Russian Megafauna Bibliography


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C.I.T.E.S. Convention on Trade in Endangered Species

The home page for the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species provides access to official documents, information on programs, species databases, and more.


Endangered Species Protection in USSR

Essay by Kathleen Braden, a Professor of Geography at Seattle Pacific University, about how change in the economic systems of countries formerly under control of the Soviet Union has led to a great danger to threatened species.


Leopard -- Panthera pardus

Information on leopards, a species that is endangered in Russia.


Poaching in Krygzystan

A report on poaching and its effect on the snow leopard population.


Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe

Home page for the non-profit organization dedicated to assisting in solving environmental problems in Central and Eastern Europe.


Russian Fur Trade

Wildlife preservation is one area examined in this report on the fur trade in Russia.


Using Megafauna as Conservation Catalysts

A report from Rodney Jackson of The Mountain Institute and International Snow Leopard Trust.


WWF Russian Programme Office

“The main trends of WWF work in Russia are: establishment and help to nature protected areas; protection of endangered species, such as Amur Tiger, Far-Eastern and Snow Leopard, Siberian Crane, European Bison and many others; forest conservation and promotion of sustainable forest management through FSC certification; environmental education and capacity building.”

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Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission.  Baltic Marine Environment Bibliography, 1970-1070.  Helsinki: Helsinki Commission, 1981.   Main TD171.5 .B26 B34.


Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission.  Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings.  Helsinki: Helsinki Commission, 1979.   Main TD171.5.B26 B34.


Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission.  Ten Years After the Signing of the Helsinki Convention.  Helsinki: Helsinki Commission, 1984.  Main TD171.5 .B26 .B34 no. 10.


Biological Intercalibration Workshop.  Second Biological Intercalibration Workshop.  Helsinki: Helsinki Commission, 1983.   Main TD171.5 .B26 B34 no. 9.


International Scientific Willem Barents Memorial Arctic Conservation Symposium. Heritage of the Russian Arctic: Research, Conservation, and International Co-Operation: Proceedings of the International Scientific Willem Barents Memorial Arctic Conservation Symposium, Held in Moscow, Russia, 10-14 March 1998. Moscow: Ecopros, c2000. Main QH84.1 .I57 2000.


Matthiessen, Peter and Boyd Norton, eds. Baikal. San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Books, 1992. Main DK771 .B3 M386 1992.


Tsepliaev, Vasilii Petrovich.   The  Forests of The U.S.S.R. Jerusalem, Israel: Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1965. Bot SD499 .T7713.


Twiss, Jr., John R. and Randall R. Reeves, eds. Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, c1999. M&O QL713.2 .C655 1999.

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Allen, Kenneth Radway.  Conservation and Management of Whales. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1980. M&O QL737 .C4 A42 1980.


Althea. Whales. Chicago, IL: Longman Group, 1988.  Main QL737 .C4 A46 1988.


Beard, K. Christopher and Mary R. Dawson, eds. Dawn of the Age of Mammals in Asia. Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Museum of Natural History, c1998. Main Serials QH1 .C369 no. 34.


Berta, Annalisa and James L. Sumich. Marine Mammals: Evolutionary Biology. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, c1999. M&O QL713.2 .B47 1999.


Braham, Howard W. and Bruce Krogman, eds. Population Biology of the Bowhead and Beluga Whale in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.  Seattle, WA: NOAA. 1977.   M&O QL737 .C423 B722 1977.


Burkanov, V.N. and A. R. Semenov, eds. Counts of Steller Sea Lions at Kamchatka and The Commander Islands, U.S.S.R.   Seattle, WA: U.S. Dept. of  Commerce, 1991.  Main SH11 .A18 no. 91-13.


Ives, Richard.  Of Tigers and Men.  New York: Avon Books, 1996. Biodiv REF QL737 .C23 I93 1996.


Jauniaux, Thierry, Jean Marie Bouquegneau and Freddy Coignoul, eds. Marine Mammals, Seabirds, and Pollution of Marine Systems. Liege, Belgique: Societe royale des sciences, 1997. M&O GC1085 .M3746 1997.


King, Judith E.  Seals of the World.  London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1964.  Main REF QL737 .P6 K5 1964.


Klinowska, M. Dolphins, Porpoises, and Whales of the World: The IUCN Red Data Book. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, 1991. Biodiv REF QL737 .C4 K57 1991.


