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Chinook Salmon Pages

Chinook Salmon

Where are chinook salmon located? When do they spawn? This page, jam-packed with information, can provide a lot of answers.

Chinook Salmon: Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Wildlife Notebook Series

Did you know that the chinook salmon is Alaska’s state fish? A general description of the salmon is just one of the fine bits of information offered at this site.

Chinook Salmon Facts

This page provides excellent basic information about the chinook salmon.

Chinook Salmon in San Francisco Bay

At this site you can find out where the salmon are located in San Francisco Bay by taking a look at a map of the bay.

Interactive Chinook Salmon Life Cycle

Exactly as the title indicates, this site has links that connect to images of salmon relating to the life cycle.

Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon

The Sacramento River winter-run salmon were classified as endangered in 1994. At this site you can view a map and check the ranges for the winter-run salmon.

Salmon Pages

Ceres: Salmon

A great deal of information is packed into this page from the California Environmental Resources Evaluation System.

Great Lakes Fish Pictures

But what does a salmon look like? Click on one of the provided pictures and find out.

Pacific Coast Salmon Fisheries

Designed for the use of Canadian educators and school children, this is a great site to wander through to learn about salmon. By clicking on "Habitat" and then "The Salmon," you can retrieve a great deal of information.

Salmon Information via the Internet

This site provides Internet links to Pacific salmon information.

Salmon Sites

This site provides links galore to Internet information about salmon.

Wild Salmon Center

The guiding philosophy of the Wild Salmon Center is to protect the last, best places for wild steelhead, salmon and trout while there is still a chance to have an impact. You can find out more about this organization at their official website.

Salmon School Projects on the Web

Salmon from A to Z

Salmon Life Cycle

Salmon Page: Hosted by Riverdale School

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Bell, Gordon R. Pacific Salmon: From Egg to Exit. Surrey, BC; Blaine, WA: Hancock House, c1996. Pub QL638 .S2 B45 1996.

Boles, Gerald L. Water Temperature Effects on Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Sacramento, CA: California Department of Water Resources; 1988. Ichthy QL638 .S2 B64 1988.

Brown, Bruce. Mountain in the Clouds: A Search for the Wild Salmon. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1995. Biodiv QL638 .S2 B76 1995.

Conrad, Robert Harvey and Jennifer L. Gutmann. Conversion Equations Between Fork Length and Total Length for Chinook Salmon. Olympia, WA: Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, 1996. SA QL638.52 C65 1996.

Fobes, Natalie. Reaching Home: Pacific Salmon, Pacific People. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Northwest Books, 1994. SA QL638 .S2 F58 1994.

Hallock, Richard J. Migrations of Adult King Salmon, Oncorhyncus tshawytscha in the San Joaquin Delta, as Demonstrated by the Use of Sonic Tags. Sacramento, CA: Dept. of Fish and Game, 1970. Main Serials SH11 .C27 no.151.

Pacific Salmon Life Histories. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1991. Ichthy QL638 .S2 P22 1991.

Physiological Ecology of Pacific Salmon. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1995. SA QL638 .S2 P46 1995.

Raleigh, Robert F., William J. Miller and Patrick C. Nelson. Habitat Suitability Index Models and Instream Flow Suitability Curves: Chinook Salmon. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; National Ecology Center, 1986. Main REF QH540 .H23 no.122.

Raleigh, Robert F and Patrick C. Nelson. Habitat Suitability Index Models and Instream Flow Suitability Curves: Pink Salmon. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1985. Main REF QH540 .H23 no.109.

Shapovalov, Leo and Alan C. Taft. The Life Histories of the Steelhead Rainbow Trout and Silver Salmon with Special Reference to Waddell Creek, California, and Recommendations Regarding Their Management. Sacramento. CA: California Dept. of Fish and Game, Bulletin no.98, 1954. Main Serials SH11 .C27 no.98 & SA QL638.S2 S48.

Smith, Lynwood S. and Gordon Bell. A Practical Guide to the Anatomy and Physiology of Pacific Salmon. Ottawa: Department of the Environment; Fisheries and Marine Service, 1975. Main & SA QL638 .S2 S6.

Walters, Timothy R. Smolt Migration Characteristics and Mainstem Snake and Columbia River Detection Rates of PIT-tagged Grande Ronde and Imnaha River Naturally Produced Spring Chinook Salmon. Portland, OR: Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, 1994. Main QL638 .S2 W345 1994.

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Alkire, Carolyn. L. Wild Salmon as Natural Capital: Accounting for Sustainable Use. Washington, D.C.: Wilderness Society, 1993. Biodiv REF SH348 .A44 1993.

Pacific Salmon and Federal Lands: A Regional Analysis. Washington, D.C.: Wilderness Society, 1993. Biodiv REF QL638 .S2 P19 1993.

Salmon Aquaculture. New York, NY: Halsted Press, 1993. SA SH167 .S17 S26 1993.

The Salmon Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Understand the Headlines. Victoria, BC: World Fisheries Trust, 1996. Biodiv REF SH349 .S34 1996.

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Annual Report on the Status of the California State Listed Threatened and Endangered Plants and Animals. Sacramento: State of California; 1992. Biodiv REF & REF Wild California QH76.5.C2 A55 1992.

