California Academy of Sciences Library


CAS Sites

Aquarium Bibliography



Between the Tides Bibliography



Pacific Beach Wrack Bibliography



San Francisco Bay Marine Invertebrates Bibliography



General Sites

Algae: The Forgotten Treasure of Tidepools

Created by the biology department at Sonoma State University, this site includes a comprehensive gallery of green, brown and red algae.


Biodiversity of the Rocky Intertidal in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary: A 24 Year Comparison

This website details the efforts of a new generation of students repeating a survey conducted after the blowout of an oil platform.  Excellent photographs of intertidal plants and invertebrates.


Cabrillo Tidepool Study

This website details a four-week unit designed for students at the fifth-grade level. It covers many life science topics including ecosystems, adaptation, life-cycle, the food web and conservation.


Claudia E. Mill’s Independent Research Website

The site describes the on-going rapid assessment surveys of non-native species in the San Francisco Bay, Puget Sound, Willapa Bay and Washington’s Olympic Coast.


Intertidal Life in the Pacific Northwest

Contains information about intertidal life in the Pacific Northwest.  Brief description of the various tidal zones along with extensive lists of the plants and animals residing in the corresponding zone and details about each organism. Best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer.


Intertidal Zone, Tide Pool, and Creature Internet Sites

Link to a variety of web sites about tide pool life.


The Marine Science Institute’s “San Francisco Bay Ecology” Website

Detailed descriptions of the various invertebrates and other creatures--fish, mammals, birds--found in the San Francisco Bay.  The website includes an elementary discussion of what an invertebrate is, along with the basic classifications of invertebrate groups.


Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary – Rocky Intertidal Habitats

Topics include biological diversity, distribution patterns of species across tidal zones, temporal variability and resource management.


Nancy Sefton’s Coastal Journey Through the Northwest Intertidal Zone

Educational tutorial of a journey through a Northwest intertidal zone.  Explore life along a rocky shore, its diversity, and challenges.  Clearly intended for a younger audience.


Northwest Coast Rocky Intertidal Zonation

Includes a list of the characteristic organisms of each of the four tidal zones on the Oregon coast, complete with pictures and detailed information for each organism such as scientific name, size and habitat range.


Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Website

Website profiles the four major intertidal zones and the various organisms that can be found in each, along with excellent pictures of the animals particular to the Olympic Coast.


Tidepool Treasures

This site was created by Oakland Unified School District middle school students.  It includes information on planning and executing field trips around the Bay Area.  The tidepool field guide with pictures and information on various Bay Area species is particularly helpful.


U.S. Geological Survey Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Biological Study

A lengthy executive summary of a case study of the biological invasions of San Francisco Bay and the Delta completed in 1995.  Contains lengthy details of non-native plants, protozoans, invertebrates and vertebrates, as well as the potential ecological impacts of these introductions.


Virtual Tide Pool

This wonderful educational resource includes a list of intertidal species, a virtual tidepool tour and suggestions for a field trip to the Monterey Bay in Northern California.

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Abbott, Donald Putnam. Observing Marine Invertebrates: Drawings from the Laboratory. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1987.  Main REF QL155 .A24 1987.


Allen, Richard K. Common Intertidal Invertebrates of Southern California. Palo Alto, CA: Peek Publications, 1969.  IZ&G QL362 .A44.


Aplin, J.A. Biological Survey of San Francisco Bay, 1963-1966.  Menlo Park, CA: Marine Resources Operations Laboratory, 1967.  Main & S.A.QL164 .A64 1967.


Berzins, Ilze Kristine. The Dynamics of Beach Wrack Invertebrate Communities: An Evaluation of Habitat Use Patterns. Berkeley, CA: University of California, Berkeley, 1985.  Main QH541.5 .S35 B47 1985.


Blecha, J.B. et al. Life History and Ecology of 21 Central California Nearshore Marine Species. Berkeley, CA: TERA Corporation, 1981.  Ichthy QH541.5 .S3 L53 1981.


Brusca, Richard C. Common Intertidal Invertebrates of the Gulf of California. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1980.  IZ&G Wet Lab QL225 .B78 1980.


Brusca, Richard C. A Handbook to the Common Intertidal Invertebrates of the Gulf of California. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1973.  Main, Main REF, & IZ&G QL225 .B78 1973.


Carefoot, Thomas H. Pacific Seashores: A Guide to Intertidal Ecology. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1977.  S.A. QH95.3 .C37.


Carlton, James T. History, Biogeography, and Ecology of the Introduced Marine and Estuarine Invertebrates of the Pacific Coast of North America. Davis, CA: University of California, Davis, 1979.  IZ&G QL362 .C35 1979 v.1 & 2.


Chelazzi, Guido and Marco Vannini. Behavioral Adaptation to Intertidal Life. New York: Plenum Press, 1988.  IZ&G QL121 .N27 1987.


Connor, Judith. Seashore Life on Rocky Coasts. Monterey, CA: Monterey Bay Aquarium, 1993.  REF Wild California QL122.2 .C655 1993.


