Wlid California-Salt Marsh Nursery Bibliography



California Academy of Sciences Library


Information about Salt Marshes and Wetlands

California's Coastal Wetlands


The California Environmental Resources Evaluation System (CERES), has put together a page of information on California’s wetlands. Most of California’s wetlands are salt marshes.

California Wetlands Information System


CERES again provides relevant information, this time through the links at the California Wetlands Information System. They have provided an introduction to CA wetlands, information about state and federal policies, and more.

Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve


The Carpenteria Salt Marsh Reserve is 120 acres large. Find out more about this reserve, administered by U.C. Santa Barbara, by visiting this site.

Coastal Salt Marsh


At this site, view photographs of coastal salt marshes and find out what all the fuss is about.

Elkhorn Slough


Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve is located between the cities of Santa Cruz and Monterey in California. At their web site, you can find out about ongoing research, natural history in the area, and find links to related web sites.

Information about Creatures on Display in the Salt Marsh Nursery Diorama in Wild California Hall

American Avocet


Bat Ray


Blue Mud Shrimp


Fat Innkeeper Worm




Great Blue Heron


Great Blue Heron


Western Sandpiper


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Allen, Julia N. The Ecology and Behavior of the Long-Billed Curlew in Southeastern Washington. [Washington]: Wildlife Society, 1980. Main Serials QL1 .W5 no.73.

Bay Institute of San Francisco. Citizen's Report on the Diked Historic Baylands of San Francisco Bay. Sausalito, CA: Bay Institute of San Francisco, 1987. REF Wild California QH541.5 .S24 C57 1987.

Butler, Robert William. The Great Blue Heron: A Natural History and Ecology of a Seashore Sentinel. Vancouver: UBC Press, c1997. M&O QL696 .C52 B86 1997.

Butler, Robert William. The Patient Predator: Foraging and Population Ecology of the Great Blue Heron, Ardea herodias, in British Columbia. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Wildlife Service, c1995. Main QL696 .C52 B87 1995.

Chapman, Valentine J. Salt Marshes and Salt Deserts of the World. London: L. Hill; New York: Interscience Publishers, 1960. BOT QK938 .M3 C51 1960.

Dawson, Elmer Yale. Seashore Plants of California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1982. Pub QK149 .D39 1982.

Evens, Jules G. The Natural History of the Point Reyes Peninsula. Point Reyes, CA: Point Reyes Seashore Association, 1988. Pub QH105 .C2 E95 1988.

Ferren, Wayne R. Carpinteria Salt Marsh:Eenvironment, History, and Botanical Resources of a Southern California Estuary. Santa Barbara University of California, Santa Barbara, 1985. BOT QH541.5 .S24 F47 1985

Grossinger, Robin et al. Introduced Tidal Marsh Plants in the San Francisco Estuary. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute, 1998. Biodiv REF QH541.5 .S24 I57 1998.

Gulf South Research Institute. Coastal Marsh Productivity. Washington: The Service, 1977. Main Serials QH540 .U56 no.77/3.

Hamerstrom, Frances. Harrier, Hawk of the Marshes: The Hawk that is Ruled by a Mouse. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, c1986. M&O QL696 .F32 H35 1986.

Hands, Helen M., Ronald D. Drobney, and Mark R. Ryan. Status of the Northern Harrier in the Northcentral United States. Twin Cities, MN: The US Fish & Wildlife Service, 1989. M&O QL696 .F32 H36 1989.

Hinde, Howard Parrish. Vertical Distribution of Salt Marsh Phanerogams in Relation to Tide Levels. 1952. BOT QH541.5 .S24 H56 1952

Johnsgard, Paul A. The Plovers, Sandpipers, and Snipes of the World. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1981. M&O QL696 .C4 J63 1981.

Josselyn, Michael. The Ecology of San Francisco Bay Tidal Marshes: A Community Profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Washington, D.C. : The Service, 1983. REF Wild California QH105 .C2 J67 1984.

