Coleoptera Type Collection Holdings


Coleoptera Families Containing Primary Types

The Coleoptera are arranged phylogenetically, rather than alphabetically as with almost all other orders, because of the large number of families and the changing placement of some groups. Thus, if the type of a particular taxon is not found within a certain family, perhaps it is found within a closely related family, and a phylogenetic arrangement should help to locate these taxa. The arrangement being followed is that of Lawrence, J.F. and A.F. Newton, Jr. 1995. Families and subfamilies of Coleoptera (with selected genera, notes, references and data on family-group names). In, Biology, Phylogeny, and Classification of Coleoptera, Papers Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Roy A. Crowson, Eds. J. Pakaluk and S.A. Slipinski. Muzeum I Instytut Zoologii PAN, Warszawa.

Suborder Myxophaga

Suborder Adephaga

Suborder Polyphaga
Series Staphyliniformia
Superfamily Hydrophiloidea

Superfamily Staphylinoidea

Series Scarabaeiformia
Superfamily Scarabaeoidea

Series Elateriformia
Superfamily Scirtoidea

Superfamily Dascilloidea

Superfamily Buprestoidea

Superfamily Byrrhoidea

Superfamily Elateroidea

Series Bostrichiformia
Superfamily Derodontoidea

Superfamily Bostrichoidea

Series Cucujiformia
Superfamily Cleroidea

Superfamily Cucujoidea

Superfamily Tenebrionoidea

Superfamily Chrysomeloidea

Superfamily Curculionoidea

Last Update: 31 July 1997

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