Martin, Robert E., Ronald H. Pine and Anthony F. DeBlase. A Manual of Mammalogy: With Keys to Families of the World. 3rd ed. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill, c2001. M&O QL703 .M375 2001.


Mitchell-Jones, A.J., et al. The Atlas of European Mammals. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1999. Main REF QL726 .A85 1999.


Nowak, Ronald M. Walker's Mammals of the World. 6th ed. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. M&O QL703 .N69 1999 Library has: v. 1-2.


Perlov, A. S.  Present Abundance of Steller Sea Lions (Eumeopias Jubatus) in The U.S.S.R.  Seattle, WA: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1991.   Main SH11 .A18 no. 91-14.


Reynolds III, John E. and Sentiel A. Rommel, eds. Biology of Marine Mammals. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, c1999. M&O QL713.2 .B54 1999.


Ridgway, Sam H. and Richard Harrison, eds.  Handbook of Marine Mammals. New York: Academic Press, 1981.   M&O QL713.2 .H34 1981.


Stroganov, S.U.  Carnivorous Mammals of Siberia.  Jerusalem, Israel: Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, 1969.   M&O QL737 .C2 S7413 1969.


United States. Treasury Dept. The Fur Seals and Fur-Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean. Washington, D.C.: Govt. Print. Office, 1898-99.   Main, Ichthy, & M&O SH361 .U5.


Wang, Banyue. On Tsaganomyidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) of Asia. New York: American Museum of Natural History, c2001. Main Serials QH1 .A5 A16 no. 3317.


Zolotarev, N.T.  Mammals of the Iman River Basin.  Moscow: Academy of Sciences Press, 1936.  M&O QL728 .S6 Z64 1936.

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Bailey, Jane H. Sea Otter. Morro Bay, CA: El Moro Publications, 1979. Biodiv QL737 .C25 B24 1979.


Carrighar, Sally. The Twilight Seas.  New York: Weybright and Talley, 1975.  Pub QL795 .W5 C37 1975.


Carwardine, Mark. Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises. New York: Dorling Kindersley, 1995.  Pub QL737 .C4 C37 1995.


Cousteau, Jacques Yves. Jacques Cousteau—Whales. New York: H.N. Abrams, 1988.  Pub QL737 .C4 C69313 1988.


Galster, Steven R.  Crime Against Nature. San Francisco, CA: The Project, 1994. Biodiv SK591 .C75 1994.


Ingelvg, Torleif and Roger Andersson, eds.  Red Data Book of the Baltic Region.  Uppsala: Fvrsdljning 1993.   Biodiv QH77 .B288 R42 1993.


International Snow Leopard Symposium.  Proceedings of the Fifth International Snow Leopard Symposium. Dehra Dun, India: Wildlife Institute of India, 1988. Biodiv QL737 .C23 I575 1986.


McNally, Robert. So Remorseless a Havoc: Of Dolphins, Whales, and Men. Boston: Little, Brown, 1981. Pub QL737 .C4 M42 1981.


Mowat, Farley. A Whale for the Killing. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart-Bantam Ltd., 1978. Pub QL737 .C4 M73 1978.


Perrin, W. F. Dolphins, Porpoises and Whales: An Action Plan for the Conservation of Biological Diversity, 1988-1992. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, 1988. Biodiv QL737 .C4 P47 1988.


Perry, Simona L., Douglas P. DeMaster, and Gregory K. Silber. The Great Whales: History and Status of Six Species Listed as Endangered Under the U.S. Endangered Species Act of 1973.  Seattle: National Marine Fisheries Service, 1999. Biodiv. QL737 .C4 P475 1999


Reijunders, P.J.H.  Seals, Fur Seals, Sea Lions, and Walrus. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, 1993.  Biodiv QL737 .P6 S43 1993.


Sattler, Helen Roney. Whales, the Nomads of the Sea. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1987.  Pub QL737 .C4 S27 1987.


Solkin, Vasily.  The Siberian Tiger.  Sausalito, CA: Siberian Forests Protection Project, 1994.  Biodiv QL737 .C23 S6413 1994.


Stone, David.  Seals.  Cambridge, UK: IUCN, 1995.  Pub QL737 .P6 S76 1995.


Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall.  The Tribe of Tiger: Cats and Their Culture. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994.  Pub SF446.5 .T48 1994.


Williams, Heathcote. Whale Nation. London: Cape, 1988. Pub & Biodiv QL737.C4 W48 1988b.

