San Francisco Bay Fishes Bibliography


California Academy of Sciences


Estuarine Monitoring Project Work Team

Reports on team efforts to develop, evaluate, implement and maintain a comprehensive estuarine and lower river monitoring program that will allow the determination of trends in abundance of aquatic organisms.



A relational database designed for use by research scientists, fisheries managers, zoologists; 25,770 species and 30,380 pictures offered.


Fisheries Management Plan in San Francisco and Nearby Bays

The Bay is split into geographic parts, with lists of fish known to be found in each area.


Marine Science Institute South Bay Monitoring Program

Includes: Bat Ray, California Halibut, Striped Bass, Leopard Shark, English Sole.


Non-Indigenous Species of Concern to the San Francisco Bay and Delta

Listing of some serious aquatic pests that are currently plaguing the Bay-Delta and possible pathways by which they were introduced.


Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies

San Francisco State University’s marine field station and academic research facility on Tiburon Peninsula; performs basic scientific research and education.


San Francisco Bay Ecology – Fish

Some commonly found fish in San Francisco Bay are discussed.


San Francisco Bay Environmental Sensitivity Index Metadata

Information on fish species is found in this comprehensive document.


San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge, GORP Tour

Brief report on the SFBay National Wildlife Refuge includes names of saltwater fish:  striped bass, surfperch, sturgeon, starry flounder, leopard shark, topsmelt, anchovy.


San Francisco Estuary Institute

Reports on Regional Monitoring Program of contaminate concentrations for fish from SF Bay, 1997 as well as other activities of the Institute.


State of the Estuary

Biological resources in the estuary are analyzed.

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Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program. Kids in Creeks: An Interdisciplinary Creek Exploration Program. [Hayward, CA]: The Program [1995]. Biodiv GB991 .C2 K52 1995.


Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program. Kids in Creeks: An Interdisciplinary Creek Exploration Program. [Hayward, CA]: The Program [1997]. Biodiv GB991 .C2 K52 1997.


Aplin, J.A. Biological Survey of San Francisco Bay, 1963-1966. Menlo Park, CA: Marine Resources Operations Laboratory [1967]. Main & SA QL164 .A64 1967.


Aquatic Outreach Institute. Kids in Marshes: An Interdisciplinary Wetlands Education and Exploration Program. [Richmond, CA]: The Institute, [1997]. Biodiv QH541.5 .M3 K52 1997.


Brickson, Betty. Layperson’s Guide to San Francisco Bay. Sacramento, CA: Water Education Foundation, 1993. REF Wild California GE155 .C2 L39 1993.


Cloern, James E. and Frederic Nicholas, eds. Temporal Dynamics of an Estuary: San Francisco Bay. Boston, MA: W. Junk, 1985. Main GC856 .T45 1985.


Cohen, Andrew Neal. An Introduction to the Ecology of the San Francisco Estuary. Oakland , CA: San Francisco Estuary Project, 1990. Pub QH541.5 .E8 C64 1990.


Cohen, Andrew N. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species in a United States Estuary: A Case Study of the Biological Invasions of the San Francisco Bay and Delta.  Washington, D.C.: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Division of Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance; Springfield, VA: National Technical Information Service [distributor 1995]. REF Wild California QH105 .C2 C64 1995.


Cohen, Andrew Neal. Nonindigenous Species in a United States Estuary: A Case Study of the Biological Invasions of the SF Bay. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1995. REF Wild California QH105 .C2. C64 1995.


Cohen, Andrew N. Ships’ Ballast Water and the Introduction of Exotic Organisms into the San Francisco Estuary: Current Status of the Problem and Options for Management. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute, [1998]. IZ &G QH541.5 .E8 C645 1998.


Fisher, Stephen. The Environmentalist’s Guide to the East Bay Shoreline. [California: S. Fisher and A. Rubine], c1973. Main GE155 .C2 F57 1973.


Ferguson, Ava and Gregor Cailliet. Sharks and Rays of the Pacific Coast. Monterey, CA: Monterey Bay Aquarium, c1990. REF Wild California QL638.9 .F47 1990.


Harvey, H.T. et al. The Marshes of San Francisco Bay: Their Attributes and Values: A Report to the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. [California]: San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, [1977]. REF Wild California QH105 .C2 M275 1977.


Hedgpeth, Joel Walker. Introduction to Seashore Life of the San Francisco Bay Region and the Coast of Northern California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, c1962. Pub, IZ&G, & REF Wild California  QH95.7 .H43. 


