, School of Librarianship, 1964. Bot Z5356 .A8 D48.

Eliovson, Sima. South African Flowers for the Garden. Cape Town: H. Timmins, 1965. Bot Folio SB453.3 .S6 E45 1965.

Eliovson, Sima. South African Flowers for the Garden; How to Grow Them, and Use Them for Effect; Bulbs, Annuals, Perennials, Shrubs, Trees, Succulents. Cape Town, H. Timmins, 1957. Bot Folio SB453.3 .S6 E45 1957.

Geldenhuys, C. J. Annotated Bibliography of South African Indigenous Evergreen Forest Ecology. Pretoria: Foundation for Research Development, Council for Scientific and industrial Research, 1985. Bot Z5354 .F75 G315 1985.

Jaarsveld, Ernst J. van. Gasterias of South Africa: A New Revision of a Major Succulent Group. Vlaeberg, South Africa: Fernwood Press in association with the National Botanical Institute, 1994. Bot QK495 .L72 J34 1994.

Jackson, W. P. U. Origins and Meanings of Names of South African Plant Genera. Cape Town: University of Cape Town, 1987. Bot QK96 .J28 1987.

Jackson, W. P. U. Wild Flowers of the Fairest Cape. Cape Town, S.A.; Sparta, NJ, U.S.A.: H. Timmins, 1980. Bot QK396 .J32 1980.

Lewis, G. Joyce. and Amelia A. Obermeyer, eds. Gladiolus; a Revision of the South African Species. Cape Town; New York: Purnell, 1972. Bot QK495 .I75 L49.

Lighton, Conrad. Cape Floral Kingdom: the Story of South Africa's Wild Flowers, and the People Who Found, Named and Made Them Famous the World Over. Cape Town: Juta, 1973. Bot QK396 .L5 1973.

Macdonald, I. A. W. and M. L. Jarman, eds. Invasive Alien Organisms in the Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Fynbos Biome, South Africa. Pretoria: CSIR Foundation for Research Development, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 1984. Main QH541 .I62 1984.

Macdonald, I. A. W. and M. L. Jarman, eds. Invasive Alien Plants in the Terrestrial Ecosystems of Natal, South Africa. Pretoria: CSIR Foundation for Research Development, 1985. Bot SB108 .S6 I58 1985.

Marloth, Rudolf. The Flora of South Africa: with Synopical Tables of the Genera of the Higher Plants. Capetown: Darter Bros. & Co.; London: W. Wesley & Son, 1913-1932. Bot QK396 .M37.

National Botanic Gardens of South Africa. Report and Accounts of the National Botanic Gardens of South Africa. Newlands, South Africa: National Botanic Gardens of South Africa, 1936-1965. Bot Serials.

National Botanic Gardens of South Africa. Report and Balance Sheet. Newlands, South Africa: National Botanic Gardens of South Africa. Bot Serials.

Nordenstam, Bertil. The Genus Wurmbea (Colchicaceae) in the Cape Region. Copenhagen: Council for Nordic Publications, in Botany 1986. Bot Serials.

Olivier, Maria C. The Vegetation and Flora of the Sardinia Bay Nature Reserve, Port Elizabeth. Port Elizabeth, South Africa: Institute for Coastal Research, U.P.E., 1986. Bot QK396 .O44 1986.

Orange Free State(South Africa). Nature Conservation Division. Belangrike Onkruide = Important Weeds. Bloemfontein, South Africa: Direkteur van Natuurbewaring, 1985. Bot SB613 .S6 B44 1985a.

Orange Free State (South Africa). Nature Conservation Division. Protected Plants of the O.F.S. Bloemfontein, South Africa: Nature Conservation Division, Orange Free State, 1980. Bot QK86 .S6 P76 1980a.

Papenfuss, George Frederik. New Marine Algae from South Africa: 1. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1947. Bot Serials.

Phillips, Edwin Percy. and Estelle Van Hoepen, eds. Common Names of South African Plants. Pretoria, South Africa: Government Printer, 1966. Bot QK396 .S45.

