Science-Related Web Sites for Kids and Young Adults


California Academy of Sciences Library

Animals, Insects, & Bugs

The Adventure of Echo the Bat
At this site, you can read the adventures of Echo, a little creature who has a lot to learn about being a bat! Join him as he learns how to fly and sense food.

Animal Diversity Web
Animals are all they cover at the Animal Diversity Web! Just type in the name of your animal, and off you go to a site that talks about where and how the animal lives, what it eats, and more!.

Animals of the World
In this fun game you gather clues about birds, mammals, insects, arachnids, amphibians, reptiles, and fish to guess the mystery creatures. As you collect information, you'll also see parts of a picture of the hidden animal.

Ants! Gakken’s Photo Encyclopedia
This wonderful site provides access to all kinds of information about ants. Take some time here and find out what and how ants eat, how they fight, and all kinds of other neat information.

The Cephalopod Page
Just what is a cephalopod, anyway? If you don’t know, find out at this fun site. Cephalopods include squid, octopus, cuttlefish, and the chambered nautilus. The squid squirting ink will guide your mouse to all kinds of exciting places and information about these creatures.

Classifying Critters
Play a game to learn about how creatures are similar to each other. Is a cat more similar to a dog or a turtle? Only you can decide as you learn about how scientists classify critters!

Club Caterpillar

Play games, learn about butterflies, and have fun at this great site! You can see butterflies under a microscope, do a word search, and more.

Endangered Animals
Endangered animals are everyone’s problem, and this exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History takes us all on an adventure of discovery about the world of endangered animals.

Enter the Hive
What would it be like if you were a bee and lived in a hive? This multimedia presentation provides great information about hive life.

Fish Biology for Kids
Have you ever wanted to learn more about fish? Fish anatomy, information on becoming a marine scientist, and the different kinds of fish are all examined at this web site from the University of Florida.

Forensic Entomology: Insects in Legal Investigations
Definitely designed with older students in mind, this site discusses how insects can be used in legal investigations to determine things like time and place of death, food contamination, and more.

Frogland was put together to prove that Internet can be fun and educational at the same time. The site has succeeded, and we’re all happy that it has. Learn about the "Bumpy Rocketfrog," how to say frog in different languages, and take a look at the "Froggy Coloring Book."

Froguts - Virtual Online Frog Dissection
Get all of the information, without actually having to smell the formaldelhyde or use a scalpel!

Insects on the Web
View insect photos, learn more about the orders, and enjoy this "shameless promotion of insect appreciation."

Online Animal Alphabet Book
"A is for Arachnid," starts the Online Alphabet Book. Take a trip through Yellowstone's animals, alphabetically!

Online Wildlife Portfolio
If you were riding along the Arizona highway, you might see these birds, animals, insects, and reptiles. Lots of good pictures and other information on the critters is there for you to discover.

Nature Puzzles and Challenges
Learn sign language from Koko the Gorilla, race against the sun as a wildlife photographer in the Serengeti, and enjoy a variety of fun activities while learning about animals from around the world.

Really Wild Animals
Spin the talking globe takes you on an around the world adventure to help find the animal that's out of its habitat.

Tiger Adventures
Play games and learn about tigers at this site from the Tiger Information Center. Pick a habitat and hunt as a Bengal tiger in Survive or choose your own path to find the poached tiger parts in Tracking the Tiger Trade.

Virtual Frog Dissection Site
Just what does a frog look on the inside? What if you could remove it's skin and see the inside without hurting it? Why not try this site to find out exactly what's going on inside that frog?

World Records of the Animal Kingdom
What is the oldest thing? Does it live near the most ferocious living thing? Great animal facts can be found at this fun web site.


The Universe & Sky: Astronomy

Astronomy for Kids
Find out about the solar system or space exploration, test your knowledge of astronomy with a crossword puzzle, play games, and just have fun at this great web site!

Bad Astronomy
Phil is an astronomer, teacher, and a self-described science-junkie. It is a hobby of his to talk about common astonomical misconceptions. On his site he examines myths and mistakes any they appear in television, movies, and elsewhere.

