Mountain Lake Bibliography


California Academy of Sciences Library


California Academy of Sciences Engages "Citizen Scientists" To Monitor Health of Ecologically Threatened Mountain Lake

California Academy of Sciences press release from July 28, 2000 detailing the Mountain Lake Project.

Directions to Mountain Lake Park

Find out how to get there.

Mountain Lake Enhancement Plan and Environmental Assessment

The official plan for restoration, an 85-page PDF file published in October 2000.

Mountain Lake Folly

Some history of Mountain Lake and failed efforts in the mid-nineteenth century to drain it for water reserves. Scroll down to find the proper section.

Mountain Lake Project Sets Sail

The March 2000 issue of Presidio Post, a monthly publication of the Presidio Trust, has a cover story that outlines the beginning of the Mountain Lake enhancement project.

Presidio’s Mountain Lake Prepares to Spring Back to Life

March 2000 Presidio Trust press release on efforts to revitalize Mountain Lake.

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Benton, Lisa M. The Presidio: From Army Post to National Park. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1998. Biodiv F869.S38 P742 1998.

Creating a Park for the 21st Century: From Military Post to National Park: Final General Management Plan Amendment, Presidio of San Francisco, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California. Denver, CO: United States. National Park Service. Denver Service Center, 1994. Biodiv REF F868 .S38 U52 1994.

Creating Community Curriculum for the Future: Students, Stewardship, and Sustainability. [San Francisco]: Golden Gate National Recreation Area : Golden Gate National Park Association, c1995. Biodiv & Biodiv REF QH76.5 .C2 C73 1995.

The Presidio Concepts Workbook: A Work-In-Progress Report for Public Review and Feedback. San Francisco: Golden Gate National Recreation Area, National Park Service, 1991. Main F868.S156 P74 1991.

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Guardian of the Golden Gate. San Francisco: David Donnenfeild, 1994. (60 min.) Public F868 .S156 G83 1994.

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December 2000 -- url update July 2003