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Centre for Science and Environment

According to the organization’s motto they promote democracy and sustainability. The site features their fortnightly publication and information about their environmental campaigns.

Conservation International

Conservation International tries to preserve and increase awareness of the world’s endangered biodiversity. This site includes information about where and how they work on their mission, and how you can help.

Dive In To Earth Day: 2002

Dive In To Earth Day events allow participants to celebrate the Earth and have fun while raising awareness and taking action to protect our coral reefs, oceans, lakes, rivers, and beaches.

Earth Day at Kids Domain

A website for children to learn about the importance of Earth Day.

Earth Day Energy Fast

This site wants you to make a real difference on Earth Day by not making it just a free concert in the park, but by using less, or no, man made energy for the day. It includes information on taking action, conservation, Earth Day, and the Energy Fast project.

Earth Day Groceries Project, 2002

Looking for a unique way to get your school or your child’s school involved in Earth Day? This project, started in 1999, has children decorating paper grocery sacks to increase awareness of Earth Day and environmental issues.

Earth Day History & Founder’s Message

Read a message from former United States Senator Gaylord Nelson about how, when, and why Earth Day was founded. The site is maintained by the Wilderness Society.

Earth Day Network

The Earth Day Network was started by the original founders of Earth Day. The site features information about the Network, the goals of Earth Day, events, and environmental news from Grist Magazine.

Earth Day 2002

The Environmental Protection Agency has separated its Earth Day information into regions, and region 9 includes California. As well as listing events, the site provides links to everything from an EPA coloring book to outside links from a variety of sources.

Earth Day 2002 Events

This listing is meant to be comprehensive for all Earth Day events occurring in 2001, regardless of size, geographic location or organizational affiliation.

Earth Day Page at Planetpals

A complete listing of Earth Day activities, teaching aids, earth science and history on Planetpals for grown ups and kids.

Earth Site

John McConnell, one of the founders of Earth Day, is very involved in this page. It includes Earth Day History and ways that you can be an Earth Trustee and help the environment.

EnviroLink Network

Network for Change is currently developing this website in partnership with the EnviroLink Network and the Animal Concerns Community as a comprehensive resource for individuals, organizations and businesses working for social and environmental change.

Nature Conservancy

The mission of the Nature Conservancy is to preserve the natural communities that allow for the great diversity of life on Earth. The site offers information about the organization, environmental news, conservation science, and much more.

Official International Earth Day Site

John McConnell is also involved in this site, which looks at Earth Day around the world and concentrates on what an individual can do to help out the Earth.

Population (United Nations)

The United Nations Population Division is dedicated to studying population growth and demographics. The more people that live on the Earth, the more effect they have on it, and how humans affect the Earth is a main focus of Earth Day. The site includes everything from population trends to wall charts dealing with aging trends.

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources are something that people should be thinking of on Earth Day, and here's a web site devoted to that information.

San Francisco Bay Area

The Bay Area’s Environmental Resource.

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2001 State of the Beach. San Clemente, CA: Surfrider Foundation, 2001. Main QH541.5 .C65 A14 2001.

Alder, Robert W., Jessica C. Landman and Diane M.Cameron. The Clean Water Act 20 Years Later. Washington D.C.: Island Press, 1993. Biodiv TD223 .A4 1993.

Anton, Danilo J. Diversity, Globalization, and the Ways of Nature. Ottawa, Canada: International Development Research Centre, 1995. Main GE140 .A58 1995.

Balachandran, Sarojini, ed. Encyclopedia of Environmental Information Sources: A Subject Guide to About 34,000 Print and Other Sources of Information on All Aspects of the Environment. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1993. Biodiv REF GE20 .D52 1993.

Banerjee, Brojendra Nath. Can the Gaga Be Cleaned? New Delhi, India: D.K. Publishers Distributors, 1989. Main TD304 .G36 B36 1989.

Barker, Jerry R. and David T. Tingey. Air Pollution Effects on Biodiversity. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992. Main QH545 .A3 A38 1992.

Barth, Carole Ann. A Citizen’s Guide to Clean Water. Arlington, VA: The Isaak Walton League of America, 1990. Main TD420 .B37 1990.

Basta, Nicholas. The Environmental Career Guide: Job Opportunities with the Earth in Mind. New York: Wiley, 1991. Main TD170 .B38 1991.

