Rainforest Bibliography


California Academy of Sciences Library


The Amazon - Norman Penny, California Academy of Sciences


CAS Senior Collections Manager of Entomology’s research experience in the Amazon region; links to related research and actions in support of the geology and life forms of the Amazon River Basin. Specific studies of Amazon Insect Fauna.


Amazon Rivers Program


Overall content and purpose of Rainforest Alliance. Includes Purpose of organization, Programs sponsored, latest news regarding rainforests, resources and facts, activities and educational kits for teachers and children, book reviews, and links to other resources.


Animals of the Rainforest



Center for Tropical Forest Science


CTSF of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute combines biological knowledge with socio-economic information for forest management and conservation.


Concerning Amazonia’s Biodiversity


A perspective of the Indigenous People’s Organization of the Amazon Basin. Includes assault on the Amazon and its impact on the indigenous population.


Earth Observing System - Amazon Project: Data Information System


An Interdisciplinary Investigation by NASA and EOS (Earth Observing System) to understand the biogeochemistry, hydrology, and sedimentation of the Amazon River and its drainage basin. The focus is on patterns and processes of change in the Amazon Basin.


Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon


Pilot program to conserve the Brazilian Rain Forest. Includes history of project, conservation and sustainable use, reports from travels in Amazon and exploitation of Amazon and indigenous peoples.


International Tropical Timber Organization


Information regarding the International Tropical Timber Organization founded to create a mandate for sustainable and managed forests. Many of the reference available on this site are under security risk.


Live from the Rainforest


Short descriptions of the rainforests geosystem, ecosystem,and research teams. Includes a bibliography, web links, and media index.


Papua New Guinea Rainforest & Sustainable Development Portal


News and information. Articles going back through January 5, ’02 regarding Papua New Guinea Rainforest.


Rainforest Action Network


Maps and information regarding some of RAN’s campaigns. Additional news and information. Includes a kid’s and teachers’ resource site.


Rainforest Alliance


Overall, easy to follow index to present purpose, activities, programs, and news of the Rainforest Alliance. Good links section. Includes art from the peoples of the rainforests.


The Rainforest Foundation


Site dedicated to the Indigenous People’s of the Rainforests of the world. Includes descriptions of both forests and peoples, news, projects and links.


Rainforest Information Center


An Australian site which includes news, information, Deep Ecology and conservation projects. There is a children’s site which is a series of projects (for example:  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Students Centre).


Rainforestweb.org: World Rainforest Information Portal


Rainforest information which includes peoples, animals, plants, biodiversity, etc., regions, destruction and protection  


Science in the Rainforest


A walk through the rainforest. Includes a trivia contest, iissues, facts, and links. Pictures are available relating to the information.


Tirimbina Rainforest Center


A tropical science resource and travel center which offers education (including curriculum), research, resources, news and links. It will also be offered soon in Spanish. (Costa Rica)


Tropical Broadleaf Evergreen Forest: Rainforest


Detailed presentation of the biomes of tropical, broadleaf, evergreen forests: Rainforests. Includes climate, vegetation and growth forms, soils, fauna, etc. and biogeography.


Tropical Rainforest Animals


This site has the Multimedia Animals Encyclopedia with comprehensive references containing detailed illustrations, descriptions and cross reference-facts for more than 2,000 species. There are specific requirements for use by both Multimedia PCs and Macintosh. Be sure to check requirements.


Tropical Rainforest Information Center


A NASA site. The Gallery is very interesting with immediate availability. Much of this site requires previous knowledge and interest in particular information. It is excellent for research.


Urbanization in the Amazon Basin: Can Indigenous People Survive?


Detailed lesson plan (grades 9-12 in geography) on Urbanization in the Amazon Basin: Can Indigenous People Survive? It is very thorough.


World Rainforest Movement


Information by country and subject on state of forests, causes of deforestation and international processes. Includes photos, links and search.


