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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025 |
Search Eschmeyer's Catalog | Genera/Species by Family/Subfamily | Guide to Fish Collections | Journals in the Catalog | Family Group Names | Browse the Classification | Glossary | Changes and Additions | About the Print Version |
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William N. Eschmeyer (1939 - 2024)It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Bill Eschmeyer, the founding editor and namesake of Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes. Bill began working on the Catalog in the early 1980s. The NSF had doubts that building a database to document all fish names could be done, so they only awarded a three-year grant to record the genera of fishes. But they hadn't counted on the dedication, determination, and enthusiasm that Bill had for the work. As the work progressed, he secured a follow-up grant to finish the genera and the results were published in print form in 1990 as "Catalog of the Genera of Recent Fishes". The NSF awarded subsequent grants to database the species names. When the Catalog of Fishes was published in 1998, in three print volumes and on CD-ROM, it presented over 10,000 genera and subgenera, over 53,000 species and subspecies, and over 16,000 references. There are now over 11,000 genera and subgenera, over 65,000 species and subspecies and over 35,000 references. Read more about Bill's life and career in his obituary here ( and in the S.F. Chronicle ( Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes - version of 14 Mar 2025 (Continuously updated since the early 1980s, around the turn of the month.) In this edition, we provide 45 new species in 2025. In 2024 there were 407 new species described. We record 37,140 valid fish species, including 18,915 valid fish species with the tag ‘Habitat: freshwater’. New feature: See the latest additions and changes made to Eschmeyer's Catalog since the previous monthly update. Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes contributed to Shoal's New Species 2024: The Freshwater Fish Species Described in 2024, an annual series to promote freshwater fish species awareness and conservation. Check them out at Notice from Apr. 9, 2020 - Authors' Count of Species/Subspecies Descriptions. See how many species/subspecies each author has described. We are making additions to: Van der Laan, R., W. N. Eschmeyer & R. Fricke 2014 (11 Nov.), Family-group names of Recent fishes. Zootaxa Monograph 3882 (1), 1-230. DOI 10.11646/zootaxa.3882.1.1 Download the addenda to the family-group list as a PDF. NEW Download the addenda to the family-group list of fossil fishes as a PDF (last updated Dec 2024). See Family Group Names for future updates by R. Van der Laan. By default, search results will not include item 3 names -- unavailable names that detract from the main list of available names. These are mostly names mentioned in synonymy, names in lists, etc. They are still in the database, so if you want to see them, check the box labeled Include unavailable names before searching. Citing Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes Fricke, R., Eschmeyer, W. N. & Van der Laan, R. (eds) 2025. ESCHMEYER'S CATALOG OF FISHES: GENERA, SPECIES, REFERENCES. ( Electronic version accessed dd mmm 2025. Fricke, R. (ed) 2025. ESCHMEYER'S CATALOG OF FISHES: REFERENCES. ( Electronic version accessed dd mmm 2025. [Ron Fricke devoted much time to improving references and journals, many of which had not been examined in 15 to 25 years. Please remember that the title of a paper often differs in three places: the title on the paper itself, the contents listed by the journal, and in the PDF provided by the journal. Ron tends to follow the title on the pdf for recent papers and the title on the original for earlier publications. Many of our dates of publication are documented for priority purposes. Some current journals have a target date, but actual publication is often delayed. For nomenclatural date problems, we will help if we can.] Van der Laan, R. & Fricke, R. 2025. ESCHMEYER'S CATALOG OF FISHES: FAMILY-GROUP NAMES. ( Electronic version accessed dd mmm 2025. Van der