Design a Space Station
Do you know what it takes to live in space? This fun web site lets you design a working space station that astronauts can live in for for up to several months. You'll find out about energy sources, water requirements, and food needs in an interactive game.

Earth from Space - Astronauts' Views of the Home Planet
If you were an astronaut in the Space Shuttle, what would you see when you looked down at the Earth? This web site makes photographs taken of the Earth from space available to anyone with the know-how to click a mouse!

Kids' Space
The universe has never looked so fun and educational! Learn about astronomy throughout history, ask questions of an astronomer or view the archives, get information on individual planets, put together an alien, and more.

Sponsored by NASA, "Liftoff to Space Exploration" is the theme of this great web site for kids. Click on Space and Beyond to find out more about the planets, the solar system, and the universe. Click on Rockets and Airplanes to find out how we move through space and get places faster than anyone ever thought possible.

Phases of the Moon
What are the phases of the moon called? Why does it appear that the moon is changing in size every night of the month? Get your explanations at this site.

StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers
The site calls itself a learning center for young astronomers, and that’s exactly what it’s all about. Along with the question of the month and links to other sites, this site has access to information about the solar system and other astronomy subjects with different difficulty for different age levels.

A Virtual Journey into the Universe
Once you’re inside the site, click on a planet to find out more information. Lots of images and animation help to highlight your tour of the universe while at the same time providing loads of information.



We all look up in the sky and see the clouds, but what kinds of clouds are they? Do they mean anything in particular? See pictures of clouds, learn to identify, and a lot more at this web site.

Current Seismicity -- Where Have the World's Most Recent Earthquakes Occurred?
Find the most recent earthquake, view other recent activity, and click on the sites for magnitude and other information.

Earth History - Paleomap Project
What did Earth used to look like? Was where you live now underwater, part of a larger continent, or did it not exist at all yet? Have fun viewing maps, animation, and climate information at this graphics inteset site!

Earthquakes for Kids
If you live in earthquake country, or even if you just like to find out things, take a look at this great site about earthquakes. Along with ideas for science fair projects you can find out fun facts, learn terminology, find out what happened in earthquake history, and much, much more!

Fantastic Forest
At this interactive site from National Geographic you can search the forest for clues to solve a mystery. You decide where to go, and you learn while you're having fun!

For Kids Only – Earth Science Enterprise
Find out here about earth science at, and from, NASA. Did you know that North Dakota is the only state that has never had an earthquake? I didn’t know until I checked out the "Factoid" at this site. Click on Air, Hazards, Land, or Water to find out more information.

View a geologic timeline, help a dinosaur detective solve mysteries, or learn quick facts about rocks, minerals, and fossils at this fun site from the Children's Museum of Indianapolis.

The Learning Web
Biology, hydrology, geology, and geography are the topics covered at The Learning Web. A highlight of the site, Scientists in Action, talks about some of the things that scientists do and the ways that they conduct their research.

Rock Hounds
Rock Hounds dig for, look for, and collect rocks. Learn about safety precautions to take while rock hounding, take a quiz, explore the different kinds of rocks, and complete a jigsaw puzzle or word search.

Virtual Cave
Caves are fascinating structures that occur for a variety of reasons in locations all over the world. Great images and information are highlighted in this site that takes you to solution caves, sea caves, erosion caves, and lava tube caves.

VolcanoWorld Kids’ Door
Volcanoes have provided a lot of the forces that caused our world to look the way it does. Visit volcanoes on Earth, or go to Mars for a virtual field trip. You can also learn about volcano legends from different parts of the world like Indonesia and New Zealand.



Carnivorous Plant FAQ
An exciting page about plants that actually capture their prey is located at this site. Did you know that there are more than 600 kinds of carnivorous plants? You can find out more information by stopping by this link.

Great Plant Escape
"Help Detective Le Plant and his partners Bud and Sprout unlock the amazing mysteries of plant life." At this fun site you can solve mysteries like, "What are the parts of plants?" and "What is a seed?"

Learn all about plants, including ferns, fungi, and algae, along with processes like photosynthesis at this educational site.