Worldwide Rainforest/Forest Conservation Archives


Archived forest information for original source for educational, non-commercial and personal purposes only. Good research site.

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Almeda, Frank and Catherine M. Pringle, eds.  Tropical Rainforests: Diversity and Conservation.  San Francisco: California Academy of Sciences and Pacific Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1988.  Main & REF CAS Pubs Q11 .C26 no.12 and Bot & Biodiv REF QH541.5 .R27 T77 1988.


Alternatives to Deforestation. Belem, Brazil: Fundacion Natura, 1990. Biodiv REF SD418.3 .A53 A52618 1990.


Amazonia Without Myths.  Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank United Nations Development Programme, 1992.  Biodiv REF HC167 .A455 A42 1992.


Andel, Tinde van. Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana = Niet-hout bosproduktien van het Noordwest District van Guyana. Utrecht, the Netherlands: Universiteit Utrecht, 2000. Bot SD543.3 .G95 A52 2000.


Balick, Michael J.  Medicinal Resources of the Tropical Forest: Biodiversity and its Importance to Human Health.  New York: Columbia University Press, 1996. Biodiv REF RS164 .M377 1996.


Barume, Albert Kwokwo. Heading Towards Extinction?: Indigenous Rights in Africa: The Case of the Twa of the Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo. Copenhagen: IWGIA, 2000. Main Serials GN4 .I58 no.101.


Bates, Henry Walter.  The Naturalist on the River Amazons. London:  J.M. Dent and Sons, 1930.  Main QH111 .B385 1930.


Bauer, Aaron M. The Herpetofauna of New Caledonia. Ithaca, NY: Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles in cooperation with the Institut de recherche pour le développement, 2000. Herp QL653 .N32 B258 2000.


Borschmann, Gregg.  Greater Daintree: World Heritage Tropical Forest At Risk.  Hawthorn, Australia: Australian Conservation Foundation, 1984.  Pub QH77 .A8 B67 1984.


Bosselaers, Jan. Hortipes, a Huge Genus of Afrotropical Spiders (Araneae, Liocranidae). New York: American Museum of Natural History, 2000. Main Serials QH1 .A45 no.256.


Breeden, Stanley. Visions of a Rainforest: A Year in Australia's Tropical Rainforest. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, c1993. Main QH197 .B73 1993.


Bullock, Stephen H., Harold A. Mooney, and Ernesto Medina, eds. Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Bot QK936 .S39 1995.


Campbell, David G.  Floristic Inventory of Tropical Countries. Bronx, NY: New York Botanical Garden, 1989.  Biodiv REF & Bot QK474.5 .F56 1989.


Castner, James.  Rainforests:  A Guide to Research and Tourist Facilities at Selected Tropical Forest Sites in Central and South AmericaGainesville, FL: Feline Press, 1990.  Main & Biodiv REF QH541.5 .R27 C37 1990.


Caulfield, Catherine.  In the Rainforest.  Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1986.  Bot  QH541.5 .R27 C38 1986.


Chadwick, A. C. and S. L. Sutton, eds. Tropical Rain-Forests: The Leeds Symposium. Leeds: The Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, 1984. Biodiv REF QH541.5.R27 T75 1984.


Colby, Gerard.  Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and the Age of Oil. New York: HarperCollins, 1995.  Pub E748 .R673 C55 1995.


Colfer, Carol J. Pierce. Beyond Slash and Burn: Building on Indigenous Management of Borneo's Tropical Rain Forests. Bronx, NY: New York Botanical Garden, c1997. Biodiv & Bot DS632 .K46 C65 1997.


Collins, Mark, ed.  The Last Rain Forests: A World Conservation Atlas. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. Main REF & Biodiv REF QH541.5 .R27 L37 1990.


Cox, Paul Alan. Nafauna: Saving the Samoan Rain Forest. New York: W.H. Freeman, c1999. Biodiv DU819 .A2 C69 1999.


Dalton, Stephen.  Vanishing Paradise: The Tropical Rainforest. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1990.  Biodiv REF QH111 .D35 1990.


