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Aliki. Digging Up Dinosaurs. New York: T.Y. Crowell, 1988. Public Juv. QE 862.D5 A34 1988.

Anderson, Rudolph Martin. Methods of Collecting and Preserving Vertebrate Animals. Ottawa: Dept. of the Secretary of State, 1960. M&O QL 67.A43 1960.

Brothwell, Don R. Digging Up Bones. London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1963. Ref. GN70 .B76 1963.

Collection and Preservation of Animals. Calcutta: Zoological Survey of India, 1990. Main QL61 .C64 1990.

Cornwall, Ian Wolfram. Bones for the Archaeologist. London: Phoenix House, 1968. IZ&G QL 821. C6 1968.

Davidson, Alvin. Mammalian Anatomy With Special Reference to the Cat. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Sons and Co., Inc., c1937. Main QL 739. D3 1937

Dewan, Ted. Inside the Whale and Other Animals. New York: Delacorte Press, c1992. Pub. Juv. QL 806.5 .D48 1992

Hangay, George. and Michael Dingley. Biological Museum Methods. Sydney; Orlando: Academic Press, c1985. Main QH 61. H36 1985

Hildebrand, Milton. Anatomical Preparation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1968. M&O Ref. QL814 .H5 1968a

Howell, A. Brazier. Aquatic Mammals: Their Adaptations to Life in the Water. New York: Dover Publications, 1970. Main QL 739 .H68 1970

Ingles, L. Mammals of the Pacific States: California, Oregon, and Washington. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1965. Ref. QL 719 .A18 I55 1965

Kahney, Regina. The Glow-in-the-Dark Book of Animal Skeletons. New York: Random House, c1992. Pub.Juv. QL 821 .K28 1992

Knudsen, Jens W. Collecting and Preserving Plants and Animals. New York: Harper and Row, c1972. Ref. QH 61 .K67 1972

Leach, William James. Functional Anatomy of the Mammal: A guide to the dissection of the cat and an introduction to the structural and functional relationship betweeen the cat and man. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1946. Main QL 739 .L4 1946

Parker, Steve. Eye Witness Books: Skeleton. New York: Knopf, 1988. Pub. Juv. QL 821 .P2 1988

Rowe, Edward. Bone Names. Emporia, Kan.: Emporia State University, 1992. Main Serials QH51 .K36 v.38:1.

Vertebrate Paleontological Techniques. Cambridge; New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Main QE841 .V388 1994.

The Visual Dictionary of the Skeleton. London; New York: Dorling Kindersley, 1995. Pub. Juv. QL 821 .V57 1995

Wells, Morris Miller. The Collection and Preservation of Animal Forms. Chicago: General Biological Supply House, c1932. Main QL61 .W45 1932

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Dissections and Skeleton (Non-Fossil) Pages

The Articulation Page

Cat Dissection Online

Mounting Frog Skeleton

Virtual Frog Dissection Kit

Fossil Skeletons/Paleontology Pages

Collecting Fossils In California

The Fossil Page

Fossil Vertebrates at the Burke Museum


Honolulu Community College Dinosaur Exhibit

National Geographic- Dinorama

Nakasato vil. Dinosaur Kingdom (see especially Dinosaur Topics- Reconstruction)

University of California Museum of Paleontology

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