Rebelo, Tony, ed. A Preliminary Synthesis of Pollination Biology in the Cape Flora. Pretoria: Foundation for Research Development, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 1987. Bot QK926 .P73 1987.

Retief, E and Herman, P.P.J. Plants of the Northern Provinces of South Africa: Keys and Diagnostic Characters. Pretoria: National Botanical Institute, 1997. Bot QK396 .R47 1997.

Rousseau, Frank. The Proteaceae of South Africa. Cape Town: Purnell, c1970. Bot QK495 .P954 R68.

Schelpe, Edmund A. C. L. E. An Introduction to the South African Orchids. Cape Town, S. Africa, Purnell, 1966. Bot QK495 .O64 S34.

Schumann, Dolf. Ericas of South Africa. Vlaeberg: Fernwood Press, 1992. Bot QK495 .E68 S38 1992.

Smit, Nico. Guide to the Acacias of South Africa. Pretoria, South Africa: Briza, 1999.Bot QK495 .M545 S65 1999.

South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services. Botanical Research Institute (South Africa). Flora of Southern Africa: the Republic of South Africa, Basutoland, Swaziland and South West Africa. Pretoria, Republic of South Africa: Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services, 1963. Bot QK394 .F56.

South African Tourist Corporation. South Africa, a World of Flowers. Pretoria: South African Tourist Corp., 1983. Bot QK396 .S68 1983.

Van Wyk, Ben-Erik. Guide to the Aloes of South Africa. Pretoria, South Africa: Briza Publications, 1996. Bot QK495 .L72 V35 1996.

Van Wyk, Piet. Trees of the Kruger National Park. Cape Town, Purnell, 1972-74. Bot QK491 .S6 V3 v.1 & 2.

Wilson, P. A. S. A Leaf Key to 45 Common Trees of Table Mountain. Pretoria, South Africa: Directorate of Forestry and Environmental Conservation, Dept. of Water Affairs, Forestry and Environmental Conservation, 1981. Bot QK396 .W57 1981.

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Dorr, Laurence J. Plant Collectors in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands: A Biographical and Bibliographical Guide to Individuals and Groups Who Have Collected erbarium Material of Algae, Bryophytes, Fungi, Lichens, and Vascular Plants in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands. Kew, Richmond, Surrey, England: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1997. Bot QK26 .D66 1997.

Dransfield, John. The Palms of Madagascar. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and the International Palm Society, 1995. BOT QK495 .P17 D7 1995.

du Puy, David, Johan Hermans & Clare Hermans. The Orchids of Madagascar. Richmond, England: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1999. BOT QK495 .O64 O72 1999.

Goodman, Steven M. ed. A Floral and Faunal Inventory of the Réserve Spécial d'Anjanaharibe-Sud, Madagascar, with Reference to Elevational Variation. Chicago, IL: Field Museum of Natural History, c1998. Main Serials QL1 .F4 n.s. no.90.

Jolly, Allison, Phillippe Oberle and Roland Albignac eds. Madagascar. New York: Pergamon Press, 1984. Main QL337 .M2 M33 1984.

Perrier de La Bethie, H. Flora of Madagascar: Vascular Plants: 49th Family, Orchids. Lodi, CA: S. D. Beckman, 1981. BOT QK495 .O64 P413 1981.

Polhill, R. M. Crotalaria in Africa and Madagascar. Rotterdam; Salem, N.H.: A.A. Balkema, 1982. Bot QK495 .L52 P58 1982.

Rauh, Werner. Succulent and Xerophytic Plants of Madagascar. Mill Valley, CA: Strawberry Press, 1995. Bot QK407 .R38 1995.

Reynolds, Gilbert Westacott. The Aloes of Tropical Africa and Madagascar. Mbabane, Swaziland: The Trustees, Aloes Book Fund, 1966. BOT QK495 .L72 R49.

Turk, Dan. A Guide to Trees of Eastern Madagascar and Ranomafana National Park. St. Louis, MO: Missouri Botanical Garden, 1997. BOT QK407 .T87 1997.

