Wild CA -- Between the Tides/Sea Meadow Bibliography



California Academy of Sciences Library


Biodiversity of the Rocky Intertidal


Currently under construction, this site provides information taken from a study of "Biodiversity of the Rocky Intertidal in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary: A 24-Year Comparison." Particularly interesting links from this homepage are the species list and common intertidal plants and animals.

California Coastal Geography


This site is a great jumping off point to find more information about the California coast. Click on the Geography of Coastal Ecosystems or Ecological Resources links provided on the homepage and find out about marine algae, beaches, and the rocky intertidal habitat.

Cuisine and Table Manners Learned from Mom: Sea Otters


Sea otters what and how to eat from their mothers. In this Academy publication article, find out about sea otter feeding habits and enjoy the playful and intelligent otter.

Fitzgerald Marine Reserve


The San Francisco Chronicle/Examiner web site has put together a great resource on the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve an hour south of San Francisco in San Mateo County. Along with a list of recommended readings on tidepools, information is given on each tidal zone and the creatures that you might see on a visit.

Friends of the Sea Otter


This link takes you directly to Sea Otter Information from Friends of the Sea Otter. Through the Friends you can find out about otter behavior, see a range map, find viewing locations, and much more.

The Intertidal Zone


At the Vancouver Aquarium web site you can play the Intertidal Zone game. To win the game, place the animals in the correct parts of the zone and create the ideal intertidal area.

Intertidal Zones


What is the intertidal zone? Are there other names for it? This page talks about the definition of an intertidal zone.

Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Rocky Shore


The Habitats Path from the Monterey Bay Aquarium provides access to information about habitats from kelp forest to reef & piling to rocky tidal.

Intertidal Plant Communities


This page describes what you might find in the intertidal plant communities at Point Reyes. Flora and fauna are both described, along with their likely zone placement.

Rocky Intertidal Habitats


Rocky shore habitat makes up about 56% of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary coastline. Because it’s so prevalent, the Sanctuary has put together an overview to biological diversity, distribution patterns, and other information about, and in, this habitat.

The Tide Pool Page – An Interactive Tour


Organisms by classification, an intertidal zone chart, tide pool tips, and tide information are all included in this informative page.

VR Tide Pool


The Virtual Tide Pool found on these pages is full of information. At this site, click on the VR Tide Pool link to see virtual species on the sea floor. You can also click on a species to find out more information, check out the species list, and take a look at the references page.

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Abbott, Isabella A. and George J. Hollenberg. Marine Algae of California. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1976. REF Wild Calif & Bot QK571.5.C2 M37 1976.

Behrens, David, W. Pacific Coast Nudibranchs: a Guide to the Opisthobranchs, Alaska to Baja California. Monterey, CA: Sea Challengers, 1991. REF & IZ&G QL430.4.B435 1991.

Carefoot, Thomas. Pacific Seashores: A Guide to Intertidal Ecology. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1977. REF Wild Calif & SA QH95.3 C37 1977.

Coulombe, Deborah A. The Seaside Naturalist: A Guide to Study at the Seashore. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1992. Pub QH95.7 .C68 1992.

Connor, Judith. Seashore Life on Rocky Coasts. Monterey, CA: Monterey Bay Aquarium, 1993. REF Wild Calif. QL122.2.C655 1993.

Dawson, Elmer Y. and Michael S. Foster. Seashore Plants of California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1982. Pub QK149 .D39 1982.

Denny, Mark W. Biology and the Mechanics of the Wave-Swept Environment. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1988. Main QH541.5 .S35 D46 1988.

Eschmeyer, William and Earl Herald. Peterson Field Guide: Pacific Coast Fishes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1983. Pub, REF, Ichthy & SA QL623.4.E83 1983.

Fitch, John E. and Robert J. Lavenberg. Tidepool and Nearshore Fishes of California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1975. Pub, Icthhy, & SA QL628 .C2 F53.

