Last updated: 14 November, 2000
Compiled by: Norman D. Penny
This bibliography is being placed on the
California Academy of Sciences server as a research reference tool to
be used by systematists in studying the biodiversity of this order of
insects. An attempt will be made to keep this list current, although
this will be done only as time permits. This list is an updated, electronic
version of the world list of Mecoptera references published by Schlee
and Schlee (1976). The reference numbers under 30,000 with each citation
pertain to John Oswald's World Bibliography of Neuropterida [at www.tamu.edu/neuroweb/]. These
Mecoptera/Neuroptera references often contain addtional information
on date of publication. Reference numbers over 30,000 are unique
to the Mecoptera. I wish to thank Pierre Tillier for bringing
to my attention many of the most recent references.
The present document can be used inconjunction
with the World List of Mecoptera Species on this same server.
Any additions or corrections would be greatly appreciated and can be
transmitted to npenny@calacademy.org.