Laan, R., Fricke, R. & Eschmeyer, W. N. (eds) 2025. ESCHMEYER'S CATALOG OF FISHES: CLASSIFICATION. ( Electronic version accessed dd mmm 2025. Fricke, R. & Eschmeyer, W. N. 2025. ESCHMEYER'S CATALOG OF FISHES: JOURNALS. ( Electronic version accessed dd mmm 2025. [Includes all journals appearing in the Catalog, including publication information and ISSN numbers.] Fricke, R. & Eschmeyer, W. N. 2025 ESCHMEYER'S CATALOG OF FISHES: GUIDE TO FISH COLLECTIONS. ( Electronic version accessed dd mmm 2025. [Arranged by museum abbreviation and by country, includes type catalogs and historical publications and www sites where available.] Fricke, R., Eschmeyer, W. N. & Fong, J. D. 2025 ESCHMEYER'S CATALOG OF FISHES: GENERA/SPECIES BY FAMILY/SUBFAMILY. ( Electronic version accessed dd mmm 2025. [Recalculated with each new version; based on current literature, this provides counts of available genus and species names, valid genera and species, and genera and species described in the last 10 years by family/subfamily.] Please remember that if you got to Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes from Fishbase, you are NOT in Fishbase. Fishbase is a more comprehensive database for a different audience, but they use Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes in their authority file. Some other useful sites for fishes are (1) Fishbase [Fishbase team, Manila]; (2) -- A comprehensive database on Shorefishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific (and of the Western Atlantic) [Ross Robertson]; (3) -- A database on elasmobranchs, with over 13,000 references, information on taxa, type specimens, etc. [Jürgen Pollerspöck]; (4) -- a comprehensive relational database of more than 99,350 scientific species name combinations and over 34,300 well-identified (mostly marine) fish pictures [Dennis Polack]; (5) Freshwater Fish List, 43rd edition December 2024; (6) ETYFish Project (derivations of Fish Names) by Christopher Scharpf; and (7) BioStor, for Biodiversity Heritage Library references. A very useful site is [not associated with Fishbase or Worldfish]. Maintained by Michal Mikšik and Erwin Schraml. They post new fish taxa and references as they are published. Notes A summary paper was published in 2010 from Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes database that might be of interest to users of the Catalog. "Marine fish diversity: history of knowledge and discovery (Pisces)." As always, notifying us of missed original descriptions and errors in the database or providing PDFs of recent papers is most welcome. Bill Eschmeyer edited type localities and standardized many place names. Our style is to use current place names found on an English map (or from Wikipedia and Google sites). Should you need original localities, they can be found in the original descriptions or from particular museum holdings (often online). Many scientific names of fish species are based on personal names; some were found to be incorrect. For example, Jordan and co-workers spelled Japanese names ending in "a" with a terminal "e" as in matsubarae; that is acceptable, with the name Latinized first. So those names do not end in "i". Remarks are provided by Eschmeyer in this version for most species based on personal names. For a review of this very technical subject, see Dubois 2007: Zootaxa No. 1550:49-68. New treatment of synonyms: Often an author revises a genus and treats a species in detail but does not mention the species synonyms (if any). If he/she does not mention the synonyms (rather common in recent treatments) and moves the valid “parent” species to a different genus, do we move the synonyms automatically, although the revising author may not have studied or assessed the synonyms? In the past, we did not move the synonyms. Typically, this often resulted in the synonyms being in a different current genus than the valid parent species. We now move the synonyms to the genus of the valid parent species, but no “status reference” showing the new generic placement is found with the synonym. Some synonyms will be moved incorrectly, but it is considered more desirable to have the potential synonyms in the same current genus as the valid parent species. Some