Floyd, Kenneth W. Growth of Intertidal Marsh Plants on Dredge Material Substrate. Richmond, CA: Point San Pablo Laboratory, San Francisco Bay Marine Research Center, 1976. Bot QK938 .M3 F56 1976.

Foster, Michael S. Annotated Bibliography: Rocky Intertidal Communities of Central and Northern California. Santa Cruz, CA: Kinetic Laboratories, Inc., 1987. REF Wild California QH91.8 .L5 A55 1987.

Foster, Michael S., et al. Causes of Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Rocky Intertidal Communities of Central and Northern California. San Francisco: California Academy of Sciences, 1988. Main Serials & REF CAS Pubs Q11 .C26 no. 9.

Hedgepeth, Joel. Introduction to the Seashore Life of the San Francisco Bay Region and the Coast of Northern California. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1962. Pub, REF Wild California & IZ&G QH95.7.H43 1962.

Horn, Michael H., Kraen L.M. Martin, and Michael A. Chotkowski, eds. Intertidal Fishes: Life in Two Worlds. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1999. Ichthy QL629.6 .I58 1999.

Johnson, Myrtle Elizabeth and Harry James Snook. Seashore Animals of the Pacific Coast. New York: Dover Publications, 1967. REF Wild Calif QL138.J6 1967

Josselyn, Michael. The Ecology of San Francisco Bay Tidal Marshes: A Community Profile. Washington, D.C.: Division of Biological Services, 1984. Biodiv & REF Wild California QH105 .C2 J67 1984.

Kozloff, Eugene N. Seashore Life of the Northern Pacific Coast: An Illustrated Guide to Northern California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1983. REF Wild California, IZ&G & SA QH104.5.N6 K7 1983.

Lee, Gregory. Whale Watching & Tidepools: A Guide to California Marine Life. Frederick, CO: Renaissance House, 1992. REF Wild California QL164 .L43 1992.

Little, Colin and J.A. Kitching. The Biology of Rocky Shores. Oxford; New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1996. Main QH95.7 .L57 1996.

McPeak, Ronald H. The Amber Forest: Beauty and Biology of California's Submarine Forests. San Diego, CA: Watersport Pub., 1988. REF Wild California QK569.L53 M36 1988.

Meinkoth, Norman August. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Seashore Creatures. New York, NY: A.A. Knopf, 1981. SA QL151 .M44 1981.

Morris, Robert H, Donald P. Abbott & Eugene C. Haderlie. Intertidal Invertebrates of California. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1980. REF Wild California & IZ&G QL164 .M67.

Nelson, Roger. Sea Lions, Sea Bears & Beach Pancakes: Tales of Sea and Shore Life. Half Moon Bay, CA: Creative Concepts, 1987. SA QH105 .C2 N45 1987.

Nickerson, Roy. Sea Otters: A Natural History and Guide. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1989. Pub & REF QL737.C25 N53 1989.

Niesen, Thomas M. Beachcomber’s Guide to California Marine Life. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing Co., 1994. REF Wild California QH105 .C2 N54 1994.

Palmer, John D. The Biological Rhythms and Clocks of Intertidal Animals. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1995. IZ&G & SA QL121 .P343 1995.

Raffaelli, David and Stephen Hawkins. Intertidal Ecology. London; New York: Chapman and Hall, 1996. Pub & SA QH541.5.S35 R34 1996..

Sackett, Russell. Edge of the Sea. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1985. MP QH95.7 .L57 1996.

Smith, Gilbert. Marine Algae of the Monterey Peninsula, California. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1944. REF QK571.5 .C2S6.

Wertheim, Anne. The Intertidal Wilderness. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1984. Main & SA QH95.3.W47 1984.

White, Richard, ed. The Intertidal Zonation of Marine Life Near Albion. Mendocino, CA: Mendocino Academy of Science, 1987. Main Serials QH11 .025 no. 47.

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Arnold, Caroline. A Walk by the Seashore. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Silver Press, 1990. Pub Juv QH541.5 .S35 A76 1990.