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Anderson, J. I. Yo Puedo Leer Sobre las Ballenas y los Delfines. Mahwah, NJ: Troll Associates, 1981. Biodiv Juv QL737 .C4 A5218 1981.


Biel, Timothy L. Tigers. Mankato, MN: Creative Education, 1990.  Biodiv Juv QL737 .C23 B54 1990.


The Cousteau Society. Seals. New York: Little Simon, 1992. Pub Juv QL737 .P64 P4813 1992.


The Cousteau Society. Whales. New York: Little Simon, 1993.  Pub Juv QL737 .C4 B23813 1993.


Cowcher, Helen. La Tigresa. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1993. Pub Juv PZ7 .C8346 Ti18 1993.


Cowcher, Helen. Tigress. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1991. Pub Juv PZ7 .C8346 Ti 1991.


Delaunois, Anghie.  Kotik, the Baby Seal.  Victoria, BC: Orca Book Publishers, 1995.  Pub Juv QL737 .P64 D44213 1995.


D'Vincent, Cynthia. The Whale Family Book. Saxonville, MA: Picture Book Studio, 1992.  Pub Juv QL737 .C4 D85 1992.


Ellwood, Ann.  Saving Our Animal Friends.  San Diego, CA: Wildlife Education, 1990.  Biodiv Juv QL83 .E48 1990.


Gardner, Robert. The Whale Watchers' Guide.  New York: J. Messner, 1984.  Pub Juv QL737 .C4 G235 1984.


Gouck, Maura. Whales. Mankato, MN: Child's World, 1991.  Pub Juv QL737 .C4 G58 1991.


Hall, Derek.  El Tigre. Madrid: Anaya, 1986.  Pub Juv QL737 .C23 H3418 1986.


Hirschi, Ron. Where Are My Puffins, Whales, And Seals? New York: Bantam Books, 1992.  Pub Juv QL122.2 .H574 1992.


Markert, Jenny. Tigers. Chicago, IL: Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corp., 1991. Pub Juv QL737 .C23 M3635 1991.


Matero, Robert. The Birth of a Humpback Whale. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 1996. Pub Juv QL737 .C424 M38 1996.


Palmer, Sarah.  Nutrias de Mar. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke Enterprises, 1991.  Pub Juv QL737 .C25 P2618 1991.


Papastavrou, Vassili. Ballenas, Delfines y Otros Mamíferos Marinos. Madrid: Altea, 1994. Pub Juv QL713.2  .P3618 1994.


Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw. Humpback Whales. New York: Holiday House, 1989. Pub Juv QL737 .C424 P37 1989.


Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw. Whales, Giants of the Deep. New York: Holiday House, 1984. Pub Juv QL737 .C4 P374 1984.


Royston, Angela. El Tigre. Bilbao [Spain]: FHER, 1988. Pub Juv QL737 .C23 R6918 1988.


Sheldon, Dyan. El Canto de las Ballenas. Caracas, Venezuela: Ediciones Ekaré, 1993. Biodiv Juv QL737 .C4 S4318 1993.


Sheldon, Dyan. The Whales' Song. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1991. Biodiv Juv QL737 .C4 S43 1991.


Simon, Seymour. Whales. New York: Crowell, 1989. Pub Juv QL737 .C4 S495 1989.


Sis, Peter. An Ocean World. New York: Greenwillow Books, 1992. Pub Juv PZ7 .S6219 Oc 1992.


Tussy, Catherine.  Focas.  Madrid: SM Saber, 1992.  Pub Juv QL737 .P64 P4818 1992.


Wexo, John Bennett. Whales. Mankato, MN: Creative Education, c1990. Biodiv Juv QL737 .C4 W4 1990.


Wexo, John Bonnett. Los Cetáceos. Madrid: Sistemas Videoeducativos, 1987. Biodiv Juv QL737 .C4 W418 1987.

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Blue Eye of Siberia. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 1993. (107 min) Biodiv GE160 .R8 B58 1993


Crime Against Nature: An Investigative Report. [San Franciso, Calif.?: The Project], c1994.  (32 min.) Biodiv SK591 .C75 1994.


Dersu Uzala. New York: Kino Video, c1994. (140 min.) Pub PN1995.9.A3 D47 1994


Who's the Boss in the Taiga? [Russia?]: Zov Taigi ; [Sausalito, CA: Siberian Forests Protection Project], c1994. (16 min.)  Biodiv QH191 .W46 1994.

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