Antarctica Bibliography


California Academy of Sciences Library


Antarctica Online:  Australian Antarctic Division

Lead Agency for Australia's Antarctic program. Includes research aims and applications.


Antarctic Treaty Papers

Explore the natural history, exploration history, and political history of Antarctica.


CIA World Factbook -- Antarctica

Statistical information about the area.  To access the information, click on “Antarctica” on the left hand side of the screen.


Gateway Antarctica:  Centre for Antarctic Studies and Research


NASA's Antarctica

Excellent site for teachers, students and parents


Norbert Wu Antarctica

Includes examples of Norbert Wu's photographic documentation of Antarctica's marine and land life.


Virtual Antarctica

Lots of information available about many aspects of Antarctica.


Virtual Tour: Antarctica

What would it be like if you were actually travelling to Antarctica?  Take this virtual, including images, tour and find out.

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Antarctic Science Advisory Committee. Working Group on Research Involving Animals in the Antarctic.  Report of the ASAC Working Group on Research Involving Animals in the Antarctic.  Canberra: Australian Gov't Pub. Service, c1988.  Main REF HV4830.9 .A86 1988.


Austin, Oliver Luther.  Antarctic Bird Studies. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union of the National Academy of Sciences--National Research Council, 1968.  M&O QL695.2 .A9.


Chester, Sharon.  Antarctic Birds and Seals: A Pocket Guide. San Mateo, CA: Wandering Albatross, 1993.  M&O QL695.2 .C48 1993.


Crossley, Louise.  Explore Antarctica. New York: Cambridge University Press; Melbourne, Australia: Australian Antarctic Foundation: Australian Surveying & Land Information Group, 1995.  Main G863 .C76 1995.


Current Antarctic Literature.  Washington, D.C.: Cold Regions Bibliography Project, Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress, 1972.  Main REF Z6005 .P7 C8 G860.


Cushman Murphy, Robert.  Oceanic Birds of  South America: A Study of Species of the Related Coasts and Seas, Including the American Quadrant of Antarctica Based Upon the Brewster-Sanford Collection in the American Museum of Natural History.  New York: American Museum of Natural History, c1936.  M&O REF QL689 .A1 M88 1936.


DeWitt, Hugh H. Coastal and Deep-Water Benthic Fishes of the Antarctic. New York: American Geographical Society, 1971. Ichthy Folio QL637.2 .D48 1971.


Gorman, James. Ocean Enough and Time: Discovering the Waters around Antarctica. New York: HarperCollins, c1995.  Main GC461 .G68 1995.


Harrowfield, David L. Sledging into History. Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand: Macmillan, 1981. Main G870 .H37 1981.


Headland, Robert.  Chronological List of Antarctic Expeditions and Related Historical Events.  Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989.  Main REF G860 .H36 1989.


Hooker, Joseph Dalton.  The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of H.M. Discovery Ships Erebus and Terror in the Years 1839-1843, Under the Command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross.  London, England: Reeves Brothers, 1844-60.  Bot Folio QK5 .E74.


Kennett, James P. and Detlef Warnke, eds. The Antarctic Paleoenvironment: A Perspective on Global Change. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union, 1992-1993.  Main QE501.4 .P3 A64 1992.


Llano, George A., ed.  Antarctic Terrestrial Biology. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union, c1972.  Main Q115 .A45 v.20.


Marchant, S. and P.J. Higgins. Handbook of Australian, New Zealand & Antarctica Birds.  Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press, 1990-.  M&O QL693 .H37 1990.


National Science Foundation.  Facts about the U.S. Antarctic Program. Washington, D.C.:  Division of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation, 1990.  Main REF G877 .F32 1990.


Naveen, Ron. Waiting to Fly: My Escapades with the Penguins of Antarctica. New York: Quill, 2000. Pub QL696 .S473 N38 2000.


Peña, Martín Rodolfo de la and Maurice Rumboll. Birds of Southern South America and Antarctica. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, [2001]. M&O QL689 .A1 P46 2001.


Rothblum, Esther, eds.  Women in the Antarctic. New York: Harrington Park Press, c1998.  Main G860 .W66 1998.


Satellite Image Map of Antarctica. Reston, VA: US Geological Survey; Denver, CO: Information Services [distributor], 2000. Maps I-2560.


Stonehouse, Bernard.  Animals of the Antarctic: The Ecology of the Far South.  New York: Holt, Rinehart Winston, 1972.  Main REF QL106 .S76 1972.


A Strategy for Antarctic Conservation. Gland, Switzerland:  IUCN--The World Conservation Union, 1991.  Main QH77 .A6 S76 1991.


Timberlake, Lloyd, ed.  Conservation and Development of Antarctic Ecosystems. Gland, Switzerland: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, c1984.  Main QH77 .A6 C66 1984.


Van Mieghem, J. and P. Van Oye, eds.  Biogeography and Ecology in Antarctica.  The Hague: W. Junk, 1965.  Main  QH84.2 .B56 1965.