Bellamy, David. The Rock Pool. New York: C.N. Potter, 1988. Pub Juv QH541.5.S35 B44 1988.

Brust, Beth Wagner. Sea Birds. Mankato, Minnesota: Creative Education, 1990. Pub Juv QL 737 .C25 B78 1991.

Brust, Beth Wagner. Sea Otters. Minneapolis, Minn.: Creative Education, 1991. Pub Juv QL737 .C25 B78 1991.

Filisky, Michael. Peterson First Guides to Fishes of North America. New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1989. Pub Juv, Biodiv & REF QL625.F55 1989.

Foreman, Michael. One World. New York, NY: Arcade Pub., 1991. Pub Juv PZ7 .F7583 1991.

Gunzi, Christiane. Tide Pool. New York, NY: Covent Garden Books, 1998. Biodiv QH541.5.S35 G86 1998.

Jennings, Terry J. Mares y Costas. Madrid: SM, 1987. Pub Juv QH91.16 .J4618 1987.

King, Jeanne. Tide Pools & Coral Reefs. Huntington Beach, CA: Teacher Created Materials, 1993. Pub Juv QH541.5 .S35 K56 1993.

Malnig, Anita. Where the Waves Break: Life at the Edge of the Sea. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, 1985. Pub Juv. QH95.7 .M347 1985.

Melander-Magoon, Karen. Sand’s Rights. Middletown, CA: K. Melander-Magoon, 1987. Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .S35 M44 1987.

Parker, Steve. Seashore. New York, NY: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1989. Pub Juv & Biodiv Juv QH95.7 .P37 1989.

Ranger Rick's NatureScope: Diving Into Oceans. Washington, DC: National Wildlife Federation, 1992. Biodiv QH51.R36 v4:2

Riedman, Marianne. Sea Otters. Monterey, CA: Monterey Bay Aquarium, 1990. Biodiv QL737.C25 R54 1990; Public Juv. QL623.4.E83 1983; Wild Calif QL623.4.E83 1983.

Ryder, Joanne. Sea Elf. New York: Murrow Junior Books, 1993. Biodiv Juv PZ10.3.R954 SE 1993.

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Aquatic Project WILD: Aquatic Education Activity Guide. Boulder, CO: Project WILD, 1987. Biodiv & Biodiv REF QH90.55 .A68 1987.

Buxton, Eva, et al. Bay Shore Studies Teacher’s Handbook. Tiburon, CA: Richardson Bay Audubon Center, National Audubon Society, 1988. Biodiv REF & Educ QH105 .C2 B39 1988.

Kids in Marshes: An Interdisciplinary Wetlands Education and Exploration Program. Richmond, CA: Aquatic Outreach Institute, 1997. Biodiv QH541.5 .M3 K52 1997.

The Ocean Book: Aquarium and Seaside Activities and Ideas for All Ages. New York: Wiley, 1989. Biodiv GC21.5 .O28 1989.

Robinson, Sandra Chisholm. Sea Otter River Otter. Niwot, CO: Denver Museum of Natural History; Robert Rinehart Publishers, 1993. Biodiv Juv QL737.C25 R64 1993.

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Amazing Seashore Animals. New York, NY: DK Vision, 1997. Pub AV/Media QL122.2 .A42 1997.

Life at the Seas’s Edge. Loomis, CA: BioMedia Associates, 1996. Biodiv Media QH541.5 .S35 D46 1988.

The Monterey Bay Aquarium. Monterey, CA: The Monterey Bay Aquarium and A. Eric Jones Productions, 1996. Biodiv Media QL79 .U62 M66 1996.

Ocean Symphony. Universal City, CA: MCA Home Video, 1987. Biodiv Media QH91 .O34 1987.

Parks in the Sea: California's Underwater State Parks. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Parks and Recreation, 1988. Biodiv MEDIA SB82.C2 P38 1988.

Seashore. London: DK Vision, 1996. Pub AV/Media GB451.2.S42 1996.

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