BioForum Speaker Information -- CA's Endangered Species & Biodiversity Hotspots

BioForum Speaker Information
California's Endangered Species & Biodiversity Hotspots

Saturday, October 20, 2001

California Academy of Sciences Library

Barbara Kus, Ph.D.
Research Ecologist
U.S.G.S. Western Ecological Research Center, San Diego


Barbara Kus


Life on the Edge:  California Wild, Winter 2000


San Diego Ecologist to Tell How She Gauges Threat to Streamside Birds – Kerncrest Audubon Society Newsletter


Southwest Region Ecological Services


WERC Highlights


Kus, Barbara E. “Impacts of Brown-Headed Cowbird Parasitism on Productivity of the Endangered Least Bell's Vireo.” Studies in Avian Biology 18, 18 May ,1999. 160-166. M&O Serials.


Kus, Barbara E. “Use of Restored Riparian Habitat by the Endangered Least Bell’s Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus).” Restoration Ecology 6(1), March, 1998. 75-82. Main Serials QH541.15 .R45 R515.


Zedler, Joy B., Christopher S. Nordby, and Barbara E. Kus. The Ecology of Tijuana Estuary, California: A National Estuarine Research Reserve. [Washington, D.C.: NOAA Office of Coastal Resource Management, Sanctuaries and Reserves Division], 1992. REF Wild California  QH105 .C2 Z43 1992.

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H. Bradley Shaffer, Ph.D.
Professor, Section of Evolution and Ecology and the Center for Population Biology
University of California, Davis


Faculty Teaching and Research Interests Profile


Molecular Evidence for Higher Relationships Among Turtles


Pesticides Linked to Frog Decline


University Opens “Tunnel of Love” for Salamanders


Westward Frog


Davidson, Carlos, H. Bradley Shaffer, Mark R. Jennings. “Declines of the California Red-Legged Frog: Climate, UV-B, Habitat, and Pesticides Hypotheses.” Ecological Applications 11(2), April, 2001. 464-479. Main Serials QH540 .E26.


Shaffer, H. Bradley, Gary M. Fellers, Allison Magee, and S. Randal Voss. “The Genetics of Amphibian Declines: Population Substructure and Molecular Differentiation in the Yosemite Toad, Bufo canorus (Anura, Bufonidae) Based on Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism Analysis (SSCP) and Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Data.” Molecular Ecology 9(3), March 2000. 245-257. Main Serials QH541.15 .M63 M64.


Shaffer, H. Bradley, Robert N. Fisher, and Carlos Davidson. “The Role of Natural History Collections in Documenting Species Declines.” Trends in Ecology & Evolution 13(1), January, 1998. 27-30. Main Serials QH540 .T73.


Shaffer, H. Bradley. Size and Scaling in the Indian Frogs Nyctibatrachus and Nannobatrachus (Ranidae). Chicago, IL: Field Museum of Natural History, 1988. Main Serials QL1 .F4 n.s., no.46.


Trenham, Peter C., H. Bradley Shaffer, Walter D. Koenig, and Mark R. Stromberg. “Life History and Demographic Variation in the California Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma californiense).” Copeia 2000(2), May 8, 2000. 365-377. Herp Serials.

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Michael Barbour, Ph.D.
Professor of Plant Ecology
University of California, Davis


Curriculum Vitae


Date Palm:  A to Z Science


Vernal Pools


Wildfire Sources


Barbour, Michael et al. California’s Changing Landscapes: Diversity and Conservation of California Vegetation. Sacramento, CA: California Native Plant Society, 1993. Biodiv REF QH76.5 .C2 C37 1993.


Barbour, Michael G. and others. Coastal Ecology: Bodega Head. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press [c1973]. Bot QH105 .C2 C6.


Barbour, Michael G. and William Dwight Billings, eds. North American Terrestrial Vegetation. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Main REF & Bot QK110 .N85 1988.


Barbour, Michael G., Jack H. Burk, and Wanna D. Pitts. Terrestrial Plant Ecology. Menlo Park, CA: Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., c1980. Bot QK901 .B34 1980.


Barbour, Michael G. and Jack Major, eds. Terrestrial Vegetation of California. New expanded ed. [California]: California Native Plant Society, 1988. Main, Bot, & Ref Wild California QK149 .T47 1988.

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