David, Shelton H.  Land Rights and Indigenous Peoples. Cambridge, MA: Cultural Survival, c1988. Pub F2230.1 .L35 D37 1988.


Davis, Wade. One River: Explorations and Discoveries in the Amazon Rain Forest. New York: Simon & Schuster, c1996. Pub & Biodiv GN20 .D38 1996.


Dean, Warren. With Broadax and Firebrand: The Destruction of the Brazilian Atlantic Coastal Forest.  Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1995.  Biodiv SD418.3 .B6 D43 1995.


Downing, Theodore E., ed. Development or Destruction: The Conversion of Tropical Forest to Pasture in Latin America. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, c1992. Biodiv SD418.3 .L29 D48 1992.


Duellman, William E., ed. South American Herpetofauna:  Its Origin, Evolution and Dispersal.  Lawrence, KS: Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas, c1979.  Herp  QL657 .A1 S69.


Duellman, William E.  The Biology of an Equatorial Herpetofauna in Amazonian Ecuador.  Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, c1978.  Herp  QL657 .E2 D83 1978.


Drewes, Robert C. and Jens Vindum. Reptiles of the Impenetrable ForestSan Francisco, CA: Dept. of Herpetology, California Academy of Sciences, [1998]. Herp QL662 .U33 D73 1998.


Dunning, John S.  South American Birds:  A Photographic Aid to Identification. Newtown Square, PA: Harrowood Books, c1988.  Main REF & M&O QL689 .A1 D86 1988.


Eisenberg, J. F.  Mammals of the Neotropics.  Chicago, IL: Univ. of Chicago Press, c1989.  M&O QL725 .A1 E38 1989 vol 1 & 2.


Emmons, Louise H.  Neotropical Rainforest Mammals:  A Field Guide. Chicago, IL: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1990.  Biodiv REF, Main REF, & M&O QL723 .A1 E44 1990.


Faminow, M. D. Cattle, Deforestation, and Development in the Amazon: An Economic, Agronomic, and Environmental Perspective. Wallingford, Oxon., UK; New York: CAB International, c1998. Biodiv REF SF196 .A42 F35 1998.


Flint, Oliver S. Catalog of the Neotropical Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera). Columbus, OH: Ohio Biological Survey, 1999. Main QL516 .F54 1999.


Forests for the Future: Growing and Planting Native Trees for Restoring Forest Ecosystems. Chiang Mai, Thailand: The Unit, c/o Biology Dept., Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, 1998. Biodiv SD409 .F67 1998.


Forsyth, Adrian.  Portraits of the Rainforest.  Buffalo, NY: Camden House, 1995.  Biodiv QH541.5 .R27 F682 1995.


Francis, Charles M. A Photographic Guide to Mammals of Thailand & South-East Asia. Bangkok, Thailand: Asia Books, 2001. M&O QL729 .A785 F72 2001.


Gennino, Angela.   Amazonia, Voices From the Rainforest.  San Francisco: Rainforest Action Network, 1990.  Biodiv GF532 .A4 A422 1990.


Gentry, Alwyn H.  Four Neotropical Rainforests.  New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1990.  Biodiv REF & Herp QH541.5 .R27 F69 1990.


GIS Methodologies for Developing Conservation Strategies: Tropical Forest Recovery and Wildlife Management in Costa Rica. New York: Columbia University Press, c1998. Biodiv QH77 .C8 G57 1998


Golley, Frank B.  Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystems:  Structure and Function.  Amsterdam; New York:  Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1983.  Biodiv REF QH541.5 .R27 T76.


Goodall, Jane. Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey. New York: Warner Books, 1999. Pub QL31 .G58 A28 1999.


Goodland, Robert. Race to Save the Tropics: Ecology and Economics for a Sustainable Future. Washington, DC: Island Press, c1990. Biodiv REF HC59.72 .E5 R33 1990.


Goulding, Michael.  Amazon: The Flooded Forest.  London: BBC Books, 1989.  Biodiv QH112 .G68 1989.


