herzensteini, Diplophysa labiata Berg [L. S.] 1909:10 [Ezhegodnik, Zoologicheskago Muzeya Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk v. 14; ref. 14362] Charyn [Tscharyn] River, tributary of the Ili River, Kazakhstan. Lectotype: ZIN 14530. Paralectotypes: ZIN 14530 (9). Lectotype selected by Prokofiev 2004:191 [ref. 27939]. •Synonym of Nemacheilus labiatus (Kessler 1874) -- (Berg 1949:858 [ref. 20661] as Nemachilus). •Valid as Triplophysa herzensteini (Berg 1909) -- (Prokofiev 2004:191 [ref. 27939], Prokofiev 2006:Engl. 580 [ref. 28811], Prokofiev 2006:255 [ref. 29061], Cao & Zhang 2008:40 [ref. 29966]). •Valid as Labiatophysa hersensteini (Berg 1909) -- (Kottelat 2012:87 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Valid as Labiatophysa herzensteini (Berg 1909). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Central Asia: Tscharyn River (Kazakhstan). Habitat: freshwater.