Hedgepeth, Joel Walker and William E. Mortensen. San Francisco Bay Estuarine Circulation and Productivity of the Estuary for Striped Bass and other Species. Sausalito, CA: The Bay Institute of San Francisco, [1987?]. Main QH541.5 .E8 H43 1987.


Herbold, Bruce. Status and Trends on Aquatic Resources of the SF Estuary. Davis, CA: University of California Press, 1991. Biodiv REF QH105 .C2 H47 1991.


Hopkins, Dale R. Atlas of the Distributions and Abundances of Common Benthic Species in San Francisco Bay, California. [Reston, VA]: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey; Denver, CO: Open-File Services Section, Western Distribution Branch [distributor 1986]. REF Wild California QL365.4 .U6 H67 1986.


Josselyn, Michael. The Ecology of San Francisco Bay Tidal Marshes: A Community Profile. Washington, D.C.: The Service, 1983 [i.e. 1984]. Biodiv & REF Wild California QH105 .C2 J67 1984.


Kramer, Kathy. Teaching about the San Francisco Bay and Delta: An Activities and Resource Guide. Richmond, CA: Aquatic Habitat Institute, 1991. Biodiv F868 .S156 K72 1991.


Love, Milton S. Probably More than You Want to Know About the Fishes of the Pacific Coast. 2nd ed., rev. and expanded. Santa Barbara, CA: Really Big Press, c1996. Pub QL623.4 .L68 1996.


National Marine Sanctuaries; California Coastal Commission. Marine and Coastal Educational Resources Directory, San Francisco and Monterey Bay Areas: A Guide to Organizations Providing Information and Resources on Marine and Coastal Education. [San Francisco, CA]: The Commission, 1996. Biodiv, Pub, Biodiv REF, & REF Wild California QH105 .C2 M27 1996.


Nichols, Frederic H. and Mario M. Pamatmat. The Ecology of the Soft-Bottom Benthos of San Francisco Bay: A Community Profile. Washington, D.C.: The Center, 1988. Main Serials QH540 .U56 no.85(7.23).


Pearson, Donald E. Survey of Fishes and Water Properties of South San Francisco Bay, California, 1973-82. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1989.  REF Wild California  QL628 .C2 P43 1989.


Riensche, Dave. Of Marsh and Mud: A Guide to Shoreline Life. [Ohlone, CA]: Ohlone Audubon Society, c1995. REF Wild California QH105 .C2 R53 1995.


San Francisco Bay Area Wetland Ecosystem Goals Project. Baylands Ecosystem Species and Community Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirements of Key Plants, Fish, and Wildlife. Oakland, CA: San Francisco Estuary Project, c/o S.F. Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, 2000. Biodiv REF QH76.5 .C2 B395 2000.


Schwarz, Melissa. The Bay Area Volunteer’s Handbook. Berkeley, CA: EarthWorks Press, c1996. Pub HN79 .C23 V64 1996.


Sedway/Cooke. Regional Ocean Coastline Plan for the San Francisco Bay Area. Berkeley, CA: Associations of Bay Area Governments, 1973. Main HT393 .C32 S247 1973.


Skinner, John E. An Historical Review of the Fish and Wildlife Resources of the San Francisco Bay Area. [Sacramento, CA]: Resources Agency of California, Dept. of Fish and Game, Water Projects Branch, [1962]. REF Wild California & Ichthy SH222 .C2 S54 1962.


State of the Estuary: 1992-1997: Vital Statistic, New Science, Environmental Management. San Francisco: The Project. 1997. Biodiv & REF Wild California QH105 .C2 S72 1997.


Steiner, John and Evelyn Baker.  Endangered and Threatened Species of the San Francisco Bay Region. San Francisco, CA: San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society, c1990.  Biodiv REF  QH76.5 .C2 S83 1990.


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Pacific Coast Ecological Inventory: User's Guide and Information Base, by Angelo D. Beccasio et al. Washington, D. C.: Biological Services Program, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Main Serials  QH540 .U56 no.81/30.


Urban Ecology, Inc. Blueprint for a Sustainable Bay Area. [Oakland, CA]: Urban Ecology, c1996. Biodiv HC107 .C23 E5 1996.


Wong, Kristine. Fishing for Food in San Francisco Bay. From Save San Francisco Bay Association. Oakland, CA: The Association, 1997. Biodiv SH473 .W66 1997.

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