Goulding, Michael.  The Fishes and the Forest:  Explorations in Amazonian Natural HistoryBerkeley, CA:  Univ. of California Press, c1980.  Ichthy QL632 .B7 G68.


Gradwohl, Judith.  Tropical Rainforests. A Disappearing Treasure.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, 1988.  Biodiv QH541.5 .R27 G724 1988.


Griswold, Charles E. A Monograph of the Living World Genera and Afrotropical Species of Cyatholipid Spiders (Araneae, Orbiculariae, Araneoidea, Cyatholipidae). San Francisco, CA: California Academy of Sciences, 2001. REF CAS Pubs Q11 .C26 no.26.


Guss, David M. To Weave and Sing: Art, Symbol, and Narrative in the South American Rain Forest. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990, c1989. Main F2319.2 .Y4 G87 1990.


Gutberlet, Ronald Louis. Generic Recognition for a Lineage of South American Pitvipers (Squamata: Viperidae: Crotalinae): With the Description of a New Species from the Colombian Chocó. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 2001. Main Serials QH1 .A5 A16 no. 3316.


Halle, Francis.  Tropical Trees and Forests:  An Architectural Analysis.  Berlin: New York: Springer-Verlag, 1978.  Bot QK493.5 .H335.


Hamilton, Jean. Tropical Rainforests. San Luis Obispo, CA: Blake Pub, 1990. Biodiv QH541.5 .R27 H35 1990.


Harcourt, Caroline S. and  Jeffrey A. Sayer, eds. The Conservation Atlas of Tropical Forests. The Americas. New York: Simon & Schuster, c1996. Biodiv REF G1101 .K3 C66 1996.


Head, Suzanne and Robert Heinzman, eds. Lessons of the Rainforest.  San Francisco:  Sierra Club Books, 1990.  Biodiv QH541.5 .R27 L47 1990.


Hecht, Susanna B. and Alexander Cockburn.  The Fate of the Forest: Developers, Destroyers and Defenders of the Amazon.  London; New York: Verso, 1989.  Biodiv REF SD418.3 .A53 H43 1989.


Indigenous Peoples and Protected Areas in South and Southeast Asia: From Principles to Practice: Proceedings of the Conference at Kundasang, Sabah, Malaysia, 14-18 December 1998. Copenhagen: International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, 1999. Main Serials GN4 .I58 no.97.


Invasive Species in Eastern Africa: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at ICIPE, July 5-6, 1999. Nairobi, Kenya: ICIPE Science Press, 2000. Main SB990.5 .A354 I58 2000.


Kami, Karin S. Samoan Insects and Related Arthropods: Checklist and Bibliography. Honolulu, HI: Bishop Museum Press, 1998. Ent QL489 .S3 K36 1998.


Ketchum, Robert Glenn. The Tongass: Alaska's Vanishing Rain Forest: The Photographs of Robert Glenn Ketchum. New York: Aperture Foundation: Distributed in the U.S. by Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, c1987. Main SD428 .T6 K48 1987.


Kramer, Randall, Carel van Schaik, and Julie Johnson, eds. Last Stand: Protected Areas and the Defense of Tropical Biodiversity. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. Biodiv REF QH75 .L365 1997.


Kramer, Randall A., Narendra Sharma, and Mohan Munasinghe. Valuing Tropical Forests: Methodology and Case Study of Madagascar. Washington, DC: World Bank, c1995. Biodiv REF SD247 .K735 1995.


Kricher, John C. A Neotropical Companion: An Introduction to the Animals, Plants, and Ecosystems of the New World Tropics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, c1989. Main QH106.5 .K75 1989.


Lathrap, Donald.  The Upper Amazon. New York: Praeger, 1970.  Main F2519.1 .A6 L38 1970.


Laurance, William. Stinging Trees & Wait-a-Whiles: Confessions of a Rainforest Biologist. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, c2000. Pub QH197 .L38 2000.