Berberet, William G. Earth Day and Environmental Education: Retrospect and Prospect. Madison, WI: Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998. Main S946 .B47 1988.

Berger, John J. Restoring the Earth. New York: Alfred Knopf, 1986. Biodiv TD171 .B47 1986.

Beyond the Green: Redefining and Diversifying the Environmental Movement. Boston, MA: The Environmental Careers Organization, 1992. Biodiv GE195 .B49 1992.

Braus, Judy. Environmental Education in the Schools: Creating a Program that Works. Washington, D.C: North American Association for Environmental Education, 1994. Biodiv GE77 .B72 1994.

Birck, Philip, Donald Snow, and Sarah Van de Wetering, eds. Across the Great Divide: Explorations in Collaborative Conservation and the American West. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, c2001. Pub GE198 .W47 A27 2001.

Brower, David Ross. For Earth’s Sake: The Life and Times of David Brower. Salt Lake City UT: Peregrine Smith Books, 1990. Pub QH31 .B859 A3 1990.

Brower, Michael and Warren Leon. The Consumer’s Guide to Effective Environmental Choices: Practical Advice from the Union of Concerned Scientists. New York: Three Rivers Press, 1999. Biodiv HF5415.33 .U6 B76 1999.

Brown, Lester Russell. Saving the Planet: How to Shape an Environmentally Sustainable Global Economy. New York: W. W. Norton, 1991. Biodiv HD75.6 .B76 1991.

Brown, Lester Russell, Michael Renner and Christopher Flavin. Vital Signs 1998: The Environmental Trends That Are Shaping our Future. New York: Norton, 1998. Biodiv REF HC79 .E5 B76 1998.

Butzow, Carol M. Exploring the Environment Through Children’s Literature: An Integrated Approach. Englewood, CO: Teacher Ideas Press, 1999. Pub GE70 .B88 1999.

California Environmental Technologies and Services Directory. Sacramento, CA: California Environmental Protection Agency, Dept. of Toxic Substances Control, Pollution Prevention and Technology Development [and] California Trade and Commerce Agency, 1994. Biodiv REF TD12 .C34 1994.

Can Manufacturers Institute. Aluminum Beverage Cans: The ABCs of Environmental Education: The Great Aluminum Can Roundup. Washington, D.C.: North American Association for Environmental Education, 1997. Biodiv TD794.5 .A48 1997.

Cecil, Nancy Lee. Developing Environmental Awareness Through Children’s Literature. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 1996. Biodiv GE105 .C43 1966.

Chase, Jayni. Blueprint for a Green School. New York: Scholastic, 1995. Biodiv & Biodiv REF GE70 .C48 1995.

Cowling, Ellis B. Pollutants in the Air and Acids in the Rain. Berkeley, CA: University of California, College of Natural Resources, Department of Forestry and Resource Management, 1986. Main S900 .H67 no. 25.

Cunningham, William P. Environmental Encyclopedia. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1994. Biodiv REF GE10 .E58 1994.

Education & Recycling: Educator’s Waste Management Resource & Activity Guide. Sacramento, CA: Calif. Dept. of Conservation, Division of Recycling, 1992; 1994. Biodiv REF TD 794.5 .E38 1992 and 1994.

The Environmental Impact of the Car. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Greenpeace International, 1991. Biodiv REF QH545 .A9 E58 1991.

Environmental Subject Descriptor. Nepal: National Conservation Strategy Implementation Programme, National Planning Commission, HMG Nepal, in collaboration with IUCN [The World Conservation Union], 1990. Main Z695.1 .E62 E58 1990.

Education for the Earth: A Guide to Top Environmental Studies Programs. Princeton, NJ: Peterson’s Guides, l993. Biodiv REF GE80 .G33 1993.

Ellis, Brian. Learning from the Land: Teaching Ecology Through Stories and Activities. Englewood, CO: Teacher Ideas Press, 1997. Biodiv GE77 .E45 1997.

Fifteen Simple Things Californians Can Do To Recycle. Berkeley, CA: Earth Works Press, 1991. Biodiv TD794.5 .A18 1991.

Gershon, David and Robert Gilman. Household Ecoteam Workbook: A Six-month Program to Bring Your Household Into Environmental Balance. Woodstock, NY: Global Action Plan for the Earth, l990, l991, 1992. Biodiv TD171.7 .G47 1992.

