Subject Guide Index


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Ansel Adams, Photographer. Beverly Hills, CA: Pacific Arts Video. (60 min.) Public TR140 .A3 A55 1986.

Artificial Intelligence with Dr. Marvin Minsky. San Ramon, CA: Pangea Digital Pictures, 1995. (39 min.) Public Q335 .A78 1995.

Bill Nye the Science Guy Offers You Advice to Help You and Your Kids Explore the Amazing World of Family Fun Science. Seattle, WA: KCTS Television, c1998. (12 min.) Public Q164 .B54 1998.

Breakthrough: The Changing Face of Science in America. Boston: PBS Video, 1996. (3 videos, 114 min. each) Public Q141 .B73 1996.

Drugs and Youth - The Challenge. Sacramento: California Attorney General's Office, 1988. (23 min.) Public HV5824.Y68 D78 1988.

Everest: The Death Zone. Boston, MA: WGBH Educational Foundation, c1998. (60 min.) Public GV199.44 .E85 E93 1998.

Everyone Is An Inventor. Washington, D.C.: Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, 1998. (30 min.) Public T212 .E94 1998.

Evolution. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media, c1999. Public QH367.1 .E96 1999.

Evolution with Dr. Jared Diamond. San Ramon, CA: Pangea Digital Pictures, 1995. (60 min.) Public QL737. U62 Z42 1993.

Explorations. La Jolla, CA: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1997. ( ) Public GC58 .E972 1997.

Explorations (1903-2003: 100 Years of Exploration). La Jolla, CA: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, c1997. (56 min.) Public GC58 .E972 2003.

Fish Tales: A Health Education Video. Oakland, CA: Save San Francisco Bay Association, c1997. (14 min.) Biodiv SH174 .F57 1997.

Fort Ord: a Place in History. Sacremento, CA: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1998. (33 min.) Public F868 .M7 F67 1998.

From Dream to Reality: a Tribute to Minority Inventors. Washington, D.C.: Evco productions, 1986. (26 min) Biodiv T39 .F76 1986.

The Gold Rush. Baker City, OR: Nostalgia Family Video, 1980. (89 min.) S.C. Media Room PN1997 .G65 1980.

A History of Fire Prevention. Chico, CA: U.S. Forest Service, 1994. (14 min.) Biodiv SD421 .H57 1994.

Human Machine. New York, NY: DK Vision, 1997. (35 min.) Public QP38 .H79 1997.

Imaging a Hidden World. Loomis, CA: BioMedia Associates, 1991. (15 min.) Public QH205.2 I43 1991.

Internet Issues: A Train the Trainer Workshop. San Francisco: Telecommunications Working Group, 1995. (53 min.) Public ZA3250 .U6 I58 1995.

Into the Jungle: The Making of "Amazon Diary". New York: Children’s Book-of-the-Month Club, 1997. (22 min.) Biodiv F2520.1 .Y3 I57 1997.

Introduction to Living Cells. Loomis, CA: BioMedia Assoc. , 1992. (23 min.) Biodiv QH581.2 .I57 1992.

Inventing the Future: African-American Contributions to Scientific Discovery and Invention. Washington, D.C.: The American Chemical Society, 1994. (30 min.) Public T39 .I58 1994.

John Muir: The Man, the Poet, the Legacy. San Francisco: Chronicle Broadcasting, 1981. (50 min.) Public QH31 .M84 J64 1981.

Library & Archival Disaster: Preparedness & Recovery. Oakton, VA: Biblo Prep, 1986. (21 min.) Special Collections Z701 .L43 1986.

Life. New York: DK Vision, 1997, (35 min.) Public QH325 .L54 1997.

The Micro-Life Resource. Loomis, CA: BioMedia Associates, 1992. (56 min.) Public QL366 .M53 1992.

Mind's Eye, Mind's Invention. Washington, D.C.: Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, 1998. (30 min.) Public T212 .M56 1998.

The Miracle of Life. Boston, MA: WGBH Educational Foundation, 1986. (60 min.) Special Collections QP251 .M57 1986.

Mountains of Gold. Oley, PA: Bullfrog Films, 1990. (55 min.) Biodiv GF532 .A45 D42 v.3 1990.