conventions used in Eschmeyer's Catalog Author plus date and a species code: The code of Zoological Nomenclature does not require a comma between the author and date, only a suggestion. In fact, we consider that confusing as that is traditionally used to show a cited reference in journal publications and not a species authorship and date. Genus+species+author+date (with parentheses as needed) is a (nearly) unique code or formula to define every species [2 known exceptions]. So you will find no comma between the author and date. Some journals are now treating species in this way. Figures: Under a new species heading, some journals list (a) only the major figure, some list (b) all figures (including maps, habitats and graphs), and (c) some give figures showing the full view and any illustrated parts of the species. We give all figures that show a full view and any anatomical part of the species, so our listing of figures often differs from the treatment by a journal in the original description (as listed in the species heading). Type localities: We give a current place name that one will find on a Google search or in an ‘English’ atlas. For some species described many years ago, one may find both the original locality and in parentheses a modern name for that locality. Many collections now have their holdings on-line, and it is there one can usually find the actual original locality if needed. Current localities are often augmented by additional information, such as coordinates. Authors: We have added initials in brackets to distinguish all individual authors of genera and species. Other sections Genera/Species of Fishes by Family/Subfamily -- Total valid taxa reflect new taxa added minus taxa moved into synonymy plus taxa newly moved to valid. The classification is as used in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes. Prepared by Bill Eschmeyer and Jon Fong, with modifications by Richard Van der Laan. Family-Group Names -- Priority applies to Family-group names. It did not in early years. As classifications are refined with use of more subfamilies and tribes, it is required to use the oldest available family-group name for these new taxa. Ichthyological Collections -- Presented are those specimen collections mentioned in the main Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes database, especially as repositories of type specimens. Besides museum names and abbreviations, this includes WWW sites, cross-referencing of abbreviations, and selection of museums by country, along with type catalogs, historical articles, name changes, transfers, and other items for individual collections. Prepared by Ron Fricke and Bill Eschmeyer. Ichthyological Journals -- There are nearly 2600 individual journals or monograph series in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes database. We provide full citations, and other information such as changes in titles, published duration, ISSN numbers, WWW sites, etc. Prepared by Ron Fricke and Bill Eschmeyer. Changes and Additions -- We present a list of status and spelling changes made since the previous update. From left to right, we show the basionym with the previous status and name, followed by the new status and name. Below that we list the genera and species added since the last update. Acknowledgements Acknowledgments for Ron Fricke (2025): Malek Ali, Oleg Artaev, Justin C. Bagley, João Pedro Barreiros, V. S. Basheer, José Birindelli, Jamille de Araujo Bitencourt, Yana Bolshakova, Martin Byttebier, Emily Capuli, Yury Dolgov, Jean-Dominique Durand, Hamid Esmaeili, Jon Fong, Daniel Golani, Tonisman Harefa, Harutaka Hata, Yusuke Hibino, Isaäc Isbrücker, Christian Michael Jones, Hasan Kabasakal, Laishram Kosygin, Alexander Kotlyar, Marcelo Kovačić, Thomas Litz, Luiz Malabarba, Jeevan Mallegowda, Wilfredo Matamoros, Bruno Melo, Anil Mohapatra, Peter Mous, Robert Myers, Dave Neely, Davood Nihal, Makoto Okamoto, Alexei Orlov, Larry M. Page, Kim Philipp, Ivo Prado, Olga Radchenko, R. Ravinesh, Dipanjan Ray, Roberto Esser dos Reis, Martha Alicia Reséndiz, Ross Robertson, Barry C. Russell, Harumi Sakai, Christopher Scharpf, Ying Giat Seah, Pratima Singh, Erilda Sousa, Bruno Stabile, Ralf Thiel, Richard van der