Watson, George E. et al.  Birds of the Antarctic and Subantarctic.  New York: American Geographical Society, 1971.  M&O QL695.2 .W38 1971.


Wilson, Edward.  Edward Wilson's Birds of the Antarctic.  New York: Humanities Press, c1968.  M&O QL695 .W55 1968.


Young, Euan. Skua and Penguin: Predator and Prey. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. M&O QL696 .C488 Y68 1994.

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Ainley, David.  The Marine Ecology of the Birds in the Ross Sea, Antarctica.  In Ornithological Monographs. Washington, D.C.: The American Ornithologists' Union, 1984.  M&O Serials.


ANARE (Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions). Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Antarctic Division, Dept. of External Affairs, 1950-.  Main Serials G845 .A8.


Antarctic Journal of the United States.  Washington, D.C.: National Science Foundation, Division of Polar Programs: Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor, 1966-.  Main Serials G845 .A57.


Antarctic Science. Oxford, England: Blackwell Scientific Publications, c1989-.  Main Serials Q127 .A48 A58.


Arntz, W.E and C.Rios, eds.  Magella-Antarctica: Ecosystems that Drifted Apart. In Scientia Marina.  Barcelona, Spain: Institut de Ciències del Mar, 1999.  Main Serials SH285 .I55 v.63 suppl.1.


Dartnall, H. J. G. and E. D. Hollowday. Antarctic Rotifers. Cambridge, England: British Antarctic Survey; [Swindon]: Natural Environment Research Council, 1985. Main Serials QH84.2 .B7 no.100.


Dawson, Elliot W.  Catalogue of Type and Figured Specimens in the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute.  Wellington, New Zealand: Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1979.  Main Serials 590.74 D272 C357 1979.


Ensor, Paul H.  The Breeding Status of Adélie Penguins and other Birds on the Coast of George V Land, Antarctica.  In Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions.  Kingston, Tasmania: Antarctic Division, Department of Science, 1987. Main Serials G845 .A56 no.50.


The Fauna of the Ross Sea.  In New England Oceanographic Institute Memoir.  Wellington, New Zealand: R.E. Owen, gov't printer, 1961-71.  Main Serials GC1 .W39 no 18 & 21.


Green, K.  Breeding Distribution and Abundance of Surface-Nesting Petrels in the Rauer Islands, East Antarctica.  In Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions.  Kingston, Tasmania: Antarctiv Division, Dept. of Science, 1986.  Main Serials G845 .A56 no. 35.


Hadley, Jarvis B., ed.  Geology and Paleontology of the Antarctic.  In Antarctic Research Series.  Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union of the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1965.  Main Serials Q115 .A45 v.6.


Harrington, Richard. Antarctic. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Northwest Pub. Co., 1976. Main Serials F901 .A42 v.3:3.


Lee, Milton O. et al., eds.  Biology of the Antarctic Seas.  In Antarctic Research Series.  Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union of the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1964-.  Main Serials Q115 .A45 v.1, etc.


Marvin, Ursula B. and Glenn J. MacPherson, eds.  Field and Laboratory Investigations of Antarctic Meteorites Collected by United States Expeditions, 1985-1987.  In Smithsonian Contributions to Earth Sciences.  Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992.  Main Serials QE1 .S6 no. 30.


Polar Geoscience. Tokyo: National Institute of Polar Research, [1998-]. Main Serials QE350 .N57.

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Bonners, Susan.  A Penguin Year.  New York: Dell, c1981.  Main Juv QL696 .S473 B66 1989.


Bramwell, Martyn.  Polar Exploration: Journeys to the Arctic and the Antarctic.  New York: DK Publishing, 1998.  Main Juv G584 .B7 1988.


Cowcher, Helen.  Antarctica.  New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1990.  Biodiv Juv G863 .C69 1990.


Johnson, Sylvia A.  Penguins.  Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co., c1981.  Main Juv QL696 .S473 J53 1981.


Miller, Patricia K.  At Home on the Ice.  New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, c1963.  Main Juv QL696 .S473 M54 1963.


Poncet, Sally. Antarctic Encounter: Destination South Georgia. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c1995. Biodiv Juv QH84.2 .P65 1995.


Pringle, Laurence P. Antarctica: The Last Unspoiled Continent. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c1992.  Main Juv G863 .P75 1992

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Icebird.  Golden Bay, New Zealand: Wild South, c1987.  Biodiv QL696 .S473 I25 1987.


The Longest Night.  Golden Bay, New Zealand: Wild South, 1992.  Biodiv Q180.6 .A62 L66 1992.


Solid Water, Liquid Rock.  Golden Bay, New Zealand: Wild South, c1993.  Biodiv QH84.2 .S64 1993.


Under the Ice.   Golden Bay, New Zealand: Wild South, 1989.  Biodiv QL126.5 .U55 1989.

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