Family | genus | species | author | Type Number | Category |
Curculionidae | Acanthoscelidius | isolatus | Sleeper | 16856 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Acmaegenius | granicollis | Van Dyke | 2469 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Adeleres | flandersi | Van Dyke | 3923 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Alaocybites | californica | Gilbert | 8059 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Alaocybites | rothi | Gilbert | 8060 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Alcidodes | baueri | Haaf | 9139 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Alcidodes | humatus | Haaf | 8071 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Alcidodes | leechi | Haaf | 8072 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Alcidodes | ochraceus | Haaf | 9140 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Alcidodes | praevius | Haaf | 9141 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Alcidodes | sordidus | Haaf | 8073 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Alcidodes | tenellus | Haaf | 8074 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Anchitelus | alboviridis | Van Dyke | 4135 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Aneulopus | foveatus | Van Dyke | 2466 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Anthonomus | cognatus | Burke | 8800 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Anthonomus | deceptus | Sleeper | 16857 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Anthonomus | parafunereus | Sleeper | 16859 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Anthonomus | quesnelensis | Sleeper | 16858 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Anthonomus | summeri | Hatch | 12449 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Anthonomus | veracruzensis | Sleeper | 16860 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Aragnomus | setosus | Van Dyke | 4143 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Auleutes | triplehorni | Sleeper | 16863 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Aulobaris | elongatus | Green | 8063 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Baris | peninsulae | Horn | 182 | |
Curculionidae | Baris | peninsulae | Horn | 183 | |
Curculionidae | Baris | stacesmithi | Sleeper | 16864 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Calendra | sequoie | Van Dyke | 2649 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cercopeus | chisaius | Sleeper | 16865 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cercopeus | clispus | Sleeper | 16866 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cercopeus | confusor | Sleeper | 16867 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cercopeus | isquitus | Sleeper | 16868 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cercopeus | maspavancus | Sleeper | 16869 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cercopeus | strigicollis | Sleeper | 16870 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Ceutorhynchus | squamosulus | Sleeper | 16871 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Chaetechidius | speciosus | Sleeper | 16872 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Chalcodermus | martini | Van Dyke | 2648 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cimbocera | cazieri | Van Dyke | 4166 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cimbocera | cinerea | Van Dyke | 3917 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cimbocera | robusta | Van Dyke | 3918 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cleonidius | eustictorrhinus | Anderson | 15932 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Conotrachelus | alternatus | Horn | 176 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Conotrachelus | asperatus | Van Dyke | 2643 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Conotrachelus | cameronensis | Sleeper | 16873 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Conotrachelus | cinereus | Van Dyke | 2642 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Conotrachelus | lucanus | Horn | 177 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Conotrachelus | nigromaculatus | Van Dyke | 2645 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Conotrachelus | setiferous | Van Dyke | 2644 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Copturus | quadridens | Horn | 181 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Copturus | sobrinus | Horn | 180 | |
Curculionidae | Copturus | sobrinus | Horn | 179 | |
Curculionidae | Cossonus | ellipticollis | Van Dyke | 3250 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cossonus | lupini | Van Dyke | 3246 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cossonus | pacificus | Van Dyke | 3251 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cossonus | ponderosae | Van Dyke | 3247 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cossonus | quadricollis | Van Dyke | 3248 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cossonus | texanus | Van Dyke | 3249 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Crocidema | lbovestita | Van Dyke | 3911 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Crocidema | arizonica | Van Dyke | 6206 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Crocidema | attenuata | Van Dyke | 3902 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Crocidema | californica | Van Dyke | 3898 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Crocidema | nigrior | Van Dyke | 3900 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cryptolepidus | planifrons | Ting | 4936 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Crocidema | planifrons | Van Dyke | 3901 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cryptolepidus | leechi | Ting | 4822 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cryptolepidus | rugicollis | Ting | 4824 