Leigh, Egbert G., Jr., A. Stanley Rand, and Donald M. Windsor, eds. The Ecology of a Tropical Forest: Seasonal Rhythms and Long-Term Changes. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, c1996. Biodiv REF QH108 .P3 E26 1996.


Lewis, Scott. The Rainforest Book: How You Can Save the World’s Rainforests. Los Angeles, CA: Living Planet Press; Emeryville, CA: Publishers West Group, c1990. Biodiv QH541.5 .R27 L48 1990.


Mahar, Dennis J. Government Policies and Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon Region. Washington, DC: World Bank, 1989. Biodiv REF SD418.3 .B6 M23 1989.


Marchetti, Beatriz. Manejo de Areas Silvestres Protegidas Fronterizas en América Latina.  Santiago, Chile: Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe, 1992. Biodiv SD414 .L29 M27 1992.


Matthiessen, Peter.  The Cloud Forest: A Chronicle of the South American  Wilderness.  New York: Viking Press, 1961.  Main F2224 .M35 1961.


Maybury-Lewis, David.  In the Path of Polonoroeste: Endangered Peoples of Western Brazil.  Cambridge, MA: Cultural Survival, 1981. Biodiv REF & Main F2519.3 .G6 I5 1981.


McIntrye, Loren.  Amazonia.  San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1991.  Biodiv F2546 .M35 1991.


Mee, Margaret. In Search of Flowers of the Amazon Forests: Diaries of an English Artist Reveal the Beauty of the Vanishing Rainforest.  Woodbridge, Suffolk: Antique Collectors’ Club; Nonesuch Expeditions, 1988. Bot F2546 .M44 1988.


Miller, Kenton.  Trees of Life:  Saving Tropical Forests and their Biological Wealth.  Boston: Beacon Press, 1991.  Biodiv REF  SD414 .T76 M55 1991.


Mitchell, Andrew. Vanishing Paradise: the Tropical Rainforest. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1990. Biodiv REF QH111 .D35 1990.


Mittermeier, Russell A. Hotspots: Earth's Biologically Richest and Most Endangered Terrestrial Ecoregions. Mexico City: CEMEX 1999. Biodiv REF QH75 .M57 1999.


Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Bot QH108 .C6 M65 2000.


Morley, Robert J. Origin and Evolution of Tropical Rain Forests. Chichester, West Sussex, England; New York: Wiley, c2000. Bot SD247 .M67 2000.


Myers, Norman.  The Primary Source:  Tropical Forests and Our Future.  New York, Norton, 1984.  Biodiv REF & Bot SD247 .M94 1984.


Novacek, Michael J., ed. The Biodiversity Crisis: Losing what Counts. New York: New Press: Distributed by W.W. Norton, 2001. Biodiv QH541.15 .B56 B5796 2001.


Old World Monkeys. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. M&O QL737 .P93 O545 2000.


Pajot, François-Xavier. Les poux (Insecta, Anoplura) de la région afrotropicale. Paris: Éd. de l'IRD, 2000. Ent QL570.26 .A1 P34 2000.


Panaiotov, Todor and Peter S. Ashton. Not by Timber Alone: Economics and Ecology for Sustaining Tropical Forests. Washington, DC : Island Press, c1992. Biodiv SD247 .P68 1992.


Penny, Norman D.  Insects of an Amazon Forest. New York: Columbia University Press, 1982.  Ent QL481 .A45 P46 1982.


Perry, Donald. Life Above the Jungle Floor. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1986. Main QH106 .C6 P47 1986.


Plant Resources of South-East Asia., No. 18, Plants Producing Exudates. Leiden: Backhuys, 2000. Bot SB108 .A785 P52 1989 no.18.


Plotkin, Mark J.  Tales of a Shaman’s Apprentice:  An Ethnobotonist Searches for New Medicines in the Amazon Rain Forest.  New York: Viking, 1993.  Biodiv & Pub F2230.1 .B7 P56 1993.


