Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes Reference Record:

Gronow, L. T.  1754-56 [ref. 20783] See ref. at BHL
Museum Ichthyologicum, sistens piscium indigenorum et quorundam exoticorum, qui in Museo Laurentii Theodori Gronovii, J. U. D. adservantur, descriptiones, ordine systematico. Accedunt nonnullorum exoticorum piscium icones aeri incisae. Vol. 1 (1754): title page, 2 pages of introduction, 4 pages of "Syllabus auctorum", 1 page explanation of terms, 1 page key to classes and table of contents, 70 text-pages, 4 Plates; vol. 2 (1756): title page, 2 pages preface, 3 pages of "Syllabus auctorum", 1 page table of contents, 88 text-pages, 3 Plates. v. 1 (1754): i-viii + 1-70; v. 2 (1756): i-vi + 1-88., v. 1: Pls. 1-4; v. 2: Pls. 5-7. [Title vol. 2: Musei Ichthyologici, tomus secundus, sistens piscium indigenorum et nonnullorum exoticorum, quorum maxima pars in Museo Laurentii Theodori Gronovii, J. U. D. adservatur, nec non quorumdam in aliis museis observatorum descriptiones. Accedunt nonnullorum exoticorum piscium icones aeri incisae, et amphibiorum animalium. Author's name spelled Laurentius Theodorus Gronovius [= Lorenz Theodor Gronow].]

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