Going, Going-- America's 10 Most Endangered Wildlands. Washington, D.C.: Wilderness Society, 1998. Biodiv QH76 .G64 1998.

Grossman, Warren. To Be Healed by the Earth. Cleveland, OH: Institute of Light, c1998. Pub R723 .G76 1998.

The Guide to Graduate Environmental Programs. Washington, D.C: Island Press, 1997. Biodiv REF GE80 .G85 1997.

Hancock, Paul L. and Brian K. Skinner, eds. Oxford Companion to the Earth. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Main REF QE5 .O94 2000.

Harte, John. Consider a Spherical Cow: A Course in Environmental Problem Solving. Los Altos, CA: W. Kaufmann, l985. Pub GE45 .M37 H37 l985.

Herriott, Joy A. and Betty G. Herrin. Summer Opportunities in Marine and Environmental Science: A Students’ Guide to Jobs, Internships and Study, Camp and Travel Programs for High School and College Students. Concord, MA: J.A. Herriott, B.G. Herrin, 1994. Biodiv REF GC3l .H47 1994.

Hutchison, David C. Growing Up Green: Education for Ecological Renewal. New York: Teachers College Press, 1998. Biodiv GE70 .H87 1998.

Ingram, Mrill and Amy Kelly. Bottle Biology: An Idea Book for Exploring the World through Plastic Bottles and Other Recyclable Materials. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, 1993. Biodiv QH316.5 .I54 1993.

Irving, Marilyn M. Environmental Resource Packet: A Hands-On Approach for Primary/Middle School Teachers. Holly Hill, NC: R & M Publishing Co., 1994. Pub GE77 .I78 1994.

Kneen, Brewster. Farmaggeddon: Food and the Culture of Biotechnology. Gabriola Island, B.C.: New Society, 1999. Biodiv TP248.65 .F66 K53 1999.

Lange, Manfred, Andrea Koch-Kraft, and Dirk Olber, eds. Global Change: Our World in Transition. Bonn, Switzerland: Federal Ministry for Research and Technology, Public Relations Division, 1991. Biodiv REF QE501.3 .G55 1991.

Lappe, Marc and Britt Bailey. Against the Grain: Biotechnology and the Corporate Takeover of Your Food. Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press, c1998. Pub S494.5 .B563 L37 1998.

Levine, Shar and Allison Grafton. Projects for a Healthy Planet: Simple EnvironmentalExperiments for Kids. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1992. Biodiv TD171.7 .L48

Lingelbach, Jenepher. Hands-On Nature. Woodstock, VT: Vermont Institute of Natural Science, 1986. Biodiv QH51 .L56 1986.

Magilavy, Beryl. Sustainable City Recycled Products Guide. San Francisco, CA: Sustainable City, 1993. Biodiv & Biodiv REF HD9975 .U63 S26 1993.

Meredith, Robert W. The Environmentalist’s Bookshelf: A Guide to the Best Books. New York: Maxwell MacMillan International, 1993. Biodiv REF GE105 .M47, 1993.

Michener, William K., James W. Brunt, and Susan G. Stafford, eds. Environmental Information Management and Analysis: Ecosystem to Global Scales. Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis, 1994. Main GE30 .E57 1994.

Mittermeier, Russel A., Norman Myers, and Cristina Goettsch Mittermeier. Hotspots: Earth's Biologically Richest and Most Endangered Terrestrial Ecoregions. Washington, D.C.: Conservation International, c1999. Biodiv REF QH75 .M57 1999.

Myers, Norman and Julian Simon. Scarcity or Abundance? A Debate on the Environment. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1994. Pub GE40 .M94 1994.

Myers, Norman. Ultimate Security: The Environmental Basis of Political Stability. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1996. Biodiv GE180 .M94 1996.

Myers, Norman. The Wild Supermarket: The Importance of Biological Diversity to Food Security. Gland, Switzerland: WWF, 1990. Biodiv QH75.A1 W44 1990.

Nebel, Bernard J. Environmental Science: The Way the World Works. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1990. Biodiv REF QH541 .N39 1990.

Philander, S. George. Is the Temperature Rising?: The Uncertain Science of Global Warming. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998. Pub QC 981.8 .G56 P48 1998.

Rathje, William and Cullen Murphy. Rubbish! The Archaeology of Garbage. New York: Harper Collins, 1992. Biodiv TD793.3 .R38 1992.