The Marshes of San Francisco Bay: Their Attributes and Values: A Report to the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. [California]: San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, [1977]. REF Wild California QH105 .C2 M275 1977.

Niering, William A. The Life of the Marsh: The North American Wetlands. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, c1966. S.C. Books QH541.5 .M3 N54 1966.

Pritchett, David A. and Wayne R. Ferren, Jr. Vernal Pools of the Del Sol Reserve. Isla Vista, CA: Isla Vista Recreation and Park District, Santa Barbara County, 1988. REF Wild California QH87.3 .P74 1988.

Ranwell, D. S. Ecology of Salt Marshes and Sand Dunes. London: Chapman and Hall; New York, NY: Distributed in the U.S.A. by Halsted Press, 1972. Main QH541.5 .S24 R36 1972.

San Francisco Bay Area Wetlands Wildlife Viewing Guide. San Francisco: San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 1990. REF Wild California QH541.5 .M3 S32 1990.

Silberstein, Mark. Elkhorn Slough. Monterey, CA: Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation, 1989. Pub QH105.C2 S48 1989.

Viollis, Frank Salvatore. The Evolution of Pescadero Marsh. 1979. Main GB625 .C2 V56 1979

Wal, Rene van der. Defending the Marsh: Herbivores in a Dynamic Coastal Ecosystem. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 1998. Main QH541.5 .S24 W34 1998

Wiegert, Richard G. and Byron J. Freeman. Tidal Salt Marshes of the Southeast Atlantic Coast: A Community Profile. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, 1990. Main Serials QH540 .U56 no.85(7.29).

Zedler, Joy B. The Ecology of Southern California Coastal Salt Marshes. Washington, D.C.: The Service, 1982. Main QH105 .C2 Z4 1982.

Zedler, Joy B. Salt Marsh Restoration: A Guidebook for Southern California. La Jolla, CA: California Sea Grant College Program, Institute of Marine Resources, University of California, La Jolla, 1984. Main REF QK938 .S27 Z4 1984

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Friedman, Judi. Operation Siberian Crane: The Story Behind the International Effort to Save an Amazing Bird. New York, NY: Dillon Press; Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan Canada; New York, NY: Maxwell Macmillan International, c1992. Pub Juv & Biodiv Juv QL696 .G84 F75 1992.

Heller, Ruth. Ruth Heller's How to Hide a Whip-Poor-Will & Other Birds. New York, NY: Grosset & Dunlap, c1986. Pub Juv QL676.2 .H45 1986

Hickman, Pamela. Wetlands. Toronto: Kids Can Press Ltd., 1993. Biodiv Juv QH541.5 .M3 H52 1993.

Hirschi, Ron. Where are my Swans, Whooping Cranes, and Singing Loons? New York: Bantam Books, 1992. Pub Juv QL113.8 .H57 1992.

Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw. The Whooping Crane: A Comeback Story. New York, NY: Clarion Books, c1988. Pub Juv & Biodiv Juv QL696 .G84 P38 1988.

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Kids in Marshes: An Interdisciplinary Wetlands Education and Exploration Program. Richmond, CA: Aquatic Outreach Institute, 1997. BIODIV QH541.5 .M3 K52 1997

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Fabulous Wetlands. Olympia, WA: Washington State Dept. of Ecology, 1989. (7 min.) Biodiv QH541.5.M3 F33 1989.

San Pablo’s Baylands. San Francisco, Ca: IDG Films, 19--. (17 min. min.) Biodiv F868.S197 26 1900z.

Washington's Wetlands. Olympia, WA: Washington Dept. of Ecology, 1986. (15 min.) Biodiv QH5415 .M3W37 1986.

The Wetlands. Pittsburgh, PA: Metropolitan Pittsburgh Public Broadcasting, Inc., 1988. (60 min.) Biodiv QH76 .W47 1988.

Yellowlegs, Eelgrass and Tideflats. Washington: Washington State Department of Ecology, 1987. S C QH105.W2 Y45 1987.

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