Coccinellidae Type Collection Holdings

Coccinellidae Primary Types in CAS Collection

FamilygenusspeciesauthorType NumberCategory
Coccinellidae Adalia nigromaculata Nunenmacher 5744 lectotype
Coccinellidae Agrabia sicardi complexa Nunenmacher 5729 holotype
Coccinellidae Agrabia sicardi Nunenmacher 5728 holotype
Coccinellidae Axion incompletus Nunenmacher 5721 holotype
Coccinellidae Blaisdelliana vanduzeei Gordon 10254 holotype
Coccinellidae Brachyacantha blaisdelli Nunenmacher 5719 lectotype
Coccinellidae Brachyacantha distincta Nunenmacher 5763 holotype
Coccinellidae Brachyacantha lengi Nunenmacher 5731 holotype
Coccinellidae Brachyacantha manni Nunenmacher 5726 holotype
Coccinellidae Brachyacantha neglecta Nunenmacher 5764 holotype
Coccinellidae Brumoides hainanensis Miyatake 11100 holotype
Coccinellidae Brumus blumi Nunenmacher 5747 holotype
Coccinellidae Catanella formosana Miyatake 9036 holotype
Coccinellidae Cephaloscymnus laevis Gordon 11203 holotype
Coccinellidae Ceratomegilla cottlei Nunenmacher 5745 holotype
Coccinellidae Chilocorus chinensis Miyatake 11101 holotype
Coccinellidae Chilocorus gressitti Miyatake 11103 holotype
Coccinellidae Chilocorus hupehanus Miyatake 11102 holotype
Coccinellidae Coccinella ampla rufa Nunenmacher 5756 holotype
Coccinellidae Coccinella bridwelli Nunenmacher 5735 lectotype
Coccinellidae Coccinella humboldtiensis Nunenmacher 5730 lectotype
Coccinellidae Coccinella prolongata sequoiae Dobzhansky 4391 lectotype
Coccinellidae Coccinella vandykei Nunenmacher 5718 lectotype
Coccinellidae Cryptoweisea peninsularis Gordon 10344 holotype
Coccinellidae Delphastus argentinicus Nunenmacher 5751 holotype
Coccinellidae Delphastus dubitalis Gordon 10255 holotype
Coccinellidae Diomus arizonicus Gordon 12062 holotype
Coccinellidae Diomus pseudotaedatus Gordon 12063 holotype
Coccinellidae Dira inexculta Gordon 11577 holotype
Coccinellidae Epilachna aequatorialis Gordon 11578 holotype
Coccinellidae Epilachna boraustralis Gordon 11579 holotype
Coccinellidae Epilachna championi Gordon 11580 holotype
Coccinellidae Epilachna cushmani Gordon 11581 holotype
Coccinellidae Epilachna gressitti Li 8281 holotype
Coccinellidae Epilachna narinoi Gordon 11583 holotype
Coccinellidae Epilachna olmosi Gordon 11584 holotype
Coccinellidae Epilachna oviforma Gordon 11585 holotype
Coccinellidae Epilachna praecipua Gordon 11586 holotype
Coccinellidae Epilachna taeniola Gordon 11588 holotype
Coccinellidae Epilachna viridilineata rossi Gordon 11597 holotype
Coccinellidae Eriopis connexa mollendoensis Hofmann 11663 holotype
Coccinellidae Eriopis peruviana Hofmann 11664 holotype
Coccinellidae Exochomus orbiculatus Leng 8279 holotype
Coccinellidae Exochomus septentrionis davisi Leng 8280 holotype
Coccinellidae Exoplectra brasiliensis Nunenmacher 5727 holotype
Coccinellidae Hippodamia apicalis tricolor Nunenmacher 5757 holotype
Coccinellidae Hippodamia hoppingi Nunenmacher 5746 lectotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspidius bryanti Nunenmacher 5761 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspidius carri Nunenmacher 5758 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspidius coloradensis Nunenmacher 5760 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspidius horni Nunenmacher 5741 lectotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspidius immaculatus Hatch 9442 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspidius juniperus Nunenmacher 5753 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspidius mexicanus Nunenmacher 5742 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspidius rossi Nunenmacher 5754 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspidius shauli Nunenmacher 5755 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspidius subtropicus Nunenmacher 5762 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis barri Hatch 8283 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis bensonica disrupta Dobzhansky 11677 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis biornatus Nunenmacher 5739 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis disconotata canadensis Dobzhansky 11676 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis elali Nutting 11900 