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cylindrocopturinus | hainesi | Hespenheide | 16043 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cylindrocopturus | crassus | Van Dyke | 2638 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cylindrocopturus | cretaceus | Van Dyke | 2640 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cylindrocopturus | hemizoniae | Van Dyke | 2639 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cylindrocopturus | unicolor | Van Dyke | 2641 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Cylindrocopturus | vanduzeei | Van Dyke | 2637 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dichoxenus | occidentalis | Sleeper | 16874 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dichoxenus | setiger arkansasensis | Sleeper | 16875 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dichoxenus | tessellatus | Sleeper | 16876 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dinocleus | bryanti | Van Dyke | 8095 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Diodyrhynchus | slevini | Martin | 2625 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dorytomma | bicolor | O'Brien | 9391 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dorytomus | columbianus | Sleeper | 16877 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dyslobus | alepidotus | Ting | 4489 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dyslobus | argillous | Van Dyke | 3922 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dyslobus | bakeri | Van Dyke | 3675 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dyslobus | blaisdelli | Van Dyke | 3673 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dyslobus | dolorosus | Van Dyke | 3679 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dyslobus | franciscanus | Van Dyke | 3677 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dyslobus | granicollis vestitus | Van Dyke | 3666 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dyslobus | emotus | Van Dyke | 4554 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dyslobus | simplex | Van Dyke | 3664 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dyslobus | tanneri | Van Dyke | 3672 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dyslobus | viridescens | Van Dyke | 3668 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dyslobus | wilcoxi | Van Dyke | 3670 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Dysticheus | rotundicollis | Van Dyke | 8096 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Epicaerus | lucanus | Horn | 160 | |
Curculionidae | Epicaerus | lucanus | Horn | 161 | |
Curculionidae | Eucyllus | echinus | Van Dyke | 4144 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Eucyllus | unicolor | Van Dyke | 4145 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Eupagoderes | bryanti | Van Dyke | 6204 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Eupagoderes | californicus | Ting | 4819 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Eupagoderes | halli | Van Dyke | 3895 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Eupagoderes | huachucae | Van Dyke | 3894 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Eupagoderes | ocellatus | Van Dyke | 3891 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Eupagoderes | setosus | Van Dyke | 3893 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Eupagoderes | simulans | Van Dyke | 3889 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Galapaganus | collaris | Lanteri | 16616 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Galapaganus | vandykei | Lanteri | 16617 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Geodercodes | hispidus | Horn | 163 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Gerstaeckeria | galapagoensis barringtonensis | Van Dyke | 7419 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Gerstaeckeria | galapagoensis hoodensis | Van Dyke | 7420 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Gerstaeckeria | galapagoensis seymourensis | Van Dyke | 7421 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Gerstaeckeria | galapagoensis | Van Dyke | 7418 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Grypidius | leechi | Cawthra | 8099 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Hadromeropsis | crinitus | Howden | 14097 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Hyperodes | dietrichi | Stockton | 16878 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Lembodes | subcostatus | Van Dyke | 7422 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Lepidophorus | alternatus | Van Dyke | 2634 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Lepidophorus | raineri | Van Dyke | 2632 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Lepidopus | nevadicus | Van Dyke | 4168 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Lepidopus | parvulus | Van Dyke | 4169 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Lepyrus | nordenskioldi cinerus | Van Dyke | 2594 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Lepyrus | oregonus tesselatus | Van Dyke | 2593 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Listronotus | elegans | Van Dyke | 2608 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Listronotus | impressus | Van Dyke | 2606 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Lupinocolus | blaisdelli | Van Dyke | 4172 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Macrancylus | franciscanus | Van Dyke | 8097 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Macrancylus | gracilis | Van Dyke | 7423 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Macrorhoptus | griseus | Sleeper | 16879 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Macrorhoptus | sidalceae | Sleeper | 16880 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Magdalis | hockingensis | Sleeper | 16881 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Magdalis | lecontei