Family | genus | species | author | Type Number | Category |
Meloidae | Calospasta | decolorata | Horn | 155 | lectotype |
Meloidae | Calospasta | edmundsi | Selander | 8221 | holotype |
Meloidae | Calospasta | macswaini | Selander | 6236 | holotype |
Meloidae | Cantharis | cinctella | Duges | 16537 | neotype |
Meloidae | Cantharis | ocellata | Duges | 13365 | neotype |
Meloidae | Cantharis | octomaculata | Penafiel and Barranco | 8220 | neotype |
Meloidae | Cantharis | rufipedes | Duges | 16538 | neotype |
Meloidae | Colospasta | elegans cyanea | Van Dyke | 2604 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | apache | Pinto | 13366 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | atropos | Pinto | 16539 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | balli | Werner | 8225 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | astadiva | Pinto | 16540 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | corybantica | Pinto | 16541 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | delicata | Mathieu | 16542 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | diana | Pinto | 16543 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | diverse pubescens | Maydell | 8227 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | flobcina | Pinto | 16544 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | foxi | Van Dyke | 2600 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | impressifrons | Van Dyke | 2592 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | jeffersi | Pinto | 13367 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | lauta rossi | Werner | 6027 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | magnomaculata | Martin | 2755 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | montara | Ballmer | 13618 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | occipitalis | Werner | 6026 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | parkeri | Werner | 8226 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | tarasca | Pinto | 16545 | holotype |
Meloidae | Epicauta | teresa | Mathieu | 14026 | holotype |
Meloidae | Eupompha | vizcaina | Pinto | 14027 | holotype |
Meloidae | Gnathium | caviceps | MacSwain | 6216 | holotype |
Meloidae | Gnathium | eremicola | MacSwain | 6217 | holotype |
Meloidae | Gnathium | martini | MacSwain | 6218 | holotype |
Meloidae | Gnathium | nanulum | MacSwain | 6219 | holotype |
Meloidae | Gnathium | obscurum | MacSwain | 6220 | holotype |
Meloidae | Gnathium | vandykei | MacSwain | 6221 | holotype |
Meloidae | Gynaecomeloe | parvicollis | Van Dyke | 2544 | holotype |
Meloidae | Hornia | boharti | Linsley | 5153 | holotype |
Meloidae | Hornia | minutipennis occidentalis | Linsley | 5151 | holotype |
Meloidae | Lytta | biguttata pallens | Selander | 8222 | holotype |
Meloidae | Lytta | comans | Selander | 8223 | holotype |
Meloidae | Lytta | incompta | Pinto | 15742 | holotype |
Meloidae | Lytta | maculicollis | Van Dyke | 2602 | holotype |
Meloidae | Lytta | nevadensis | Van Dyke | 5866 | holotype |
Meloidae | Lytta | nigrocyanea | Van Dyke | 2601 | holotype |
Meloidae | Lytta | sonorae | Van Dyke | 5868 | holotype |
Meloidae | Meloe | angusticollis | Say | 9862 | neotype |
Meloidae | Meloe | bitoricollis | Pinto and Selander | 9841 | holotype |
Meloidae | Meloe | californicus | Van Dyke | 2539 | holotype |
Meloidae | Meloe | campanicollis | Pinto and Selander | 9842 | holotype |
Meloidae | Meloe | dianella | Pinto and Selander | 9843 | holotype |
Meloidae | Meloe | exiguus | Pinto and Selander | 9844 | holotype |
Meloidae | Meloe | franciscanus | Van Dyke | 2542 | holotype |
Meloidae | Meloe | nebulosus | Pinto and Selander | 9845 | holotype |
Meloidae | Meloe | occultus | Pinto and Selander | 9846 | holotype |
Meloidae | Meloe | quadricollis | Van Dyke | 2541 | holotype |
Meloidae | Meloe | vandykei | Pinto and Selander | 9847 | holotype |
Meloidae | Nemognatha | cantharidis | MacSwain | 6213 | holotype |
Meloidae | Nemognatha | hurdi | MacSwain | 6214 | holotype |
Meloidae | Nemognatha | insularis | Blaisdell | 678 | holotype |
Meloidae | Nemognatha | macswaini | Enns | 8948 | holotype |
Meloidae | Nemognatha | miranda | Enns | 8949 | holotype |
Meloidae | Nemognatha | soror | MacSwain | 6215 | holotype |
Meloidae | Pleurospasta | mirabilis reticulata | Van Dyke | 5870 | holotype |
Meloidae | Protomeloe | argentinensis | Abdullah | 9135 | holotype |
Meloidae | Pseudozonitis | labialis | Enns | 11465 | holotype |
Meloidae | Pyrota | trochanterica werneri | Selander | 8224 | holotype |
Meloidae | Pyrota | trochanterica | Horn | 157 | lectotype |
Meloidae | Tegrodera | erosa inornata | Blaisdell | 676 | syntype |
Meloidae | Tegrodera | erosa inornata | Blaisdell | 677 | syntype |
Meloidae | Tetraonyx | albipilosa | Van Dyke | 2599 | holotype |
Meloidae | Tetraonyx | dubiosus | Horn | 159 | holotype |
Meloidae | Zonitis | arizonica | Van Dyke | 2605 | holotype |
Meloidae | Zonitis | aureus | MacSwain | 6210 | holotype |
Meloidae | Zonitis | maculicollis | MacSwain | 6211 | holotype |
Meloidae | Zonitis | propinqua | MacSwain | 6212 | holotype |
Meloidae | Zonitis | punctipennis californica | Enns | 8950 | holotype |
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