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Anthony, Nicola C. A Revision of the Southern African Species of Cheilanthes Swartz and Pellaea Link (Pteridaceae). Rondebosch, Republic of South Africa: Bolus Herbarium, University of Cape Town, 1984. Bot Serials.

Barkhuizen, B P. Succulents of Southern Africa: with Specific Reference to the Succulent Families Found in the Republic of South Africa and South West Africa. Cape Town: Purnell, 1978. Bot SB438 .B37.

Brice Bruce, A. P. A Key to Eucalypts in Southern Africa. Pietermaritzburg, S. Africa: Wattle Research Institute, University of Natal, 1979. Bot QK495 .M9 B78.

Burrows, J. E. Southern African Ferns and Fern Allies. Sandton, South Africa: Frandsen, 1990. Bot QK530 .S6 B86 1990.

Court, Doreen. Succulent Flora of Southern Africa. Rotterdam: Balkema, 1981. Bot SB438 .C68.

Dowsett-Lemaire, Françoise. The Flora and Phytogeography of the Evergreen Forests of Malawi. [Brussels: Jardin Botanique National de Belgique], 1989-1990. Bot QK402 .M28 D68 1989.

Eliovson, Sima. Flowering Shrubs, Trees and Climbers for Southern Africa. Cape Town, H. Timmins 1971. Bot QK491 .S6 E45 1971.

Flora Zambesiaca. London: Published on behalf of the Govt. of Portugal, the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and the United Kingdom, by the Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations, 1960-. Bot QK400 .F55.

Goldblatt, Peter. A Revision of the Genera Lapeirousia Pourret and Anomatheca Ker in the Winter Rainfall. Region of South Africa. Rondebosch, Republic of South Africa: Bolus Herbarium, University of Cape Town, 1972. Bot Serials.

Goldblatt, Peter. Gladiolus in Southern Africa. Vlaeberg, S.A.: Fernwood Press, 1998. Bot QK495 .I75 G624 1998.

Gordon-Gray, K. D. Cyperaceae in Natal. Pretoria, South Africa: National Botanical Institute, 1995. Bot QK495 .C997 G65 1995.

Hall, A. V. A Revision of the Southern African Species of Satyrium. Rondebosch, Republic of South Africa: Bolus Herbarium, University of Cape Town, 1982. Bot Serials.

Hilton-Taylor, Craig. Red Data List of Southern African Plants. Pretoria: National Botanical Institute, 1996. Main QK86 .A3 H54 1996.

Leistner, O. A. Flora of Southern Africa. Bryophyta: Which Deals with the Territories of South Africa, Transkei, Lesotho, Swaziland, Bophuthatswana, South West Africa/Namibia, Botswana and Venda. Pretoria: Botanical Research Institute, Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services, 1981. Bot QK394 .F562 1981.

Leistner, O. A. Flora of Southern Africa. Cryptogams: Which Deals with the Territories of the Republic of South Africa, Transkei, Lesotho, Swaziland, South West Africa and Botswana. 1978. Bot QK394 .F563 1978.

Linder, Hans Peter. and Hall, A. V(eds.). Systematics, Biology, and Evolution of Some South African Taxa: Proceedings of a Symposium of the Southern African Society of Plant Taxonomists, Held at Grahamstown on 18 January 1990. Rondebosch: Bolus Herbarium, University of Cape Town, 1991. Bot Serials.

Linder, Hans Peter. Orchids of Southern Africa. Rotterdam; Brookfield, VT, USA: Balkema, 1999. Bot QK495 .O64 L547 1999.

Lückhoff, Carl August. The Stapelieae of Southern Africa. Capetown, A. A. Balkema, 1952. Bot QK495 .A815 L84.

McDonald, D. J. The Plant Communities of Swartboschkloof, Jonkershoek. Pretoria: Foundation for Research Development, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 1985. Bot QK396 .M13 1985.

Meyer, N. L., Mössmer, M and Smith, G. F. Taxonomic Literature of Southern African Plants. Pretoria, South Africa: National Botanical Institute, 1997.Bot QK394 .T39 1997.