California's Salmon and Steelhead: The Struggle to Restore an Imperiled Resource. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1991. Biodiv REF SH348 .C35 1991.

Cloud, Joseph G. and Gary H. Thorgard. Genetic Conservation of Salmonid Fishes. New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1993. SA QL638 .S2.G46 1993.

Cone, Joseph. A Common Fate: Endangered Salmon and the People of the Pacific Northwest. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press, 1996. Biodiv QL638 .S2 C659 1996.

Conservation of Fish and Shellfish Resources: Managing Diversity. New York: Academic Press, 1995. Biodiv REF SH327.7 .C66 1995.

Endangered Wildlife of the World. New York, NY: Marshall Cavendish, 1993. Biodiv REF QH75 .E53 1993.

House, Freeman. Totem Salmon: Life Lessons from Another Species. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, c1999. Biodiv QL638 .S2 H68 1999.

Life on the Edge: A Guide to California's Endangered Natural Resources: Wildlife. Santa Cruz, CA: Biosystems Books, 1994. Biodiv REF QH76.5 .C2 L53 1994.

Meyer, Philip A. The Value of King Salmon, Harbor Seals and Wetlands of San Francisco Bay. San Francisco, CA: The Bay Institute of San Francisco, 1987. Main HD1694 .C2 M49 1987.

Middleton, Susan & David Liittschwager. Witness: Endangered Species of North America. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, 1994. Biodiv, Pub, Main, & REF CAS Pubs QH77.N7 M54 1994.

Netboy, Anthony. The Salmon: Their Fight for Survival. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1974. Main & SA QL638.S2 N49 1973.

A New Strategy for Watershed Restoration and Recovery of Pacific Salmon in the Pacific Northwest: Report. Eugene, OR: Pacific Rivers Council, 1993. Biodiv Ref. QL638 .S2 N5 1993a.

Northwest Salmon Crisis: A Documentary History. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, 1996. Biodiv SH348 .N68 1996.

The Official World Wildlife Fund Guide to Endangered Species of North America. Washington, D.C.: Beacham Publishing, 1990. Biodiv REF & Main QH75 .O35 1990.

Pacific Salmon and Their Ecosystems: Status and Future Options. New York: Chapman & Hall, 1997. Biodiv REF SH348 .P33 1997.

Reynolds, Forrest L., Robert L. Reavis and Jim Schuler. Central Valley Salmon and Steelhead Restoration and Enhancement Plan. Sacramento, CA: State of California Resources Agency; Department of Fish and Game, 1990. Biodiv REF SH222 .C3 C45 1990.

Steinhart, Peter. California's Wild Heritage: Threatened and Endangered Animals in the Golden State. Sacramento: California Department of Fish and Game, 1990. Biodiv, Biodiv REF, REF Wild California, & Main QL84.22.C2 S83 1990.

Upstream: Salmon and Society in the Pacific. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1996. Biodiv QL638 .S2 U67 1996.

Watershed and Salmon Habitat Restoration in the Pacific Northwest: Rationale and Framework for Legislation, 1993. Eugene, OR: The Pacific Rivers Council, 1993. Biodiv REF QL638 .S2 W38 1993a.

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Cone, Molly. Come Back, Salmon: How a Group of Dedicated Kids Adopted Pigeon Creek and Brought It Back to Life. San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Books, 1992. Biodiv Juv. SH157.8 .C66 1991.

Rius, María. Life in the Sea. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, c1987. Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .S3 R5813 1987.

Rius, María. La Vida en el Mar. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, 1987. Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .S3 R58 1987.

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Chinook Trilogy: [Study Guides]. Portland, OR: Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission., c1996. Pub E98 .F4 C44 1996.

Field, Nancy and Sally Machlis. Discovering Salmon: A Nature Activity Book. Middleton, WI: Dog-Eared Publications, 1993. Biodiv Juv QL638 .S2.F52 1993.

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Born In Fire. Eugene, OR: Cascadia Fire Ecology Project, 1996. Biodiv SD538.2 .N95 B67 1996 (54 minutes).

Empty Promises, Empty Nets. Portland, OR: Wild Hare Media, 1995. Public E98 .F4.E46 1994 (30 minutes).

On the Edge. Davis, CA: Salmon and Steelhead, 1988. Biodiv SH157.8 .O63 1988 (29 minutes).

Matter of Trust. Portland, OR: Wild Hare Media, 1995. Public E98 .F4 M37 1995 (30 minutes).

The Moon's Prayer: Wisdom of the Ages. Oakland, CA: The Video Project, 1991. Biodiv Media SH348 .M66 1991 (51 minutes)

My Strength is From the Fish. Portland, OR: Wild Hare Media, 1994. Public E98 .F4 M9 1995 (30 minutes)

The Return of the Salmon. Corvallis, OR: Oregon Sea Grant, 1995. Biodiv QL638 .S2 R47 1995 (30 minutes).

Secrets of the Bay. Berkeley, CA: Independent Documentary Group, 1990. Biodiv QH105 .C2 S43 1990 (28 minutes).

Thinking Like a Watershed. Ben Lomond, CA: Distributed by the Video Project, 1997. (27 min.) Biodiv QH541.5 .W3 T45 1997.

When the Salmon Runs Dry. Oakland, CA: The Video Project, 1992. Biodiv Media QL638 .S2 W48 1992 (51 minutes)


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