decepta | Sleeper | 16882 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Mecopeltus | gentneri | Hatch | 12452 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Mecopeltus | ventralis | Sleeper | 16883 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Melanolemma | montana | Van Dyke | 3920 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Micralcinus | stehri | Sleeper | 16884 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Miloderes | argenteus | Van Dyke | 3919 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Miloderes | nelsoni | Kissinger | 8084 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Miloderoides | maculatus | Van Dyke | 4167 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Mimetes | lanei | Van Dyke | 3981 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Minyomerus | conicollis | Green | 8064 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Mitostylus | elongatus | Van Dyke | 4173 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Mitostylus | gracilis | Horn | 170 | |
Curculionidae | Mitostylus | gracilis | Horn | 174 | |
Curculionidae | Mitostylus | gracilis | Horn | 172 | |
Curculionidae | Mitostylus | gracilis | Horn | 173 | |
Curculionidae | Mitostylus | gracilis | Horn | 171 | |
Curculionidae | Mitostylus | gracilis | Horn | 169 | |
Curculionidae | Mitostylus | gracilis | Horn | 175 | |
Curculionidae | Myrmex | arizonica davisi | Sleeper | 8092 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Myrmex | dimidiatus | Van Dyke | 2636 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Myrmex | setosis | Sleeper | 8093 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Myrmex | ventralis | Van Dyke | 2635 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Nemocestes | expansus | Van Dyke | 4556 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Nemocestes | fragariae | Van Dyke | 8098 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Nemocestes | horni | Van Dyke | 3980 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Nemocestes | koebeli | Van Dyke | 4142 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Nemocestes | longulus | Van Dyke | 4138 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Nemocestes | montanus | Van Dyke | 4140 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Nemocestes | ordidus | Van Dyke | 4139 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Nemocestes | tuberculatus | Van Dyke | 4141 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Neopentarthrum | cunicollis | Van Dyke | 7424 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Neopentarthrum | glabrum | Van Dyke | 7426 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Neopentarthrum | mutchleri | Van Dyke | 7425 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Neotylopterus | baboquivariensis | Sleeper | 16886 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Omias | albus | Van Dyke | 3990 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Onychobaris | langei | Van Dyke | 6209 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Onychylis | essigi | Tanner | 8094 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Orochlesis | cornuta | Zimmerman | 4118 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Orochlesis | nigra | Zimmerman | 4117 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Otidocephalus | ruficornis semirufus | Green | 8065 | syntype |
Curculionidae | Pandeleteinus | magdalenensis | Howden | 8089 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pandeleteius | attenuatus | Howden | 8085 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pandeleteius | buchanani | Howden | 8086 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pandeleteius | defectus | Green | 8066 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pandeleteius | henryi | Howden | 8087 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pandeleteius | lucidillus | Howden | 8088 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pandeleteius | plumosiventris | Howden | 8090 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pandeleteius | spatulatus | Green | 8067 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pandeleteius | viridissimus | Van Dyke | 5342 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Panscopus | coloradensis | Van Dyke | 4171 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Panscopus | johnsoni | Van Dyke | 3924 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Panscopus | longiscapus | Spanton | 17026 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Panscopus | michelbacheri | Ting | 4594 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Panscopus | remotus | Van Dyke | 6017 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pantomorus | caroli | Van Dyke | 7416 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pantomorus | crockeri | Van Dyke | 7415 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pantomorus | williamsi | Van Dyke | 7417 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Paracimbocera | artemisiae | Ting | 4821 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Paracimbocera | atra | Van Dyke | 4555 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Paraptochus | setiferus | Van Dyke | 3987 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Paraptochus | uniformis | Van Dyke | 3988 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Parataxia | uniformis | Van Dyke | 4170 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Peritaxia | brevipilis | Van Dyke | 3921 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Peritaxia | longipennis | Van Dyke | 6208 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Peritelinus | erinaceus | Van Dyke | 4136 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Peritelinus | oregonus | Van Dyke | 4137 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Phloeophagus | californicus | Van Dyke | 2471 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Phloeophagus | canadensis | Van Dyke | 2472 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Phytobius | squamipennis | Sleeper | 16887 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Piscatopus | griseus | Sleeper | 16888 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pissodes | ochraeus | Van Dyke | 2465 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pissodes | robustus | Van Dyke | 2464 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pissodes | terminalis | Hopping | 8075 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pissodes | zitacuarense | Sleeper | 16889 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Plenaschopsis | pilosisquama | Blaisdell | 1817 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Polydrosus | peninsularis | Horn | 166 | |