Moll, Eugene John, ed. Trees of Southern Africa / Keith Coates Palgrave, in Association with R. B. Drummond. Cape Town: C. Struik, 1977. Bot QK491 .S62 C63.

Palmer, Eve. and Pitman, Norah. Trees of Southern Africa, Covering All Known Indigenous Species in the Republic of South Africa, South-West Africa, Botswana, Lesotho & Swaziland. Cape Town, A. A. Balkema, 1972-73. Bot QK491 .S62 P35.

Pierce, Shirley M. A Synthesis of Plant Phenology in the Fynbos Biome. Pretoria: Foundation for Research Development, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 1984. Bot QK914 .P53 1984.

Pope, G. V. and Brummitt, R. K. A Bibliography for Flora Zambesiaca: a Guide to General Floristic Works Which Should be Consulted by Contributors to Flora Zambesiaca. Richmond, Surrey, England: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, c1991. Bot QK394 .P66 1991.

Reid, Derek A. Type Studies of the Larger Basidiomycetes Described from Southern Africa. Rondebosch, Republic of South Africa: Bolus Herbarium, University of Cape Town, 1975. Bot Serials.

Rourke, John P. The Proteas of Southern Africa. Cape Town: Purnell, 1980. Bot Folio QK495 .P957 R58.

Russell, G. E. Gibbs. Grasses of Southern Africa: An Identification Manual with Keys, Descriptions, Distributions, Classification and Automated Identification and Information Retrieval from Computerized Data. Pretoria: National Botanic Gardens/Botanical Research Institute, 1990. Bot QK495 .G74 G73 1990.

Rust, I. C. The Flora of the Sandy Beaches of Southern Africa. Port Elizabeth, South Africa: Institute for Coastal Research, UPE, 1990-1991. Bot QK396 .C35 1990.

Schelpe, Edmund A. C. L. E. Flora of Southern Africa. Pteridophyta: Which Deals with the Territories of South Africa, Ciskei, Transkei, Lesotho, Swaziland, Bophuthatswana, South West Africa/Namibia, Botswana and Venda. Pretoria: Botanical Research Institute, Dept. of Agriculture and Water Supply, 1986. Bot QK394 .F564 1986.

Tiedeman, J., Peppin, P. and Seutloali, G. Alphabetical List of Plant Species, Including Site Characteristics and Family Names of Plant Specimens at the Research Station Herbarium. Maseru, Lesotho: Research Division, Ministry of Agriculture, 1983. Bot QK76 .L4 T54 1983.

Tölken, H. R. A Revision of the Genus Crassula in Southern Africa. Rondebosch, Republic of South Africa: Bolus Herbarium, University of Cape Town, 1977. Bot Serials.

Wicht, Hein. The Indigenous Palms of Southern Africa. Cape Town, H. Timmins, 1969. Bot QK495 .P17 W53.

Wild, Hiram and A. Fernandes, eds. Vegetation Map of the Flora Zambesiaca Area. Salisbury, Rhodesia: Published on behalf of the Governments of Portugal, Malawi, Zambia, Rhodesia and the United Kingdom by M. O. Collins, 1967. Bot QK400 .F55 Suppl.

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Alston, A. H. G, ed. The Ferns and Fern-allies of West Tropical Africa: Being a Supplement to the Second Edition of The Flora of West Tropical Africa. London: Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations, 1959. Bot QK393 .H88 1954, Suppl.

Ayensu, Edward S. and A. L. K. Bentum. Commercial Timbers of West Africa. Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press; [for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.] 1974. Bot Serials.

Ayensu, Edward S. Medicinal Plants of West Africa. Algonac, MI: Reference Publications, 1978. Bot QK99 .A44 A93.

Gledhill, D. Check List of the Flowering Plants of Sierra Leone. [Sierra Leone, Bunumbu Press Bo, 1962]. Bot QK402.S5 G54.

Gledhill, D. West African Trees. London: Longman, 1972. Bot QK491 .W4 G5.

