Warriors of the Clouds: The "Lost" Chachapoya Bibliography


California Academy of Sciences Library

Attend the Members' Lecture and Book Signing
with Speaker and Author Keith Muscutt on March 14, 2001
2:00pm and 7:30pm

World Wide Web Books


Chacha Pichu – New Discoveries in Amazonas


Great Outdoor Recreation Pages, also known as GORP, has put together an interesting page on new Archaeological discovery in the Amazon that includes information about the Chachapoya.

Expedition to Shubet Mountain, Peru: Chachapoya Region


Follow an expedition to the Chachapoyas region of the Andes in Peru and view photographs of this beautiful and awe-inspiring place.

Keith Muscutt’s Home Page and the Virtual Domain of the Chachapoya


This is Keith Muscutt’s official page for his book, and it provides more information about both him and his work. Photographs from the book are available for viewing, along with related links.

Lost Tombs of Peru


Enjoy an excerpt from a National Geographic article on the lost tombs, and, if you desire, view the entire September, 2000 article in the Academy Library.

Mummies in the Mist – Discovery Channel Online


Enjoy Mummies in the Mist, an online companion to the documentary that can be seen on the Discovery Channel. Sound and images are included.

New Book Brings Story Of Andes Cloud Warriors To Earth


The University of California at Santa Cruz printed an article about Muscutt and his book in November, 1998. You can read the text of the article at the link above.

Peruvian Archaeology Radiography: 2000 Season in Lemebamba, Amazonias, Peru


You can view Chachapoya mummy photographs at this site from the University of Arkansas.

Tombs with a View


Read the abstract of an article published in Archaeology in March/April 1998 about the discovery of the Chachapoya mummies at this web site.

Xpedition to the Source


Intact Chachapoya tombs were discovered by a Dutch expedition in 1999. Read about their discovery at this web site.

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Gennino, Angela. Amazonia, Voices From the Rainforest. San Francisco: Rainforest Action Network, 1990. Biodiv GF532 .A4 A422 1990.

Goulding, Michael. Amazon: The Flooded Forest. London: BBC Books, 1989. Biodiv QH112 .G68 1989.

Hamilton, Jean. Tropical Rainforests. San Luis Obispo, CA: Blake Pub., 1990. Biodiv QH541.5 .R27 H35 1990.

Hamilton, Lawrence S. A Campaign for Cloud Forests: Unique and Valuable Ecosystems at Risk. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN--The World Conservation Union, 1995. Biodiv & Biodiv REF QH541.5 .C63 H35 1995.

Kolb, Charles C. Ceramics in Archaeological Cultures in South America. Greeley, CO: Museum of Anthropology, University of Northern Colorado, 1987. Main GN799 .P6 C47 1987.

Lanning, Edward P. Peru Before the Incas. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall c1967. Main F3429 .L36 1967.

Matthiessen, Peter. The Cloud Forest: A Chronicle of the South American Wilderness. New York: Viking Press, 1961. Main F2224 .M35 1961.

McIntrye, Loren. Amazonia. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1991. Biodiv F2546.M35 1991.

Roosevelt, Anna, ed. Amazonian Indians from Prehistory to the Present: Anthropological Perspectives. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, c1994. Main F2519.1 .A6 A465 1994.

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All materials with call numbers Pub, Pub Juv, Biodiv, or Biodiv Juv are available for loan to Academy members.






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