Ferguson, Ava. Intertidal Plants and Animals of the Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve, Monterey County, California. Santa Cruz, CA: Center for Marine Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1984.  Main & Main REF QH541.5 .S35 I57 1984.


Fitch, John E. and Robert J. Lavenberg. Tidepool and Nearshore Fishes of California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1975.  Pub, Ichthy, & REF Wild California QL628 .C2 F53.


Floyd, Kenneth W. and Curtis L. Newcombe. Growth of Intertidal Marsh Plants on Dredge Material Substrate. Richmond, CA: Point San Pablo Laboratory, San Francisco Bay Marine Research Center, 1976.  Bot QK938 .M3 F56 1976.


Foster, Michael S. Causes of Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Rocky Intertidal Communities of Central and Northern California.  Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences; no. 9. San Francisco, CA: California Academy of Sciences, 1988.  Main Serials & REF CAS Pubs. Q11 .C26 no.9.


Foster, Michael S. Annotated Bibliography: Rocky Intertidal Communities of Central and Northern California. Santa Cruz, CA: Kinnetic Laboratories, Inc., 1987.  REF Wild California QH91.8 .L5 A55 1987.


Giese, Arthur C. and John S. Pearse, eds. Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates. New York: Academic Press, 1974.  IZ&G QL364.15 .G43 1974 v. 1-5.


Gordon, David G. A Natural History of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Monterey, CA: Monterey Bay Aquarium, 1999.  REF Wild California QH91.75 .U6 N38 1999.


Gotshall, Daniel. Guide to Marine Invertebrates: Alaska to Baja California. Monterey, CA: Sea Challengers, 1994.  IZ&G QL138 .G67 1994.


Gotshall, Daniel and Laurence L. Laurent. Pacific Coast Subtidal Marine Invertebrates: A Fishwatcher's Guide. Los Osos, CA: Sea Challengers, 1979.  IZ&G QL138 .G685.


Griffith, Lela M. The Intertidal Univalves of British Columbia. Victoria, Canada: British Columbia Provincial Museum, 1967.  Main QL430.4 .G74 1967.


Hedgepeth, Joel Walker. San Francisco Bay Estuarine Circulation and Productivity of the Estuary for Striped Bass and Other Species.  Sausalito, CA: The Bay Institute of San Francisco, 1987.  Main QH541.5 .E8 H43 1987.


Hedgepeth, Joel Walker. Introduction to Seashore Life of the San Francisco Bay Region and the Coast of Northern California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1962.  Pub QH95.7 .H43.


Horn, Michael H., Karen L.M. Martin and Michael A. Chotkowski. Intertidal Fishes: Life in Two Worlds. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1999.  Ichthy QL620.6 .I58 1999.


Jensen, Gregory C. Pacific Coast Crabs and Shrimps. Monterey, CA: Sea Challengers, 1995.  IZ&G Wet Lab & Main REF QL444 .M33 J46 1995.


Johnson, Myrtle Elizabeth and Harry James Snook. Seashore Animals of the Pacific Coast. New York: Dover Publications, 1967.  Pub, REF Wild California, & S.A. QL138 .J6 1967.


Kozloff, Eugene N. Seashore Life of the Northern Pacific Coast: An Illustrated Guide to Northern California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1983.  Pub QH104.5 .N6 K7 1983.


Lee, Gregory. Whale Watching & Tidepools: A Guide to California Marine Life. Frederick, CO: Renaissance House, 1992.  REF Wild California QL164 .L43 1992.


Light, Sol Felty. Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast: S.F. Light's "Laboratory and Field Text in Invertebrate Zoology". Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1954.  Main & S.A. QL362 .L5 1954.


Light, Sol Felty. Light's Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1975.  IZ&G, REF Wild California, & S.A. QL164 .L53 1975.


Luke, Spencer R. Catalog of the Benthic Invertebrate Collections of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. La Jolla, CA: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, 1977.  IZ&G & Main 551.46 C153S, no.77-9, etc., v.1-3.


McEdward, Larry R. Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1995.  IZ&G QL364.18 .E36 1995.


McConnaughey, Bayard Harlow. Pacific Coast. The Audubon Society Nature Guides. New York: Knopf, 1985.  REF Wild California QH104.5 .P32 M37 1985.


Meinkoth, Norman August. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Seashore Creatures. New York: A.A. Knopf; New York: Distributed by Random House, 1981.  S.A. QL151 .M44 1981.


Morris, Robert H., Donald P. Abbott and Eugene C. Haderlie. Intertidal Invertebrates of California. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1980.  IZ&G, REF Wild California, & S.A.QL164 .M67.


Newell, Richard Charles. Biology of Intertidal Animals. New York: American Elsevier Pub. Co., 1970. S.A. QL121 .N4.


Nybakken, James Willard. Invertebrate Megafauna Collected from the Proposed U.S. Navy Ocean Disposal Site as Determined from Beam and Otter Trawls and Camera Sled Samples. Moss Landing, CA: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, 1992.  IZ&G QL365.56 .A1 I58 1992.


