Illegal Wildlife Trade Bibliography


California Academy of Sciences Library


Asian Market Drives Latin American Marine Poaching

The page describes how the demands for herbal medicine and remedies (from the public and Asian stores) have created sea horse and sea cucumber poaching problems in the Galapagos Islands.


CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna

A large group of Earth’s nations acting together to ban commercial international trade of an agreed list of endangered species and regulating and monitoring trade in others that might become endangered.


Convention on Biological Diversity

The Convention on Biological Diversity's objectives are "the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources."


The Digest of Federal Resource Laws of Interest to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The Digest of Federal Resource Laws is a comprehensive listing and description of federal authorities under which the Fish and Wildlife Service functions.


Earth Crash

The article describes the poaching and animal smuggling problems in Brazil.



The World Conservation Union web site on illegal wildlife trades.


RENCTAS -- National Network Sylvan Animals Traffic

This Brazilian organization is a non-governmental group working to stop illegal trade in flora and fauna.


WDFW Poaching Report Form

This web site is for online reporting of fish/wildlife violations for the State of Washington’s Department of Fish and Wildlife


Wildlife Trade

An educational site from Fermilab (Department of Energy), the page seeks to educate the public about how to avoid buying illegal wildlife products during travels and vacations.


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Allen, William B.  State Lists of Endangered and Threatened Species of Reptiles and Amphibians Including Laws and Regulations of Each State.  Chicago: Chicago Herpetological Society, 1988.  Biodiv REF & Main REF QL644.71 .A44 1988.


Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Canberra: Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, 1986-. Biodiv REF QH75 .A1 C66.


Canadian Wildlife Service. CITES Reports = Rapports CITES. Ottawa: Canadian Wildlife Service. Periodical QH75 .A1 C48.


Erritzoe, Johannes.  The Birds of CITES: and How to Identify Them.  Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 1993.  Biodiv REF & M&O QL676.7 .E77 1993.


Estes, Carroll Lynn and Keith W. Sessions.  Controlled Wildlife: A Three‑Volume Guide to U.S. Wildlife Laws and Permit Procedures.  Lawrence, KS: Association of Systematics Collections, 1983‑1985.  Main REF  QL82 .C65 1983.


European Parliament. Wild Fauna and Flora Threatened with Extinction: Resolutions of the European Parliament (1984-1989). Luxembourg: Directorate-General for Research, European Parliament, 1989. Biodiv REF KJE6132 .A5 E95 1989.


Favre, David S.  International Trade in Endangered Species: A Guide to CITES.  Dordrecht;  Boston: M. Nijhoff Publishers, 1989.  Biodiv REF K3525.A41973 F38 1989.


Fitzgerald, Sarah.  International Wildlife Trade: Whose Business Is It?  Washington, D.C.: World Wildlife Fund, 1989. Biodiv REF SK591 .F58 1989.


Freeman, Helen, ed.  Proceedings of the Fifth International Snow Leopard Symposium.  International Snow Leopard Trust 1988.  Biodiv REF QL737.C23 I575 1986.


Fuller, Kathryn S and Byron Swift.  Latin American Wildlife Trade Laws = Leyes Del Comercio de Vida Silvestre en America Latina.  Washington,D.C.: Traffic (U.S.A.): World Wildlife Fund, 1985‑.  Biodiv REF K3525 .F84 1985.


Galster, Steven R.,  Crime Against Nature: Organized Crime and the Illegal Wildlife Trade: An Investigative Report.  San Francisco: The Project, 1994.  Biodiv    SK591 .G34 1994.


Galster, Steven R.  Tracking the Pirates: New DNA Results and Undercover Research Expose the Illegal Whalemeat Trade. Washington, D.C.: Endangered Species Project; Honolulu: Earthtrust, 1995.                 Biodiv SH382.7 .G34 1995.


Green, Alan. Animal Underworld: Inside America's Black Market for Rare and Exotic Species. New York: Public Affairs, c1999. Pub SK592.U6 G74 1999.


Groombridge, B. and R. Luxmoore.  The Green Turtle and Hawksbill (Reptilia: Cheloniidae): World Status, Exploitation, and Trade. Lausanne, Switzerland: Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1989.  Biodiv REF QL666 .C536 .G759 1989.


Groombridge, B. and R. Luxmoore.  Pythons in South-East Asia: A Review of Distribution, Status, and Trade in Three Selected Species. Lausanne, Switzerland: Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1991.  Biodiv REF QL666 .O23 G76 1991.


Hansen, Eric. Orchid Fever: A Horticultural Tale of Love, Lust, and Lunacy. New York: Pantheon Books, c2000. Pub SB61 .H36 2000.


Hemley, Ginette, ed.  International Wildlife Trade: A CITES Sourcebook.  Washington, D.C.: World Wildlife Fund: Island Press, 1994.  Biodiv REF K3525 .I58 1994.


Inskipp, Tim. Checklist of Mammals Listed in the CITES Appendices. Peterborough, U.K.: Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 1995. Biodiv REF QL706.8 .C48 1995.


International Traffic Network. The Smuggling of Endangered Wildlife Across the Taiwan Strait: An Investigation. Cambridge, U.K: TRAFFIC International, c1991. Biodiv REF SK592 .C6 S68 1991.


International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Traffic Bulletin. Cambridge, U.K.: TRAFFIC International. Biodiv Serials.


Klemm, Cyrille de.  Guidelines for Legislation to Implement CITES.  [Cambridge]: IUCN ‑ the World Conservation Union, 1993.  Biodiv REF K3525 .A41973 K5 1993.