Por, Francis Dov.  Sooretama: The Atlantic Rain Forest of Brazil.  The Hague: SPB Academic Publishers, 1992.  Main QH117 .P75 1992.


Prance, Ghillean T., ed. Biological Diversification in the Tropics. New York: Columbia University Press, 1982.  Main QH106.5 .B56 1982.


The Rainforests: A Celebration.  San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1992.  Biodiv QH541.5 .R27 R35 1992.


Rainforest Workshop. 1st Annual Rainforest Workshop. [S.I.: S.N, 1991]. Biodiv QH541.5 .R27 R345 1991.


Reagan, Douglas P. and Robert B. Waide, eds. The Food Web of  a Tropical Rain Forest. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1996. Herp QH109 .P6 F66 1996.


Russon, Anne E. Orangutans: Wizards of the Rain Forest. Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books, 2000. M&O QL737 .P96 R88 2000.


Saver, Jeffrey A., Caroline S. Harcourt, and N. Mark Collins, eds. The Conservation Atlas of Troical Forests. Africa. [England]: Macmillan Publishers Ltd., c1992. Biodiv REF G2446 .K3 C6 1992.


Schneider, Robert R. Government and the Economy on the Amazon Frontier.  Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 1995.  Biodiv REF HD499 .A45 S36 1995.


Sizer, Nigel. Profit without Plunder: Reaping Revenue from Guyana’s Tropical Forests without Destroying Them. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, c1996. Biodiv REF SD590.5 .S59 1996.


Smith, Anthony.  Explorers of the Amazon.  Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1994.  Pub F2546 .S68 1994.


Smith, Nigel J. H.  Man, Fishes and the Amazon.  New York:  Columbia University Press, 1981.  SA QL632 .B7 S47 1981.


Smith, Nigel J. H.  Tropical Forests and Their Crops.  Ithaca, NY: Comstock Pub. Associates, 1992.  Bot SB111 .T76 1992.


Smith, Richard Chase. The Dialectics of Domination in Peru. Cambridge, MA:  Cultural Survival, 1982. Biodiv REF F3430.1 .A54 S64 1982.


Snaddon, J. The Nature of Belize: A Guide to Reserves and their Wildlife. Belize: NARMAP, 1996. Pub. QL84.285 .B42 S63 1996.


Szabo, Michael, ed. Working Together: Sustaining Forests and Communities in Melanesia. [Suva, Fiji: Greenpeace Pacific, 1996]. Biodiv REF SD387 .S87 W67 1996.


Teitel, Martin. Rain Forest in your Kitchen: The Hidden Connection Between Extinction and your Supermarket. Washington, DC: Island Press, c1992. Pub & Biodiv TX335 .T388 1992.


Terborgh, John. Diversity and the Tropical Rain Forest. New York: Scientific American Library, 1992.  Biodiv REF QH541.5 .R27 T47 1992.


Tropical Forests: A Call for Action.  Washington, D.C:  World Resources Institute, 1985.  Biodiv REF SD418.3 .T76 T76 1985 v 1-3.


Tropical Forest Conservation.  World Wildlife Fund International, 1989.  Biodiv REF SD414 .T76 W67 1989.


Voeks, Robert A. Sacred Leaves of Candomblé: African Magic, Medicine, and Religion in Brazil. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1997. Main BL2592 .C35 V64 1997.


Zerner, Charles, ed. People, Plants, and Justice: The Politics of Nature Conservation. New York: Columbia University Press, c2000. Pub GE170 .P45 1999.

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Amsel, Sheri.  Rainforests: Habitats of the World.  Austin, TX: Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1993.  Pub Juv  & Biodiv Juv QH86 .A75 1993.


An Adventure in the Amazon.  New York:  Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1992.  Biodiv Juv F2546 .A23 1992.


Baker, Lucy.  Las Selvas. Madrid: Ediciones SM, 1990.  Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .R27 B3418 1990.