Curculionidae | Polydrosus | peninsularis | Horn | 165 | |
Curculionidae | Pseudanthonomus | dietzi | Clark | 17299 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pseudopanscopus | capizzii | Hatch | 12453 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pseudorimus | granicollis | Van Dyke | 3896 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Pseudorimus | orbicollis | Van Dyke | 3897 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Raymondionymus | helferi | Gilbert | 8061 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Raymondionymus | schusteri | Gilbert | 8062 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Rhigopsis | simplex | Horn | 162 | |
Curculionidae | Rhynchaenus | griseus | Sleeper | 16000 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Rhynchites | tricarinatus | Green | 8068 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Rhyncogonus | alternatus | Van Dyke | 3317 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Rhyssematus | arizonicus | Van Dyke | 2647 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Rhyssematus | beutenmuelleri | Van Dyke | 2646 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Ryssematus | texanus | Sleeper | 16892 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Sapotes | longipilis | Van Dyke | 3888 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Scalaventer | jamaicensis | Howden | 16893 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Sciopithes | insularis | Van Dyke | 3984 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Sciopithes | intermedius | Van Dyke | 3983 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Sciopithes | sordidus | Van Dyke | 3985 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Scythropus | delicatulus | Horn | 168 | |
Curculionidae | Scythropus | delicatulus | Horn | 167 | |
Curculionidae | Sibinia | inflata | Clark | 13102 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Sitona | cockerelli | Blaisdell | 4539 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Sitona | desertus | Bright | 17152 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Sitona | lupina | Sleeper | 16894 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Smicraulax | arizonicus | Sleeper | 16895 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Smicronyx | mackenziei | Sleeper | 16896 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Stenoptochus | vanduzeei | Van Dyke | 3989 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Stereogaster | globosa | Van Dyke | 4175 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Tanymecus | texanus | Van Dyke | 3982 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Thricolepis | seminuda | Horn | 164 | |
Curculionidae | Thysanocnemis | arizonicus | Sleeper | 16897 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Thysanocnemis | yavapaiensis | Sleeper | 16898 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Thysanocorynus | aridus | Van Dyke | 4557 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Tosastes | columbianus | Van Dyke | 6205 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Trichalophus | brunneus | Van Dyke | 2470 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Trichalophus | seminudus | Van Dyke | 4559 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Triglyphulus | nevadensis | Van Dyke | 4560 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Trigonoscuta | blaisdelli | Pierce | 12371 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Trigonoscuta | cruzi | Pierce | 12372 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Trigonoscuta | hopkinsi | Pierce | 16741 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Trigonoscuta | imbricata tuberosa | Pierce | 12373 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Trigonoscuta | imbricata | Van Dyke | 4174 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Trigonoscuta | pilosa declivata | Pierce | 12374 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Trigonoscuta | pilosa gardineri | Pierce | 12375 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Trigonoscuta | pismoensis | Pierce | 12376 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Trigonoscuta | rossi | Pierce | 12377 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Trigonoscuta | rozeni | Pierce | 12378 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Trigonoscuta | yumaensis | Pierce | 16742 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Tychius | armatus | Green | 8069 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Tychius | mixtus | Hatch | 11709 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Tychius | squamosus | Hatch | 12406 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Tyloderma | asclepiasae | Sleeper | 16899 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Tyloderma | neomorbillosum | Wibmer | 13928 | holotype |
Curculionidae | Zascelis | oblonga | Horn | 178 | |
Curculionidae | Zygobaris | centrinoides | Green | 8070 | holotype |
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