Lambert, Frank R. The Status of and Trade in North Moluccan Parrots with Particular Emphasis on Cacatua Alba, Lorius garrulus and Eos squamata = Status dan perdagangan kakatua dan Nuri dari Maluku Utara, khususnya burung kakatua putih Cacatua alba, nuri ternate Lorius garrulus dan perkici merah Eos squamata. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN--The World Conservation Union, 1993.  Biodiv REF SF462.63 .I5 L35 1993.


Lee, Samuel. A World Apart?: Attitudes Toward Traditional Chinese Medicine and Endangered Species in Hong Kong and the United States. Washington, D.C.: Traffic East Asia: Traffic North America: World Wildlife Fund, 1998. Biodiv R602 .W67 1998.


Levell, John P.  A Field Guide to Reptiles and the Law.  Excelsior, MN: Serpent's Tale Natural History Book Distributors, 1995.  Biodiv REF & Herp KF5645 .R47 L48 1995.


Littell, Richard.  Controlled Wildlife.  Washington, D.C.: Association of Systematics Collections, 1993‑ Main REF KF5640 .C66 1993.


Luxmoore, R. A. and B. GroombridgeAsian Monitor Lizards: A Review of Distribution, Status, Exploitation, and Trade in Four Selected Species. Lausanne, Switzerland: Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1990.  Biodiv REF QL666 .L29 L89 1990.


McMahan, Linda.  Plants Protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora: A List of Plants Reported in Trade, Including Common Names and Synonyms.  Washington, D.C.: TRAFFIC (U.S.A.), 1981.  Biodiv REF  SB439.3 .M35 1981.


Musgrave, Ruth S. and Mary Anne Stein.  State Wildlife Laws.  Rockville, MD: Government Institutes, 1993.  Biodiv REF   KF5640 .Z95 M87 1993.


Nash, Stephen.  Sold for a Song: The Trade in Southeast Asian Non‑CITES Birds.  Cambridge, U.K.: TRAFFIC International, 1993.  Biodiv REF SF462.63 .A785 N37 1993a.


Nichols, Jr., David G., et al.  Wildlife Trade Laws of Asia and Oceania.  Washington, D.C.: Traffic USA, World Wildlife Fund, 1991‑.  Biodiv REF K3525 .W54 1991.


Rabinowitz, Alan.  Chasing the Dragon's Tail: The Struggle to Save Thailand's Wild Cats.  New York: Doubleday, 1991. Biodiv QL737.C23 R32 1991.


Reisner, Marc. Game Wars: The Undercover Pursuit of Wildlife Poachers. New York, NY: Viking, 1991. Biodiv SK354 .H33 R45 1991.


Robinson, John G. and Kent H. Redford, eds.  Neotropical Wildlife Use and Conservation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1991.  Biodiv REF SK159 .N46 1991.


Schouten, Kees.  Checklist of CITES Fauna and Flora: A Reference to the Species in the Appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Lausanne, Switzerland: Available from the Secretariat of the Convention, c1992.  Biodiv REF QH75 .S4 1992.


Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. CITES or CITES-Equivalent Permit-Issuing (Management) Authority and Scientific Authority Directory. Geneva, Switzerland: CITES Secretariat, 1994. Biodiv REF QL81.5 .S42 1994.


Smeltzer, John F.  Wildlife Law Enforcement: An Annotated Bibliography.  Fort Collins, CO: Colorado Division of Wildlife, no.13, 1985.  Main REF SK355 .S54 1985.


Thomsen, Jorgen B., Stephen R. Edwards, and Teresa A. Mulliken eds.  Perceptions, Conservation and Management of Wild Birds in Trade.  Cambridge: TRAFFIC International, 1992.  Biodiv REF SF462.6 .P47 1992.


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Appendices I, II, and III to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Dept. of the Interior. Serial K3525 .A41973 A43.


Wallach, Lori and Michelle Sforza. Whose Trade Organization?: Corporate Globalization and the Erosion of Democracy: An Assessment of the World Trade Organization. Washington, D.C: Public Citizen, c1999. Pub HF1379 .W35 1999.


Wild Fauna and Flora Threatened with Extinction: Resolutions of the European Parliament (1984‑1989).  Luxembourg: Directorate-General for Research, European Parliament, [1989].  Biodiv REF KJE6132 .A5 E95 1989.


The World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Checklist of Mammals Listed in the CITES Appendices. Peterborough, U.K.: Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 1995. Biodiv REF QL706.8 .C48 1995.


Yang, Hui‑liang.  Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation in Taiwan, ROC.  [Taiwan]: Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, 1993.  Biodiv REF  QL737 .U63 Y36 1993.


Zaelke, Durwood, Paul Orbuch, and Robert F. Housman, eds. Trade and the Environment: Law, Economics, and Policy. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, c1993. Biodiv HF1379 .T72 1993.


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Brenner, Barbara and May Garelick. Two Orphan Cubs. New York: Walker, 1989. Pub Juv QL737 .C27 B73 1989.


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Ancient Sea Turtles. San Francisco, CA. Sea Turtle Restoration Project, Oakland, CA: Distributed by The Video Project, 1991. Biodiv Media QL666.C5 A52 1991.


Crime Against Nature: An Investigative Report. San Franciso: The Project, c1994. Biodiv Media SK591 .C75 1994.


The Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park. Nassau, Bahamas: Bahamas National Trust, 1993. Biodiv QH109 .B3 E98 1993.


Farewell Ancient Mariner. S.l.: Produced by Omni Film Productions Ltd., c1988. Biodiv Media QL666.C5 F37 1988.


The Rhino War. Stamford, Conn: Image Entertainment, 1988. S.C QL737.U6 R55 1988.


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