Palmer, John D. The Biological Rhythms and Clocks of Intertidal Animals. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.  IZ&G QL121 .P343 1995.


Quayle, D. B. The Intertidal Bivalves of British Columbia. Victoria, Canada: British Columbia Provincial Museum, 1960.  Main QL430.6 .Q39 1960.


Raffaelli, Dave G. and Stephen Hawkins. Intertidal Ecology. New York: Chapman & Hall, 1996.  Pub QH541.5 .S35 R34 1996.


Ricketts, Edward Flanders. Between Pacific Tides. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1985. Pub & Main REF QL138 .R5 1985.


Roth, Barry. Late Cenozoic Marine Invertebrates from Northwest California and Southwest Oregon. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms, 1980.  IZ&G QE801 .R68 pt.1 & pt.2 .


Schultz, George A. How to Know the Marine Isopod Crustaceans. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown Co., 1969. IZ&G, Main, & Main REF QL444 .M34 S38.


Settlement and Metamorphosis of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. New York: Elsevier, 1978.  IZ&G QL363.5 .S95 1977.


Stancyk, Stephen E. Reproductive Ecology of Marine Invertebrates. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press,1979. Main QL364.15 .R46.


Stephenson, Thomas Alan. Life Between Tidemarks on Rocky Shores. San Francisco, CA: W. H. Freeman, 1972.  Main QH541.5 .S35 S78.


Stewart, Joan G. Marine Algae and Seagrasses of San Diego County: A Handbook of Benthic Marine Plants from Intertidal and Subtidal Sites Between the U.S.-Mexican Border and Orange County, California. La Jolla, CA: California Sea Grant College, University of California, 1991.  Bot QK571.5 .C2 S73 1991.


Strathmann, Megumi F. Reproduction and Development of Marine Invertebrates of the Northern Pacific Coast: Data and Methods for the Study of Eggs, Embryos, and Larvae. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1987.  IZ&G QL155 .S77 1987.


Study of the Rocky Intertidal Communities of Central and Northern California: Year I. Los Angeles, CA: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Pacific OCS Region, 1986.  Main QH105 .C2 S78 1986.


Study of the Rocky Intertidal Communities of Central and Northern California: Year II. Los Angeles, CA: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Pacific OCS Region, 1988.  Main QH105 .C2 S78 1988.


Study of the Rocky Intertidal Communities of Central and Northern California: Years III & IV. Los Angeles, CA: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Pacific OCS Region, 1990.  Main QH105 .C2 S78 1990.


Tieger, Margaret. Tidepool Tank Handbook. San Francisco, CA: California Academy of Sciences, 1982.  REF CAS Pubs. & S.A. Q11 .C3628 1982.


Wertheim, Anne. The Intertidal Wilderness. San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Books, 1984.  Main & S.A. QH95.3 .W47 1984.


White, Richard. The Intertidal Zonation of Marine Life Near Albion. Mendocino, CA: Mendocino Academy of Science, 1987.  Main Serials Q11 .O25 no. 47.


White, Richard. Seashells of Albion: The Bivalves; Also, Life in a Mussel Bed. Mendocino, CA: Mendocino Academy of Science, 1993.  Main Serials Q11 .O25 no.54.


Wilson, Jr., W. Herbert, Stephen A. Stricker, and George L. Shinn. Reproduction and Development of Marine Invertebrates. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.  IZ&G QL364.15 .R43 1994.


Wrobel, David and Claudia Mills. Pacific Coast Pelagic Invertebrates: A Guide to the Common Gelatinous Animals. Monterey, CA: Sea Challengers: Monterey Bay Aquarium, 1998.  IZ&G & REF Wild California QL365.4 .P33 W76 1998.

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Bellamy, David J. The Rock Pool. New York: C.N. Potter: Distributed by Crown, 1988.  Pub Juv QH541.5 .S35 B44 1988.


Foreman, Michael. One World. New York: Arcade Pub., 1991.  Pub Juv PZ7 .F7583 On 1991.


Gunzi, Christiane and Frank Greenaway. Tide Pool. New York: Covent Garden Books, 1998.  Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .S35 G86 1998.


Holling, Clancy. Pagoo. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1985.  Pub Juv QL444 .M33 H66 1985.


Malnig, Anita. Where the Waves Break: Life at the Edge of the Sea. Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda Books, 1985.  Pub Juv QH95.7 .M347 1985.


Parker, Steve. Seashore. New York: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1989.  Biodiv Juv QH95.7 .P37 1989.


Smith, Howard Everett. Small Worlds: Communities of Living Things. New York: Scribner, 1987.  Pub Juv QH541.14 .S65 1987.


Swanson, Diane. Squirts and Snails and Skinny Green Tails: Seashore Nature Activities for Kids. Vancouver, Canada: Whitecap Books, 1993.  Pub Juv QH95.7 .S93 1993.

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