Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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illuminatus, Astronesthes Parin [N. V.], Borodulina [O. D.] & Hulley [P. A.] 1999:589 [565], Fig. 6 [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 39 (no. 5); ref. 24878] 31°01'S, 47°39'E, depth 2000 meters. Holotype: ISH 1553-1968. Paratypes: ISH 561-1976 (3), 721-1976 (2), 1957-1968 (1), 1386-1971 (5), 679-1976 (5), 561-1976 (2); USNM 348597 (1), 348599 (1). Plus additional material. On p. 565 of English translation. The gender of Astronesthes is feminine, and illuminatus an adjective; therefore ending illuminata is correct. •Valid as Astronesthes illuminatus Parin, Borodulina & Hulley 1999 -- (Parin & Borodulina 2001:419 [ref. 25411], Parin & Borodulina 2003:595 [ref. 27333], Stewart & Kenaley 2015:476 [ref. 34250], Sutton et al. 2020:90 [ref. 37832]). •Valid as Astronesthes illuminata Parin, Borodulina & Hulley 1999. Current status: Valid as Astronesthes illuminata Parin, Borodulina & Hulley 1999. Stomiidae: Astronesthinae. Distribution: Circumglobal, but not in Indian Ocean. Habitat: marine.

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