Natural Disaster. New York: DK Vision, 1997. (35 min.) Public GB5018 .N37 1997.

Oceanography with Dr. Sylvia Earle. San Ramon, CA: Pangea Digital Pictures, 1995. (50 min.) Public QH541.5 .S3 O34 1995.

Paleontology with Dr. Robert Bakker. San Ramon, CA: Pangea Digital Pictures, 1995. (40 min.) Public QE862 .D5 O35 1995.

Project MOSAIC: Museums at the Crossroads. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science, Directorate for Education and Human Resources Programs: Association of Science-Technology Centers, c1996. Public Q105.U5 .P76 1996.

P. T. Barnum: America’s Greatest Showman. Bethesda, MD: Discovery Channel Video, 1995. (90 min.) Public GV1811 .B3 P8 1995.

Real Sanctuary: The Music of Hilary Stagg. Sausalito, CA: Real Music, 1996. (52 min.) Biodiv BF809 .R43 1996.

Safe Handling of Hazardous Materials. 1988. [2 videocassettes] (238 min.) Special Collections T55.3.H3 S23 1988.

Secrets of Science. Burbank, CA: Discovery Magazine, 1994. (13 videos, 48 min. each) Public Q158.5 .S43 1994.

Sight. New York: DK Vision, 1997. (35 min.) Public QP475.5 .S54 1997.

Six Billion and Beyond. Berkeley: U.C. Extension Center for Media and Independent Learning, 1999. (56 min.) Biodiv HB871 .S59 1999.

Sound! Light! Edison! Celebrating 150 Years of Invention. Washington, D.C.: Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, 1997. (30 min.) Public T212 .S68 1997.

Tracing the Path: African American Contributions to Chemistry in the Life Sciences. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society, 1994. (18 min.) Public QD21 .T72 1994.

Viruses with Dr. Robert Gallo. San Ramon, CA: Pangea Digital Pictures, 1995. (44 min.) Public QR360 .V57 1995.

Weather. London: DK Vision, 1996. (35 min.) Public QC863.4 .W42 1996.

World Population. Washington,DC: Zero Population Growth, 1990. (6 min.) Biodiv HB871.W67 1990.

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National Parks & Protected Areas

1988 Yellowstone Fires. Bozeman, MT: Video Visions, 1988. (60 min.) Biodiv F722 .N45 1988.

Arctic Refuge: A Wilderness in Peril. Washington, DC: Wilderness Society, [1987?]. (16 min.) Biodiv SK367.A73 1987.

Blue Eye of Siberia. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 1993. (107 min.) Biodiv GE160.R8 B58 1993.

Citizens Protecting America’s Parks. Washington, DC: National Parks and Conservation Association, 1991. (13 min) Biodiv SB482. A4 C58 1991.

Desert Song: Natural History of the Mojave Desert. Estes Park, CO: Survival Anglia, 1991. (55 min.) Biodiv QH105.C2 D47 1991.

El Dorado. San Francisco: Green T.V., 1996. (56 min.) Biodiv SD413 .C2 E5 1996.

The Everglades. Florida: Save Our Everglades, 1995. (11 min.) Biodiv HD9107 .F6 E94 1995.

The Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park. Nassau, Bahamas: Bahamas National Trust, 1993. (11min ) Biodiv QH109 .B3 E98 1993.

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Whittier, CA: Finley-Holiday Film Corporation, 1989. (30 min.) Special Collect. F767.T3 6716 1989.

Guardian of the Golden Gate. San Francisco: David Donnenfeild, 1994. (60 min.) Public F868 .S156 G83 1994.

Las Cruces Fire and Recovery. Durham ,NC: Organization of Tropical Studies, 1995. (12 min.) Biodiv SD356.72 .C82 L37 1995.

The Longest Night. Golden Bay, NZ: Wild South, 1992 (55 min.) Biodiv Q180.6 .Z62 L66 1992.

Manu: Peru's Hidden Rain Forest. Burbank, CA: PBS Home Video, 1997. (60 min.) Public QH86 .M36 1997.

Oceans for the Future: The Making of Marine Protected Areas. Boston, MA: New England Aquarium, c2001. (18 min.) Public GC1018 .O284 2001.