Hall, J. B. Gazetteer of Plant Collecting Localities in Ghana Cited in Flora of West Tropical Africa. Accra: Ghana Universities Press, 1980. Bot QK402 .G5 H346 1980.

Hutchinson, J. and J. M. Dalziel. Flora of West Tropical Africa; The British West African Territories, Liberia, the French and Portuguese Territories South of Latitude l8 N. to Lake Chad, and Fernando Po. London, Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations, 1954-. Bot QK393 .H88 1954.

Steentoft, Margaret. Flowering Plants in West Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Bot QK393 .S74 1988.

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Abdallah, Moustafa S. and Fatima M. Sa'ad. Taxonomical Studies in the Flora of Egypt. Cairo, Egypt: The Herbarium, Agricultural Research Centre, 1966. Bot QK403 .A2 1-3.

Ghazanfar, Shahina A. Flora of Nigeria, Caryophyllales. [St. Louis]: Missouri Botanical Garden, c1991. Bot QK495 .A12 G53 1991.

Hepper, F. N. and Ib Friis. The Plants of Pehr Forsskål's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica: Collected on the Royal Danish Expedition to Egypt and the Yemen, 1761-63. [London]: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in association with the Botanical Museum, Copenhagen, 1994. Bot QK403 .H46 1994.

Osborn, Dale J. and Karl V. Krombein. Habitats, Flora, Mammals, and Wasps of Gebel `Uweinat, Libyan Desert. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1969. Main Serials QL1 .S54 no.11.

Raynaud, Christian. Les Orchidées du Maroc: Monographie, Révision Critique, Iconographie et Clés de Détermination. Paris: Société française d'orchidophilie, 1985. Bot QK495 .O64 R39 1985.

Stanfield, D. P. Grasses. [Ibadan] Ibadan University Press, 1970. Bot QK495 .G74 S72.

Täckholm, Vivi. Students’ Flora of Egypt. [Cairo]: Cairo University, 1974. Bot QK403 .T3 1974.

Vallès, Vincent and et Anne-Marie Vallès-Lombard. Orchidées de Tunisie. [Toulouse : Midi-Pyrénées, 1988]. Bot QK495 .O64 V34 1988.

Wickens, G. E. The Flora of Jebel Marra (Sudan Republic) and its Geographical Affinities. London: H.M. Stationery Off., 1976. Bot QK404 .W532.

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Agnew, Andrew D. Q. Upland Kenya Wild Flowers: A Flora of the Ferns and Herbaceous Flowering Plants of Upland Kenya. London ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1974. Bot QK402 .K4 A47.

Blundell, Michael, Sir. Collins Guide to the Wild Flowers of East Africa. London: Collins, 1987. Bot QK401 .B48 1987.

Friis, Ib, Finn N. Rasmussen and Kaj Vollesen. Studies in the Flora and Vegetation of Southwest Ethiopia. Copenhagen: Council for Nordic Publications in Botany, 1982. Bot Serials.

Haines, Richard Wheeler. and Kåre Arnstein Lye. The Sedges and Rushes of East Africa: A Flora of the Families Juncaceae and Cyperaceae in East Africa, with a Particular Reference to Uganda. Nairobi: East African Natural History Society, 1983. Bot QK495 .C997 H3 1983.

Hedberg, Inga and Sue Edwards, eds. Flora of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: National Herbarium, Biology Dept., Science Faculty, Addis Ababa University; Uppsala, Sweden: Dept. of Systematic Botany, Uppsala University, 1989-. Bot QK395 .F56 1989.

Kokwaro, J. O. Medicinal Plants of East Africa. Kampala: East African Literature Bureau, 1976. Bot RS164 .K637.

Palmer, Patricia G. and Tucker, Alice E. A Scanning Electron Microscope Survey of the Epidermis of East African Grasses. City of Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1981-1986. Bot Serials.

Thulin, Mats, ed. Flora of Somalia. [Richmond, Surrey, UK]: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1993-. Bot QK415 .F56 1993.

Turrill, W. B, ed. Flora of Tropical East Africa. London, Crown Agents for the Colonies, 1952. Bot QK401 .F46.

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