Laan, Ekaterina Vasil'eva, Benjamin Victor, Balaji Vijayakrishnan, Richard Winterbottom, Mikhail Zhukov. Acknowledgments for Richard van der Laan (2023-2025): Felipe Abranches, Emmanuel Abwe, Smrutirekha Acharya, Henry Agudelo-Zamora, Erik Åhlander, Mohammad Alavi-Yeganeh, Bader H. Alhajeri, Marcia Silva Anjos, Mariangeles Arce H., Carlos Ardila Rodríguez, Jairo Arroyave, Muthukumarasamy Arunachalam, Sirachai Arunrugstichai, Calder Atta, Abdul Azeez P., Nicolas Bailly, Arcady Balushkin, César Sá Bartzen, Yusuf Bektas, Ricardo Betancur, Flávio Bockmann, Sergey Bogorodsky, Pedro Bragança, José Carlos Brito, Marcelo Ribeiro de Britto, Ralf Britz, Chase Brownstein, Rodrigo Caires, Heloisa de Cia Caixeta, Marko Ćaleta, Pablo Calviño, Mac Campbell, Flavio Gallo Cardozo, Tiago de Carvalho Faria, David Černý, Xiao Chen, Gustavo Chiaramonte, Brian Coad, Rupert Collins, Sebastián Cona, Kevin Conway, James Cooper, Neelesh Dahanukar, Fabio di Dario, Arup Das, Vahe Demirjian, Qiaoling Deng, Gaël Denys, Eddy Derijst, Peter Paul van Dijk, Leyli Purrafee Dizaj, Omar Domínguez-Domínguez, Laura Donin, Emanuell Duarte-Ribeiro, Alain Dubois, Jean-Dominique Durand, Didier Dutheil, David Ebert, Hiromitsu Endo, Gernot Englmaier, André Esguícero, Guillain Estivals, Dario Faustino-Fuster, Antonia Ford, Acacio Freitas, Jörg Freyhof, Ron Fricke, Dan Fromm, Augusto Frota, Kyoji Fujiwara, Babette van Gool, Konrad Górski, Eishiro Hata, Harutaka Hata, Bart Hazes, Dequi He, Elaine Heemstra, Elisabeth Henschel, Miguel Hernández, Hans Ho, Wen-Chien Huang, Jean Huber, Lily Hughes, Samuel Iglésias, Taiki Ito, Howard Jelks, Hyung-Bae Jeon, Arash Jouladeh Roudbar, Wilbert Kadye, Manda Kambikambi, Chinmay Kar, Axel Katz, Daemin Kim, Seishi Kimura, Steen Knudsen, Hirozumi Kobayashi, Paramasivam Kodeeswaran, Keita Koeda, Taiga Kunishima, Paul van der Laan, Francisco Langeani, Oscar M. Lasso-Alcalá, Sébastien Lavoué, Mao-Ying Lee, Eliseo Lescún, Flávio Lima, Thomas Litz, Tobit Liyandja, Thiago Silva Loboda, Edgardo Londoño-Cruz, Jose Eduardo Mejia de Loayza, Nathan Lujan, Silvia Lustosa-Costa, Diego Luzzatto, James Maclaine, Heleen Maetens, Nadir Mamilov, Katemo Manda, Manoela Marinho, Yibril Massip-Veloso, Wilfredo Matamoros, Tatsuya Matsumoto, Mizuki Matsunuma, Madhava Meegaskumbura, Eduardo Mejia, Bruno Melo, Michal Mikšík, Michael Mincarone, Guido Miranda, Marcos Mirande, Ryo Misawa, A. V. Mishin, Anil Mohapatra, Daniel Mokodongan, Peter Møller, Nozomu Muto, Robert Myers, Emanuel Neuhaus, Dirk Neumann, Mayara Pereira Neves, Heok Hee Ng, Shing-Lai Ng, Willian M. Ohara, Makoto Okamoto, Claudio Oliveira, Renildo de Oliveira, Armando Ortega-Lara, Larry Page, Murilo Pastana, Michael Pauers, Luiz Peixoto, Edson Pereira, Tiago Pessali, Flávia Petean, Jiří Plíštil, Dennis Polack, Jayasimhan Praveenraj, Olga Radchenko, Divya Radhakrishnan, Filipe Rangel-Pereira, Shibananda Rath, Lais Reia, Bettina Reichenbacher, Vinícius Reis, Roberto Reis, Ross Robertson, Cesar Román-Valencia, Uwe Römer, Barry Russell, Mark Sabaj, Harumi Sakai, David de Santana, Vanessa de Santis, Mudjie Santos, Sérgio Santos, Luisa Sarmento-Soares, Mao Sato, Serkan Saygun, Chris Scharpf, Ingo Schindler, Erwin Schraml, Iraj Segherloo, Hiroshi Senou, Francisco Severo-Neto, Emilia Sferco, Bungdon Shangningam, Sergei Shedko, Bakhtiyor Sheraliev, Brian Sidlauskas, Gabriel Silva, Priscilla Caroline Silva, Cárlison Silva-Oliveira, Mahender Singh, Pratima Singh, Yonela Sithole, Dave Smith, Bill Smith-Vaniz, Yan Soares, Gabe Somarriba, Hiranya Sudasinghe, John Sullivan, Milton Tan, Kisekelwa Tchalondawa, Luiz Tencatt, Andrea Thomaz, Ken Tighe, Shinichi Tomiyama, Tom Trnski, Ekaterina Vasil’eva, Balaji Vijayakrishnan, Massimiliano Virgilio, Van Quang Vo, Olga Voskoboinikova, Nathan Vranken, Emmanuel Vreven, Simon Weigmann, Jeff Williams, Lei Yang, Cláudio Zawadzki, Jouke van der Zee, Ee Zhang, Renyi Zhang, W. Zhou, Mikhail Zhukov, Dan Zimberlin and Elsbeth Zwart. Acknowledgments for Jon Fong (2025): Martin Byttebier. Search Instructions: A search expression can be specified as
Some examples of search expressions and the number of hits when that query is issued against the indicated database.
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