On a Barren Rock. San Anselmo: TwoDot Productions, 1995. (12 min.) Public VK1025 .P6 O6 1995.

Parks in the Sea: California's Underwater State Parks. Sacramento: California Department of Parks and Recreation, 1988. (28 min.) Biodiv SB482 .C2 P38 1988.

The Run to Save Sinkyone. Ukiah, CA: Intertribal Sinkyone Wilderness Council, c1994. (48 min.) Public SB482 .C2 R86 1994.

Sacred Trust: Preserving America's Wilderness. Washington, DC: The Wilderness Society, 1989. (18 min.) Biodiv QH76 .S33 1989.

Triglavski Narodni Park, Slovenija. Bied, Slovenia: Triglavski Narodni Park, 1990. (17 min.) Public SB484 .S57 T75 1990.

Yosemite: The Fate of Heaven. Los Angeles: Direct Cinema Limited, 1990. (58 min.) Biodiv F868 .Y6 Y68 1990.

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Amazing Prehistoric Animals. New York: DK Vision, 1997. (30 min.) Public QE765 .A42 1997.

The Dinosaurs! Los Angeles: Pacific Arts, 1992, 1993. [4 Videocassettes.] (60 min. each.) Public QE862.D5 D533 1993.

Fossil Lake: Paleontology and Preparation at Fossil Butte National Monument. Jensen, UT: Dinosaur Nature Association, [198-]. (17 min.) Public QE747 .W8 F67 1980z.

In Search of Human Origins. Boston, Mass.: WGBH Educational Foundation, 1994 (180 min.) Public GN283.25 .I5 1994.

Paleontology with Dr. Robert Bakker. San Ramon, CA: Pangea Digital Pictures, 1995. (40 min.) Public QE862 .D5 O35 1995.

Prehistoric Life. London: DK Vision, 1996. (35 min.) Public QE763 .P73 1996.

Stalking Dinosaurs. [Denver, CO]: The Denver Museum of Natural History, c1989. Public QE862 .D5 S69 1989.

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Children of the River. Chicago, IL: Films Incorporated, c1993. (30 min.) Public TD223 .C44 1993.

The Colorado: Secrets at the Source. Estes Park, CO: Survival Anglia, 1989.(51 min) Biodiv QH105.C6 C64 1989.

Conserving America: The Rivers. WQED/Pittsburgh and National Wildlife Federation. Pittsburgh: QED Communications, Inc., 1988. (60 min.) Biodiv QH76.R58 1988.

The Mighty River. Montreal: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1993. (24 min.) Biodiv F1050 .M54 1993.

Rediscovering the Amazon. San Francisco: Mondragon Productions, 1990. (25 min.) Biodiv F2546 .R43 1990z.

Restoring Salmon & Watersheds: An Introduction. [Corvallis, OR?: Oregon Sea Grant Communications?, 1994?]. Public SH348 .R47 1994.

River Song. Grand Canyon, AZ: Grand Canyon Natural History Association, 1987. (40 min.) Biodiv QH105 .A6 R58 1987.

The Rivers. Pittsburgh, PA: WQED/Pittsburgh and National Wildlife Federation, 1988. (60 min.) Biodiv QH76 .R58 1988.

Pond & River. London: DK Vision, 1996. (35 min.) Public GB1203.7 .P66 1996.

Swimming Upstream: The Endangered Fish of the Colorado River. Denver, CO: Recovery Program for the Endangered Fishes of the Colorado River, 1993. (14 min.) Biodiv QL 617.72 .C65 S89 1993.

Voices of the Pantanal. Washington, D.C.: Conservation International, 1996. (16 min.) Biodiv GE160.B6 V65 1996.

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Cadillac Desert: Water and the Transformation of Nature. San Jose, CA: KTEH Home Vision Select, 1997. (55 min.) Biodiv HD1739 .W47 C33 1997.

Children of the River. Chicago, IL: Films Incorporated, c1993. (30 min.) Public TD223 .C44 1993.

Drinking Water: Quality on Tap. Lansing, MI: League of Women Voters of Michigan, 1991. (28 min.) Biodiv RA592 .A1 075 1991.

H20-2010. Sacramento, CA: Water Education Foundation, 1993. (30 min.) Biodiv TD388 .H26 1993.