Cherry, Lynne.  El Gran Capoquero: Un Cuento de la Salve Ammoniac.  San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace, 1994.  Biodiv Juv & Pub Juv PZ73.C52 1994.


Cherry, Lynne.  The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest.  San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990.  Biodiv Juv PZ7 .C4199 Gr 1990.


Chinery, Michael.  Rainforest Animals.  New York: Random House, 1992.  Pub Juv & Biodiv Juv QL112 .C55 1992.


Cowcher, Helen.  El Bosque Tropical.  New York: Mirasol, 1992.  Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .R27 C6818 1992.


Cowcher, Helen.  Rain Forest.  New York: Farrar Straus & Groux, 1992.  Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .R27.C68 1992.


Cowley, Joy. Red-Eyed Tree Frog. New York: Scholastic Press, c1999. Pub Juv QL668 .E24 C685 1999.


Cunningham, Antonia.  Rainforest Wildlife.  London: EDC Pub, 1993.  Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .R27 C68 1988.


Dewey, Jennifer. Poison Dart Frogs. Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press, c1998. Pub Juv QL668 .E233 D48 1998.


Dorros, Arthur.  Rain Forest Secrets.  New York: Scholastic, 1990.  Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .R27 D67 1990.


Dunphy, Madeline. Here is the Tropical Rainforest.  New York: Hyperion Books, 1994.  Biodiv Juv & Pub Juv QH541.5 .R27 D85 1994.


Forsyth, Adrian.  Journey Through the Tropical Jungle.  New York: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1988.  Pub Juv QH541.5 .R27 F68 1988.


Fredericks, Anthony D. Exploring the Rainforest: Science Activities for Kids.  Golden, CO: Fulcrum Pub., 1996.  Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .R27 F74 1996.


George, Michael.  Rain Forest.  Mankato, MN: Creative Education, 1992.  Pub Juv QH541.5 .R27 G46 1992.


Goodman, Billy.  The Rain Forest. Boston, MA: Little Brown, 1991.  Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .R27 G63 1991.


Goodman, Susan. Bats, Bugs, and Biodiversity: Adventures in the Amazonian Rain Forest. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, c1995. Biodiv Juv QH112 .G66 1995.


Harris, Nicholas. Rain Forest: A Foldout Book.  Skokie, IL: Rand McNally, 1996.  Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .R27 H385 1996.


Jordan, Martin.  Journey of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. New York: Green Tiger Press, 1992.  Biodiv Juv PZ7 .J7685 Jo 1992.


Kraatz, David. Song of the Gecko. San Antonio, TX: All of Us Press, c1995. Pub Juv QL666 .L245 K72 1995.


Laurie, Peter.  Amazon: A Young Reader’s Look at the Last Frontier.  Honesdale ,PA: Caroline House, 1991.  Pub Juv & Biodiv Juv F2546 .L89 1991.


Maynard, Meredy. Blue True Dream of the Sky.  Vancouver: Polestar Press, 1997.  Biodiv Juv PS8576 .A874 B6 1997.


Mutel, Cornelia Fleischer.  Our Endangered Planet: Tropical Rain Forests.  Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co., 1991.  Pub Juv QH541.5 .R27 M87 1991. 


Palmer, Joy.  Rain Forests. Austin, TX: Raintree Stech-Vaughn, 1993. Biodiv Juv QH86 .P35 1993


Pratt, Kristin Joy. A Walk in the Rainforest. 1st ed. Nevada City, CA: Dawn Publications, 1992. Pub Juv R27 .P73 1992.


Siy, Alexandra.  The Brazilian Rain Forest.  New York: Dillon Press, 1992.  Pub Juv QH122.S58 1992


Stacey, Pamela.  Los Secretos de la Amazonia.  Madrid: SM Saber, 1992.  Biodiv Juv QH112 .S7218 1992


Sauvain, Phillip Arthur.   Rain Forests: Geography Detective.  Minneappolis, MN: Carolrhoda Books, 1996.  Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .R27 S27 1996.