Sammy Saguaro's Scrapbook
A saguaro is a cactus, and Sammy is a cactus with a lot to say about himself, the animals that live in him, and why he's a very special kind of plant.

Trees Are Terrific!
Trees are amazing living creatures. Animals live in them, they have many parts, and they help make it possible for people to breathe by providing oxygen! Follow Pierre the acorn as he tells you all about trees at this fun web site.

What Tree Is It?
Say there's a tree at your school, but you don't know what kind of tree. None of the adults you ask know what kind of tree, either. Now you can stun and amaze them with your knowledge! Use this fabulous web site to identify trees by name, leaf, or fruit!

Why do Trees Change Color?
In the tall, the leaves of some trees change color. Find out how they make the change, and why it happens at this web site. There are also links to sites that deal with endangered species and other interesting topics!



The Big Dig
Find out more about what the paleontologists at the American Museum of Natural History are digging up around the world and learn how to find your own fossils.

Dino Directory
Information about dinosaurs is fun and easy to track down at this site from the Museum of Natural History in London. Search by name, body type, time lived, or country locations.

The Dinosaur Database
Search this fun collection of dinosaur pictures and facts and print out a few pictures to color yourself.

Dinosaurs: Fact and Fiction
Everyone has questions about dinosaurs, and this web site might be able to answer some of yours! What was the smallest dinosaur? What color were dinosaurs? Find out the answers to those questions and more.

The Dinosauria
The University of California Museum of Paleontology at Berkeley has a great site with all kinds of dinosaur news. Along with basic information about what a dinosaur is, and isn’t, the site provides links to information about fossils and other relevant pages.

Who is Sue?
Sue is the largest Tyrannosaurus rex put together and on display in a museum! She was found in South Dakota, and then was taken to the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois. They've taken all kinds of interesting facts about Sue and put them on their web site for kids everywhere to enjoy!



Kids @ NationalGeographic.Com
National Geographic has set up a web site of it’s magazine for kids, National Geographic World. The site is always changing, but I’ve seen a quiz about dolphins, a virtual nursery for dinosaur eggs, and a fun experiment with paper.

Ranger Rick's Kid's Zone
This site provides access to Ranger Rick magazine, information about exploring the outdoors, games, and tours or a variety of habitats.


General Science

How Stuff Works
This site tries to explain the simple facts of "How Stuff Works." Each category has a variety of information included under its heading. How does a plane fly? How do gears work? You can also ask questions if what you want to know hasn’t been asked yet!

MadSciNet – The 24-hour Exploding Laboratory
MadSciNet answers science questions from people around the world. You can ask a question yourself, or check out the archives to see questions and answers in categories as diverse as astronomy and evolution.

Are you looking for adventure? Would you like to take a virtual fieldtrip or find out how to conduct a science experiment? is a great site for you! At the site you can get interactive with science, discover where to find out more, and have some of your curiosities satisfied.

The Yuckiest Site on the Internet
Worms, roaches, and mad scientists are all featured at this fun page.


It Doesn't Fit Anywhere Else!

Human Bones Quiz
Take a quiz and figure out how much you know about human anatomy! Click on reload for a new set of bones to check out.

Kid’s Corner
This site links to a variety of pages within the United States Geological Survey. Want to color a picture of an endangered species? Would you like to learn more about butterflies? These links and more are available.

Mr. Bones
Mr. Bones is all in pieces, and he needs your help to the put the puzzle of his skeleton back together in this game.

Quia Science Games
Science related games, including concentration, matching, flash cards, and more are available at this fun and educational site. Game topics include geology, anatomy, and dinosaurs.

Science Fair Central
How about entering a science fair this year? Get ideas, tips, and more at this informative web site.

Shock-ing Geography
Test your geography skills on these physical, political, and historic maps through interactive games.

States Web Games
How much do you REALLY know about the states in the US? Why not try these quizzes, ranging from beginner to advanced, on topics like state abbreviations, capitals, and more.

Worldly Wise
Test your geography knowledge with fun tests featuring areas around the globe.


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Last update: June 17, 2003