Large Dams, False Promises. Berkeley: International Rivers Network, 1993. (35 min.) Biodiv QH545 .D35 L37 1993.

The Murky Water Caper. Oakland, CA: The Video Project, 1993. (30 min.) Biodiv TD370 .M87 1993.

Special Report : High Water Bills / Water Education Foundation. Glendale, CA: Media International 1991 (33min) Biodiv TD388 .S63 1991.

To Quench a Thirst: The California Water Crisis. Sacramento, CA: KVIE Sacramento, 1990. (60 min.) Biodiv TD 224 .C2 T6 1990.

The Water Cycle. Oakland, CA: Video Project, 1993. (28 min.) Biodiv HD1694 .C2 W38 1993.

Water, Gift of Life. Berkeley, CA: Nature Company, 1990. (50 min.) Biodiv GB661.2 .W38 1990.

The Water in Our Backyard. Ben Lomond: Rainbow Video & Film Production, 1996. (27 min.) Biodiv TD420 .W38 1996.

We All Live Downstream. Oakland: Greenpeace, USA, The Video Project, 1990. (29 min.) Biodiv GE155 .M72 W4 1990.

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The Caddis Fly of Lagunitas Creek. Berkeley, CA: College of Natural Resorces, University of California, Berkeley, 1992. (21 min.) Biodiv QL518.L5 C33 1992.

Conserving America: The Wetlands. WQED/Pittsburgh and National Wildlife Federation. Pittsburgh: QED Communications, Inc., 1988. (60 min.) Biodiv QH76.W47 1988.

A Creek Runs Through It: The Story of San Francisquito. Palo Alto, CA: Bay Area Action, 1993. (30 min.) Biodiv QH541.5 .R52 C74 1993.

Conserving America: The Challenge on the Coast. WQED/Pittsburgh and National Wildlife Federation. Pittsburgh: QED Communications, Inc., 1989. (60 min.) Biodiv GB460.U6 C52 1989.

Fabulous Wetlands. Olympia, WA: Washington State Department of Ecology, 1989. (7 min.) Biodiv QH541.5.M3 F33 1989.

Heading for Shore: the Struggle to Save America’s Coasts. Oakland, CA: Video Project, 1992. (30 min.) Biodiv GC1085 .H43 1992.

Kids by the Bay. Ben Lomond, CA : Video Project, 199-?. Biodiv QH541.5 .E8 K25 1990z.

Life at the Edge of the Sea. New York: Thirteen WNET , 1998. (55 min.) Biodiv QH541.5 .S35 L54 1998.

Life at the Sea’s Edge. Loomis, CA: BioMedia Asoc., 1996. (36 min.) Biodiv QH541.5 .S35 L53 1996.

Pond & River. London: DK Vision, 1996. (35 min.) Public GB1203.7 .P66 1996.

Restoring Salmon & Watersheds: An Introduction. [Corvallis, OR?: Oregon Sea Grant Communications?, 1994?]. Public SH348 .R47 1994.

San Pablo Baylands. San Francisco, Ca: IDG Films, 19--. (17 min. min.) Biodiv F868.S197 26 1900z.

The Streamkeeper. Everett, WA: The Foundation, 1996. (27 min.) Biodiv QH541.5.S7 S86 1996.

Thinking Like a Watershed. Ben Lomond, CA: Distributed by the Video Project, 1997. (27 min.) Biodiv QH541.5 .W3 T45 1997.

Washington's Wetlands. Olympia, WA: Washington Department of Ecology, 1986. (15 min.) Biodiv QH541.5 .M3 W37 1986.

We All Live Downstream. Oakland: Greenpeace, USA, The Video Project, 1990. (29 min.) Biodiv GE155 .M72 W4 1990.

The Wetlands. Pittsburgh, PA: Metropolitan Pittsburgh Public Broadcasting, Inc., 1988. (60 min.) Biodiv QH76 .W47 1988.

Wetlands Nightmare. Olympia, WA: The Department of Ecology, 1989. (22 min) Biodiv HD266 .W2 W47 1989.

Yellowlegs, Eelgrass and Tideflats. Olympia, WA: Washington State Dept. of Ecology, Wetlands Section, 1987. (29 min.) Biodiv QH105 .W2 Y45 1987.

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