Taylor, Barbara.  Rain Forest.  New York: Covent Garden Books, 1998.  Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .R27 T38 1998.


Weir, Bob and Wendy Weir. Panther Dream: A Story of the African Rainforest. [New York, N.Y.]: Hyperion Books for Children, c1991. Pub Juv QH541.5 .R27 W44 1991.


Willow, Diane. At Home in the Rain Forest. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge Pub., c1991. Pub Juv & Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .R27 W55 1991.


Willow, Diane and Laura Jacques.  Dentro de la Selva Tropical.  Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge Publishing, 1993.  Biodiv Juv & Pub Juv QH541.5 .R27 W5518 1993.


Yolen, Jane.  Welcome to the Green House.  New York: G.P. Putnam, 1993.  Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .R27 Y65 1993.


Zak, Monica.  Save My Rainforest.  Volcano, CA: Volcano Press, 1992.  Biodiv Juv SD418.3 .M6 Z3513 1992.

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Berkmuller, Klaus.  Environmental Education About the Rain Forest.  Gland, Switzerland: IUCN-World Conservation Union, 1992.  Biodiv REF QH541.5 .R27 B47 1992.


MacRae-Campbell, Linda.  Our Only Earth: A Curriculum for Global Problem Solving.  Tueson: Zephyr Press, 1990.  Biodiv REF GE70 .M27 1990 v 1-4.


Zurk’s Rainforest Lab. Palo Alto, CA: Soleil Software, 1994.  Pub QH86 .Z87 1994. [interactive multimedia]

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Amazon, Land of the Flooded Forest. Washington, DC: The National Geographic Society, c1996. Biodiv F2546 .A53 1996.


Amazonia, Vozes da Florests (Amazonia, Voices From the Rainforest).   Oakland, CA: Video Project, 1991.  Biodiv Media GF532 .A4 A42 1991.


Can Tropical Rainforests Be Saved? New York: Ricter Productions, Pacific Arts, c1992.  Biodiv Media QH541.5 .R27 C35 1992.


Into the Jungle.  New York: Children’s Book of the Month Club, 1997.  Biodiv F2520.1 .Y3 I57 1997.


Jaguar Trax.  Ben Lomand, CA: The Video Project, 1995.  Biodiv QH541.5 .R27 J34 1995.


Large Dams, False Promises.  Berkeley, CA: International Rivers Network, 1993.  Biodiv  Media QH545 .D35 L37 1993.


Lemurs. [Alexandria, Va.]: PBS Home Video; Burbank, CA: Distributed by Warner Home Video, c1999. Pub Juv QL737 .P95 L45 1999.


Manu: Peru's Hidden Rain Forest. Burbank, CA: PBS Home Video, c1997. Pub. AV&M QH86 .M36 1997.


Project Ecological Corridors of the Brazilian Rain Forests.  Brazil: Videociencia, 1997.  Biodiv SD414.B6 P76 1997.


The Rain Forest Imperative.  Washington, DC: Conservation International, 1989.  Biodiv Media QH541.5 .R27 R34 1990.


Rain Forest Voices. Carrboro, NC: Nature Science Network, c1990. Biodiv QH108 .C6 R35 1990.


The Rain Forest: Treasure House of Biodiversity. Huntsville, TX: Educational Video Network, c1995.  Biodiv Media  QH541.5 .R27 R344 1995.


Rediscovering the Amazon.  San Francisco: Media Pro, 1990.  Biodiv F2546 .R43 1990.


Return to the Amazon Rainforests. [Houston, Tex.?]: KUHT, Houston Public Television, c1997. Biodiv QK938 .R34 R48 1997.


Tropical Rainforest  Diverse, Delicate, Disappearing.  San Francisco: Sierra Club, 1988.  Biodiv Media QH541.5 .R27 T76 1988.


A Twentieth Century Medicine Man. Washington, D.C: Conservation International, 1989.  Biodiv Media F2420.1 .T7 T84 1989.

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