The Recycler’s Handbook. Berkeley, CA: Earth Works Press, 1990. Biodiv TD794.5 .R395 1990.

Renner, Michael. Jobs in a Sustainable Economy. Washington, D.C.: Worldwatch Institute. 1991. Biodiv HC106.8 .R463 1991.

Rittner, Don. Ecolinking: Everyone’s Guide to Online Environmental Information. Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press, 1992. Biodiv TD169.5 .R57 1992.

Roa, Michael L. Environmental Science Activities Kit. Nyack, NY: Center for Applied Research in Education, 1993. Pub GE77 .R63 1992.

Rodes, Barbara K and Rice Odell. A Dictionary of Environmental Quotations. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992. Biodiv REF PN6084 .N2 D53 1992.

Rohwedder, W.J. , Ed. Computer-Aided Environmental Education. Troy, OH: North American Association for Environmental Education, 1990. Biodiv GE70 .C65 1990.

Russell, Helen Ross. Ten-Minute Field Trips: A Teacher’s Guid to Using the School Grounds for Environmental Studies. Washington, D.C.: National Science Teachers Association, 1990. Biodiv QH54.5 .R78 1990.

Saving Our Planet: Challenges and Hopes. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme, 1992. Main GE140 .S28 1992.

Schneiderman, Jill S., ed. The Earth Around Us: Maintaining a Liveable Planet. New York: W.H. Freeman, 2000. Pub GE105 .E16 2000.

Schupp, Jonathan F. Environmental Guide to the Internet. Rockville, MD: Government Institutes, 1995. Biodiv REF GE32 .S38 1995.

Sharp, Bill. The New Complete Guide to Environmental Careers. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, l993. Biodiv REF GE60 .S48 1993.

Sheehan, Kathryn. Earth Child 2000: Earth Science for Young Children: Games, Stories, Activities, and Experiments. Tulsa, OK: Council Oaks Books, 1998. Biodiv GE77 .S53 19998.

Shinkle, Jill. Fresh Water Guardians: Defending Our Prescious Supply. Santa Barbara, CA: California Aquatic Science Education Consortium, 1995. Biodiv TD419 .S54 1995.

Shiva, Vandana. Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge. Boston, MA: South End Press, c1997. Pub K1519 .B54 S53 1997.

Shiva, Vandana. Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, c2000. Pub HD9000.5 .S454 2000.

Snow, Donald, ed. Voices from the Environmental Movement: Perspectives for a New Era. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1992. Biodiv GE197 .V65 1992.

Snyder, Kai and Mary Cadenasso. Action Packet: A Directory for Environmental Action. Berkeley, CA: Conservation and Resource Studies Dept., UC Berkeley, 1990. Biodiv TD171.7 .S69 1990.

Soltzberg, Leonard J. The Dynamic Environment: Computer Models to Accompany Consider a Spherical Cow. Sausalito, CA: University Science Books, 1996. Pub GE45 .M37 S64 1996.

Steffan, Will and Peter Tyson, eds. Global Change and the Earth System: A Planet Under Pressure. Stockholm, Sweden: International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, c2001. Mailliard Serials QC903 .I32 no. 4.

Suzuki, David T. and Amanda McConnell. The Sacred Balance: Rediscovering our Place in Nature. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1998. Pub GF21 .S87 1998.

Thesaurus of Environmental Terms. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme, 1990. REF Desk Z695.1 .E62 T48, 1990.

Thomashow, Mitchell. Ecological Identity: Becoming a Reflective Environmentalist. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995. Biodiv GE195 .T48 1995.

UNEP, World Conservation Monitoring Centre; B. Groombridge and M. D. Jenkins. Global Biodiversity: Earth's Living Resources in the 21st Century. Cambridge, UK: World Conservation Press, c2000. Main QH541.15 .B56 G76 2000.

Wasserman, Pamela. Earth Matters. Washington, D.C.: ZPG, 1991. Pub GE77 .W37 1991.

Weinstein, Miriam. Making a Difference College Guide: Outstanding Colleges to Help Your Make a Better World. San Rafael, CA: SageWorks Press, 1995. Biodiv L901 .W45 1995.

World Resources Institute. The 1994 Information Please Environmental Almanac. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1994. Biodiv & Biodiv REF GF1 .A15 1994.