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis essigi Malkin 8284 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis falli Nunenmacher 5733 lectotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis idae Nunenmacher 5732 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis imitator Gordon 15166 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis lateralis flammula Nunenmacher 5722 lectotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis leachi Nunenmacher 5740 lectotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis leechi Miyatake 9037 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis longicoxitis Nutting 11901 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis mckenziei Nutting 11902 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis obscura Malkin 5292 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis oregana borealis Dobzhansky 11675 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis oregona Dobzhansky 11679 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis ploribunda Nunenmacher 5725 lectotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis quadrioculata scotti Dobzhansky 11680 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis querquesi Nutting 11903 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis revocans occidentalis Dobzhansky 11678 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis taeniata bipunctata Malkin 8285 holotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis wellmani Nunenmacher 5723 lectotype
Coccinellidae Hyperaspis wolcotti Nunenmacher 5724 holotype
Coccinellidae Malata pseudomitis Gordon 11589 holotype
Coccinellidae Menoscelis panamensis El-Ali 11904 holotype
Coccinellidae Microserangium hainanense Miyatake 9038 holotype
Coccinellidae Microweisea ovata Nunenmacher 5743 holotype
Coccinellidae Nexophallus semiglobus Gordon 10345 holotype
Coccinellidae Phaenochilus metasternalis Miyatake 11104 holotype
Coccinellidae Pharus horni Weise 8288 holotype
Coccinellidae Phymatosternus gressitti Miyatake 9039 holotype
Coccinellidae Phymatosternus hainanensis Miyatake 9040 holotype
Coccinellidae Phymatosternus octoguttatus Miyatake 9041 holotype
Coccinellidae Platynaspidius quinquepunctatus Miyatake 9043 holotype
Coccinellidae Psyllobora bisigma Van Dyke 7381 holotype
Coccinellidae Psyllobora koebelei Nunenmacher 5720 holotype
Coccinellidae Scymnillus cochisiensis Nunenmacher 5734 lectotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus apithanus Gordon 12064 holotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus aridoides Gordon 12023 holotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus bryanti Gordon 12024 holotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus convexus Nunenmacher 5749 holotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus guadalupensis Blaisdell 1681 holotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus hesperius Gordon 12065 holotype
Coccinel/lidae Scymnus huachuca Gordon 12066 holotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus intrusoides Hatch 8289 holotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus lophanthae Blaisdell 2783 lectotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus martini Gordon 12067 holotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus mimoides Gordon 12068 holotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus neomexicanus Gordon 12069 holotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus nigricollis Gordon 12070 holotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus quercus Nunenmacher 5738 lectotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus schuberti Nunenmacher 5736 holotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus scotti Nunenmacher 5737 holotype
Coccinellidae Scymnus simulans Gordon 12071 holotype
Coccinellidae Serangium japonicum suffusum Miyatake 9042 holotype
Coccinellidae Stethorus guatemalensis Hall and Fleschner 8290 holotype
Coccinellidae Stethorus ogloblini Nunenmacher 5748 holotype
Coccinellidae Toxotoma leechi Gordon 11590 holotype
Coccinellidae Toxotoma nunenmacheri Gordon 11591 holotype
Coccinellidae Zenora tricolor Nunenmacher 5752 holotype

Last Update: 16 July 1997

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