Young Action for the Future. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme, 1988. Biodiv GE77 .Y68 1988.

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Amos, Janine. Pollution. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn, 1993. Biodiv Juv TD176 .A56 1993.

Amos, Janine. Waste and Recycling. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn, 1992. Biodiv Juv TD792 .A56 l993.

Bennett, Paul. Earth, The Incredible Recycling Machine. New York: Thomson Learning, 1993. Biodiv Juv QH344 .B46 1993.

Bellamy, David. Tomorrow’s Earth: A Squeaky-Green Guide. Philadelphia, PA: Courage Books, 1992. Biodiv Juv TD171.7 .8454 1992.

Brown, Laurie Krasny and Marc Brown. Dinosaurs to the Rescue! A Guide to Protecting Our Planet. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 1992. Biodiv Juv TD171.7 .876 1992.

Collinson, Alan. Pollution: Repairing the Damage. New York, NY: New Discovery Books, 1991. Biodiv Juv TD176 .C65, l992.

Earthworks Group. 50 Cosas Que los Ninos Pueden Hacer para Salvar la Tierra. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Emece Editores, S.A., 1991. Biodiv Juv 171.7 .A1618, 1991.

Fifty Simple Things Kids Can do to Recycle. Berkeley, CA: Earth Works Press, 1994. Biodiv Juv TD794.5 .F54 1994.

Fine, John Christopher. Oceans in Peril. New York: Atheneum, 1987. Biodiv Juv & Biodiv GC1085 .F56 1987.

Hare, Tony. Los Residuos Domisticos. Madrid: Ediciones SM, 1992. Biodiv Juv TD792 .H3718 1992.

Holmes, Anita. I Can Save the Earth: A Kid’s Handbook for Keeping Earth Healthy and Green. New York, NY: Julian Messner, 1993. Biodiv Juv TD171.7 .H65 l993.

Howson, John. Young Person’s Guide to the Environment: Practical Ways of Making a Difference. London: Souvenir Press, l995. Biodiv Juv GE115 .H68 l995.

Leedy, Loreen. The Great Trash Bash. New York: Holiday House, 1991. Biodiv Juv TD794.5 .L43 1991.

Lowery, Linda. Earth Day. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, 1991. Biodiv Juv HC110 .E5 L69 1991.

Ransford, Sandy. Global Warning: A Pop-Up Book of our Endangered Planet. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1992. Biodiv Juv GE140.5 .R36 1992.

Stwertka, Eve. Cleaning Up: How Trash Becomes Treasure. New York, NY: Julian Messner, 1993. Biodiv Juv TD792 .S84 1993.

Sussman, Art. Dr. Art’s Guide to Planet Earth: For Earthlings Ages 12 to 120. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Pub. Co., 2000. Biodiv Juv GE115 .S86 2000.

Zak, Monica. Save My Rainforest. Volcano, CA: Volcano Press, 1992. Biodiv Juv SD 418.3 .M6 Z3513 1992.

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I Need the Earth and the Earth Needs Me. Detroit, MI: General Motors Photographic, 1990. (19 min.) Biodiv TD 170.15.12 1990.

Introduction to Our Global Environment. Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute, 1994. (10 min.) Biodiv GE140 .I57 1994.

Ozone: Cancer of the Sky. Oakland, CA: Video Project, 1993. (40 min.) Biodiv QC879.7 .O96 1993.

Re-use It or Lose It. Palo Alto, CA: Global Vision, 1991. (29 min.) Biodiv TD79.5. R48 1991.

Recycling is Fun! Oley, PA: Bullfrog Films, 1991. (12 min.) Biodiv TD794.5 .R42 1991.

Save Our Planet. New York, NY: Bennu Productions 1990. (26 min.) Biodiv QC879.7 .S38 1990.

Trashing the Oceans. Capitol Height, MD: National Audiovisual Center, 1988. (8 min.) Biodiv QH90.8 .P8 T73 1988.

The Water in Our Backyard. Ben Lomond, CA: Rainbow Video & Film Production, 1996. (27 min.) Biodiv TD420 .W38 1996.

We All Live Downstream. Oakland: Greenpeace, USA, The Video Project, 1990. (29 min.) Biodiv GE155 .M72 W4 1990.

Yakety Yak: Take It Back. Burbank, CA: Take It Back Foundation, 1991. (45 min.) Biodiv TD794.5 .T35 1991.

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